Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 28 The Little Repairman

Dad lived back in Liujiashan, and the eldest sister also returned to Liujiashan after the winter vacation.The happiest is the second sister and the third sister.They don't understand the situation and pressure that Dad is facing now.

It's also great to indulge in family fun.

Not everyone, like me, can be reincarnated as a human being.The vast majority of people only have a lifetime, and childhood memories are only once.Dad didn't want the childhood life of the second sister and the third sister to have any shadow because of this incident.

He even happily bought a harmonica, and patiently taught the three sisters how to read numbered musical notation and play the harmonica.

On the contrary, it's my homework, he doesn't have to worry about it at all. [

Dad came home from the commune, and Mr. Zhou packed up his bedding the next day without saying a word, and went home with his wife.He went to the commune to be the labor team member of Laoshizi for the sake of Yan Yucheng and his father.

Professor Tangtang, no matter how low you are, you have to have a score, right?

According to Mr. Zhou, with my current level of English, there is no problem at all in living in an English-speaking country.Even in Russian, daily conversations can be barely handled, but you need to be extra careful when calling others by their full names.

It's no wonder, even Lao Maozi's own family, who has been chattering since he was born, has spent his whole life in Russian, and sometimes gets confused by his own name.If the names of Han people are often dozens or hundreds of words, there are probably not many who are not confused.

My talent in language learning is just the tip of the iceberg, and my "genius" is much more than that.Mr. Zhou has decided not to teach me math.Because he majored in liberal arts, he basically forgot about college mathematics.If he finds out that his understanding of calculus is not as deep as that of my eight-year-old student, I'm afraid he will be very angry.

Naturally, my knowledge of literature and history is still hard to come by, and I think that in the future, I will all hope to catch up with my husband's level.I am only limited to the current social situation and I am too young to use my fists.In the next few years, I guess I don't have much time to indulge in old papers.If my dad can survive this catastrophe and succeed in taking the position, I will go into business even if I am not in politics, and become a veritable "big money".

But for vernacular Chinese, my husband basically let me study by myself, and occasionally asked some tricky questions to make things difficult for me. Only classical Chinese, he was more concerned.Pity me at such a young age, Zhenrijie either rolls his tongue and speaks a foreign language, or "Zhihuzheye", muttering words, and he is turned into a little old man.

It seems that reducing the burden on elementary and middle school students is more urgent and necessary than reducing the burden on farmers!

My mother still has some opinions about my not going to school.It's not that she can't trust Mr. Zhou's level. In Xiangyang County, there are only one family where university professors work at home.It's just that it's a bit weird that other people's children are in school, and the children of the family alone don't go.But I can't tell her that with my current knowledge, I guess there will be a question in the Tsinghua University Encyclopedia.The college entrance examination was resumed last year. If it is convenient, I can make a set of papers to test my level.Sometimes I even think, should I just calm down and do some research, and just have a Nobel Prize for fun.No matter how mediocre I am, after all, I am 30 years ahead of my time. This advantage is too great. If I want to become China's No.1 winner of the Nobel Prize, it will not be very difficult.

Of course, I just thought about it and didn't put it into action.

To be a world-renowned great scientist?Ha ha, forget it.The days under the spotlight may not be very moist.

To be honest, I am not very concerned about reading.After all, I have a 40-year-old mentality. How many 40-year-old people have met who can settle down to study?Just being idle is also idle, and it is better to learn more.

I don't go to school, and Mr. Zhou can only teach me about two hours a day.He still has to work to earn a few work points, right?Do you want to drink the northwest wind?Most of the time I study by myself.

Dad went to the Lotus Commune to accompany Mom.

I watched "War and Peace" for a while, and it made my brain hurt. The second sister, the third sister, and a group of children made straw and twisted a thick straw rope, hung it on the beam of the house and swung it on a swing, chattering. lively.I simply threw old Mr. Tolstoy aside, stood up and stretched my waist, and suddenly my childlike innocence burst out, and I wanted to make friends with them and have a swing addiction.

A roar of motorcycles approached from a distance.

This is so strange, Liujiashan is a place where no shit, but there are motorcycles?

In [-], looking at the whole of China, motorcycles were extremely rare, and all of them belonged to the public.

There was a burst of tension in my heart.Now, what are the public servants doing in Liujiashan?Ninety percent of them are looking for their father.Could it be that things have changed in such a short period of time? [

Good or bad?

