Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 204 Who is the Commissioner?

When the big bosses in the province changed last year, it was rumored in the Baozhou area that the army was going to be transferred, and the direction was not difficult to guess-go to the province, either the Provincial People's Congress or the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, anyway, for the elderly.Long Tiejun is 57 years old, so it is naturally impossible to be transferred to other regional leaders or provincial departments.If that's the case, it's better to let him stay in the Baozhou area for another year and retire directly.There is also a saying that they will be transferred together with Zhou Peiming.Zhou Peiming's time as the second in command in the Baozhou area is also too long.

But now, Secretary Long of Wangliu was actually promoted to a higher level and went to the province, and he was not the deputy governor of the lower position, let alone the deputy director of the National People's Congress or the vice chairman of the CPPCC, but a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. A member of the power core of n province.

Haha, I really don't understand this.

There is a more reasonable explanation, that is, last year's crackdown in province n was very effective, but the former secretary of the provincial political and legal committee unfortunately collapsed.At the critical juncture where we are making persistent efforts to expand the results of the battle, such a mistake has occurred, and the province is in a hurry.Considering that Long Tiejun was transferred from the army to a cadre, he was the oldest and most prestigious among the leaders of the fifteen prefectures and cities in the province. It was appropriate to promote him to the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee.After working for another three to five years, it is not outrageous to retire after the age of 60.

After Long Tiejun was transferred away, Zhou Peiming showed no signs of moving, and the Provincial Party Committee clearly asked Zhou Peiming to temporarily preside over the work of the Baozhou Prefectural Committee.This is obvious, if Zhou Peiming is not transferred, it is his turn to be the secretary of the prefectural party committee.If another secretary of the Provincial Party Committee is parachuted down, Zhou Peiming will still be the commissioner of the administrative office, then the work of the entire Baozhou area will be impossible to move.Don't say that the cadres of the original Zhou system will be full of resentment, even the cadres of the non-zhou system will feel "sorrowful for the death of the rabbit". [

With the dust settled for the number one, the position of the second-in-command administrative commissioner became the target of everyone's scrambling.

You said that the provincial party committee does things right, not clean and tidy at all.Transferring Long Tiejun, Zhou Peiming took a step forward, and at the same time, the second in command must be put down, why is it hanging there, making everyone's heart itch?Maybe this is another method under the control of the provincial party committee boss?Let you fight first, and then you all jump out, enough to fight and quarrel, basically the province will see you all clearly and clearly.

Leaving aside the airborne cadres, there are quite a few people in the Baozhou area who are expected to serve as commissioners of the administrative office.The first is the current third-in-command, Liu Wenju, deputy secretary of the prefectural committee and secretary of the prefectural discipline inspection committee.Liu Wenju is also a senior cadre at the deputy department level, and this comrade is quite capable.However, Liu Wenju also has three major shortcomings. The first is that his prestige is not very high. Although he is the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, he lacks impartiality in law enforcement and is suspected of cronyism.Last time, he supported his brother-in-law Meng Yuhan as secretary of the Xiangyang County Party Committee, which was quite scandalous.As a result, Meng Yuhan was disgraced, and he asked to be transferred to the District Health Bureau, which dealt a heavy blow to Liu Wenju's prestige.Second, the commissioner of the administrative office is mainly responsible for the economic construction of the whole region. Liu Wenju is lackluster in terms of qualifications and abilities in this regard.In the past, when the party and the government were not separated, the commissioner of the administrative office was just a name, and his rank was only in the main hall. In fact, he was the second in command, and the secretary of the party committee with the top leader had the final say in everything.It’s different now, the central government’s intention to separate the party from the government is becoming more and more obvious, and the “No.Although it is mainly aimed at rural economic construction, it cannot but be said to be a clear signal.The third point is that Liu Wenju's performance during the Great Revolution was not very good. To put it lightly, at least he was suspected of being a "fool" and his political stance was not firm enough.

Besides Liu Wenju, Kang Rui, deputy secretary of the party and the masses, is also a popular candidate.Kang Rui is young, but in his forties, which quite meets the requirements of the central government for vigorously promoting young and middle-aged cadres.Moreover, Kang Rui had the experience of being in charge of a county. As secretary of the county party committee, the work in the county was carried out vigorously.This is what Liu Wenju lacks.

Therefore, the call for Kang Rui to take over as the Commissioner of the Administrative Office is also extremely high.

