Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 39 Division of Labor

It took a while for Zhou Peiming to read the organizational decision of the Land Revolutionary Committee, and both Yan Yucheng and his father were dizzy.

In the blink of an eye, the old hen turns into a duck!Already dizzying.Now, in the blink of an eye, the old hen has turned into a white swan. The two new chief and deputy directors of the County Revolutionary Committee are not like Comrade Fan Jin, who was in the Zhongju Examination, who was obsessed with phlegm.

After the appointment document was announced, the tone of the conversation changed.

Long Tiejun became serious. On the contrary, Zhou Peiming, who had always been indifferent, revealed a bit of intimacy.Only Qian Jianjun is still stable.He is a cadre from the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for investigation. He was appointed by a cadre in the Baozhou area and has little to do with him.Through the conversation with Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai, he basically understood what he needed.The Baozhou area also clearly showed its attitude through this paper appointment.After Qian Jianjun returned to Beijing, he could submit a very clear survey answer sheet to his superiors.

After being stunned for a while, Yan Yucheng remembered that he should explain a few words on the occasion. [

"Director Long, Director Zhou, Team Leader Qian, I think... I'm still lacking in ability, and I'm not suitable for such an important leadership position. Please reconsider this appointment..."

Dad also hurriedly said humbly: "Yes, Director Long, Director Zhou, Team Leader Qian, I used to do technical work, and it hasn't been long since I switched to administrative work, so I'm afraid I won't be able to handle such a heavy burden..."

Long Tiejun smiled slightly, and said solemnly: "Comrades Yan Yucheng and Comrade Liu Jincai, as a party member and cadre, it is right to be modest and cautious. But don't be too modest. Our revolutionary committee made this decision after careful consideration. You should Believe in the vision of the organization, and you should also believe in your own ability, too much humility is equal to pride... I believe that you will be able to live up to the trust of the organization and take care of the work in Xiangyang County."

"Yes, there have been some deviations in the work of Xiangyang County some time ago, especially the political propaganda work... The original county revolutionary committee team is responsible. For this reason, the local revolutionary committee decided to adjust Comrades Wang Benqing and Zheng Xingyun, as well as Cui Xiuhe For the work of comrades, to promote you two comrades to such important leadership positions, Director Long and I have high hopes for you!"

Zhou Peiming said with a smile, and incidentally pointed out the transfer of Wang Benqing, Zheng Xingyun and Cui Xiuhe.

Yan Yucheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Since he was appointed as the leader of Xiangyang County, and Liu Jincai was appointed as the deputy director and head of propaganda, the transfer of Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe was inevitable.But Zheng Xingyun was also transferred away, which was beyond his expectation.Zheng Xingyun has been operating in Xiangyang County for many years, and his influence cannot be underestimated.He, Yan Yucheng, has just taken over the position. If there is such a strong deputy, the work will not be easy to carry out.It seems that the Land Revolutionary Committee has made a great determination to fully support his work.

"Yes, we must work hard and never disappoint the trust of the superior organization and the two directors."

"Well, it's good to have such determination. Comrade Yucheng, you have worked in Xiangyang County for many years and have a lot of experience. I and other comrades in the Regional Revolutionary Committee are very relieved that you are in charge of the work of Xiangyang County. Jincai Although Comrade has not been in the administrative leadership position for a long time, he has a good theoretical foundation, and it should not be a problem to focus on propaganda work. Team Leader Qian of the Central Propaganda Department is also there. If you have any difficulties in propaganda work in the future, you can ask Team Leader Qian for more instructions and report Well... Team Leader Qian, you are a big intellectual from Beijing, don't hide your secrets, please give us some advice on the work at the grassroots level, haha..."

Team Leader Qian nodded with a smile: "Director Long is too modest. The political propaganda work in the Baozhou area has been done very well. The leading comrades of the Central Propaganda Department have repeatedly named and praised them at the meetings of the Ministry..."

Yan Yucheng and his father finally had a little understanding of their extraordinary promotion.

After the conversation, Long Tiejun actually decided to personally send the two new directors back to Xiangyang County to take up their posts.

