Mr. Zhou's evaluation of his old colleague was too conservative.

This man is not only not afraid of things, he is simply bold and reckless. "On Seeking Truth from Facts" not only appeared in the newspaper, but also had a very eye-catching layout, as if afraid that people would not see it, and added an "editor's note" of hundreds of words, almost catching up with the commentators.

As a result, the matter exploded and immediately caused an uproar in the province.The next day, a rebuttal article was brought in, on the same page, with a length of several thousand words, accusing Yan and Liu of distorting the facts and talking nonsense.Next, refuting articles one after another, the words and sentences are becoming more and more severe, and they are constantly on the line, saying that they are blatantly opposing the central theoretical policy, which will never be allowed.The following article even pointed out that the two authors of "On Seeking Truth from Facts" were grassroots cadres who were punished by party discipline for making mistakes, and their intentions cannot be questioned.

"N Province Daily" is the most authoritative newspaper in the province, ranking well in the whole country.With such an uproar, the Baozhou area and Xiangyang County are naturally more like a boil.The names of Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai became household names within a few days.

The strange thing is that no matter whether the district or the county leaders, they didn't ask Yan Yucheng to talk to his father, not even the most private chat. Everyone is carefully avoiding this matter and these two people. . [

Both parties could not sit still.

The bomb has been thrown, but there is no movement around, something is not quite right.

As usual, talk to Mr. Zhou and ask for an idea.

When we met, Mr. Zhou was speaking Russian with me.

The Russian language has a low tone and is very tongue-twisting, especially the names, which are long and long, such as "Mir", "Zhov", "Sky", etc., which are like tongue twisters, which make me dizzy.After talking for a while, even the tongue was numb.

Yan Yucheng couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Teacher, it's so relaxing."

Mr. Zhou smiled slightly: "The two of you have only come now, so you can be considered stable."

Both of them were startled, then shook their heads and smiled wryly.

"My heart is scratching like a cat's paw, how can I be stable?"

"Please sit down, please sit down, don't be impatient."

Mr. Zhou took his leisure time and looked like a general who was covered with a quilt when the sky fell, which made Yan Yucheng and his father feel at ease.

I wondered secretly in my heart, could it be that Mr. got some inside information, so safe as a rock?Thinking about it, I feel wrong. As a "reactionary academic authority" who has not taken off his hat, what kind of inside information can he get?

"Xiaojun, pour tea for Uncle Yan and your father."

The teacher's wife went out, and the husband ordered me.


"The snail house is simple and simple, and a cup of tea is served to the guests. No wonder it is simple!"

The gentleman became more and more relaxed, and dropped the book bag.

Yan Yucheng and his father looked at each other, but they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Mr. Zhou's gourd.

"Teacher, what's the news about your old colleague from the provincial newspaper?"


Mr. Zhou shook his head.

Yan Yucheng was shocked, and asked anxiously, "Is there something bad going on?"

Mr. Zhou laughed and said, "I don't know if it's going to be bad or not. I only know that that old colleague is still working as his editor in the provincial newspaper, but I haven't heard what will happen to him."

Two people, no, three people, including me, let out a long breath.

The matter is obvious, the editor who published the article and added the editor's note has nothing to do. It is estimated that the two authors will not have too much problem for the time being.

"You came just in time, I wrote another article, take a look."


Dad was taken aback.

Mr. Zhou glanced at his father, a little displeased.

Yan Yucheng smiled coyly, and said, "The teacher's article must be a great one."

"Don't dare to be generous. Since others are aggressive, you can't be a coward and avoid fighting."

Yan Yucheng clapped his hands and said: "That's right. There is no turning back when you open the bow. Since you have done the first day of junior high school, you are not afraid of doing fifteenth."

"it is good."

Mr. Zhou admired him, and said to his father: "Jin Cai, you have just entered the official career, and it is difficult for you to encounter such wind and rain. But you have to remember, since you have entered this circle, you want to quit , it’s not that easy. A person in politics must not only understand the general situation and know how to advance and retreat, but also have the courage to move forward at critical moments in order to achieve great things.”

Dad blushed, and said humbly: "I understand. It's really better to talk to you than to read ten years of books."

"Hehe, less flattery, let's read the article first."

The second article written by Mr. Zhou is titled "Revisiting Seeking Truth from Facts".It is about the same length as "On Seeking Truth from Facts", and it is also seven or eight pages long, with about two thousand words.Citing scriptures and classics, refute one by one the crusade articles recently published in provincial newspapers.The arguments are sufficient, the writing is rigorous, and it is everyone's handwriting.

"Teacher, good article."

Now that he was determined to fight to the end, Yan Yucheng stopped evasive.

"It is indeed a good article."

Dad also nodded in agreement. [

Mr. Zhou is a little proud, this old master never hides his likes and dislikes.I don't know if he will still be so virtuous after he becomes the executive vice president of the provincial party school.Maybe he just did it so rashly in front of the people he trusted the most. When he was in a high position, he would naturally pay attention to restraining his edge.

"Re-discussion on Seeking Truth from Facts" was published as scheduled, but there was no further editor's note.It is estimated that "On Seeking Truth from Facts" has attracted enough attention. Now that Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai have become celebrities in the theoretical circles of N Province, there is no need to introduce them again.