Then the third one is expected to take up the post of commissioner.It is suspected that Yan Yucheng, the current executive deputy commissioner of the Administrative Office, is the one.Yan Yucheng is 46 years old.Fang should be prosperous.Full of energy.He is about the same age as Kang Rui.Second.Yan Yucheng is recognized as an all-round cadre.Both have extremely rich experience in party affairs.It is also very good at grasping economic construction.He has performed brilliantly as Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiangyang County and Secretary of the Party Committee of Baozhou City.As for qualifications.Although shallow.After all, it is also at the deputy department level for three years.Going up a level is perfectly normal.

The Provincial Party Committee suddenly dropped such a big "bait".Make people feel at ease.It is impossible to be completely indifferent.

Long Tiejun was transferred to the provincial capital the next day.Liu Wenju went straight to Daning in a panic.He became the deputy secretary of the prefectural committee.There are always big bosses in the province to back them up.crucial moment.It is natural to be active.

Kang Rui is young.More reserved.Although itchy.The food is not as ugly as Liu Wenju.But not much better.Time to go to the provincial capital.It's just a day behind Liu Wenju.

As for Yan Yucheng.On the contrary, it has the momentum of "Mount Tai collapses in front of your eyes without being surprised".Very calm.When Long Tiejun was transferred away.He is busy with the "expert research team" from the province to conduct field tests in several counties below.Carry out investigation and research on the "economic construction and development model" of the whole region.This "expert research team" consists of several researchers and associate researchers from the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Social Economic Systems Engineering, and the Institute of Industry and Enterprise of the Provincial Academy of Social Sciences.As well as two professors and a large group of assistants from the Department of Economics of Ningqing University.There were as many as 11 people in total.Related reception staff with Yan Yucheng and the administrative office.Take a van and two jeeps.It swept across seven counties and one city in Baozhou area.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I reported this plan at Long Tiejun's home.Follow Long Tiejun's instructions.After going to work, I made a special report to Commissioner Zhou Peiming.Zhou Peiming knew that Yan Yucheng must have obtained Long Tiejun's consent before this.Then it went smoothly.Inwardly speaking.Zhou Peiming is not optimistic about this matter.He has been in the Baozhou area for so many years.Isn't the situation in each county well known?What "expert advice" do you want?These "teachers" know how to gnaw at books.The opinions put forward seem to be colorful.But unrealistic.When you can't eat.But you, Yan Yucheng, want to be different.That's up to you.Waiting for you to eat deflated.It's not too late for me to show up.

What's the matter, I, Zhou Peiming, still have the final say on the administrative office side.


Yan Yucheng was busy doing research, his father was busy running the small commodity wholesale market, and the office was busy convening a meeting in Liujiashan.

There is only one important topic for this meeting - go out!

The participants were all members of the "Liujiashan Enterprise Management Committee", plus a few others.Although Heizi is resident in the county seat, he still holds the title of manager of "Tongda Logistics Company", so he also has his position when the management committee meets.

The last time we "struggle hard", the arrangement in this yamen was timely, and the sunspots went ashore early after being laundered.

Passed through in a thrilling manner.It was inevitable that the Public Security Bureau asked about the situation and it was fine.Although Liang Guoqiang was transferred to Baozhou City, isn't Cheng Xinjian still staying at the County Public Security Bureau?The deputy director has already been mentioned.He was even more clear about the situation of Heizi and others.

Seeing the great power of "strike hard", a large group of hooligans and criminals were kidnapped, arrested and sentenced, tied up in the execution ground, executed by shooting, and a large group of people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and ten-year imprisonment Dahai and Dagang are very courageous, but they can't help but secretly startled.It should be noted that if this happens, this life will be ruined. [

He said in his heart that if Young Master Jun hadn't taken precautions this time, he would definitely have his own share in the big group.

"Xiaojun, I agree with you when you say to go out. But you have to let everyone know how to go!"

In the spacious and bright meeting room of the Liujiashan Brigade Headquarters, everyone sat around a conference table covered with red velvet. On the chairman's seat, Uncle Wu was dressed in a navy blue woolen tunic suit and a pair of black-rimmed presbyopic glasses. prestige.If there is not an ashtray but a notebook or folder in front of you, it will be similar to the executive meeting held by a large company in the future.

This yamen is honest and polite, and sits in the first position on the left of Uncle Wu.

I am 15 years old now, and I deliberately wear a dark jacket and dark shirt, black trousers and black leather shoes, which makes me look more mature and stable. In terms of appearance alone, I am basically a young man.

In fact, almost everyone in Liujiashan now ignores my age, except for my grandparents.Every time I go back to Liujiashan, no matter how busy I am, I must visit my grandpa and grandma. Thank God, the two old people are still in good health.I remember that my grandfather in his previous life did not give up doing farm work until he was 82 years old.