Originally, personnel adjustments have always been kept secret, and often gossip has been flying all over the sky before the parties have received definite information.But this personnel adjustment was too sudden. Not only was there no news in advance, even after the appointment decision was announced, the heads of Xiangyang County, big and small, were also ignorant.

The original third-in-command Tang Haitian received an emergency notice from the region, saying that Director Long was about to come to Xiangyang County to inspect the work, and asked him to immediately call all the deputy directors of the county revolutionary committee and the main leaders of the county-level organizations in the county revolutionary committee meeting room. waiting.

Two hours later, two cars from the Regional Revolutionary Committee drove into the compound of the Revolutionary Committee in Xiangyang County. Tang Haitian didn't know what happened.It wasn't until he saw Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai walking closely behind Long Tiejun, one left and one right, that he suddenly seemed to understand something.

The accompanying organization minister of the Land Revolutionary Committee read out the appointment decision of the Land Revolutionary Committee at the cadre meeting.

It was so sudden.

Before that, Wang Benqing decided to double-play against Yan Yucheng and Liu Jin today.

It wasn't until Long Tiejun coughed lightly that everyone woke up like a dream and applauded one after another. [

The personnel adjustment in Xiangyang County was beyond the imagination of most people. Not only did it happen suddenly, but it was also very large. One guy removed the original first and second in command and the fourth deputy director, and sent two people who were about to be dismissed from public office The shock to Xiangyang County can be imagined that the grassroots cadres who "made mistakes" who were expelled from the party were promoted exceptionally.It can be said that the Baozhou Regional Revolutionary Committee used thunderous means, and Long Tiejun personally came to suppress the battle, clearly expressing the determination of the Baozhou Regional Revolutionary Committee.

With the Long Tie Army in charge, there will naturally be no troubles.Long Tiejun implemented "everyone passes the customs", and all the deputy directors of the county revolutionary committee expressed their opinions one by one, expressing their firm support for the decision of the local revolutionary committee and fully supporting the work of Comrades Yan Yucheng and Comrades Liu Jincai.

The meeting lasted for almost two hours. Long Tiejun finally gave an important speech and encouraged everyone before leaving with a smile.

All members of the county revolutionary committee lined up in front of the county revolutionary committee compound to watch Director Long's car drive away.Yan Yucheng turned around, his resolute eyes slowly swept over the faces of everyone, and said with a smile: "Don't be too hard, comrades, let's continue the meeting!"

The tone is not harsh, but there is no doubt about it.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded silently.

Although it is an exceptional promotion, Yan Yucheng's qualifications are actually very old. Before the Cultural Revolution, he had already served as the director of the Agricultural Bureau at the official level.If there hadn't been ten years of turmoil, with his education and ability, he would have been promoted to this position long ago.This is probably one of the reasons why the Baozhou area dared to appoint him as the head of the county revolutionary committee.

In officialdom, seniority has always been very important.

Those deputy directors, from Tang Haitian down, dared to call themselves old leaders in front of him.In fact, there are two junior deputy directors who have to be named Yan Yucheng as the old leader.

I just don't know that the new director of the County Revolutionary Committee is in a hurry to hold a meeting, and what major issues need to be decided.

As soon as the eight directors and deputy directors sat down in the meeting room, Yan Yucheng said frankly: "This time, the leadership team of our County Revolutionary Committee has adjusted a lot. Many tasks need to be re-planned and arranged. Let's discuss the division of labor."

This is too urgent, right?

The coping smiles on everyone's faces disappeared.Team division of labor is a serious issue.Once the two powerful figures Wang Benqing and Zheng Xingyun were transferred away, a huge gap appeared in the power structure of Xiangyang County.Although the emperor and the courtiers once faced the actual distribution of power, no one wanted to let it go carelessly.

All eyes were on Yan Yucheng.

Yan Yucheng unceremoniously took the seat that Long Tiejun sat just now, which was also the seat that Wang Benqing sat in before.Then he pointed to the vacant seat on the left and said to Dad: "Jin Cai, sit here."

This position used to belong to Zheng Xingyun.

Tang Haitian's complexion changed, and the other deputy directors also moved their buttocks a little uneasily.

