Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2012 Intrigue in the Standing Committee

Chen Zhenglong knew that it was his turn to speak.

The opinions of the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor have obvious differences. Generally speaking, no one will take the initiative to stand up.Unless it is Liu Jun's iron or Wei Ningsheng's iron.But Liu Jun has just arrived in office, and there is no iron club for the time being.As for Wei Ningsheng, of course he has a hard core. He has been governor for many years, so it is impossible not to have a reliable ally in the Standing Committee.But at this time, whether he dares to immediately jump out to help Wei Ningsheng has to be considered carefully.

It is said that Liu Jun's cadre exchange plan has not only received the full support of Rong Baichuan, head of the Central Organization, but also Xue Yuanshan's approval.There is no doubt that in order to stabilize his reserve position, Xue Yuanshan will definitely make more compromises with the Yanliu faction.

With this analysis, who should not be more careful.

At this time, we can only speak in order of ranking of the Standing Committee members. [

Chen Zhenglong is the full-time deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, so he had to speak up.

"Secretary Liu, Governor Wei, comrades, let me share my views..."

Chen Zhenglong has that kind of extremely steady character, his age is second only to Wei Ningsheng, and he speaks slowly.But everyone still raised their eyebrows slightly.When Qu Haojin was in office, Chen Zhenglong never put Governor Wei and Qu on the same page in the Standing Committee.Now that the word "Governor Wei" is suddenly added, it can be seen that in Chen Zhenglong's mind, Liu Jun, the squad leader, still lacks a bit of weight for the time being.

Wei Ningsheng is in charge of the money bag. In a province with such a large economy, he has more power than the governors of other provinces.

After listening to Chen Zhenglong's "opening remarks", Wei Ningsheng smiled and nodded to Chen Zhenglong.

"The attitude that Governor Wei just expressed is also my attitude. The spirit of the central government must be well understood, and the instructions of the leaders of the State Council must be well implemented. There is no doubt about this."

This is another change. In the Qu Haojin era, the Standing Committee and the Central Committee's spirit are often heard, but the instructions of the State Council leaders are rarely mentioned.At that time, for quite a long period of time, the game between the Mingzhu faction and the Yanliu faction was in full swing. The Mingzhu faction's intention to seek the head of the government was obvious, although Qu Haojin was not Yu Xianghong, and he had never publicly announced Oppose the remarks of the macro-control policy, but after all, they are the generals of the Pearl Department, and the members of the provincial party committee are very conscious, and keep silent about the State Council's instructions and the macro-control policy.

Now things are different, and the "big boss" is replaced, the instructions of the leaders of the State Council will immediately become important.

"Governor Wei proposed to speed up the pace of economic transformation, and I fully agree with it. According to the predictions of economic experts, a financial crisis may break out in Western countries within this year. This must be prevented. If we do not respond properly, we will suffer If you suffer a serious loss, you will be punished. Since the reform and opening up, our province has won the honor of being the first in economic aggregate every year for more than [-] years. This honor cannot be damaged. Therefore, I agree with Wei Province We need to seize the time to complete this transformation before the financial crisis in European and American countries breaks out. I suggest that the provincial government should increase financial and policy support so that some foreign trade enterprises, especially It is the most ideal for labor-intensive enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises to complete the transformation in the shortest possible time.”

Wei Ningsheng was still smiling at first, but after hearing this, his brows furrowed again, with a slightly displeased expression on his face.

Chen Zhenglong kept saying that he agreed with Governor Wei's opinion, and it sounded like he was completely in agreement with him, but that was not the case at all, which was tantamount to completely negating his opinion.Wei Ningsheng stated that it would take three years to complete the transformation, but Chen Zhenglong pointed out that the financial crisis may occur this year, and the transformation should be completed before the crisis broke out.In fact, Chen Zhenglong was talking to Liu Jun, but he just paid great attention to his skills, a bit like "attacking the shield with the spear of the son".

Wei Ningsheng was not easy to refute.

Chen Zhenglong's political tactics are really sophisticated.

Liu Jun also has some understanding of some contradictions and "alliances" among the members of the provincial party committee and provincial government team.Even though he had never worked in the province before, and the new secretary Zhou Liangchen was not an "old man" in the Provincial Party Committee Office, Liu Jun still had ways to learn about these situations.It's just that at Liu Jun's current level, information obtained through other channels can only be used as a reference, and he is more willing to trust his ears and eyes.

Chen Zhenglong had been in charge of organizational and personnel work for a long time before, and he was still an old man from Qian Jianjun's era. It is said that he was quite valued by Qian Jianjun. It is unlikely that he had a close personal relationship with Wei Ningsheng, a purely local cadre. big.Moreover, if the cadres in charge of organizational work stick to the principle very much, it is actually very easy to offend people.This is also the reason why he has served as the head of the Central Committee and has never ascended to the highest position.

