Hearing Zhang Yunxia's words, I jumped up and ran out of the meeting room without even having time to say hello.The reason is self-evident, my dad called me personally in Liujiashan, there must be something urgent.

I know the temper of my own father.

Three steps and two steps ran to the office of Tengfei Factory, grabbed the phone: "Hey, Dad, it's me..."

"Let me tell you something, Secretary Long has been transferred to the province..."

Dad's tone was a little hurried. [

I went to Xiangyang County the day before yesterday, and I was discussing things with Uncle Wu Heizi and the others, and I was spending time with my grandpa and grandma. Unexpectedly, in just these two days, such a big event happened in the area.

"Oh? So fast? Provincial People's Congress or Provincial Political Consultative Conference?"

"Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee."

I fainted for a while, then woke up, and asked bluntly: "Then who will be the commissioner of the administrative office?"

"Ha ha……"

Dad smiled.Very satisfied with my quick response.Just heard that Long Tiejun was transferred.No questions asked.Suo Suo.Just one sentence to the point.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows it.If Zhou Peiming doesn't leave.The secretary of the prefectural committee has already made a decision.To grab land.There is only one commissioner position.

"Liu Wenju went to the province yesterday. Kang Rui also left early this morning. You, Uncle Yan, are still in Qing'an County..."

Dad was succinct.Explain the current situation.

"You mean. I'm going to the province to find Uncle Zhou?"

I figured it out right away.Yan Yucheng at this time.In any case, it is impossible to leave a large group of experts and go to the province to "run for officials".Dad is even more inappropriate to come forward.There is no way to make people misunderstand that he also has "ambition".It seems that my father was only at the deputy department level in June last year.Now to a year.I just want to take it to the next level.And it is the main hall with real power like the Commissioner of the Administrative Office.Unless there is a "tz party" background.Otherwise absolutely impossible.

Even if you are not afraid of being misunderstood by others, it is too taboo for a member of the prefectural committee to go to the province to be a "lobbyist" for another member of the prefectural committee, and it will arouse the resentment of all the leaders.

Fortunately, there is still this yamen.

"I'm afraid it's not enough to find you, Uncle Zhou..."

Dad said very cautiously.

"If possible, it would be best to find Secretary Bai. It would be great if I could meet Governor Liao."

After all, Mr. Zhou is only the Propaganda Director of the Provincial Party Committee. The appointment and dismissal of cadres has nothing to do with him, and it is not easy to comment. At most, he can express his support or opposition at the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

Bai Jianming is in charge of the party and mass organizations, and Liao Qingkai is the governor, so they both have a say in this matter.

"Well... well, I'm leaving now... I won't stop when I pass Baozhou..."[

I calculated quickly in my mind, it seems that the chance of visiting Bai Jianming and Liao Qingkai is not very high.Let's go to the provincial capital, let's play by ear.With such a great opportunity, he had to give it a shot.

As for Yan Yucheng, he was not in a hurry to inform him, and he would never be held accountable for what he planned or failed.

"Okay, you go, be careful on the road, don't drive fast."

I often use the jeep to practice my hands, and my father also knows about it, so he reminded me.


I hung up the phone and went back to the meeting room to find Uncle Wu.

"Uncle Wu, I have something urgent and I have to go to Daning immediately. You can continue with today's meeting. Sufficient funds must be prepared..."

"Xiaojun, where is your father..."

Uncle Wu asked with concern.In his mind, the future of the twelfth brother seems to be more important than Liujiashan's "Qian Cheng".In fact, Uncle Wu is not such an "official fan", not because everything in Liujiashan is now under his control, and he has the bottom of his heart.As for the officialdom where Dad is sideways, Uncle Wu can't get involved, so it's normal to care a little more.

"It's okay. It has nothing to do with my dad. It's just that he can't get away now and wants me to go to the province to visit Mr. Zhou and Governor Liao."

I explained it briefly, so that Uncle Wu would not be worried and sleep badly.Unexpectedly, the word "Governor Liao" was said casually, which surprised Uncle Wu again.

Haha, this nephew, even the governor is willing to meet, how can he be so promising?

"Okay, don't worry, I will ask them to prepare the funds."

It also surprised me that the title of "Governor Liao" had such an unexpected effect.Originally, I thought it would take a lot of effort to convince Uncle Wu.

It seems that official titles are not generally easy to use in a country where "official standards" are popular.

