Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2112 Important!

Looking at the stack of materials before him, Wang Binghe's expression was gloomy. k

These materials are all about the Rao Fengshan case.

Because of Liu Jun's extraordinary attention to this case, the Rao Fengshan case suddenly became the most popular word in the whole province.You can find a lot of relevant information if you search the Internet casually.

But now, the rumors about Liu Jun wanting to "make use of the topic" gradually faded, and no one mentioned it anymore.Liu Jun's intention was very clear, that he wanted to use the handling of the Rao Fengshan case to maintain the authority of the National People's Congress election process.Strictly punish Rao Fengshan to remind all those who want to follow suit, this is a high-tension line, whoever touches it will be in bad luck.

Deep down in Liu Jun's heart, this system must not be damaged. [

Everyone has to admit that Liu Jun's thoughts have long been out of the scope of ordinary political games.He is looking at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation.In the province, Liu Jun has no real political opponents.Yes, it's just the difference between a very cooperative partner and a subordinate who is not very cooperative.

For Liu Jun, the position of alternate member of the Politburo is by no means an "honorary title" and has real meaning.At this level, the starting point, height and method of considering problems are completely different from ordinary cadres.

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Guangnan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection formed a joint task force to conduct an in-depth investigation of the Rao Fengshan case and regularly report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

The problem of Rao Fengshan itself is not complicated. The provincial government investigated it in a thunderous manner, and relevant evidence and witness testimonies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

This person has basically been labeled by the god of death.

The focus of the issue now is on the investigation of leadership responsibilities.

Mao Yifang bears the brunt.

For this reason, Mao Yifang has conducted a deep inspection and self-criticism at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee. His inspection report has been written and forwarded to the main responsible cadres of the party committees and governments of various cities.

The Guangnan Municipal Party Committee requested the Provincial Party Committee to give Mao Yifang a severe warning within the Party.

Corresponding punishments were also imposed on Sanwen county party secretary and county magistrates who had relevant leadership responsibilities.According to the investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the secretary of the Sanwen County Party Committee may have more serious problems, and it is very likely that he is Rao Fengshan's "backstage boss".The joint task force has taken necessary measures against him and is conducting further contacts and in-depth investigations.

Although from an organizational standpoint, the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee can make a decision on disciplinary action against members of the municipal Party Committee team, but according to the usual practice, it still needs to be reported to the Provincial Party Committee for approval.

Wang Binghe felt that this punishment was too severe.

Because according to the current situation, Mao Yifang was only deceived by Rao Fengshan, mistakenly thinking that Rao Fengshan was a courageous leading cadre, and he served as the executive deputy county magistrate of Sanwen County to the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee.However, Mao Yifang's own conduct is very good, and he has not had any economic exchanges with Rao Fengshan.

Every time, this is just an official practice. Mao Yifang, as the full-time deputy secretary of the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee, needs to cultivate his own trusted cadres.When cultivating Rao Fengshan, I lost my sight.

Because of this, it is a bit too much to carry a serious warning from the party.

What's more, Wang Binghe also heard a rumor that Mao Yifang might be transferred from Channan and become idle.

Wang Binghe felt that he had to do something for Mao Yifang, and he couldn't just watch a young and promising cadre be "ruined" like this.

After thinking twice, Wang Binghe picked up the phone on his desk.

"Hello, secretary!" [

The moment the phone was connected, the gloomy look on Wang Binghe's face disappeared, replaced by a gentle joke with a very soft voice, revealing a bit of respect.

"Hello, Comrade Binghe."

On the other side of the phone, Liu Jun's thick baritone voice came.

"Secretary, do you have time now? I have different opinions on the handling of Mao Yifang, and I want to report to you."

Wang Binghe didn't hide it, and said straight to the point.

This is also a unique practice of cadres who have followed Liu Jun for a long time.In front of Liu Jun, when reporting opinions on specific issues, he had to beat around the bush.Liu Jun didn't want to see this way of doing things.

"Okay, comrade Binghe, please come over."

Liu Jun responded with a smile without much hesitation.

Wang Binghe put down the phone, stood up, dressed, put his hands behind his back, and walked out of the office slowly.Like Liu Jun, he both worked in the No. [-] Office Building of the Provincial Party Committee, on different floors.

It took only two to three minutes to go to Liu Jun's office.

As secretary general of the Provincial Party Committee, Wang Binghe is a frequent visitor to Liu Jun's office.

"Comrade Binghe is here, come and sit down."

When Wang Binghe came to Liu Jun's office, Liu Jun had already sat down on the sofa. He didn't intend to get up and shake hands with him, but just greeted him with a smile.

With a smile on his face, Zhi Binghe walked over and sat down beside Liu Jun.

Zhou Liangchen hurriedly put the kettle on the induction cooker, took out the tea leaves, and was ready to make tea.

