Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2114 Rising pace

"If we plan to build four to six aircraft carrier battle groups, let alone whether it can be achieved technically. Even if the overall combat capability is built, it is still far inferior to others. If only half or one third of this money is used to build Submarines are almost guaranteed to sink as many as he comes."

Wu Qiuhan added a few words and his expression was very calm.

The character characteristics of these backbone figures in the He Wu family are also different.He Changzheng is majestic and majestic, and he doesn't smile. Although his appearance is not very "mighty", he has an awe-inspiring majesty, which is a typical "power without anger".He Dongjin is just the opposite. He is outgoing and open-minded. He doesn't put on airs in front of his subordinates and juniors. He is deeply loved by juniors.Wu Qiuhan's personality is similar to that of He Changzheng, generally majestic and serious, and generally silent.But in terms of appearance, Wu Qiuhan is much more "mighty" than He Changzheng. Even if he doesn't wear a military uniform, anyone who sees him will know his military status.Even when he was working in the local area, comrades still regarded him as a standard soldier without exception.As for Chief of Staff Xiao Dongzhan, he is a typical Confucian general.He is highly educated, elegant and elegant, and if he doesn't wear a military uniform, almost no one who is not familiar with him will regard him as an active general.

Liu Jun picked up his teacup and took a sip, then smiled and said, "Uncle Wu, I agree with your submarine strategy. When you don't have the strength to engage in equal confrontation, asymmetrical confrontation is a good choice. But even for submarines, we must speed up the speed of technological improvement. Simply relying on the advantage of numbers is not very safe."

Xiao Dongzhi glanced at Liu Jun with some surprise, but didn't speak. [

Of the several generals present, Xiao Dongzhan is the youngest, so Liu Jun's peers are more than ten years younger than He Changzheng and others.He is a key figure in the He Wu family inheriting the past and ushering in the future.

In a few years, He Dongjin, Wu Qiuhanhai, Xiangjun and others will basically retire.

Xiao Dongzhan disagrees with Wu Qiuhan on this point.

But now it is Liu Jun who is expressing his opinion and expressing his appearance, so it is inconvenient for Xiao Dongzhan to intervene.

Wu Qiuhan said: "Well, this is correct.

However, we are speeding up our research on submarine technology.We have almost digested Russian technology. "

Liu Jun nodded, and said: "Quickly digesting their technology is a shortcut, but we also have our own advantages... Speaking of aircraft carrier battle groups, I personally think it should be done."

The expressions of the generals became dignified.

"In the final analysis, submarines are defensive weapons, not offensive enough, and their role is relatively simple. In any case, we can't rely on submarines to show off our military power, nor can we rely on submarines to attack cities. For asymmetrical confrontation, submarines are the first choice. But as The development of the times! The development of the country's aircraft carrier battle group should still be done, and we can't always be defensive."

Liu Jun still said with a smile, but there was a sharp light in his eyes.

He Dongjin just laughed.

Liu Jun is Liu Jun, in his heart defense is always temporary and active offense is the ultimate goal.A secretary of the provincial party committee who dares to use guns in the South China Sea has no doubts about the offensive weapon deep in his heart.

Wu Qiuhan was not so easily persuaded. He frowned and said: "I don't agree with the development of aircraft carriers. Now we are indeed engaged in this thing. But the technical difficulty is obvious. According to the current situation, at least in the next 20 years. Internally, we are all at a technical disadvantage. The technology cannot keep up, and the combat experience is even more lacking. The practical effect of this thing is very limited.”

Liu Jun smiled and said: "There are several types of actual effects. It is only one type of effect that is actually used in actual combat. Most of the time, our opponent is not the only one. Some people win the world championship, and so do the runner-up and third runner-up." Someone can do it. Everyone can’t be a champion. I think it is because of the gap that we have to catch up. At this stage, it is difficult to fight a real battle. Everyone has their own taboos. This time difference is an opportunity. We We must seize this opportunity and try our best to close the gap. Maybe we will be behind in ten or twenty years, and we will not be able to catch up. But what about ten or twenty years later? The situation may be different.”

Wu Qiuhan fell silent.

He Changzheng played with the purple clay pot for a while, glanced at Xiao Dongzhan, and asked calmly, "Dongzhan, what's your opinion?"

It seems that today is a meeting, a private gathering, and everyone chats casually.But there is no doubt about the fact that there are three current members of the Military Commission present.On the issue of army building, their right to speak is extremely important.Once everyone agrees at this gathering today, this will be the established policy of the He Wu Department for a period of time to come, and all the military leaders present here will go all out to implement this policy.

