Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2113 "Admiral" Aircraft Carrier

The courtyard where Ding Changzheng lived was always quiet on weekdays, only when He Mengying and He Nanfang came to visit grandma and grandpa, it would become lively.

Of course, if the Central Plenary Session of the National People's Congress is held, it will also become very lively here.

But today is a little bit special.

Several guests came, but the yard was still quiet.

The reason is that these guests don't like lively temperament too much. [

He Changzheng was wearing an old-fashioned yellow military uniform, sitting in the middle of the Taishi chair, playing with a purple clay pot in his hand.I don't know when He Changzheng fell in love with collecting purple clay teapots.Since he had this hobby, Secretary Liu wanted to do his best. Through various channels, he obtained a few small teapots that were old and gave them to He Changzheng for a laugh.

On the left and right sides of He Changzheng, there are also several mahogany grand master chairs.Liu Jun, He Dongjin, Wu Qiuhan, Xiao Dongzhan and others sat in a group. A set of tea sets was placed on the small round table in the middle, and Secretary Liu was demonstrating his tea art in person.

The Politburo meeting will be held in two days, and Secretary Liu is in Beijing to attend the meeting.

This Politburo meeting will discuss various matters related to the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee.

However, today's visit to the He Mansion was not done by Secretary Liu on his own initiative, but by invitation.

General Wu Qiuhan, the head of the General Armament Department, personally called and asked him to come to He's house and have a chat if he was free.

Generally speaking, this situation is extremely rare.Wu Qiuhan is a very taciturn person, and he seldom takes the initiative to invite people.Besides, if he was going to sit at He Changzheng's house, it should be He Changzheng who invited Liu Jun.

There is no doubt that Wu Qiuhan's invitation has something to do with him.

Wu Qiuhan was already present when Liu Jun arrived at the He Family Courtyard. Not long after, Admiral He Dongjin, Commander of the Navy, and Admiral Xiao Dongzhan, Chief of Staff, also came hand in hand.

"Third Uncle, how is the repair and refit of the Admiral's aircraft carrier going?"

Liu Jun asked while making tea, with a smile on his face, and his tone was very casual.

The "Admiral" aircraft carrier is a decommissioned aircraft carrier of the original northern neighbor.After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the aircraft carrier under construction was only [-]% to [-]% complete, and the construction had to be stopped due to funding problems.After many years, there is still no sign of starting work.In the end, it was purchased by my country at the price of scrap steel as a whole.Of course, what was purchased was only a navigation platform, and the weapons and electronic warfare equipment on the ship were all dismantled.Our original intention of buying this aircraft carrier is also to convert it into a water theme park.It is used as a water carrier for gaming and entertainment in a seaport in the south.

Prior to this, a coastal city in China already had a water theme park refitted from a former Soviet aircraft carrier.The displacement of that aircraft carrier was far inferior to that of the "Admiral", and it was built earlier. It belonged to the second-generation aircraft carrier in the former Soviet Union.The overall performance of the battleship design can not be compared with the "Admiral" at all.

After the "Admiral" arrived at a seaport in northern my country, it has been undergoing repair and construction work.

This is an unfinished giant ship.

Back then, because of this unfinished aircraft carrier, it caused an uproar.Western powers insist that the purpose of the Republic's purchase of the "Admiral" is to have its own aircraft carrier combat capability.

He Dongjin smiled and said, "Qiu Han, you still cling to your submarine strategy..."

Wu Qiuhan did not deny it, and said calmly: "Submarines save money and trouble, and their goals are not so obvious. The deterrent power is far greater than that of surface ships. I think the development of underwater combat power should be the main focus at this stage."

Speaking of it, Wu Qiuhan's views are somewhat similar to those of German Admiral Dönitz during World War II, and are also very similar to those of the former Soviet Union's naval decision-makers. [

Due to its regional relations, Germany has traditionally had a super-strong army and the development of its navy has not been able to keep up with established maritime powers such as the United Kingdom.The development of large surface ships has big goals, which can easily lead to an arms race.What is especially important is that large surface ships have extremely high requirements for shipbuilding technology, electronic technology, and shipboard weapons and equipment.In terms of large surface ships, it is very difficult to win head-to-head competition with maritime powers.During World War II, German Admiral Dönitz proposed the wolf pack tactics of submarines.With hordes of submarines, they cut off the sea transportation lines of the British Empire and dragged Britain down alive.It should be said that Dönitz's submarine tactics played a big role. If the U.S. Navy hadn't joined the battle in time to escort the British merchant ships, the UK might not be able to survive.

Although Germany was defeated in World War II, Dönitz himself was generally respected, and even his enemies praised him.His original wolf pack tactics are also regarded as a classic strategy by navies all over the world and have been widely studied.

During the Cold War, the former Soviet Union adopted Doenitz's submarine strategy.

Because the technical strength of the former Soviet Union was far inferior to that of the United States in terms of electronic equipment, carrier-based aircraft and other weapons and equipment, the Soviet Union decided to abandon the development of large aircraft carrier battle groups and instead go all out to develop submarines.

While the United States built the world's largest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the former Soviet Union built the world's largest nuclear-powered strategic nuclear submarine—the Typhoon-class strategic nuclear submarine.With an underwater full-load displacement of more than [-] tons, it is a real behemoth, a deep-sea behemoth.

In addition to strategic nuclear submarines, the former Soviet Union also built a large number of attack nuclear submarines and conventional power attack submarines.In its heyday, the total number of submarines owned by the former Soviet Navy exceeded [-].The former Soviet Navy commander once proudly said that American aircraft carriers roamed the oceans of the world, while Soviet submarines cruised underwater all over the world.

If the United States needs it, it can strike any point in the world within 24 hours, and Soviet submarines can do the same.

It is precisely because of the existence of the powerful submarine battle group of the former Soviet Union that the Soviet Union has always been regarded as a naval power. Their large number of submarines posed a fatal threat to the huge US aircraft carrier fleet.According to the military chess exercise, once a war breaks out, the US aircraft carrier battle group may be basically destroyed in a short period of time by the former Soviet Union's underwater battle group, completely losing combat effectiveness.

Throughout the Cold War, the underwater forces of the former Soviet Union have always been the biggest heart disease of the US Navy.

Relatively speaking, the technical and financial requirements for the development of submarines are far lower than those for the development of large surface ship battle groups.

As the head of the General Armament Department, it is reasonable for Wu Qiuhan to favor this "cheap" killer copper.

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