Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2075 South China Sea Dispute

Chapter 75 South China Sea Dispute "Secretary, what happened?"

Wei Ningsheng was taken aback, and asked hastily, showing an expression of extreme concern.After dealing with Liu Jun for more than a year, it was the first time he had such a serious look on Liu Jun's face.Even when the April [-] Fuqiang earthquake occurred, although Liu Jun was more anxious, it seemed that he was not as serious as he is now.

Liu Jun put down the phone slowly, and said in a deep voice: "A fishing boat of Haichang Fishery Company in Lingxi City was detained by the navy of Anlang State while fishing in the waters of Nansha. Some of them are from Lingxi City. There are three others."

Wei Ningsheng was furious and said, "It's unreasonable. Xisha is our territorial waters. Why should they detain our fishing boat?"

This call was made by Zhang Weiguo, secretary of the Lingxi Municipal Party Committee.According to Zhang Weiguo's report, originally this period was a fishing moratorium, Haichang Fishery Company cooperated with Lingnan Ocean University to send a high-powered fishing boat to the South China Sea fishing area to search for tuna fish. [

Tuna is currently one of the most valuable fish in the international market, with an average price of more than 2000 yuan per kilogram. The price of the most expensive bluefin tuna is nearly [-] yuan per kilogram. Therefore, tuna fishing has become one of the most economically beneficial among many fishery operations. kind.

Haichang Fishery Company purchased a lot of advanced fishing equipment and refitted a high-powered fishing boat for the project team.This project has received strong support from the Lingxi Municipal Government and the fishery department. It is the first time in China to organize fishing boats to go out to sea to catch tuna. It is an attempt.Lingxi fishery authorities hope that through this voyage, they will explore the development of tuna longline fishing and light-lure squid fishing in the Nansha waters, find backup fishing grounds, explore the way for large-scale commercial fishing production, and realize the structure of offshore fisheries. Adjustment.If the trial catch is successful, it will greatly improve the economic benefits of the operating fishing boats, drive the transformation of fishing operations from offshore to deep sea, and realize the optimization and upgrading of the fishery industry structure.

Lingxi City is an important fishery city in the province. Last year, the export value of products exceeded [-] million US dollars, and the total output value of the fishery economy was close to the [-] billion mark.Haichang Fishery Company is one of the fishery companies with the largest number of fishing boats in the province, with hundreds of fishing boats fishing in the open sea all year round.Lingxi City reported this trial fishing plan to the provincial government. Wei Ningsheng gave instructions and agreed to go to sea for trial fishing during the fishing moratorium.

Unexpectedly, he was detained by the navy of Anlang State in the Nansha waters.

"Secretary, we can't let them mess around!"

Wei Ningsheng said angrily.

Liu Jun waved his hand lightly, lit a cigarette, and fell into deep thought.

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea have a long history.

my country is one of the countries with the most islands in the world.According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, coastal states can govern the following six major maritime areas: ports, inland seas, territorial seas, contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones, and continental shelves.According to this regulation, my country has nearly 300 million square kilometers of oceanic land.

Due to complicated reasons of history and reality, nearly half of my country's 300 million square kilometers of maritime rights and interests are in dispute. Sea areas have been divided, islands and reefs have been occupied, and resources have been plundered.The "nine-dash line" of the traditional maritime boundary drawn on my country's territory has existed in name only.my country's eight maritime neighbors have put forward varying degrees of reasonable demands on China's maritime territory and rights and interests, with a total area of ​​more than 100 million square kilometers of sea area.

The sea area of ​​Nansha, where Haichang's ocean-going fishing boats are trying to catch, is one of the disputed areas with Anglang.

Over the years, some countries around my country's South China Sea have adopted various methods such as actual control, domestic legislation, and international alliances to try to de facto, legalize, and internationalize the behavior of encroaching on China's sovereignty in the South China Sea.Some countries try their best to win over the United States into the water, hoping that the United States can intervene in the South China Sea issue.In fact, the United States is indeed pursuing an ambiguous policy of "getting in but not getting caught up" in order to reap the greatest benefits.In addition, Japan, India, Australia and other countries are also overtly or covertly involved in the South China Sea issue, trying to fish out of troubled waters.

Not only the countries surrounding the South China Sea, but also the various actions of major countries in the world in the disputed islands, reefs, continental shelves, exclusive economic zones, and bipolar regions are not so much expressions of true intentions as they are exploiting loopholes in international law and their future adjustment period. They tried to seize the opportunity for their own "land enclosure movement" by means of "declaring without occupying" or "occupying without declaring".Japan and South Korea's "Dokdo (known as Takeshima in Japan) dispute", the mutation of "Okinotori Reef" into "Okinotori Island", Britain and France's territorial claims on the Antarctic, and the United States and Russia's territorial sea claims on the Arctic are all typical. illustration.