Xiao Dongzhan smiled slightly, and said: "A powerful country has always been prepared to go out. Ma Han's theory of sea power is also based on going out."

It is precisely because of the "sea power theory" that today the world's number one military power has been created. [

He Dongjin said: "In my opinion, this should be done."

Liu Jun refilled the tea for everyone present, and said: "Not only must it be implemented, but also detailed implementation steps must be formulated.

At this stage, we can imitate and improve.When there is a shortcut, it is still necessary to take the shortcut.I don't think you need to place too high expectations on the Admiral, after all, compared to the latest aircraft carrier, the Admiral is a bit outdated.It would be great if this ship could train personnel. "

He Dongjin smiled and said nothing.

The "Admiral" is currently completely refitted as a combat ship, not just a training ship.

The installation of phased array radar and air defense missiles and stick ship missiles on the ship is proof.However, He Dongjin agreed with Liu Jun's point of view that the real function of the "Admiral" might be a training ship.When necessary, it can also be used as a combat ship.

"I think that if the carrier-based combat system can be improved within three to five years, the command personnel, carrier-based aircraft and flight personnel can be trained in place. The time will be shortened a lot. It is entirely possible to build about four aircraft carrier battle groups within 20 years."

Liu Jun expressed his opinion very frankly.

If you are more aggressive, you can build six aircraft carrier battle groups, and your combat capabilities will be no small matter.

Wu Qiuhan said: "In terms of carrier-based aircraft, Russia has more opinions."

Liu Jun knew the reason for this.Although he has developed a good personal friendship with President Ivan, it is very restricted between state exchanges.It is a matter of national security, and President Ivan has to weigh the pros and cons of all aspects.Our military exchanges and cooperation with Russia over the years have generally been pleasant and positive.However, there are also a lot of disputes and wrangling, especially the imitation and technology transfer of combat aircraft, which Russia has always regarded as a trump card in cooperation negotiations with us.

A certain type of carrier-based fighter we are currently developing and finalizing has many similarities with a certain type of Russian carrier-based fighter.Russia is very opinionated because of this, and believes that it has not received sufficient compensation.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "There are a lot of articles in the world, so if you have an opinion, you can have an opinion."

He Dongjin also smiled and said, "Yes, the key is money."

He Changzheng said indifferently: "It's easy to get money. At this stage, we still need to establish a good relationship with them as much as possible."

Liu Jun nodded and said, "Of course. The little devils are counting on them to do their best. Otherwise, all the pressure will be on our heads, and it will be a bit uncomfortable."

Everyone here understands what Liu Jun said.Over the past few years, our foreign policy has been gradually adjusted, becoming tougher step by step, Mingxia Island incident, South China Sea gunfire "Admiral"

The test voyage is about to take place, and a series of incidents, coupled with the country's ongoing "financial national war", have already made Western countries "a hundred times more wary" of us.

Liu Jun hopes that Russia can exert stronger pressure on the island countries in the four northern islands to divert some attention and gain more time and space to develop stronger.

Xiao Dongzhan said: "Russia has begun to deploy new weapons on the four northern islands. The weapons they deployed there before are too backward and basically outdated."

Not long ago, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it will gradually replace the weapons and equipment deployed on the four northern islands in the next few years.According to the information released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russia has spent a lot of money this time and replaced them with the most advanced weapons and equipment in their country, including the "Northwest Wind" large landing ship just imported from France.

Importing weapons from Western countries is also a big change in Russia in recent years.Russia also seems to realize that they have fallen behind in some cutting-edge weapons and must catch up. [

Russia's move has indeed attracted the attention of many Western media, and the little devil is even more nervous, and hastily asked the American godfather for help.Provided by Qingcheng Qingcheng.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "This fits Ivan's personality very well. It has always been Ivan's dream to revive the great power of the country. This person is very persistent and has achieved results."

At this point, Liu Jun sighed a little.

The generals couldn't help laughing.

Secretary Liu said that Ivan was obsessed with himself, so why not?

Speaking of which, Secretary Liu's persistence is not inferior to that of President Ivan, even worse.

He Changzheng put down the purple clay pot, picked up the teacup and drank the tea, and said in a deep voice, "Qiu Han, I think Liu Jun's opinion is worthy of attention."

This sentence actually represents the final decision of He Changzheng, that is, the final decision of the He Wu Department.

Wu Qiuhan nodded and said no more.


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