"Director Liu, congratulations!"

As soon as Liu Jincai stepped into the house, Liu Jun smiled and joked.

As soon as Long Tiejun left in the afternoon, Yan Yucheng continued to hold a division of labor meeting, and someone in trouble called the Hongqi Commune. Zhang Mulin and several deputy directors were stunned when they heard this shocking turn of events.After hearing the news, Director Zhou and other young cadres who admired Liu Jincai immediately rode their bicycles, and Fei Yeruo rushed to Liujiashan to report the good news.The whole Liujia Mountain was boiling, and Ruan Bixiu, who had been sulking at home for several days and never went to work at the Lotus Commune, refused to believe that such a good thing would happen. []


Liu Jincai scolded his son, with a smile on his brows and eyes, and told Ruan Bixiu to quickly arrange a place for the driver to stay. [

After the division of labor meeting, it was already dark.What Yan Yucheng meant was that Liu Jincai should stay in the hostel for one night, and then move back to Liujiashan the next day.Liu Jin Caiya didn't want to go to the guest house to relive the feeling of "quarantine inspection", so she shook her head and refused.Yan Yucheng didn't force it.

Now that Liu Jincai is the number one deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, Chen Songhua, the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee Office in charge of the organization's logistics, naturally wants to curry favor.His backer, Zheng Xingyun, had been transferred out of Xiangyang County, and he expected to go to the County Transportation Bureau to take over as the director of the bureau, and it would be a waste of time.Immediately arranged a jeep to take Liu Jincai back to Liujiashan, and asked the driver to spend the night in Liujiashan so that he could pick up Director Liu and go back to work in the county the next day.After working in the agency for so long, Chen Songhua still has this wink.

The driver followed Liu Jincai into the house, and said with a busy smile, "Auntie, don't worry, it's still early..."

The jeep driver was also in his twenties and thirty, and he called Aunt Ruan Bixiu very smoothly, without any awkwardness.

Once you become an official, your seniority will grow immediately.

Liu Jun originally wanted to make a joke, but swallowed it back.There are a lot of specialties in being a "yamen". You can't really become a domineering, tricky and mean yamen, can you?Like Xiao Gao in "Water Margin", he will be hated to death.

The room was full of people, the fifth uncle Liu Jinwen, the seventh uncle Liu Jinping, and the head of the Liujiashan team Ruan Chengsheng had arrived early and waited for Liu Jin before returning home.

Curiosity is something that everyone has.

Apart from congratulating Liu Jincai, everyone wanted to know how this trick changed.

It's just that even Liu Jincai himself is a little unclear.Although I have some guesses in my heart, how can I do it accurately?He is now one of the most important people in the county, and he also knows that it is a taboo in the officialdom to speculate on the meaning of his superiors, and it is forbidden to speak casually.

Facing the eager eyes of Fifth Brother and others, Liu Jincai could only vaguely talk about the situation in Baozhou Regional Revolutionary Committee today.But for Liu Jinwen and the others, it was enough.The first and second leaders in the region, as well as the "big officials" from the central government, personally received Jincai. What kind of honor is that?

Liu Jinwen nodded frequently, and when he saw Liu Jincai showing a little tired look, he stood up and greeted everyone to go back to their rooms.

"Let's all go back, Jincai has been tired all day, go to bed early... Jincai, when will you move to the county?"

"Tomorrow and the day after..."

The driver interjected, "Director Liu, the director of the office, Chen Songhua, told me that a truck will be sent to help you move tomorrow."

"Okay, Jincai, when the car arrives, I'll ask someone to carry your things for you."

"Thank you fifth brother."

"What are you thankful for? These youngsters are all your nephews and juniors, so thank you for your efforts?"

Seeing that Liu Jincai still respected him so much, Liu Jinwen felt very comfortable. [

There was a hustle and bustle, and finally all the guests came back, and the driver also went to Liu Jinwen's house to rest, and the whole family sat down around the table, and the grandma smiled and brought out several bowls of noodles, each with a poached egg, There are a few pieces of green onion floating in the air.

Liu Jun picked up a noodle, and put it in his mouth in no hurry, looking thoughtful.

Liu Jincai patted his head lovingly, and said with a smile, "Xiaojun, what are you thinking?"

"Dad, you said that deputy team leader Qian came from what unit in Beijing?"

"The deputy head of the Theoretical Dynamics Group of the Central Propaganda Department is called Qian Jianjun."

Liu Jun tried his best to search in his mind, and seemed to have some impressions. A few years later, in the early 90s, this deputy team leader Qian would become the secretary of the provincial party committee of a certain province in Central South.But there is no need to mention this to Liu Jincai for the time being, just let him not break the line.

