Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2115 Anlang Country Delegation

The Politburo meeting made a decision that the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee will be held in mid-October this year.

At this meeting, Hou Chunming, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, and vice chairman of the Military Commission, proposed the motion of building an aircraft carrier battle group.Prior to this, the Military Commission had already held a plenary meeting to formally discuss issues related to the construction of aircraft carrier battle groups and the strengthening of submarine forces.

The military generals attending the meeting unanimously agreed that it is necessary to build a necessary number of aircraft carrier battle groups in the future to maintain the integrity of our territorial sea sovereignty.Considering the gap in the equipment and technology of large surface ships, the members of the Military Commission also fully agreed with the motion proposed by the General Armament Department to strengthen the construction of the submarine force.

In the future, our aircraft carrier battle group will have a larger number of more technologically advanced underwater ships to guard and protect.

Hou Chunming submitted the proposal to the Politburo for discussion on behalf of the Military Commission. [

At the Politburo meeting, there were also two different opinions.One is more inclined to support Wu Qiuhan's point of view. Because of the technological gap and the sensitive international situation, at this stage and in the future, we should focus on building a powerful underwater force, and build large surface ship battle groups. A relative delay can be considered.There are quite a few members of the Politburo who hold this opinion.

Another opinion is to agree with the proposal of the Military Commission, to develop both surface ships and underwater ships simultaneously, and to quickly form a powerful combat capability in the shortest possible time.

After discussion, the Politburo meeting unified the opinions and passed the proposal of the Military Commission.

After the meeting of the Politburo, Liu Jun did not return directly to the province. Together with Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan, he met in the Great Hall of the People with Tu Tu, the party and government representative of Hong Son Province, Anglang, who came to my country for a friendly visit.

Hongshan Province in Anglang is a province bordering our country.After visiting the capital, the next stop of this party and government representative map will be to visit the provinces.Hongshan province and the province are sister city-states.

As the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Liu Jun happened to be in the capital, so he naturally wanted to attend this interview.

The head of the Hong Son provincial delegation is Du Yilong, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Anlangguo ruling party and secretary of the Hong Son Provincial Party Committee.Du Yilong belongs to the young and strong faction in the political arena of Anlang Kingdom, and he is in his fifties.

Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan and Liu Junlue arrived at the Great Hall of the People a few minutes earlier.The two young leaders chatted casually while waiting for the guests to arrive.

"Secretary Liu, it is estimated that Secretary Du Yilong is going to raise conditions with you this time."

Sitting on the large sofa, Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan smiled and said to Liu Jun beside him.

After several years of gaming, basically the top leaders have unified their opinions. If there is no accident, Comrade Xue Yuanshan will be co-elected as the vice chairman of the Military Commission at the upcoming Fifth Plenary Session to determine his successor status.

Of course, there is no absolute thing in politics, and all changes are possible before the final conclusion.However, Xue Yuanshan is quite clear about the attitude of Liu Jun and the entire Yan Liu faction.

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "You can raise conditions as long as the two parties are equal."

In recent years, the Republic's foreign policy is gradually changing, not only the attitude towards the western powers is changing, but also the attitude towards neighboring countries.From the past "comrades and brothers" like compensation assistance to mutual benefit.In some strategically important areas, the Republic has implemented strict controls, and the border trade with Anglang is also included in the scope of control.

This change caught Anglang and other neighboring countries by surprise.

The previous neighbor who "take whatever you want" has changed, and has become more in line with international rules.Some things that were easy to get before are now controlled and not so easy to get.

At the beginning, neighboring countries were "angry" and raised "protests" through certain channels.

But this kind of "protest" does not mean that the established strategy of the Republic remains unchanged.To gain benefits, there must be a conditional exchange. The form of "compensation" is no longer "popular".

Seeing the republic's tough attitude, the neighboring countries realized that the problem was very serious.Once the Republic blocked certain channels, it immediately caused all kinds of inconvenience in the other party's country. It turned out that the aid that seemed to be obtained without any effort before was so important to them.It's just that the history of this kind of repayment assistance is so "long-standing" that everyone takes it for granted, and they don't feel that this is our assistance at all. [

As the saying goes, cannibals have soft mouths, but umbrellas have soft hands.

At some special times, it turned out that cannibalism is justified, and it should be taken!

When this new policy was implemented at the beginning, some comrades in China, especially veteran comrades, did not take it seriously.Most of the leading cadres of the new generation fully support this policy.

There is always an adaptation process in everything.Seeing that the republic's change of strategy has become a reality, the neighboring countries have to calm down and think about countermeasures.

This time Du Yilong led a delegation to visit the Republic, which is also one of the countermeasures.