Before Liu Jun came to Nanfang City to take office, besides visiting Qu Haojin, he also visited Qian Jianjun.Qian Jianjun specifically mentioned Chen Zhenglong to him, and he was quite sure of Chen Zhenglong's ability and personal integrity, especially his ability to stick to principles and unambiguously execute orders from his superiors.

It now appears that Qian Jianjun's assessment is correct.

Moreover, after the general election of the Provincial Party Committee at the end of [-], Chen Zhenglong's full-time deputy secretary's division of labor was adjusted to manage political and legal work, which seemed to be due to Wei Ningsheng.It is also possible that Chen Zhenglong was at odds with Wei Ningsheng because of this.

After Chen Zhenglong, Lou Haiying, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, spoke. [

Lou Haiying was still so straightforward, and said: "Secretary Zhenglong is right. Our province must implement the decisions of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee without hesitation, and must implement the instructions of the leaders of the State Council without hesitation. The provincial party committee and the provincial government should always Be consistent with the Party Central Committee and the State Council!"

Looking at Lou Haiying's official career experience, he is basically engaged in party affairs work, with little experience in administrative work.So she made full use of her strengths and avoided her weaknesses, and did not participate in the discussion of specific administrative measures, but directly started from a disciplined and principled point of view.

This is a tough statement, and no one dares to refute it.

As party members and cadres, especially senior leading cadres, it is their duty to keep consistent with the Party Central Committee and the State Council at all times. Who dares to object?

Wei Ningsheng frowned slightly again.

Lou Haiying is a cadre brought over by Liu Jun.When Liu Jun became the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, he put forward such a "condition" to the central government, which shows that Lou Haiying holds a lot of weight in Liu Jun's mind.In addition to Liu Jun, the members of the team also did a lot of research on Lou Haiying.

After Lou Haiying became secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, she showed an extremely tough style.Of course, Lou Haiying is not blindly "brave", and is still very particular about his working methods.To put it bluntly, Lou Haiying's method of establishing authority is also very simple - pay close attention to work!

As soon as Lou Haiying took office, he began to clean up the "accumulated cases" over the years, and dug up the cases that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had handled in the past few years but "verified the facts" and studied them carefully.As for a few influential cases that had already been investigated and dealt with by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, they were also dug out, studied carefully, and analyzed the pros and cons.

This alone made the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection go up and down, and everyone felt uneasy.

No matter whether it is a case of "verifying facts" or "conclusive conclusion", Lou Haiying really has to investigate carefully, in fact, some problems can be found.At that time, who knows what Secretary Lou will do with this article?

With regard to the "contact feelings" of the cadres of the Discipline Inspection Commission system, Lou Haiying also put on a businesslike look, which prevented everyone from entering.Who wouldn't be in awe of such an upright new secretary?

Not to mention that there is an alternate member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee behind her.

Because the discipline inspection system is relatively independent and accepts the dual leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, it is difficult for other members of the Provincial Party Committee to intervene in the personnel arrangements and adjustments within the discipline inspection system except for Liu Jun and Organization Director Luo Lianghua.

Lou Haiying holds the "power of life and death" and is honest and upright. He has initially established his prestige in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection after taking office for just over a month.It really is amazing for a lesbian to have such means.

Secretary Liu held the official hat in his hand and completely controlled the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Not to mention the middle-level cadres at the prefectural and municipal levels, even members of the provincial party committee and the provincial government team had to be jealous.

"Secretary Liu, Governor Wei, let me share my opinion."

Lou Haiying finished her speech neatly, and there was a slight silence in the meeting room, and then the soft voice of Executive Vice Governor Liu Tianming rang out.

Liu Tianming's appearance, like his voice, is relatively "soft", and under normal circumstances, there is always a smile on his face.According to Zhou Liangchen's report to Liu Jun, the staff of the provincial government "like" Liu Tianming even more.Liu Tianming usually would not get angry at ordinary office workers.Of course, if you really piss off Vice Governor Liu, even though you won't be scolded, it doesn't mean everything will be fine. There is hope for a cold little bench.

With Liu Tianming in such a high position, how can he offend at will!

"Basically, I agree with the opinions of Governor Wei, Secretary Zhenglong and Secretary Haiying. We must implement the resolution of the Politburo meeting conveyed by Secretary Liu. The economic transformation work of our province should be rolled out immediately. I think this should be one of the most important tasks of our provincial government this year. The possibility of a financial crisis in western countries, especially the United States, is what worries me the most. We must anticipate .Especially in several cities with foreign trade-oriented economy, such as Jiangzhong City, known as the world's largest manufacturing base. The dense foreign-funded enterprises used to be the biggest pillar of Jiangzhong City's economic take-off, and now they may become the largest Hidden danger. In the first half of last year, I talked with Comrade Xin Deyuan from Jiangzhong, asking them to give full attention to this problem and take measures immediately. Comrade Deyuan also deeply agreed and said that he would formulate corresponding countermeasures immediately. Wait for their response plan to report After coming up, maybe it can be used as a reference for other cities..."

Liu Tianming said with a smile.

Hearing this, several Standing Committee members showed strange expressions on their faces. [


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