Yan Yucheng and his father let go of half of their hearts.

Regardless of the shock caused by the second article, the fact that the provincial newspaper can publish it proves that the high-level officials allow such different opinions to exist.

Seeing that the two grassroots cadres who were punished refused to stop, the theoretical circles in N province became more lively.All of a sudden, refuting articles came overwhelmingly, and if they couldn't make it to the page of the provincial newspaper, they went to the party newspapers in various regions, and some monthly magazines with strong theoretical content also issued extra issues.

And Xiangyang County finally had some reaction, even though the reaction was so cautious and trembling.

Zhang Mulin, director of the Revolutionary Committee of the Red Flag Commune, was assigned to directly intervene.

Director Zhang found his father and laughed before saying anything.

"Jin Cai, are you busy?"

At that time, my father was at his desk in the office, checking some of the commune’s books, and I was sitting on a small bench in the corner, cramming for “Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism”.

Since he wanted to be a yamen, he had to find a way to let his father take over first.In the next period of time, whether the theoretical foundation of cadres is solid can also directly affect the speed of career advancement.Although my father doesn't necessarily need my help, as a son, accumulating more capital is not a bad thing, and it may come in handy when it is urgent.

"Director Zhang, please sit down."

Dad hurriedly stood up, offered his seat to Zhang Mulin, and poured tea.

It's not all about saving face, aside from Zhang Mulin's status as the top leader, his father is hospitable by nature.Besides, Zhang Mulin is an honest person, and there is no serious quarrel between the two of them.

Zhang Mulin glanced at me, then stopped paying attention.

At my age, it will not be enough for others to guard against it for a while.

I figured he must have come to talk to Dad about the provincial newspaper article, but I wanted to see how this honest man would open his mouth.

"Director Zhang, what instructions do you have?"

Dad smiled, sat down opposite Zhang Mulin, and handed him a "flying pigeon".

"Ah, Jincai, don't laugh at me, I... What instruction can I give?"

Zhang Mulin was obviously a little embarrassed.

Alas, an honest person is an honest person. He obviously has a job that overwhelms his father, but he seems very reserved in front of him.Probably in his mind, Dad is already a well-known and powerful character in the whole province, and he can't distinguish the superior from the inferior based on his position alone.

Dad understood Zhang Mulin's thoughts, but he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.After all, this is all thanks to Mr. Zhou.

"Director Zhang, you also know my personality. If there is anything, you can just say it."

"Ah,'s okay, just chatting casually...well, Jincai, you...the two articles you and Director Yan published in the provincial newspaper, um...what do you mean by this?"

I tried my best not to laugh, and shook my head secretly.

Director Zhang is really not very eloquent.

"It's not very interesting. I just talk about what's in my heart. I write what comes to mind. What does Director Zhang think?"

Alas, Dad, don't bring someone who bullies honest people like this.Aren't you playing tricks on Director Zhang?

I despised my dad a little in my heart!

"Ah, yes, very well written... oh, no, I didn't mean that... I mean, very well written..."

Sure enough, Zhang Mulin fell into the trick, he casually praised him, and immediately realized that he was wrong, didn't he agree with Liu Jincai's opinion?This is not a joke, so he immediately denied it, and was in a hurry.

Dad held back his laughter and comforted him: "Director Zhang, you don't have to be nervous, just chat casually, there are no outsiders anyway. Don't worry, if I don't tell it, others won't know."

"Yeah, yeah, just chatting casually, chatting casually..."

Cold sweat came down Zhang Mulin's forehead, and he couldn't help wiping it off.

I don't feel sorry for him in my heart.People dare to publish articles in provincial newspapers, so what do you mean by a few words?As for being so nervous?This official deserves to be so... so boring!

Dad was more vigilant than me, and asked, "Director Zhang, do the higher-ups think about this article I wrote?"

Zhang Mulin was also aware of his gaffe, took two puffs of cigarettes, calmed down, and said, "Jin Cai, we are old colleagues, I will speak up if I have something to say, and if I say something wrong, you Don't take it to heart."

"Director Zhang, don't worry."

Dad nodded solemnly.

"Jin Cai, someone from above asked me to ask you, why did you write such an article and send it to the provincial newspaper?"

This time even I was alerted.

Maybe Zhang Mulin was honest, maybe he didn't dare to involve himself in this matter, but he said bluntly that someone from above wanted to ask.Although the director of the commune is not a big official, Zhang Mulin's cautious character wants to instigate him to get involved in this matter. The so-called "man from above" has a lot of background.Perhaps it was one of Cui Xiuhe and Wang Benqing.

Dad was not in a hurry to answer, he smoked a cigarette, thought for a while, and then said: "Director Zhang, I don't know who asked you to ask, and I don't want to know. Tell that person that I am a party member and have expressed my views s right."

Dad, citizens should have the right to freedom of speech. It is stated in the Constitution, but the level of theory still needs to be improved.

I corrected my dad in my heart.

Zhang Mulin nodded and stood up.

Probably the people above didn't explain anything in detail, they just wanted him to find out the news, and Zhang Mulin could go on a job after getting such a sentence.After walking two steps, I felt that it seemed inappropriate for me to just walk away. I turned around and wanted to say something.

Dad smiled and waved his hands, Zhang Mulin also smiled, but didn't say anything after all.

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