"Dad, the new official took office, isn't he confused?"

Liu Jun had a hippie smile.

Ruan Bixiu said angrily, "This kid, why are you talking to your father? It's not big or small."

Liu Jincai was slightly taken aback, but he was less and less treating his son as an ordinary brat. Every time he discussed something with Mr. Zhou Yan Yucheng, Liu Jun would either keep silent, or almost hit the mark when he spoke.

"Has the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee assigned work?"

Before Liu Jincai answered, Ruan Bixiu asked strangely: "Xiao Jun, how do you know these things?"

"Hehe, I study with Mr. Zhou every day. When he is free, he tells me these things. He said that my father will become an official in the future. Maybe I can help if I know more."

Liu Jun lied casually without even turning red.

Ruan Bixiu smiled and said: "Mr. Zhou is not a god, how do you know that your father will definitely be a high-ranking official?"

"Isn't Mr. Zhou a god? He has been transferred to an administrative cadre for more than a year, and he climbed up to the second-in-command position in Xiangyang County. In a few years, our family may move to Baozhou City Living."

"Kids, don't talk nonsense."

Liu Jincai glared, but couldn't hide the smug look on his face.

"The deputy director of the county divides the work, and I am mainly responsible for the propaganda work."

Liu Jun nodded: "That's right."

"What's wrong? Zheng Xingyun has also been transferred, so who will be in charge of the organization and personnel?"

Ruan Bixiu has been an administrative cadre much longer than Liu Jincai, but he knows which one has the most power. [

"Director Yan is temporarily in charge. My division of labor is designated by the region."

Liu Jun smiled and said, "As far as I can tell, there is no job in Xiangyang County that is more important than political propaganda."

Liu Jin nodded.

He and Yan Yucheng's unconventional promotion this time is undoubtedly due to the glory of those three articles.Without the three essays on "Seeking Truth from Facts", there would be no such deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee as him.

"Dad, you and Uncle Yan were promoted to such an important position with three articles this time, not just for reward. Seeing that the collision of the two thought systems is inevitable, you two celebrities in the theoretical field You can’t let your superiors down, you have to work hard.”

Now that he has spoken, Liu Jun no longer has any scruples, he must speak thoroughly.

Ruan Bixiu wondered, "Mr. Zhou taught you this too?"

Liu Jun simply rolled his eyes at his mother and boss: "Mom, you underestimate your son, don't you? How can someone else teach you about this? You just need to use your brain more."

Ruan Bixiu was angry and funny at the same time.

"Ah, your wings are stiff, dare to talk to mother like that? Be careful to spank your ass."

Liu Jun is not afraid of these words at all. In the memory of two lifetimes, my mother has never been willing to touch her little finger.


Early the next morning, the Jiefang brand truck sent by the County Revolutionary Committee Office roared into Liujiashan, and a few strong young men jumped out of the car, saying that Director Chen ordered them to move Director Liu.

Ruan Bixiu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

There are many things, but few of them can be put on the table.They are all old-fashioned household items, which can be regarded as high-end goods in the countryside, but they are really shabby when they are moved into the compound of the County Revolutionary Committee.

Liu Jincai was very calm.Most of the cadres at that time paid attention to integrity and integrity. The so-called corruption was just a few chickens and a few catties of meat.

Liu Jinwen had already called more than a dozen young men from the clan house to stand ready.

There are many people and strength, and everyone shouted, and within an hour, all the things were loaded onto the car.

"Father, mother, you should live with us in the county. Jincai and I both have to go to work, and there is no one to take care of the children."

Last night, Ruan Bixiu had been working for her grandparents for a long time, but the two old people couldn't leave their homeland, and they couldn't worry about their uncle, so they shook their heads and refused, saying that they were not used to life in the city and preferred to be more comfortable in the countryside.

Now Ruan Bixiu couldn't help repeating the old story.

Grandpa said with a smile: "You go first, we will come to see you in a while."

Grandma wiped her tears, hugged Liu Jun and kissed again and again, and then watched everyone get into the jeep wistfully.

After hearing the news, the villagers of Liujiashan rushed to see him off, and some relatives who were close to the family also brought eggs and bacon.Liu Jincai thanked them one by one, saying that he would accept them well, but he would never accept the things.

When the jeep started slowly, more than 200 people, young and old, came to see us off.Through the door, looking at the familiar and simple faces, as strong as Liu Jincai, I couldn't help but get red eyes.The three sisters cried even more.