Thinking wildly, his eyes were fixed on the three-wheeled motorcycle that was bouncing up and down the mountain road and driving towards it.

The two of them were young, and from the analysis of their clothes, they didn't look like county cadres, so they let go of their worries.

"Miss Liu, is Teacher Liu at home?"

If he is called Teacher Liu, then he must not be a cadre of the county or the commune.Otherwise, it should be called Director Liu or Comrade Liu Jincai.

"what's up?"

The eldest sister came out after hearing the words.

"Who are you? My dad is not at home."

Both grandpa and uncle have gone to work, and grandma is busy working in the private plot. There are no adults in the family, so it is natural for the eldest sister to come forward to support the situation.

The expressions of the two young men were very disappointed, but they still said: "We are from the Qiyi Coal Mine, and we came to ask Teacher Liu for help. Our winch motor is broken, and we can't find anyone who can repair it... Where did Teacher Liu go? Go pick him up."

I was taken aback when I heard this.

Qiyi Coal Mine is not far from Liujia Mountain, about seven or eight miles away.The level is not low, the county regiment level is under the direct jurisdiction of the Baozhou Mining Bureau.The Baozhou Mining Bureau is at the same level as the Baozhou area, and is directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Coal Industry.

how?There is no professional electrician in a county-level coal mine?

Well, it's not impossible.I remember Mr. Wang Xiaobo's novel "The Years Like Water Flowing" once described: A certain coal mine in Henan could not afford to hire a professional electrician. repair.Maybe those in power think that people with higher education should know a little about electromechanical knowledge even if they have different majors?Since your kid has gone to college, he has never eaten pork and even seen a pig walk.The motor is broken, don't you guys who have studied in college be called over to have a look, are you also called illiterates who can't read?This is quite similar to the saying in some martial arts novels that "one method can cure all methods".

"My dad has gone to the Lotus Commune, and he won't be back today."

The young man's expression was almost desperate.

Lianhua Commune, forty miles away, might as well go to the county seat.

I couldn't help asking: "Master, are there no electricians in your mine?"

"There is an electrician in the mine. It just so happens that his mother-in-law turned [-] and asked for leave to go back to Weining County..."

The Baozhou area governs one city and seven counties. Unfortunately, Weining County is at the very edge, about three hundred miles away from Xiangyang County.In [-], this was a mind-numbing distance.

Another young man sitting in the sidecar of the motorcycle said impatiently: "Ms. Liu is not at home, let's go back and forget it, what are you talking to the children?"

I'm so bored, it's good to go out and walk around.Thinking so in my heart, I said casually: "I'll go and see with you." [


Everyone was taken aback.

Before anyone could speak, the eldest sister had already called out: "Xiaojun, what are you talking about? What are you doing in the mine?"

The two young men in Qiyi Coal Mine were even more amused: "Little friend, are you Mr. Liu's son? There is nothing interesting in the mine."

I said lightly: "Do you think I am going to play? I will help you repair the motor."

"You... fix the motor..."

The visitor opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a duck egg.

The eldest sister was angry and anxious: "Xiaojun, don't talk nonsense here."

The two young men shook their heads, and the rider was already starting the car.

"What is the motor power of your winch? 37 kW or 45 kW? Vertical or horizontal?"

The young man who was buried in starting the car suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise, "Little friend, do you really know how to repair motors?"

I raised my head and said angrily: "Nonsense, Liu Jin is my father, he can fix it, and I can fix it. The supporting motor of the mine winch has an uncomplicated structure. What's so difficult to fix? But if the coil burns out, It takes time to rewind the coil. I don’t know if there are any spare enameled wires in your mine. Forget it, why am I telling you this, you don’t understand.”

Hehe, this is called repaying the original words, repaying the other person with the other way!Hey, slow down, don't become Murong Fu again!

The two young men looked at each other in surprise and joy, and the one in the car said, "The leaders of the province and the Mining Bureau will be here soon, and Mine Manager Zhang jumped in a hurry. Since Xiao...Master Xiaoliu knows how to repair motors, It's the same when we invite him over."

I was a little stunned. At the end of the year, there were more routine inspections.The leader coming this time may be a heavyweight.

The rider on the bike nodded and put on a smiling face: "Xiao...Master Xiaoliu, then please come with us."

In a blink of an eye, the child became "little...Master Koyanagi".

They underestimated me before, which made me very upset.At this time, it is natural to take care of it.

