Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2074 Goes up against the trend

The changes among the members of the provincial party committee and the provincial government team took place bit by bit.The biggest change is that the relationship between Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng has become more and more harmonious.

Especially after the economic crisis, this change became more and more obvious.

At first, it was Wei Ningsheng who visited Liu Jun more and more often in Office No. [-] of the Provincial Party Committee, and every time Wei Ningsheng came, Liu Jun would prepare tea and wait in the reception area.Often when Wei Ningsheng arrives, he can drink elegant Kung Fu tea.

Recently, it was Wei Ningsheng who took the initiative to invite Liu Jun to dinner in the box reserved for Wei Ningsheng and Zhao Xianjue at Bazhenxuan at any time.At the beginning, Wei Ningsheng invited Liu Jun to dine at Qiushui Hotel, and occasionally at Nantian Hotel.Wei Ningsheng is not so clear about the relationship between Qiushui Hotel and Liu Jun. He just vaguely guessed that he should have a close relationship with Liu Jun.As for the Nantian Hotel, it is Gu Tonghui's property. Gu Tonghui's mother is the sister of Lieutenant General Liang Jingwei, chief of staff of the Southeast Military Region, and the owner of Baozhou Qiushui Hotel.Liang Jingwei is the son-in-law of the old He family, and the He Wu Department is focusing on cultivating a backup leader.The close contact between Liu Jun and He Wu is not a secret among high-level officials.From this point of view, perhaps Gu Tonghui and Liu Jun will also have some contacts.

But one time later, Liu Jun smiled and said to Wei Ningsheng that to eat authentic local dishes, you should eat authentic local dishes, which may taste the most authentic. [

Wei Ningsheng remembered this sentence, and the next time he treats guests, he will change it to Bazhen Pavilion.

Liu Jun is no stranger to Bazhenxuan. When he was studying at South China University, he often came to Bazhenxuan for dinner.It is an authentic century-old shop with the most authentic local flavor.

This time, there were only Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng in the box, and the food was relatively simple, just four dishes and one soup.

Liu Jun is especially fond of Bazhenxuan's old fire soup.

The boss of Bazhenxuan naturally recognized that this young man who was walking ahead of Governor Wei was the "first brother" of the province!It's rare that Secretary Liu favors Bazhenxuan's Laohuo soup. The boss personally sits in the kitchen and urges the master chef to work hard and make the best dishes. He invites Secretary Liu and Governor Wei to taste it.

"Secretary, come, let me toast you."

Wei Ningsheng raised his glass with a smile and said to Liu Jun.

In Bazhenxuan, what I drink is not Moutai, but the big tonic snake wine secretly made by Bazhenxuan, which is also one of the bottom products of Bazhenxuan.The color of the wine is orange, viscous like amber, and the color is very bright.The alcohol content of this secret snake wine is not high, and it is much softer than Moutai. Although Secretary Liu's capacity for alcohol is not good, drinking a few more glasses will not be a problem.

Liu Jun smiled and raised his wine glass to touch Wei Ningsheng, and took a sip.There are only two people in the box, and the atmosphere is more relaxed and casual.

"Secretary, the situation is good. According to statistics, the economic growth rate in the first half of this year has not slowed down. Compared with the same period last year, it has increased slightly... This is very rare!"

Wei Ningsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to be very comfortable.

In the first half of last year, before the financial crisis broke out, coupled with the "market" of the Olympic Games, the province's economic growth rate was relatively fast, higher than the national average.In the first half of this year, the financial crisis was at its worst. For a province with the highest degree of marketization, foreign trade export-oriented enterprises accounted for half of the country. Under this background, the economic growth rate not only did not slow down, but also increased slightly. It's not easy.Compared with other coastal provinces, the provincial economy has bucked the trend and is particularly rare.

In addition to Liu Jun's perfect external response measures, there is another important reason, which is Liu Jun's instruction to "stimulate domestic demand and tap potential".

Before the financial crisis broke out, Liu Jun had already started planning to withdraw capital. Not only the official funds withdrew from foreign virtual asset markets, but private capital also retreated in a big way.After a large amount of capital flowed back, Liu Jun launched the plan for the development of the western and northern parts in time. Funds, technology, and policies were further tilted towards the underdeveloped areas in the western and northern parts of the country. several neighboring provinces.After more than a year of hard work, the economic take-off in the western region and the northern mountainous area has begun to take shape. Over the past year, the growth rate has been extremely fast, which is a bit similar to the rapid development of Jiangkou, Nanfang, Baidao and other cities at the beginning of the reform and opening up.

Liu Jun's strategy is similar to the country's western development strategy, but within a province, the difficulty is much less than that of the nationwide western development.In addition, the province itself is the wealthiest province in the country. Both the government and the private sector can be said to have strong financial resources. The concentrated investment in the northwest region has achieved immediate results.The development of this area has provided a great impetus for the overall economic development of the province, and the various data are also very good-looking.