"Uncle Wu, if you go to the province to pay a visit to these big shots, you can't enter the door empty-handed. Prepare some souvenirs for me."

When I rolled my eyes, I turned my attention to Uncle Wu again.

"Okay, it's a one-sentence matter. But...Xiao Jun, a big man in the province, does he like things in our corner?"

"Hey, Uncle Wu, these great people, have you ever tasted delicacies from mountains and seas? It's a local product in the mountains, and it's not easy to get. Let's see, whoever has pork and wild meat at home, it's the best if you can get a little wild game .No fresh ones, dry ones are fine.”

Liujia Mountain is backed by the North District of the mountain, and ten miles to the north is a stretch of mountains. Some members of the commune (it seems that they will soon be called villagers, and there is already a policy at the top to change the commune into a township and the brigade into a village) I have a hobby of hunting wild animals in the mountains during the slack season.However, during the Great Revolution, this was not allowed and could only be done secretly.And in recent years, everyone has been busy making money, and there is less time to go up the mountain, so I don't know if I can get these wild game.

Uncle Wu smiled: "Don't worry, take care of me."

Sure enough, I was relieved, no one knew better than Uncle Wu who had something in Liujiashan. [

"Heizi, come here, I'll discuss something with you."

Taking advantage of Uncle Wu's spare time to cook wild game for me, I called Heizi to the logistics company's office.

"How much cash do we have in our account now?"

The so-called "we" refers to "Tongda Logistics Company" and "Qiu Shui Hotel" in which I hold absolute controlling shares.

"Seven to eight million. The account with the Liujiashan factory has not been settled this month. If it is settled, there will be about one million."

This is mainly the money of the logistics company, and the restaurant in a small county town is not making much money now.It can only be compared with the profit of Qiaoqiao Bakery.It will take a few more years until the local economy of Xiangyang County rises to a higher level before the hotel can develop significantly.It is very good to be able to make such a profit right now.

"Well... a million or so, I don't know if it's enough..."

I was lost in thought.

Heizi was taken aback: "Young Master Jun, what are you going to do?"

It's no wonder he, 100 million, should be a frightening number.I can't say enough.

"That's it. I want to build a hotel in Jiangkou City. The scale should be decent."

In the later generations of Jiangkou City, if you want to build a decent-sized hotel, you don't have one or two billion yuan, so don't mention it.In fact, I have never been involved in the hotel industry before, and I don't know if one or two billion yuan is enough.Although it is now 100, [-] million is enough to build ten hotels in Xiangyang County, but it is hard to say in Jiangkou City

It's actually a special zone. In my memory, it's unbelievably prosperous.

"Is it Jiangkou City again?"

Heizi muttered.

He is also very puzzled, what is so good about Jiangkou City, which is thousands of miles away, that makes Jun Shao so worried.

"That's it. I mainly want to occupy the land first. If you just buy the land for 100 million, it should be almost enough."

For Heizi, I don't hide my thoughts at all.After so many years of ups and downs, especially the "strike hard" incident, Heizi's loyalty and friendship to me must be questioned.

Heizi was still a little puzzled.It's no wonder, how many people know the value of "land" at present?Right now, if you buy a piece of land in Jiangkou City, let alone ten years, even three to five years later, the price will at least increase by dozens of times.

I made a special trip to Liujiashan to hold this "going out" meeting, and the purpose is also for this purpose - to enclose the land wantonly!Besides, building factories and hotels in Jiangkou City can't help but produce benefits, right?It is close to the "Pearl of the Orient", and has many technical and conceptual advantages compared to Liujiashan.The benefits generated should be far greater than those in Liujiashan.

Within the scope permitted by law and morality, to obtain the maximum profit at the minimum cost is exactly what businesses are striving for.After maximizing profits, you can give back to your hometown, which is a win-win or even win-win strategy.

In recent years, both the enterprises in Liujiashan and the enterprises controlled by me have made great progress. There is no doubt that Liujiashan has become the richest village in N province, and I myself have taken the top spot in the "big rich guy" without any hesitation.However, the more this is the case, the more I feel that the money is not enough and the time is tight.It's because there are so many things I want to do.Traveling back for many years, Liujiashan is rich, and the economic development of the surrounding brigades and even the entire Hongqi Commune has been driven, and even the economic development of Xiangyang County has my share of credit, but the influence is still far from enough. Many members of the commune The masses are still living a difficult life, only food and clothing.

