Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 319 The Raiders Stand Out

Uncle, how are you doing? "

I called the capital, and I found Mr. Zhou.It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. I am familiar with my husband's temper, so I should have not rested yet.


The gentleman smiled and was in a good mood.

"You are sick, my head hurts." [

Mr. Zhou chuckled and asked, "Are you in trouble again?"

When I talk to others now, I feel more and more cloudy and foggy, which can be regarded as preparation for entering the agency in the future.But with Mr. Zhou, Yan Yucheng and his father, the three have always said something and never hesitated.

Right now, I was thinking about my wording, and briefly explained the matter to my husband, especially emphasizing the relationship between Yu Keqing and me, that is, ordinary classmates.This is very important, Mr. Zhi knows the relationship between me and Yan Fei.If there is a little misunderstanding, it will be very inconvenient.Naturally, when it comes to Yu Keqing's situation and Gu Kai's "shame", it is inevitable to add embellishments and use many adjectives.

"That Gu Kai, is it really so hateful?"

Mr. doesn't quite believe it.

It is expected that after he is rehabilitated.Even in a high position.Now it is even sideways in the temple.Although I don't want to be superior.Also not available.and the bottom of society.gradually became disconnected.Mr. Zai wants to come.A mere executive deputy mayor.How much energy can there be.To raise such a younger brother who "does not do evil"?

"Uncle, don't be too bureaucratic... I have already excused Gu Kai. This man is several times worse than I said!"

Talk to Mr. Zhou.I sometimes use my childhood tone naturally.Mr. has no heirs.For many years.He has always regarded me as his son.Even sometimes doting on me more than my dad.

The gentleman then chuckled: "Then what do you mean. Do you want me to do Bao Qingtian for you? Go and warn that Gu Kai. Tell him not to mess around?"

I also laughed and said, "Gu Kai, what the hell. Is it enough for Uncle to warn him?"

The gentleman laughed for a while.Said: "Okay. I will go to Nanfang City tomorrow."

I suddenly felt dizzy for a while.

no?Mr. Wang is now a senior official at the ministerial level, and he can often be a guest at the seat of the prime minister and deputy prime minister, and even the Politburo meeting is occasionally eligible to attend.For a mere Gu Kai, come to Nanfang City in person?And so urgent, tomorrow?

Hearing that I hadn't said a word in the microphone for a long time, Mr. smiled and said: "The Political Research Office is going to the province to do research, and I will lead the team. It is scheduled to leave in three days. Since you are in a hurry, I will leave two days in advance. Right. Originally, I wanted to call you again tomorrow, haha..."


In the afternoon of the next day, Nanfang City Airport.

A group of officials greeted Deputy Director Zhou and his party from the research team of the Political Research Office of the State Council at the airport.The leader is Chen Hao, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, in addition to Gu Xianghong, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Nanfang City, Executive Deputy Mayor, and responsible comrades such as the Provincial and Municipal Office, Political Research Office, etc.

The provincial officials put up such a big battle, not all for the sake of the Political Research Office of the State Council, but more for the "Zhou Yifei" three-character signboard.

When Mr. Zhou was the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, he was amazed at the accuracy of the policy.Articles published on Internal Reference can become the central policy almost every time.Such a person, now in the position of deputy director of the political research office, can imagine the degree of influence on the policy. [

That's all, it is said that the prime minister will often invite him to discuss some policy-level things.Of course, we don't know the specific content of the conversation, but just seeing the prime minister frequently is enough to make people vigilant.

How can you neglect the people around you?

Secretary Chen, Secretary Gu, and others waited inside the airport. Students of Huada University in this Yamen area naturally do not have the qualifications and can only wait outside the venue.

It doesn't matter.

It is estimated that Mr. and others will leave directly through the VIP passage. I am standing on the side of the road, and Mr. may not be able to see me.

It doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that my husband flew all the way from the capital to Nanfang City, no matter what, I have to meet him at the airport.This is the basic principle of being a human being.Of course, I still hope that when my husband's motorcade passes by, I can see his little disciple standing by the side of the road.

Finally, the long motorcade drove out from the airport VIP channel.

It started with a Santana police car, followed by a Crown 30, and after that, there were different models, most of which were famous imported cars.

At that time, there was no unified regulation on the specifications of the cars used by cadres, and the cars of the leaders were also different.In an inland province like Province N, the leaders' cars are not as luxurious as in a wealthy coastal province like Province N.Even as the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee and the head of one of the wealthiest cities in the province, my father still sat in an ordinary Santana.

