The bad news came suddenly, without any preparation.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of [-], and one day was my grandmother's birthday. My mother asked for leave and rushed over from Lianhua Commune, planning to buy some vegetables with my father and bring them back to Liujiashan the next day.

It's not a whole life, and I don't plan to make a fuss.Moreover, at that time, the great leaders did not organize birthday banquets, and ordinary people were even more afraid to do so.That is to buy some pork and mutton, offal, etc., gather a few tables of dishes, and a few uncles and aunts take their children home to have fun.

Because my grandparents passed away early, my grandparents who originally lived in my uncle's house moved to my house to help take care of our siblings.In this way, when grandma celebrates her birthday, uncles will come to visit.

Mom and Dad took some money and went out smiling, Zhang Mulin walked over with a serious face. [

I bounced and followed behind my parents.Back to the environment of childhood, with an immature body, facing childhood partners all day long, the mentality is inevitably much younger.This bouncing and jumping is completely natural.No matter how old I am, in the hearts of my parents, I will always be a child.

Seeing Zhang Mulin's face, I felt a "thump" in my heart and sank.

It will still come!

Mr. Zhou encouraged Yan Yucheng and his father to openly express discordant voices with the mainstream. It originally meant "to take a slant of the sword". ingredients included.I somehow played a role in fueling the flames.Now it seems that the general trend of history will not change because of the appearance of me, a little traveler.Although I also know that within a year or so at most, the current theoretical policy will be completely negated, and the embarrassment of Yan Yucheng and his father will naturally improve accordingly.But to what extent it will change is beyond my expectation.What's more important is that it's not yet known what the county will do to Dad.

Judging by Zhang Mulin's posture, the visitor is not friendly.

Seeing his father, Zhang Mulin's mouth twitched, as if trying to force a smile, but he couldn't.

"Comrade Liu Jincai, Minister Wu of the County Organization Department, wants to talk to you, please come with me."

I have never seen Zhang Mulin talk to himself in such a serious and formal way. Dad was a little surprised, but he quickly regained his composure, nodded slightly, turned around and said to his mother: "You take Hua first. My son is going to buy vegetables, and I will come as soon as I go.”

I couldn't help but praise my dad again in my heart for his performance!

Although my father in the previous life was gentle and courteous, he lacked this kind of calm and calm demeanor.But this kind of calmness is indispensable for politicians.

It's only been more than a year since I was the deputy director, but my father has gradually cultivated some authority.

However, my mother's performance surprised me even more.She was actually calmer than her father, as if nothing had happened, she smiled and said, "Go ahead, don't worry about family matters." She even said hello to Zhang Mulin.

Mom usually has a very hot temper, but at a critical moment, she has such a general demeanor.Hey, amazing!

The calmness of my parents made me calm down immediately.Really, I don't know what the organization department wants to talk to my dad about, what's the rush?

I don't know whether Minister Wu of the organization department in this county is the head or the deputy. In official terms, the name of the head and the deputy are usually omitted.Of course, if it's the deputy secretary surnamed Zheng or the director surnamed Fu, that's another matter.

"Mom, is this Minister Wu the chief or the deputy?"

My mother was in a trance, and replied casually: "Exactly. Director Wu Qiuyang, Wu Qiuyang, County Organization Department... Hey, Xiaojun, why are you asking this?"

If it was Dad, there would be no such rhetorical question.My mother works in the Lianhua Commune, and she hasn't stayed with me for a long time, so she still lacks a comprehensive understanding of my "genius".

"Xiaojun, where are you going?"

Seeing that I didn't answer her, my mother followed my father for about ten meters and walked to Director Zhang's office. She didn't feel a little strange.

I raised my hand and waved it, but didn't look back, and the ominous premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Dad is currently only the last deputy director of the Hongqi Commune. According to the normal organizational procedures, it is impossible for the county organization director to come to talk to him.It can be seen that the county regards this matter as a major event.

The Organization Department is responsible for the appointment of cadres. There is no doubt that Dad can't be promoted now, so there is only one possibility for the Organization Department to talk to him—to make other arrangements for his work.

The Party Disciplinary Inspection Commission was abolished at the Ninth National Congress, and it would not be officially restored until the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee at the end of [-].Prior to this, some of the functions of the Discipline Inspection Committee were performed by the Organization Department.That is to say, the Organization Department at that time had the power to punish cadres, or at least propose to punish cadres.