In terms of driving everyone to "common prosperity", the benefits of the traversers are far from being maximized. This makes me very uneasy, and I always feel that I owe something.And as time goes by, the advantages of the traversers will gradually weaken, so we need to hurry up!

"Can you tell me how to do it?"

Heizi saw that I had made up my mind, so he stopped talking and asked directly about the operation level.

This attitude makes me very satisfied.

But how to do it, in fact, I have no idea.I didn't work in Jiangkou City in my previous life. My impressions of Jiangkou City came from newspapers and TV.Even Jiangkou City's current economic policy is different from that of the non-special zones in the Mainland. I have no idea about it.

"I don't know exactly how to do it right now. You immediately leave for Jiangkou City, take Pang Haihai with you, and leave the Qiushui Restaurant to my sister-in-law. First find out the way. But there is one thing, that is, you must To get land, the bigger the better, it doesn't matter how much it costs."

"Understood. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Okay." I thought for a while, and then said: "There is a student in the electrician class of the training center, named Wu Junhui. I know if he has graduated. You can check later. If he is still there, ask him if he is willing to work with him. You do it together."

Heizi was slightly taken aback, and asked more questions, but nodded in agreement.

In his mind, everything Jun Shao arranges always makes sense.It's okay to be confused at the beginning, as time goes by, the benefits will appear naturally.

As a brother-in-law in the previous life, I still know Wu Junhui very well.Silent and steady, his brain is pretty good.The most important thing is that he is very generous and rarely caresses.Used well, can stand alone.Besides, although my wife Xia Xiaoqing disappeared inexplicably in my previous life, the members of the Yue family were really nice to me in my previous life, so if I have the ability in this life, I will naturally help.


Uncle Wu really didn't build it. He got more than [-] catties of dried meat and wild boar. It is estimated that he collected all the stocks in Liujiashan.In the evening, at the home of Mr. Zhou, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Zhou Ya, the little nanny, fried a plate of wild boar ears and a plate of meat. My husband and I, plus the driver Su Jianzhong, each had a glass of wine and ate wild game heartily.

"Oh, I haven't eaten such authentic wild game for almost seven or eight years..."

The gentleman drank some wine, his face was rosy, and he sighed.

"If Uncle likes it, I'll send you some every month."

I smiled.This is not bragging, as long as they are willing to pay, many people are willing to go to the mountains to play tricks.Catching a wild boar is extremely difficult in my opinion, but in the eyes of experts, it is easy to catch.

"it is good."

For me, a closed disciple, Mr. has never been polite.He has been away from Xiangyang County for many years and has been "correspondence teaching" for me.Although I have less time to meet and can no longer "teach me by ear", what I have done has never disappointed my husband.

After dinner, I got up and went into the study with my husband.

Wake up, after my husband resumed work, what pleased him most was that not only did he have a place to store his treasured books, but some of the old ones also had money to repair and paper them.

This is a huge fortune.

"Uncle, is your job going well? How does it feel to be a provincial official?"

As soon as I entered the door, I made fun of Mr.

"Hey, it's better to study at the Provincial Party School."

The husband did not hide it, nor did he criticize me seriously.

I believe this.My husband's temperament is actually not suitable for administrative work, and learning is his strong point.I deliberately moved him to make progress in his official career, which was a bit like "rushing the ducks to the shelves".

The teacher's mother came in with tea and fruits, and looked at the master and apprentice with a smile for a while before turning around and closing the door behind her.

"Xiaojun, did you come here for the position of the commissioner in the Baozhou area?"

The husband is still very wise, and he always looks at problems so sharply, and he speaks to the point.

I nodded, smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Hey, Yucheng and I are separated, and there is no phone call..."

The gentleman smiled slightly, but luckily he couldn't see any displeasure.

While talking, the phone rang.

Mr. is now a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and the living room, bedroom and study are all equipped with telephones.

"Teacher, is Xiaojun with you?"

Yan Yucheng's voice was loud.

The husband smiled at me, and then said: "Yes, I arrived in the afternoon, and I just finished eating."

"These two grandpas are doing good deeds without telling me!"

Yan Yucheng said it both as if complaining and as if joyfully.

The gentleman smiled and said, "I told Xiaojun just now that you and I have a birth share..."

"Oh, teacher, you misunderstood me. I'm so busy now that I'm running around with the experts from the research team... Well, since that brat is already with you, I won't talk to you." Too much chatting. I'm in Qing'an County now, and the phone number in the guest house is inconvenient to talk about..."

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