Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 318 is not a raptor but Jiang

Every time you have something to do, you are willing to sit with me for a while, right?

He Mengying sat across from me, sipping the 66-year-old Lafite, feeling a little dissatisfied.

I also gave this wine to her not long ago, and asked Xiaoqing to bring a few bottles from Hong Kong.I don't like this thing. The 66 and 86 are completely different. They both taste weird.But in the eyes of a woman like He Mengying who likes the "aristocratic" atmosphere in Europe and America, it is a very popular gift.

He Mengying sat across from me, but it was not accurate, she should be sitting beside me.

In He Mengying's living room full of petty bourgeois sentiments, the yamen always lie lazily on the couch as soon as they enter the door, allowing He Mengying to get busy.Under normal circumstances, she would make me a cup of Longjing tea, serve a cup of coffee or a glass of red wine herself, sit on the sofa near my head and slowly sip it, keeping her eyes on me. [

The most outstanding feature of He Mengying's face is her pair of eyes, with colorful expressions, extremely agile, and seems to be able to speak.

After I came two more times, I noticed a slight change, that is, there were two brocade piers on the couch. When I lay down, I could use these brocade piers as a pillow, which made me lie more comfortably.

This woman is a petty bourgeoisie, and she is quite careful.

I smiled and said, "It's okay to come here and sit blindly, I'm afraid of making mistakes."

He Mengying pursed her lips, and said disdainfully: "Stop pretending, you are hugging left and right now, maybe you don't even have the strength to make mistakes?"

She is in front of me.It has always been blocked by mouth.I'm used to it too.

I smiled: "I want to hug from left to right. But they won't let me!"

He Mengying was slightly surprised.Sexy red lips circle into an "o" shape.Surprised: "I didn't expect Liang Qiao to be so powerful. Can she control you?"

I knew she was mistaken.But he still replied: "It doesn't matter. The key is not how beautiful a woman is. It's how she treats her own man..."

"Yes. You are going to promote your theory of rebellious psychology again. It is said that the stricter a woman is, the more men want to cheat..."

He Mengying pouted again.

"Isn't it? The Great Leader taught that where there is oppression, there is resistance, and where there is more oppression, there is more resistance!"

"So, you didn't cheat because Liang Qiao took care of you very loosely?"

He Mengying came over and looked down at me with an expression of disbelief.

But her posture is too tempting, most of her snow-white breasts and deep cleavage can be seen at a glance, and because she is looking upside down, this feeling of oppression is particularly heavy.I had no choice but to lie on my side facing the tea table and avoid it.

He Mengying giggled, sat back down again, picked up the wine glass, and took a small sip.

"Gu Xianghong, is this person enough?"

I also took a sip from the teacup and asked casually.

He Mengying immediately put away her smile, and asked in surprise, "Why are you getting involved with him again?"

"It's not that I want to get involved with him, it's that he insists on getting involved with me!"

He Mengying didn't believe it: "Gu Xianghong is old and cunning, and he acts very prudently. You are a student at school, what's bothering him?"

"Hey, Mayor Gu may act prudently, but his younger brother is not a good bird!"

"You mean Gu Kai?"

I laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, Gu Kai is still a celebrity, even Sister Mengying knows him."

Xu Shi saw me laughing with "bad intentions", so He Mengying let out a "bah" and said disdainfully, "What the hell is Gu Kai? It's worth getting to know him? That's Chen Weixing, who used to mess around with him a lot, and the two of them have similar tastes .”

I smiled and said nothing.

This is a "sad thing" for others, so it's better not to pick it up indiscriminately.

"Why, he's playing with Yu Keqing again?"

"How do you know he must be playing Yu Keqing's idea?"

This woman is really smart, I couldn't help but feel admiration and gave her a thumbs up.

"Hmph, I don't know what kind of virtue he is? But I guess he didn't hit Liang Qiao's idea..."


"If he had planned on Liang Qiao, would you still be able to sit still? Have you already fought him hard?"

He Mengying said jokingly, kicked off her shoes, bent her legs behind her plump buttocks, leaned on the armrest of the sofa, and stared at me with interest.

I can't help but have a feeling of being seen through.

Whenever I am with He Mengying, I will have this feeling.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have taken a fancy to me at the first glance, and would have cooperated with me.Now it seems that her decision was more correct. In just two years, the property under her name has changed from a mere three and a half million to tens of millions, and the momentum of growth is getting faster and faster.