As soon as Zhang Mulin and his father entered the office, the door was closed.

Of course I couldn't force my way in.No matter how young you are, you can't be unscrupulous.However, I squatted down at the door, as if no one cared.

It goes without saying how effective the sound insulation of the commune office is.If it is at night, even a fart inside can be heard clearly at the door.The following is the content of the conversation between Minister Wu and Dad.

Zhang Mulin: "Minister Wu, this is Comrade Liu Jincai. Comrade Jincai, this is Minister Wu of the County Organization Department."

"Minister Wu, hello."


Presumably, Dad wanted to reach out to shake Minister Wu's hand. It is not known whether Minister Wu is willing to shake hands with Dad, at least he didn't respond to Dad's greeting.

"Comrade Liu Jincai, please sit down!"

Minister Wu's voice was majestic, but also a little curious.Maybe he also can't see through his father, the deputy director of the small commune who dares to risk the world?

The combination of first and last names and the address of comrades made the atmosphere of the conversation very dignified.

"Comrade Liu Jincai, I was entrusted by Director Wang of the County Revolutionary Committee to talk to you today."

It's Wang Benqing again!

I gritted my teeth at the door.Then he felt it was funny, Wang Benqing's scapegoat was a bit unreasonable.Since he is the leader of Xiangyang County, these things have to involve his brand.The matter is of great importance, and it involves the issue of line and policy. In fact, cadres at Wang Benqing's level basically have no right to speak and have to listen to their superiors.

"Ask Minister Wu for instructions."

Dad is neither arrogant nor humble.

"Not to mention instructions. I am here today to convey to you the decision of the County Revolutionary Committee."

Wu Qiuyang's voice was serious and rigid, without any emotion. [

My heart shuddered.

For a general decision, it is enough to send a document notice. It is a big deal to ask Dad to go to the county by himself.The head of organization in Laojia County personally went down to the commune to announce that this decision was extraordinary.

Could it be that some coercive measures are going to be taken against Dad?

This is not entirely possible.During the Great Revolution, there were quite a few people who were sentenced to severe punishment for making "wrong" remarks.Some even lost their lives because of it.

In an instant, I was burning with anxiety.

"Comrade Liu Jincai..."

I felt relieved again, it's okay to call him "comrade"!At least it is not a contradiction between ourselves and the enemy.

"...You and Comrade Yan Yucheng, without the permission of the organization, published a signed article in the provincial newspaper, alluding to the guiding spirit of the current central theoretical policy. This is an obvious behavior of organizational discipline. In Xiangyang County, Baozhou area, and even The entire province of n has caused extremely bad effects. The mistakes made are serious. After discussion and decision at the meeting of directors of the County Revolutionary Committee and the approval of the Baozhou Regional Revolutionary Committee, Comrades Yan Yucheng and Comrade Liu Jincai were ordered to immediately suspend their duties and do self-reflection. Make a deep self-criticism. When to resume work depends on the attitude of the two comrades who recognize your mistakes..."

A stone fell from my heart.

Well, suspension for self-reflection, the result is not too bad.At least he was not expelled from public office, let alone expelled from the party. If that was the case, it would be beyond redemption.It will take some time for the central government to fully bring order out of chaos. It is an extremely large-scale project. How many people are looking forward to it?How many famous figures in the history of the Republic are waiting in line for the organization to give a fair evaluation?Little people like Yan Yucheng and his father didn't know that they would have to wait until the year of the monkey to get their turn.As far as I know, Yan Yucheng is 39 years old, and his father is 37 years old, they are not young anymore.If you waste a few years, your future in the officialdom will be very bleak.

In detail, it is difficult for a leader like Yan Yucheng who is used to being in power to be suspended for self-reflection, and his father has only been in the administrative leadership position for a year, and he is not used to being in power yet.Except for the monthly subsidy of 30, the basic salary will not change.Dad works for a long time, and relatively speaking, the basic salary is relatively high.I remember that in my previous life around [-], his salary and bonus could add up to [-] yuan, which was quite enviable.In our family, Dad's salary is still very important, at least at this stage.

"Minister Wu, I obey the organization's decision, but reserve my own opinion..."