Under the new law of the sea system, my country's eight maritime neighbors have also expanded their maritime jurisdiction claims, overlapping with my country's claims.Affected by this, the dispute over island sovereignty has also become more complicated.

In order to stabilize and unite the overall situation, for a long time, my country has followed the trend of peacefully resolving international disputes, insisted on peaceful negotiations and friendly consultations, and gradually resolved island sovereignty disputes and maritime demarcation issues with neighboring maritime neighbors, and advocated joint development and cooperation in disputed sea areas. At the same time, we will resolutely negotiate and fight against the acts of relevant countries infringing upon my country's island sovereignty and related maritime rights and interests.

In [-], my country and the ten ASEAN countries signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, emphasizing joint efforts to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea region, resolve differences peacefully, and refrain from taking actions that complicate disputes.

In line with the principle of maintaining regional stability and world peace, our country has proposed a plan to shelve disputes and jointly develop.But now we are faced with a very embarrassing situation-some countries are not putting aside disputes, but putting our country aside, and putting our country aside to develop on their own.It can be seen from the relevant international jurisprudence of modern international law and modern law of the sea that more and more emphasis is placed on actual jurisdiction and actual control, while historical evidence is relatively underestimated.

This has caused several neighboring maritime countries to seize our maritime territory and exercise actual control in order to create a fait accompli.

However, our country signed a treaty on maritime demarcation with Anglang five years ago, and basically the past few years have been considered peaceful.Fishing operations in disputed sea areas by fishing boats from both sides will cause some disputes, but they have never adopted such drastic measures as this time. [

It seems that there are other reasons for this. It is estimated that Anlang Kingdom wants to show favor to some big countries through this method in exchange for benefits.

"Governor, please report this situation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately. Ask them to negotiate with Anlang Guo to release the detention."

After smoking half of a cigarette, Liu Jun said slowly, his frowning brows relaxed, and his tone was very calm.

Wei Ningsheng had also regained his composure and nodded.

No matter what, when it comes to foreign affairs disputes, you should be very cautious.

"In addition, I want Zhang Weiguo and the others to go to Haichang Company to visit the fishermen's families. Please rest assured that this matter will be resolved satisfactorily."

Liu Jun exhorted again.


Wei Ningsheng nodded in agreement.


"Father, why did An Lang detain our fishing boat?"

This day, Secretary Liu finished watching "News Network" and was about to go upstairs to the study to handle some business. Liu Yang, who was sitting with him on the sofa watching "News Network", suddenly asked.

Recently, Liu Yang suddenly got into the habit of watching "News Network" with Lao Tzu. When watching, he usually kept quiet and rarely asked questions, as if he could understand the content of the news.As a boy of twelve or thirteen years old who has just entered junior high school, Liu Yang's hobby is a bit special.Few boys of this age would like to watch "News Network".

Maybe it's because of family influence.

Unexpectedly, this time, Liu Yang suddenly asked a question, and immediately asked about "focus news".

Liu Jun was slightly taken aback, and instead of rushing to answer his son's question, he asked back with great interest, "How do you know about this?"

Liu Yang looked at his father strangely, and said: "It was said in the news broadcast two days ago that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a severe crackdown. It was also reported on the Internet."

Liu Jun smiled embarrassedly.It seems that at home, my logical ability is not so rigorous, and I still have to ask such obvious things.

Liu Yang not only watches "News Network", but also often browses news pages on the Internet, just like a little "news".

"Well, this question is more complicated..."

Liu Jun was not in a hurry to go to the study, and explained to his son the origin of the territorial dispute in the South China Sea on the sofa.Although the problem was relatively complicated, Secretary Liu did not muddle through, and explained the key points clearly.

"Dad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is useless, people are not afraid at all... Now there is a lot of noise on the Internet, saying why can't we dispatch the navy to get the fishing boat back like the Mingxia Island incident last time?" [

Liu Yang asked seriously.

After Haichang Company's "Yu 028" fishing boat was detained by the Anlang National Navy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country immediately issued a severe blow to Anlang, stating that the "028" fishing boat was operating within the territorial waters of our country. behavior is extremely wrong.They are required to immediately release the detention of the "Yu 028" fishing boat.

However, Anglang claims that the sea where the fishing boats operate belongs to the territorial waters of Anglang, and that Chinese fishing boats have violated their territorial waters. The arrest of the "Yu 028" fishing boat is to safeguard the country's territorial sovereignty.

"Yangyang, this problem is even more complicated. Mingxia Island is our territory, and the Guangfu is on Mingxia Island. We can rescue it. Now the fishing boat has been detained in the port of Anlang, and we dispatched the navy to get it. There will be a war." Liu Jun explained to his son very seriously: "War is a very serious matter, and we can't just go to war with other countries unless it is absolutely necessary."

Liu Yang nodded, expressing that he understood his father's words, but immediately asked: "In this case, they can detain our fishing boat, why don't we retaliate?"

Liu Jun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, looked at his son, and nodded thoughtfully.


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