However, the situation in the province and the southern city is naturally different. One is relatively rich and the finances are relatively loose, and the other is the coastal open area, where it is easier to buy imported cars, so a long list of imported famous cars.

The convoy was not moving very fast. When the Crown car passed by, the car was put down slowly. Mr. Qing's face was revealed, and he slightly waved his hand at me, showing a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which was very gratifying.

I also returned a bright smile.

After a glimpse, the convoy left slowly.

I walked briskly towards Santana, which was parked not far away.


That night, Mr. and his party stayed at Caiyun Hotel in Nanfang City.Lu Qingyun, secretary of the provincial party committee, and Huang, the governor of the province, went to the hotel to pay a visit to Mr. Wang in person, and the host and guest had a pleasant talk.

The husband revealed that this trip is mainly to investigate and investigate the province's trial implementation of land use rights transfer and transfer. In addition, the operation of joint ventures and social security issues are also included in the investigation and investigation.

Secretary Lu and Governor Huang looked solemn.

As the forefront of domestic reform and opening up, the province has three of the first four special economic zones. It has achieved fruitful results in recent years, and the annual growth rate of the total industrial and agricultural output value ranks first in the country.Especially in major cities like Nanfang City and Jiangkou City, the development is changing with each passing day.During this period, a large number of companies and factories started operations, which did not involve the transfer, transfer, development, utilization and operation of land use rights.But so far, the country has not issued a complete management method for state-owned land use rights, and the local governments are "crossing the river by feeling the stones".

In fact, in the process of reform and opening up, legislation lagged behind very seriously. In many cases, the lower provinces and cities have been operating in accordance with local regulations or "customs" for a long time, and national laws, regulations or policy provisions have only been introduced slowly. There have been many cases of "post-event violations".

The right to use state-owned land is one of the most sensitive topics. [

Director Zhou's visit may mean that the higher-ups are finally going to conduct legislative discussions on this issue.As the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor of the province, Lu Qingyun and Huang are naturally familiar with the situation of illegal land acquisition and approval below.Although Mr. Zhou's words are extremely polite and euphemistic, it is just an investigation and research, but the results of this investigation are absolutely

It should be sent to the desk of the head of the central government.

Now is an extraordinary period, Lu Qingyun and Huang are particularly cautious.

Being in a high position is certainly a high position and weight, but it is also extremely cold.If you are not careful, if you make a mistake, you will lose everything.The higher the status, the less able to bear the pain of failure.


With the strong support and cooperation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the Nanfang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the investigation team of the Political Research Office went smoothly in the provincial inspection.The husband's itinerary is to first inspect Nanfang City, then Jiangkou City, and then other cities. It takes about ten days to half a month, covering all important cities in the coastal areas of the province.The investigation time arranged by Nanfang City was the longest, which was three days.

Three days later, the research team will report the results of the survey to the main responsible persons of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Nanfang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in the conference hall of the Caiyun Hotel.

On the second day of the inspection, the research team came to Nantian Group.

The investigation unit originally planned by the research team did not have the name of Nantian Group.This was added by Mr.

After the first day of inspection, Secretary Li of the Nanfang Municipal Committee and Mayor Wei of the Municipal Government personally accompanied him, had dinner at the Caiyun Hotel, and then went to visit the husband in his room.

This kind of visit is purely courtesy, the host and guest sit down, chat and gossip, and the time will not be too long.After all, Director Zhou personally led the inspection team. After a hard day, he should rest early.

The guest and the host chatted happily. While they were talking, the secretary of the husband came in to report the itinerary of the next day's inspection.This was discussed with Nanfang City long ago. Secretary Li and Mayor Wei have already laid out an itinerary on their desks.Secretary, this is just a formality.

After quietly listening to the secretary's report on the itinerary for the next day, the husband did not nod as expected, but frowned slightly, lost in thought.Secretary Li and Mayor Wei were taken aback for a moment, their hearts pounding.

What, have things changed?

This is not a joke.

The unit that the research team of the Political Research Office is going to investigate has naturally made careful preparations for it.Just like today, the results of the investigation are still very satisfactory, and both Secretary Li and Mayor Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

However, if Director Zhou suddenly changes his itinerary and goes to inspect companies that have not been included in the list, problems will arise.No one can guarantee that there will be no accidents in the investigation.