"I'm so impatient?"

"It's not a matter of being calm, it's a man's bottom line! No matter how well-bred a man is, once his bottom line is touched, he will go crazy!"

He Mengying spoke very firmly.

I have to admit that what she said made sense. [

It was really Liang Qiao who was threatened by the fake Gu Kai, I'm afraid that a murder has already occurred in Nanfang City at this time!

"Look at you, you have studied men thoroughly..."

I also joked with her.

"It's just a matter of gaining wisdom." He Mengying flattened her mouth and suddenly smiled slyly: "So, you and Yu Keqing are really innocent?"

I rewarded her boss with two sanitary balls.

Why is the behavior of this yamen so untrustworthy?

"Tell me, cause and effect!"

He Mengying smiled.

I lazily said something about it.

It would be a lie to say that I'm not angry about this matter, and it's not because Yu Keqing and I have no skin relationship, so I don't appear calm and let her be bullied.Instead, when he arrived at He Mengying's place, he couldn't help but relax his whole body, lying there comfortably, even unwilling to sit up, which really couldn't arouse his strong fighting spirit.

I don't know why, but this woman He Mengying has such charm.

In fact, He Mengying herself is very realistic and utilitarian, and she is very persistent in pursuing worldly things.

It can only be said that many things in the world are so wonderful that they cannot be explained clearly.I like this kind of feeling very much, so I tried my best to restrain myself. I just talked a few words and didn't really try to tease He Mengying, so as not to embarrass everyone and destroy this wonderful feeling.

He Mengying was very angry.

"This Yu Keqing is a beauty!"

I suddenly fainted.

Why is He Mengying's thinking always different?

"Hey, you are both women, isn't it too much for you to say that?"

"I said, you should get rid of her as soon as possible. This woman stays with you, and she can't eat. She always causes trouble for you. Sooner or later, she will cause big trouble."

I couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Miss, stop! Whatever you can eat and can't eat, please don't slander the pure friendship between our classmates!"

Seeing He Mengying like that, eager to try, she might want to pinch me very much.

"Don't move your hands

It's an officer, if you really do it, you have to lie down obediently! "

I quickly reminded her.

Two red clouds flew up on He Mengying's pure white cheeks.

Well, I accidentally said the wrong thing again.

It should be noted that the man and widow are now alone, living in the same room!

"Alright, alright, miss, I'm here to ask you for advice, not to listen to your struggle meeting!"

He Mengying held her back with her hand, thought for a while, and frowned her eyebrows, shaking her head: "Difficult! Gu Xianghong is the executive deputy mayor, and the only one who can get him is Uncle Wu. But Uncle Wu is not on the right track with him... As for other people, their level is too low to reach... hey, why don't we call the police?"

This time it was my turn to curl my lip.

He Mengying felt a little embarrassed.

Gu Kai said verbally that calling the police was nothing.If you really want to spread Yu Keqing's "inside story", you don't need Gu Kai to do it yourself. There are too many subordinates, and thousands of mouths are passed around. Who are the police looking for?

"Or, don't care about Gu Xianghong, let's make a decision on Gu Kai. Ask someone to check his company to see if they can find any flaws?"

He Mengying thought for a while and said.

"Knowing that he is leaning against Gu Xianghong, who dares to check him?"

"That's not the case. Although Gu Xianghong is the executive deputy mayor, it's not like no one in Nanfang City can move him."

This yamen also knows that the southern political arena must be similar to the officialdoms all over the country. It is impossible for the team to be monolithic, and Gu Xianghong must have opposition.As long as there is a pretext, there will always be people who want to use it to make a fuss.

I shook my head: "Not enough time. I heard from Pang Dahai that Gu Kai is very arrogant. He said that seven days is seven days. There is too little time to collect solid evidence."

Just find an excuse to report, it will be fruitless, it will only irritate Gu Kai and make him even more jealous.

"Then there is only peace!"

He Mengying said.

"I've tried."

He Mengying smiled and said, "The person you came forward with is wrong. I'll find someone to try."


"A deputy director of the Haijiang District Government Office, surnamed Zhu."

I frowned slightly: "Can Gu Kai buy it?"

Haijiang District is a sub-department-level shelf, the deputy director of the government office should be a department-level cadre, and the senior assistant is the deputy department. Gu Kai's brother is the executive deputy mayor.