As a delegation from Hongshan Province in Anglang, Du Yilong and the others came to the capital of the Republic only for etiquette, and the real request would be made to Liu Jun.They probably hope to obtain some much-needed material and other assistance from the Republic through the relationship of friendly provinces.

"Anlang is also pursuing reform and opening up, and foreign trade may be just what they need urgently."

Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan said with a smile.

The province is the most economically rich province in our country. If Du Yilong can get some promises from Liu Jun, it will be very beneficial to promote the economic development of Hongshan Province.As one of the youngest members of the Politburo of the Anlangguo ruling party, Du Yilong needs real political achievements to strengthen his voice in the party.Therefore, there is no need to doubt Du Yilong's sincerity during this visit.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "As long as their conditions are acceptable, we can also consider increasing investment for them."

Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

A few minutes later, Du Yilong led the members of the Hongshan Provincial Delegation to the Provincial Hall of the Great Hall of the People. Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan and Secretary Liu Jun extended a warm welcome to the guests on behalf of the host. Exchanges and dialogues were held on international issues of common concern.

After this meeting, Liu Jun had an informal meeting with Du Yilong at the State Guest House where the delegation of Hongshan Province stayed.

Du Yilong attached great importance to this meeting, and led the important members of the delegation to personally greet Secretary Liu in the lobby of the VIP building of the State Guesthouse where he was staying.

Because it was an informal meeting, Liu Jun did not lead too many entourages.Only Tan Qigong, deputy governor of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Government, and several responsible cadres from the Provincial Department of Commerce and the Foreign Affairs Office rushed over from Nanfang City temporarily to accompany Secretary Liu to attend the meeting.

Representatives from the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Foreign Affairs Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also attended the meeting.

Du Yilong is not tall and has a moderate build. He wears a white shirt with a dark tie, and his hairstyle is similar to that of senior cadres of the Republic.

When the big Audi that Liu Jun was riding appeared in the hall, Du Yilong stepped forward and opened the car door for Liu Jun himself.The attendants of Anlangguo were a little surprised to see Secretary Du acting like this.

Although Secretary Liu has a high position and power in the Republic, Secretary Du's move is too "flattering".

It should be known that Du Yilong is also a member of the top leadership in Anlang, a legendary figure like the favored son of heaven.Such a move is indeed a bit unusual.

"Hello, Secretary Liu!"

Du Yilong speaks fluent Mandarin and uses honorifics. [

Because of the special relationship between Anglang and its northern neighbors, many senior officials in Anglang can speak Mandarin fluently.Of course, because this is an informal meeting, if it is a formal meeting, Du Yilong still has to speak his mother tongue, which is also the need of international diplomatic etiquette.

"Hello, Secretary Du!"

Liu Jun smiled and held Du Yilong's outstretched hand.

His figure is far taller than Du Yilong, a full half a head taller, and the burly Du Yilong is even more incomparable.Standing together, the two really gave people a feeling of "very unsuitable". Du Yilong had to raise his head to make eye contact with Secretary Liu.It seemed that Du Yilong was looking up at Secretary Liu.

"Thank you Secretary Liu for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet with us."

Du Yilong followed the standard diplomatic rhetoric.

With a smile on his face, Liu Jun exchanged pleasantries with Du Yilong.Afterwards, the two sides introduced the entourage to each other, and there was a lot of commotion and excitement.Then, under the guidance of Du Yilong, the host and guest entered the conference room of the VIP building and took their seats.

"Secretary Liu, the development of your country in recent years is really changing with each passing day. I went to Nanfang City five years ago and personally felt the remarkable changes in that famous city. Compared with when I was studying in your country more than 20 years ago, I'm almost lost, haha"

Du Yilong said with a smile.

Du Yilong studied at South China University more than 20 years ago. From this point of view, he and Liu Jun can be regarded as alumni.However, when Liu Jun went to study at South China University, Du Yilong had dropped out of school a few years ago and returned to China, and the two sides had a good relationship.

"If Secretary Du is interested, I can act as your tour guide in two days, and then visit Nanfang City."

Liu Jun replied with a smile.

According to the itinerary of the Hongshan delegation, they will stay in the capital for two days. After Liu Jun returns to the province, he will make a formal friendly visit to the province.The main material matters are also conducted in the province.

Du Yilong said with a smile: "It is a great honor for Secretary Liu to act as a tour guide. I hope that the friendship between your country and our country will last forever. I also hope that the friendly exchanges between Hongshan Province and the province will last forever."

"This is exactly what we hope. I hope we can further enhance our friendship on the basis of equality and mutual benefit."

Liu Jun replied with a smile, emphasizing the words "equality and mutual benefit".

"Of course, of course" (To be continued,)

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