Dad is still pleading.

This is also what should be in the title.If you don't refute it, wouldn't you admit that you made a mistake?

"...Please tell Comrade Wang Benqing that as a party member, participating in discussions on party policy issues at party meetings and party newspapers and periodicals is a sacred right conferred by the party constitution, and any individual or organization will be deprived of the right."

Alas, Dad's second-rate temper broke out again.Too rigid and easy to break.At this time, it might be a good idea to restrain your edge a little bit.Why must Wang Benqing's name be named?

Minister Wu obviously didn't expect his father to be so strong-tempered. He sighed softly and said, "Comrade Liu Jincai, you must correct your attitude, reflect on your mistakes, and strive to resume work as soon as possible."

This is actually waking up Dad.

Immediately, I had a lot of affection for Minister Wu.It seems that the attitudes of the county cadres towards this matter are not uniform, they just cannot hold back Wang Benqing's power.Or, it was simply the instruction of higher-level leaders, and Wang Benqing just followed the scriptures and earned his notoriety.

Minister Wu didn't stay long, and after conveying the decision of the county revolutionary committee, he left Hongqi Commune.

Zhang Mulin kept sending Minister Wu to the jeep, and then turned around and came back, wanting to say a few words to my father, who knows that my father has already taken my hand and walked away, as if he had never put this "suspension for self-reflection" at all. "Keeping it in mind, I couldn't help but stand blankly at the door of the office, staring at my father's back in a daze for a while.

Probably he was also wondering, how could this person acquire Yan Yucheng's coquettish temper as long as he got closer to him?

"Suspended for reflection?"

Mom laughed.

"Alright, you just take some time to help Hua Zi with her homework, she is about to take the university entrance exam."

But when my mother turned around to choose pork, I could clearly see deep worry in her eyes.That's right, what woman doesn't worry about her man's future?It's just that things have come to this point, and my mother is unwilling to add even a little bit of psychological pressure to my father.

Being able to marry my mother is really a blessing in my father's life.

Grandma's birthday was unexpectedly lively.

Originally, I only planned to have a gathering with my immediate family members. I didn't expect that many visitors would come to the door early in the morning. Wu Bo, the secretary of the branch, took the lead, and ten or twenty prominent characters from the Liu family and Ruan family rooms came.Even the clan house surnamed Zhou, who was not very close to each other on weekdays, had several prominent figures come.I hit my parents by surprise.It was grandpa's birthday on weekdays, and the people who arrived had never been so neat.

Mom and Dad came back to their senses, hurriedly called my uncle to call a few young people, and rushed to the commune to buy vegetables.Mutton is only sold at market fairs, and pork is not so tight, but tickets are still required.Fortunately, there were [-] to [-] catties of dried fish sent by the fifth and seventh uncles last time. After a few months, we only ate three or four catties, which can be used as a temporary emergency.

Uncle Wu stopped my uncle.

"Cheng Lin, don't be too busy. Wait for the food to come."

Dad was a little puzzled: "Fifth Brother..."

"Why, can't you trust your fifth brother?"

"No, no, how can it be?"

"Then you can sit down with peace of mind, let's have a good chat, brothers from the Liu family, Ruan family, and Zhou family."


Dad has always respected this upright fifth brother.

Sure enough, Uncle Wu didn't lie. After a while, the women of various families brought over a lot of vegetables, chickens, ducks and fish eggs, and it was especially rare that the chickens and ducks were all killed and cleaned up. The pan will do.

"Jincai, it's almost New Year's Eve, don't go back to the commune, just stay at home for a while. Brother Wu is also getting old, so I'm not sure about the new situation. You are a cadre who has seen the world. Tell Fifth Brother..."

Only then did Dad understand that Brother Ganqing and the others knew about his suspension of duty and self-reflection, and took advantage of grandma's birthday to come here to support him.

Since I became the deputy director of the commune, when it comes to political achievements, it is an experimental "fish farming in rice fields".

I am even more amazed.These simple folks, as long as you do even a little thing for them, they will never forget.

"Fifth brother, is this appropriate?"

Dad was afraid of hurting Uncle Wu.

Uncle Wu waved his hand and said, "What is suitable or not? In the county, he, Wang Benqing, has the final say, but our Liujiashan, I, Liu Jinwen, have the final say!"

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