This time, it was agreed that I would pick up the two elderly people to live in Baozhou City in a few days.I didn't expect the two elders to stay in the small villa of the Standing Committee of the Prefectural Committee for long, probably half a month is already the limit.

I picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and said, "Uncle Wu, the basic idea of ​​going out is this. Liujiashan is not a good road and not well-known, so it can only be used as a production base. A commercial base must go out. The first stop It is Baozhou City. My dad is now preparing to build a small commodity wholesale market in Baozhou City. The scale is not small, and we want to occupy a place there.”

"That's no problem, we will build the wholesale market."

Uncle Wu has always fully supported what the "twelfth younger brother" is going to do, and he is absolutely unambiguous.What's more, after the stock market yesterday, Liujiashan Industrial has accumulated more than 600 million yuan in cash on its books, and urgently needs to find a good investment path.Since this wholesale market is built in Baozhou City, and Dad is the leader of Baozhou City, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone to invest there?It not only relieved the financial pressure of the father, but also was very reliable.

I laughed and said, "Baozhou City still has to find its own way to invest in the wholesale market. We just buy shops and don't participate in the investment. But you can pay a part of the deposit in advance...you can also pay the entire deposit in advance."

I actually thought about this for a long time.I am the de facto major shareholder of Liujiashan Industry. Although the procedures are very clear, after all, more and more people know the inside story.We still need to be careful when investing in projects in Baozhou.It is estimated that in the near future, the state will issue a policy of "prohibiting the children of leading cadres from doing business".

The prosperity of this small commodity wholesale market can be expected. Buying a large number of shops, some for self-use and some for rent, is a long-term source of income.At the same time, by paying a deposit in advance, it can also help Dad relieve the financial pressure.

I said, "Tentatively buy a hundred shops."

Uncle Wu nodded, and the matter was settled.No one else will have any opinion.

"It doesn't cost much to buy a hundred shops. There are more than 600 million on the account right now, plus the April payment will be recovered immediately. How to make profits for these millions, Xiaojun, do you have any ideas?"

Regarding the "Liujiashan Enterprise Management Committee", Uncle Wu is in charge of the general area. There are no major internal management problems, and he gradually has a sense of innovation externally.For example, the research and development and production of washing machines and refrigerators are basically done by themselves. I just gave an idea.In fact, my current role is more and more reflected in "giving ideas", and I rarely intervene in specific things.

"Uncle Wu, I plan to mobilize funds to enter Jiangkou City in the second half of this year. Well, at least 500 million to 1000 million funds must be mobilized in the early stage."

"Jiangkou City?"

This time, not only Uncle Wu, but everyone was dumbfounded.

Come to think of it, not many people in Jiangkou City have heard of it.But in later generations, they are famous. Almost every mayor of Jiangkou has been released to be the governor of a province.

"Jiangkou City is the special economic zone in the province, which was approved by the State Council in 1980." [

In 1980, the State Council approved the establishment of four special economic zones, two of which were in the province, one on the left and one on the right, standing across the river, opposite to the famous international metropolis, the financial center of Southeast Asia, known as one of the "Four Asian Tigers" "Pearl of the Orient".

However, the reputation of Jiangkou City at this time was no greater than that of the small fishing village in its predecessor.

"What are you going to Jiangkou City for?"

Uncle Wu was completely puzzled, and everyone stared at me, hoping for an explanation.

"Open a factory... In addition, plant some flowers and plants in any place."

I took another sip of tea and smiled authentically.

It's nothing more than opening a factory, but planting flowers and plants is too much, pure nonsense.If you have money, you can make such a fuss.


Uncle Wu snorted displeasedly.

"Uncle Wu, there are too many specific reasons, and I can't explain them right now. I can only tell you, and at the same time, tell everyone here that Jiangkou City, as one of the first four special economic zones established by the country, has a limited development prospect. At this time, the land should be very cheap, if we buy more land and build more factories and shops, within a few years, the return will be hundreds of times.”


Uncle Wu was a little dizzy.

According to the amount of funds I reported just now, let’s say 500 million, how much is the return of [-] times?Five hundred million!

"Yes, at least a hundred times the return, maybe more than that."

I nodded firmly.

At this time, someone was poking around outside the meeting room.

Uncle Wu's face sank, and he said, "Accountant Zhang, what's the matter?"

Accountant Zhang is Xu Guowei's wife, Zhang Yunxia who was sentenced to three years of probation.Now she has taken root in Liujiashan, and even the children are transferred to Liujiashan to study.

"Secretary, Secretary Liu called Xiaojun..."

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