In addition, Director Zhou is a ministerial-level official, and security work is also very important. If the inspection route is temporarily changed, the Municipal Public Security Bureau must also prepare in advance to avoid accidents.

"Tomorrow's itinerary will be changed, and we will first inspect the Nantian Group."

The gentleman pondered for a while, then said slowly.


The secretary didn't ask any more questions, picked up a pen and added the words "Nantian Group" in the notebook.

"What instructions does the director have?"

Mr. slightly waved his hand.

The secretary backed out.

Secretary Li and Mayor Wei looked at each other with surprise on their faces.It's just that Secretary Li's eyebrows are worried, and Mayor Wei's mouth is slightly smiling.Mr. glanced out of the corner of his eye, and his heart was bright.

It is expected that the backstage boss of Nantian Group, the executive deputy mayor Gu Xianghong who picked him up at the airport yesterday should be Secretary Li's person, maybe it is a pawn that Secretary Li placed in the city government to restrain Mayor Wei.

Nanfang City is a sub-provincial city, and the secretary and mayor are all at the vice-ministerial level.The two are also about the same age, both in their early 50s.The leading cadres with real power at the deputy ministerial level in this age group belonged to the young and strong group at the time, similar to Yan Yucheng, the 51-year-old deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.Both belong to a bright future.

Secretary Li laughed before saying anything, and tentatively said, "Director Zhou, Nantian Group is a Sino-foreign joint venture..."

Right now is an extraordinary period, and some foreign capital is withdrawing, so Sino-foreign joint ventures are the key protection objects.What Secretary Li said was to ask Director Zhou to think carefully.

The gentleman smiled slightly, took out a cigarette, and gave it to Secretary Li and Mayor Wei.Mayor Wei shook his hand in a hurry, but Secretary Li took it with a smile, and jokingly said to Mayor Wei: "Mayor, do you want to avoid it for a while, so as not to smoke you..."

Mayor Wei smiled and said, "Okay, I'll avoid it for a while."

He actually got up and walked out.

The gentleman didn't stop him, but before Mayor Wei went out, he said: "Before I came, someone talked to me about the serious phenomenon of illegal land acquisition and granting by Nantian Group in real estate development..."

Secretary Li's smile became a little stiff.

The gentleman put the cigarette in his mouth, and Secretary Li quickly lit him up.

Not to mention the position, but the age and reputation in the academic world of Mr. can also be worthy of this ceremony.

"The content of our investigation this time also includes the operation of Sino-foreign joint ventures. The Prime Minister is very concerned about this issue."

The gentleman took a puff of cigarette and said slowly.

Mayor Wei gently closed the door with a smug smile on his face.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, the huge office on the top floor of Nantian Building was still brightly lit.Gu Xianghong, deputy secretary of the Nanfang Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor, stood in front of the big landing with his hands behind his back, biting his cheeks.

The bosses of Nantian Group, Gu Tonghui and Gu Kai, stood behind him, looking at each other, not daring to say anything.

Gu Xianghong has been standing like this for ten minutes.

Mayor Gu drove here by himself, neither the secretary nor the driver brought him.

Whenever there is a big event, the elder brother has such an attitude.

"Brother, what happened?"

In the dead silence, Gu Kai finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"Tomorrow, people from the research team of the Policy Research Office of the State Council will come to Nantian Group for investigation!"

Gu Xianghong finally turned around with a calm expression on his face.

Gu Kai breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I thought it was such a big deal, I just came to investigate, it's not..."

Gu Xianghong stared at him, and Gu Kai was so frightened that he fell silent.

Gu Tonghui is naturally far from being comparable to Gu Kai's idiot. He frowned when he heard what his elder brother said: "The Policy Research Office of the State Council? Who leads the team?"

"Deputy Director Zhou Yifei."

Gu Tonghui was taken aback: "Is that the Propaganda Minister from Province N?"

Gu Xianghong nodded.

"What are they investigating?"

"The assignment and transfer of state-owned land use rights."

Gu Xianghong said coldly.

Gu Tonghui suddenly took a breath.

"I heard from Secretary Li that the name of Nantian Group was not originally on the itinerary of old man Zhou and the others. Old man Zhou added it temporarily. Secretary Li also said that before old man Zhou came, someone had chatted with him. Nantian Group There is a serious problem of illegal land acquisition..."

Gu Tonghui's face turned livid.

Gu Kai's face was earthy.

"Brother, do you know who is behind the scenes?"

Gu Xianghong frowned and shook his head.

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