"Secretary, I think the treatment of Mao Yifang is too severe."

Before the tea was ready, Wang Binghe said bluntly.

Liu Jun smiled slightly and asked back, "What's the reason?"

"In the case of Rao Fengshan, Mao Yifang did not know who he was, and was deceived by Rao Fengshan. But this comrade's morals are still very good, and he is financially strong, so there is no major problem. He has no personal contacts with Rao Fengshan. It should be said that this was a mistake at work."

Wang Binghe directly explained his reasons.

Liu Jun nodded, still with a smile on his face.Provided by Qingcheng Qingcheng.

Regardless of whether he agrees with Wang Binghe's point of view, at least he agrees with this open and honest way of talking.Comrades in a team should say what they have to say. It is good for everyone to be frank and honest, which is conducive to the development of work. [

"Comrade Binghe, we can look at this issue from another angle."

"Ask the secretary to give instructions!"

Liu Jun waved his hand with a smile, and said: "If Rao Fengshan's election bribery was not reported and he got his wish and served as the executive deputy county magistrate of Sanwen County, what kind of actions will he bring to Sanwen County? What about the consequences?"

Wang Binghe was slightly taken aback.

This question is really hard to answer.

"Comrade Binghe, I think that whether to deal with Mao Yifang or how to deal with Mao Yifang should not be considered from the perspective of Mao Yifang, but should be considered from the perspective of the cadres and masses in Sanwen County. It is conceivable that Because of Mao Yifang's work mistakes, how much loss will it bring to Sanwen County? If Mao Yifang is not the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee in charge of organizational personnel, this problem may not be so serious, and it can be regarded as an isolated case. But the problem No. Mao Yifang is responsible for the selection, inspection and supervision of cadres in Guangnan City. He is Guo Hongyun's main assistant in the construction of the cadre team. From this point of view, Mao Yifang is very irresponsible for his work. Today he Rao Fengshan who is not qualified, who can guarantee that his other cadres are all qualified? Rao Fengshan alone has a problem? I am afraid that the matter is not that simple. This responsibility, of course, must be borne by him."

Liu Jun said calmly, his tone gradually became serious.

Wang Binghe frowned and remained silent.

"Comrade Binghe, why are there so many cases of corruption all over the country, and they are repeatedly banned? The low cost of employing leading cadres is one of the key reasons. Now we have gradually formed a misunderstanding, thinking that as long as the cadres themselves are good, A good cadre is one who is neither greedy nor cuddly. In fact, this kind of view is very wrong. Good personal conduct and good ideology and moral character can only show that his personal quality is good, but it does not mean that he is a qualified leading cadre. Whether a leading cadre is qualified , the key depends on how well he completes his own work."

Liu Jun continued to talk, with a very sincere expression.

"For example, Mao Yifang, he is a clean and honest cadre, not corrupt, this is very good and worthy of recognition.

But this is not a reason for him to promote cadres casually.If he kills an unqualified cadre, he will cause huge losses to the masses.Especially during the publicity period, some people had reported Rao Fengshan's problems, but he was unmoved and did not conduct further investigation and understanding. He insisted on putting Rao Fengzhi in such an important position, which was wrong.He doesn't have this power! "

Liu Jun said decisively.

Wang Binghe swallowed lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Secretary, I admit that what you said is very reasonable. However, Mao Yifang is just a loss of heart after all."

The implication is that Mao Yifang can't be beaten to death with a stick just because of this matter, right?

Moreover, in terms of the current "ecology" of officialdom, Mao Yifang is considered a rare cadre.

It is too "cruel" for such a cadre with very good conduct to turn around just because of one mistake.

Liu Jun waved lightly and said, "I have read the report of the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee. I think the punishment given to Mao Yifang is still light."


Wang Binghe couldn't help being taken aback, and couldn't believe it.

So, is Liu Jun really going to "rectify Mao Yifang to death"?

Those rumors turned out to be true!

Anyway, Mao Yifang is also a cadre that Wang Binghe values, which is too much.

"Comrade Binghe, we must see that Mao Yifang's mistakes are very serious. If we tolerate him today, similar things will happen tomorrow. Our cadre team will never be able to do well. Therefore, Mao Yifang Severe punishment must be imposed. Of course, we must also take more care of the cadres themselves. Wherever Mao Yifang fell, he should get up from where he fell."

Zhi Binghe looked at Liu Jun with some puzzlement.

"I don't think Mao Yifang is suitable to serve as the deputy secretary of Guangnan anymore. Let him go to Sanwen County as the secretary of the county party committee to clean up that stall. His rank will not be changed for the time being. He must show it with his actual actions , he is a truly qualified leading cadre."

Liu Jun said with certainty.

Wang Binghe opened his mouth and said nothing, but a gleam flashed in his eyes.

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