"Repairing motors is dirty, tiring and not fun, I don't want to go there yet."

In fact, I can't blame others for this. It's because I am too small, and I can't get along with such a big mining motor.

The eldest sister was dumbfounded, and when I saw Shi Shiran get on the side of the motorcycle, she came back to her senses and shouted: "Xiaojun, don't go."

I patted my head.How did you forget this?Without an adult to accompany me, I went to the mine alone, fearing that my grandparents would vomit blood in a hurry.

"Sister, haven't you heard that the leaders of the province are coming to inspect? Mine manager Zhang is so anxious that he is about to hang himself, we can't do nothing, can we? Or, you go with me?"

Without waiting for my elder sister's reaction, I said to the young man on the bicycle: "Master, no matter whether it can be repaired today or not, I will not spend the night in the mine. You have to take us home."

"Okay, okay, that's of course... Sister, you can come up too. You and your brother sit in the bucket... Hey, Jianjun, you sit in the back."

The eldest sister is under 16 years old, and she is still half a child, with a playful nature.Seeing that there was a motorcycle to ride on, and they promised to take me home at night, my heart was moved immediately, I hesitated to sit on it, and hugged me in my arms.

I did not forget to say hello: "Second sister and third sister, grandpa will come back and tell me that my eldest sister and I are going to Qiyi Coal Mine to repair the motor, and we will be back in the evening."

The motorcycle roared and started on the road. The eldest sister was still worried and asked, "Xiaojun, do you really know how to repair motors?"

I laughed and said, "Elder sister, don't worry, if it's another machine, I'm not sure yet, so repairing a motor is not a problem."

This is not bragging.The electric motor is the most widely used electrical equipment, and it is also the electrical equipment with the most mature technology.We have been tinkering with this thing for almost 20 years in our previous life, so we don’t think it would be possible to make a fool of ourselves in the Qiyi Coal Mine.

I spoke very loudly, and the two Jianjun listened, and the expressions on their faces were even more relieved.

The widest road between Liujiashan and Qiyi Coal Mine is a country road with a width of 10 meters. It has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is very ugly.The motorcycle dodged left and right, like a yangko dance, and it took me [-] minutes to get to the Qiyi Coal Mine, which made my bones ache.

A group of people surrounded the mine mouth, and when they saw the motorcycle, they rushed forward to meet it, and when they got close, they all froze.One of them, a cadre in his thirties who was wearing a Lenin suit, opened his mouth and asked, "Where's Teacher Liu?"

Jianjun jumped down from the back seat and said, "Mine manager, Mr. Liu is not at home, his child said he could repair motors, so he came with us..."

This middle-aged man must be mine manager Zhang.

Mine Manager Zhang glanced at my elder sister and me in doubt, and asked the elder sister with some doubts: "Are you Teacher Liu's daughter? Can you repair motors?"

Although the eldest sister looks like a repairman.But at that time, it was called "women can hold up half the sky". My mother is a typical example of being able to hold up half the sky. In addition, Mr. Liu is famous and has a long history of family education. Maybe the elder sister can really repair electrical machinery.

The eldest sister immediately blushed, and walked towards me a little shyly.

"This is my brother, he...he can fix motors..."


Mine Manager Zhang's eyeballs were about to fall out.

The onlookers laughed loudly.

"You... what are you kidding?"

Mine manager Zhang stared anxiously, pointed at Jianguo's nose and was about to scold him.

I stretched my muscles and said lazily: "Mine Manager Zhang, the leaders of the province and the Mining Bureau are coming soon? Where is the motor, show me."


Mine Manager Zhang couldn't recover himself.

I was a little amused: "If you want to be criticized by the leader, that's up to you. Sister, they don't welcome you, let's go back."

Seeing that I was young, talkative, without stage fright, and looked confident, the workers stopped laughing.Mine manager Zhang was skeptical: "Little friend, do you really know how to repair motors?"

"Well, my dad taught me."

The mine manager of the Qiyi Coal Mine is at the regimental level in Zhengxian County, the same level as Wang Benqing.Even if he is a deputy, he is still a remarkable person in these ten miles and eight villages.It's inconvenient to be too arrogant and talk too much.

"Okay, you come with me."

Mine manager Zhang looked at his watch, his expression changed, he gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, as if a dead horse was treating a living horse as a doctor.

Everyone followed, as if looking at a western scene, wanting to see what happened.

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