Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2011 Wei Ningsheng wants to break his wrist

In the small conference room of No. [-] Office Building of the Provincial Party Committee, almost all the Standing Committee members are present.Only the chairman position and the first position on the left are vacant, which are the positions of Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng.Generally speaking, the two monitors are always the last to walk into the conference room.

Today is no exception, Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng entered the door hand in hand, Wei Ningsheng is slightly behind Liu Jun by half a step.

Wei Ningsheng still strictly abides by the rules in general.

Of course, everyone now knows that at the first meeting of the Standing Committee, Governor Wei's colorful plan was actually trying to fool Secretary Liu.

It was not because the content of the first communication between Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng was "leaked", but because the content of the Economic Work Conference of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee had been sent to all provinces not long ago. [

At this meeting, Liu Jincai and Liu Jun, father and son, clearly proposed several measures to deal with the impending financial crisis in European and American countries.Liu Jun specifically mentioned that the provincial capital will strive to complete economic transformation in the near future and prepare for the crisis.

Some of the more secretive content was not included in the meeting bulletin.

Now that we are ready to seize this opportunity and fight a "financial war", we must keep the secrets that should be kept well.Ordinary countermeasures are harmful and cannot be kept secret.

Liu Jun had this attitude at the Politburo meeting, and it is conceivable that he must also have this attitude when communicating with Wei Ningsheng.In less than a month, Liu Jun's thinking could not have undergone such a major change.

As soon as the report of the Politburo meeting was issued, the members of the Standing Committee knew that Wei Ningsheng was ready to have a fight with Liu Jun.

This is a more serious problem.

The relationship between the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor is of course "normal", but when it comes to the province and every member of the Standing Committee present, it is closely related to him, and he should not be careless.

Based on the analysis of the situations of Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng, even if Wei Ningsheng wanted to wrestle with Liu Jun, there would probably be a limit.In the final analysis, Wei Ningsheng and Liu Jun had no intersection before, and there was no deep conflict between them.The traces of factions on Wei Ningsheng's body are not so obvious. The key to his success as governor is the support of local forces.In order to appease the local government and ensure the normal development of the province, the central government selected him as governor.Therefore, Wei Ningsheng will not "struggle" with Liu Jun because of the different camps.

From the perspective of the future, the 38-year-old alternate member of the Politburo is enough to explain everything, and he is not at the same level at all.

Therefore, according to everyone's analysis, the reason why Wei Ningsheng wanted to wrestle with Liu Jun was mainly for "demonstration", to try to keep his biggest voice in the provincial government and not be "invaded" by Liu Jun.If Liu Jun keeps a low profile and takes the initiative to show his favor to Wei Ningsheng, the possibility of limited cooperation between the two is relatively high.

After understanding the key points, the Standing Committee members here naturally have to start from their own perspectives and consider how to take balanced measures between the two squad leaders.At this stage, it is not very appropriate to approach Liu Jun or Wei Ningsheng rashly.

Now the key depends on Liu Jun's attitude.

However, the news from the capital may not be so beneficial to Wei Ningsheng. Liu Jun's speech at the Politburo meeting and the "number" of [-] exchange cadres do not indicate this.

As expected, Liu Yanei was as powerful as the rumors said.Even if he wanted to cooperate with Wei Ningsheng, it was Wei Ningsheng who took the initiative to lower his stance and seek to cooperate with Liu Jun, not the other way around.

Wei Ningsheng did not have this "consciousness", and Liu Yanei didn't mind showing his authority as the secretary of the provincial party committee through strong means.

These are all things in the sleeves, and the atmosphere in the meeting room seems to be relatively relaxed. The New Year's Day has just passed, and the Spring Festival is coming soon. The new year is a new atmosphere!

Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng took their seats respectively. Before they could speak, Liu Jun's eyes swept across the faces of the members present, and everyone greeted the secretary with smiles on their faces.

"Comrades, we convened this Standing Committee today. There are several topics to be discussed. The first is to study the content of the Politburo meeting. The second is to strengthen the exchange of cadres. The third is to strengthen the cadres. Especially the theoretical training of the main leading cadres. Next, let's study the relevant content of the Politburo meeting and understand the spirit..."

Liu Jun spoke slowly, his thick baritone voice echoing in the conference room. [

Everyone opened the materials in front of them, looking calm, but in fact they were already beating drums in their hearts.The three topics to be discussed today are not simple, and we cannot express opinions casually.

According to the materials, Liu Jun summarized the main content of the last Politburo meeting.