He Mengying was a little annoyed: "Isn't there no other way? I can only give it a try."

I nodded.

Don't look at what Yu Keqing said in her mouth, when she really said it, she was willing to put in all her strength.Of course, this is mostly because of me.

She didn't say anything, but she knew that as a man, I couldn't swallow this tone no matter what.If they really want to fight Gu Kai to the death, it's not yet known who will win.He Mengying is very utilitarian, she has always disapproved of such unsure and unnecessary things.

"Looks like it's just a try. That's it, I have to go."

Then he turned over and sat up, and brought the tea.

He Mengying smiled and said: "The tea is cold, I'll make you another cup, drink it before leaving."

"Forget it, why don't you just give me some tea and make it yourself when you go back."

"Do not……"

He Mengying refused resolutely, with a hint of loneliness in her eyes.

My heart moved, and I immediately understood her mind.This tea is treasured by her, and I can only taste it if I come to the door in person.This is a bond and a tacit understanding.


I laughed, hiding my slight embarrassment.


Director Zhu came forward, but the result was still the same, or even worse.

Gu Kai gave Lao Zhu a face, and went to the dinner on time. At the wine table, the host and guest paid their respects without tearing their faces.But as soon as Director Zhu raised his head, he was distracted by Gu Kai with other words, and he didn't answer the question at all.

Director Zhu is a sensible person, seeing that Gu Kai has already made up his mind, he doesn't want to say much.After all, he is a deputy director of the district government office, so he has to look at other people's faces, doesn't he?

In the end, Gu Kai got drunk, patted Director Zhu on the shoulder and said, "Old Zhu, go back and tell your friend, keep your eyes bright and see whose territory Nanfang City is?"

The day after Director Zhu invited Gu Kai to dinner, members of the inspection brigade of the Haijiang District Taxation Bureau suddenly went to Phoenix Advertising Company to check the accounts.It is said that someone reported tax evasion to Phoenix Advertising Company.

Paying taxes in full and on time is my strict requirement for Qiaoer and all the companies under Xiaoqing.I've never thought about this tax idea, it's useless.Even though Pang Dahai is lustful, he would occasionally make a fool of himself, but he dared not go against my will when it comes to such matters.

He knows what I can tolerate and what I can't, and no matter how messed up it is, it doesn't touch my bottom line.

Therefore, Pang Dahai will take care of all government departments that are useful, but this tax bureau has never visited the "Shanmen".Since there is no plan to exempt people from taxation, there is no need to be a grandson.

The people from the inspection brigade spent a long time in the Phoenix Advertising Company, but of course they got nothing and left in defeat.But soon, rumors of tax evasion by Phoenix Advertising Company spread.Some very powerful big customers called to ask questions.I think there will be problems with the Phoenix advertisement, and I intend to cancel the order.

Nantian Advertising Company took advantage of the situation to win over these clients, and actually won him several important clients.

Pang Dahai was furious, clamoring to find someone to be Gu Kai!

Yu Keqing lowered her head, feeling very guilty. It seems that the responsibility for this matter rests on her.

"It's none of your business, Gu Kai planned this. His purpose is to suppress Phoenix advertising."

I leaned on the sofa and said to Yu Keqing slowly.

These words are not empty words to comfort, judging from the current situation, there may really be a shadow of Chen Weixing in this matter.Gu Kai got this excuse, and just took the opportunity to suppress Phoenix Advertisement, along with Yu Keqing.

Yu Keqing bit her lip and remained silent.

With my eyes slightly closed, I stretched out the index and middle fingers of my right hand, and slowly tapped on the armrest of the sofa.

This time, Gu Kai, this old boy, really pissed me off.

I originally wanted to calm things down, but the more you back down, the more people think you are a bully!

"Okay, since Gu Kai wants to play, I'll play with him!"

After a long time, I opened my eyes, and a coldness flashed in my eyes!

"Jun Shao, what are you going to do?"

Pang Dahai hurriedly asked, his voice full of expectation.He has followed me for many years and knows what I can do.Many things seem to be in a desperate situation, Jun Shao can often stand out as a surprise soldier, and the murderer is caught off guard.

"Gu Kai is right. We are dragons crossing the river, not tigers sitting on land. However, Nanfang City is not his family. An executive deputy mayor can't cover the sky of Nanfang City!"

I said lightly.

ps: If you guys are dissatisfied with the pie, you might as well smash the tickets over and knock the pie down!hehe!

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