Yan Yucheng's meaning was very clear, that is, Liu Jincai was to replace Zheng Xingyun's second-in-command position.It's all for others, Tang Haitian will inevitably feel dissatisfied.You, Yan Yucheng, are officially appointed as the head of the Land Revolutionary Committee, and everyone can talk about it.According to the order of ranking, since Zheng Xingyun was transferred, Tang Haitian, who was ranked third, should take advantage of the trend.Liu Jincai is an upstart who has just been promoted from the deputy department level, how can he be so presumptuous?

It's just that everyone hasn't recovered from today's change, and they are frightened by the power of Long Tiejun personally pressing the formation. Although they are unhappy, they can only tolerate it temporarily.Let's see what Yan Yucheng said.

Dad was originally sitting at the end, but when he heard this, he nodded slightly, picked up his teacup and walked over without hesitation.Now is not the time to be polite.

After his father sat down, Yan Yucheng glanced from left to right, and every deputy director who met his gaze smiled and nodded, even Tang Haitian was no exception.

The prestige of the new leader was gradually established in this exchange of voices. [


As soon as Yan Yucheng opened his mouth, everyone couldn't help but straighten their backs.

Yan Yucheng nodded slightly, quite satisfied with everyone's performance.

"Comrade Cui Xiuhe's work has been clearly taken over by Comrade Liu Jincai from the Regional Revolutionary Committee. We obey the decision of our superiors, so there is no need to discuss this. The organization and personnel work that Comrade Zheng Xingyun is in charge of will be taken care of by me first. The division of labor of other comrades will be done temporarily. No change. Do you have any comments on this arrangement?"


To be honest, Yan Yucheng's arrangement is also reasonable. The organization and personnel originally belonged to the second in command, and the power is very heavy. Yan Yucheng has just taken office, so it is reasonable for him to arrest him for the time being.The other deputy directors did not suffer any losses.Everyone is not in a hurry to express their opinions, probably because they care about Dad's ranking, and they also want to share some benefits from this unexpected change.After all, both Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai used to be their subordinates.

Yan Yucheng picked up the teacup, took a sip, glanced from left to right again, and finally stayed on Tang Haitian's face.

Tang Haitian's face turned hot, he coughed, and said, "I have no objection, I agree with Director Yan's arrangement."

As soon as Tang Haitian made his statement, the other deputy directors immediately seconded his opinion.The new official took office three fires, and he even moved Director Long of the Land Revolutionary Committee, squeezing out the three most powerful roles, Wang Benqing, Zheng Xingyun, and Cui Xiuhe overnight, so it's better not to confront each other.The days are still long, as long as you have a good relationship with Yan Yucheng, it may not have much impact on your own interests.

Many years later, I visited Qian Jianjun, then secretary of a provincial party committee, as a junior and as an investor.During the chat, I learned some inside stories about this inexplicable change.

Qian Jianjun told me that the extraordinary promotion of Yan Yucheng and his father was entirely due to the contest between the two ideological systems.At that time, a central boss who strongly supported the idea of ​​"practice tests the truth" named Yan Yucheng and his father in a very important meeting.It is very commendable to say that these two grassroots comrades persisted in exploring the truth under tremendous pressure and were not afraid of power.It is pointed out that the three theories of "Seeking Truth from Facts" are well-founded and come from the accumulation of practical work, which is a perfect interpretation of the idea of ​​"testing the truth through practice".Such comrades should be promoted and reused, so that they have more opportunities to get in touch with practical work and obtain more theoretical basis.

Entrusted by the central leadership comrade, Qian Jianjun made a special trip to Baozhou area.When Qian Jianjun learned that Yan Yucheng and his father had been criticized and punished by the leaders of Xiangyang County because they insisted on seeking truth from facts, they were even quarantined for inspection. He was shocked and immediately reported to the central leader.The leaders of the central government were very angry, and they personally talked with the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of N Province and Long Tiejun on the phone.I don't know the details of the phone call, but I can guess from the rapid response of the Baozhou area.

ps: Defeat Dongfang Bubai, defeat Yue Buqun!Resolutely do not practice "Sunflower Treasure"!Adhere to 8k per day, one in the morning and one in the evening.Ladies and gentlemen, it's not easy for a newcomer, how about a moment?sweat!

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