"Governor, this is due to the leadership of the provincial government. Come, let me toast the governor."

Liu Jun smiled and raised his glass to Wei Ningsheng.

Wei Ningsheng didn't say any polite words, he raised his glass with a smile, touched Liu Jun, and drank it down in one gulp.

Wei Ningsheng knew that maybe others said such things as politeness, but Liu Jun was not.It has long been heard that Liu Jun has a style of "giving credit to his subordinates", and it is still the same when he arrives in the province.Wei Ningsheng heard that every time the Politburo meeting, as long as the economic situation of the province was mentioned, Liu Jun would definitely lift Wei Ningsheng out and put him in the front, admiring him.Even Prime Minister Liu Jincai is a common practice, he praised the provincial government and Wei Ningsheng, and he did not hesitate to praise him. [

Wei Ningsheng has his own channels to listen to these news.

Wei Ningsheng finally understood why Liu Jun was so young and could unite a large group of "dead men" around him.As long as the high-ranking person has this excellent quality, he will not worry about being followed to the death.

In the officialdom, what do people want after you?

Liu Jun doubted this point very clearly.

"Governor, in my opinion, the large-scale development of the northwest region needs to be accelerated, and the pace can be a little bigger. We will strive to narrow the gap between the northern region of the west and the developed coastal areas within five years during the term of this government." Ten years. As long as the vast area in the north of the west develops, our province will still be able to continue to lead other brother provinces and cities for at least 20 years in the future.”

Liu Jun drank a glass of wine and said with a smile.

Wei Ningsheng nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, I think so too. In the second half of this year, we will invest at least [-] billion yuan in the western and northern regions...of course, including private capital."

Wei Ningsheng didn't pay much attention to the development of the northern part of the west, but his determination was not so great, and his pace would not be so fast.His thinking is that it is necessary to ensure that the economic decline of several major cities in the coastal areas, especially in the delta area, will not decline. In terms of policies and funds, the development of these cities should be given priority.For many years, the title of the province's largest economic aggregate has been firmly established, all because of the credit of these developed cities.During Wei Ningsheng's tenure, the crown of "No. [-] in total quantity" cannot be lost no matter what.In comparison, the investment in the northern part of the west is not very sufficient.

Under Liu Jun's strong insistence, Wei Ningsheng's views are also gradually changing.Nowadays, the general trend abroad is going on completely according to Liu Jun's prediction, and the development of the northwest region has initially achieved results, and Wei Ningsheng's thinking has completely changed.Like Liu Jun, he has become very "radical".It is doubtful that if the Northwest region really has a qualitative leap during the term of the current government, Wei Ningsheng will add a lot of color to his official career.

After the term of the current government ends, Wei Ningsheng's age has also come to an end.Being able to seek more benefits for the villagers in this province and to retire honorably is also what Wei Ningsheng most hopes to see.

Isn't this reputation what you care about all your life?

Liu Jun smiled and nodded, feeling very happy in his heart.

"Secretary, recently the central bank, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission jointly issued a document requiring all provinces to not only strengthen the supervision of state-owned funds, but also strengthen the supervision of private funds and circulation channels."

Wei Ning took a mouthful of the dish and said casually.

Naturally, Liu Jun also received this joint document.However, Liu Jun's approach is that he generally does not interfere with purely economic issues and leaves them to the provincial government to take full control.Only when there is a possibility of a major deviation, Liu Jun will come forward to make corrections.

Wei Ningsheng also took the initiative to report to Liu Jun.

"We have done a good job in the supervision of state-owned funds, but the supervision of private funds and circulation channels is not easy to position..."

Wei Ningsheng said slightly worriedly.

The total amount of private funds in the province is estimated to be the largest in the country. It is adjacent to the two special administrative regions, and there are many circulation channels for private funds. It is very difficult to supervise in place.Moreover, the background of private capital is more complicated than that of state-owned capital.To put it bluntly, rectifying this thing is very offensive.

Liu Jun's face became more serious, and he said: "Governor, I think we should strictly supervise. Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish what is an official channel and what is a non-governmental channel. At this critical moment, we must not Allow a lot of money to flow sequentially."

Wei Ningsheng nodded.

He knew what Liu Jun was worried about. [

The formal official channels have been blocked very tightly, and it is difficult for large funds to flow to European and American countries.If part of the funds are channeled through the so-called non-governmental channels to "save the country with curves", it will inevitably affect the central government's "National War" plan.

This kind of behavior at this stage is equivalent to "capitalizing the enemy"!

"Don't worry, the secretary. I've already made arrangements. Tomorrow, I'll call the responsible cadres of these departments to meet and convey the secretary's instructions to everyone. We will work together to get this matter done."

Wei Ningsheng said solemnly.

"That's good, thank you Governor!"

Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

While talking, Liu Jun's mobile phone rang suddenly, Liu Jun pressed the answer button, but after listening to a few words, his face immediately became more serious!


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