"Comrades, according to the analysis of the leaders of the State Council and relevant experts, in the near future, the United States, the European Union, and even the entire western developed countries will most likely trigger a huge financial crisis due to the bursting of the real estate and stock market bubble economy. In order to deal with this In this crisis, the State Council has made a clear deployment. Specifically for our province, our first step is to quickly complete the economic transformation of the whole province, especially some major cities, such as Jiangkou, Nanfang, Baidao, Lingdong, and Jiangzhong. , Guangnan and other cities have a relatively developed economy, and the labor-intensive enterprises that earn foreign exchange through export are relatively concentrated, and they are most affected by the European and American markets. If we do not complete the transformation as soon as possible, once the European and American financial crisis breaks out, the foreign trade-oriented economies of these cities will suffer. It will cause great damage. The leading comrades of the State Council also require us to complete the transformation as quickly as possible and minimize the possible harm caused by the financial crisis... Regarding this point, how to implement the spirit of the meeting as soon as possible and implement the instructions of the leaders of the State Council, Comrades, share your views!"

After Liu Jun finished speaking, his eyes slowly swept across the faces of the Standing Committee members, and finally fell on the face of Wei Ningsheng beside him.

The gazes of the other Standing Committee members also fell on Wei Ningsheng's face, waiting for him to speak.

On the issue of economic construction, the governor has the greatest say.

The topics to be discussed by the Standing Committee are usually notified to all the Standing Committee members long before the meeting. Wei Ningsheng should have made preparations long ago.

Wei Ningsheng nodded slightly, straightened his waist, and said: "Secretary Liu, comrades, let me share my views. I fully support the decision of the Politburo meeting. We must resolutely implement the instructions of the leading comrades of the State Council..."

All members of the Standing Committee smiled.Although everyone understands that what Wei Ningsheng said is a cliché, the key lies in the speech after the "but" and "but".It's just that Wei Ningsheng said "full support" and "resolute implementation", and everyone naturally agreed.

As a senior leading cadre of the party, the most important attitude is to maintain consistency with the central government at all times.

"I admire the foresight of the leaders of the central government and the State Council. To be honest, during this period of time, I have also paid more attention to the European and American markets. According to the economic development of European and American countries in recent years, they rely too much on real estate and stock markets. Stimulating market demand has caused great hidden dangers, and there is indeed the possibility of a financial crisis. Secretary Liu is right. A considerable number of cities in our province, especially those with relatively developed economies, are mainly export-oriented economies. The dependence on earning foreign exchange is very high. Once the financial crisis breaks out in western countries and the European and American markets shrink sharply, it will have a great impact on the foreign trade exports of our cities, and similarly, it will also have a huge impact on the economy of our province. This point, I'm worried..."

Wei Ningsheng frowned tightly when he said this.

Everyone's expression became very serious.

"Achieving economic transformation and getting rid of the dependence on labor-intensive enterprises is the established policy of our provincial government. This is completely consistent with the spirit of the central government. We originally planned to spend four years, that is, within the term of the current government, Basically complete the province's economic transformation work. In doing so, relatively speaking, the time is relatively sufficient, and it will be beneficial to fund raising and new business support..."

Wei Ningsheng continued, very euphemistically explaining the plan he proposed at the Standing Committee meeting a month ago.I'm not trying to be against you, Secretary Liu, mainly out of work considerations.

"But now it seems that this time is relatively tight. The Americans and Europeans may not give us four years. Therefore, I think that the previous plan must be revised, and the time for completing economic transformation must be advanced and the pace must be accelerated. In my opinion, this transformation must be completed within two to three years in order to deal with the crisis. I will immediately hold a provincial government executive meeting to discuss the specific plan, and then report to Secretary Liu and the provincial committee.”

Wei Ningsheng said, nodded to Liu Jun, and ended his speech.

Everyone can hear that Wei Ningsheng's words are basically the same as his previous arguments, changing the soup but not the medicine.In the documents of the Politburo meeting, it is very clear that the financial crisis in European and American countries is about to break out in the near future.However, Wei Ningsheng still set the completion period of the province's economic transformation within three years.In other words, Wei Ningsheng actually didn't believe this judgment in his heart, but it was just inconvenient to openly disagree with the collective decision of the Politburo.

Otherwise, the financial crisis broke out this year, but the economic transformation work will be completed in three years, isn't it too late?

Liu Jun also nodded slightly to Wei Ningsheng, without a smile on his face, he said slowly: "Other comrades, let's talk. This meeting is to brainstorm and discuss a practical plan."

Liu Jun's words sounded very well-behaved and there was no problem, but the meaning behind it was well understood by all the members of the Standing Committee present.Secretary Liu tantamount to directly rejecting Wei Ningsheng's opinion.

Wei Ningsheng said that he would go back and convene an executive meeting of the provincial government to discuss the plan, but Liu Jun ignored it and made it clear that he would discuss a practical plan at today's meeting.That is to say, on this issue, Liu Jun should take the lead in person and no longer entrust the provincial government to handle it. [

Wei Ningsheng's expression changed slightly, he took a sip of water from his cup, and his eyes fell on the information in front of him.

There was a brief silence in the conference room.


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