Liu Jun was also very reluctant, but his 40-year-old mental age made him forget what it was like to cry.

I remember that in my previous life, I left Liujiashan to study in the county when I was seven years old. In the future, during winter and summer vacations, my parents would take care of me, and my siblings would still go back to Liujiashan for a short stay.

This parting is different, and the bright prospect of going to Xiangyang County to be a "yamen" somewhat dilutes some of the sorrow of parting.

It was almost noon when the truck arrived at the compound of the County Revolutionary Committee.

The compound of the County Revolutionary Committee was located in Qingshanling, Xiangyang Town, which was a relatively remote area at that time.Xiangyang Town is not big, with no more than four miles in length and width. It is a typical small town in an inland province with a relatively dense population. The relatively prosperous area is the old city that existed before liberation.However, the streets of the old city are narrow and the buildings are messy.When the county was established in [-], the compound of the county party committee and county government could not be placed in the old street, so it was built to the Qingshanling in the northwest corner.Due to the sluggish pace of economic development, the construction of the county seat is also very lagging behind. In the past two decades, apart from the construction of some government office buildings near Qingshanling, the commercial area is still located in the old street area.The area around Qingshanling seemed relatively deserted.

However, the compound of the County Revolutionary Committee has basically maintained the original appearance of the Qingshan Mountains, with green trees, birds flying and warblers dancing, which is a bit of a paradise, but it is very suitable for living.

The director and deputy director of the county revolutionary committee all live in the standing committee courtyard.

The so-called Standing Committee Court, of course, cannot be a villa, but two three-story dormitory buildings, each unit has three bedrooms and one living room, with a living area of ​​about 90 square meters, with bathrooms and kitchens.After the [-]s, this kind of housing may not be attractive to urban white-collar workers.But at that time, the house with kitchen and bathroom was the only one in Xiangyang County, so there was no semicolon.

The ordinary dormitory building in the county revolutionary committee compound was the most common tube building in China at that time. Residents on the first floor shared two or three kitchens and bathrooms.The corridors and aisles are full of briquettes and sundries, making them very messy.

By the beginning of the 21st century, in some decent towns, almost all such tube buildings have become relics.

When Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai took office in Xiangyang County, the jobs of the former first, second and fourth leaders of Xiangyang County were also settled.Wang Benqing was transferred to be the director of the Industrial Bureau of Baozhou District, and Zheng Xingyun was transferred to be the deputy director of the Office of the Prefectural Revolutionary Committee. Of course, the real power is not comparable to that in Xiangyang County. Makes sense.Cui Xiuhe was miserable, and was transferred to the deputy head of the regional health and epidemic prevention station (enjoying deputy county regiment level treatment), which meant relegation was very obvious.

Things happened in a hurry, and several of their households had not had time to move out.Therefore, Yan Yucheng and his father were temporarily arranged in the No. [-] dormitory building behind.Although there is no big difference from the previous No. [-] dormitory building in terms of lighting degree and usable area, the meaning is different.

Chen Songhua repeatedly explained that Director Yan and Director Liu would be arranged to live in Building No. [-] as soon as Director Wang and the others moved out.

Yan Yucheng's family is in the county seat, so it is convenient to move.According to Yan Yucheng's intention, there was no rush to move at first, and it would not be too late to move after Wang Benqing and the others left.But his wife, Xieying, refused and clamored to move immediately.About the sudden wealth and honor, Xie Ying couldn't wait.Yan Yucheng has always followed his wife's temper in these small matters, so he didn't stop her.

When Liu Jincai's family arrived, his family had basically settled down.

Moving to the compound of the County Revolutionary Committee, Liu Jun hopes to have an independent room.When I walked to the third unit on the second floor, I knew it was a bit difficult.Three rooms and one living room, what Ruan Bixiu meant was that the couple lived in one room, the second sister and the third sister lived in one room, and Liu Jun was also asked to live with the eldest sister.The eldest sister will turn 17 this year, so she is considered an adult.Ruan Bixiu felt that she could take care of Liu Jun instead of herself.

However, with my 40-year-old mentality, it is really inconvenient to live in the same room with my eldest sister.

"Mom, I want to live in a room by myself."

And no matter how difficult it is, let's talk about it first.

Ruan Bixiu immediately dismissed it: "No. I don't worry if you won't sleep with a quilt at night."

"Who said that? I've never kicked the quilt."

"No way, no way. You live with Huazi."

Liu Jun rolled his eyes, turned his head and said to his father, "Dad, I have to study English and Russian at night, and my eldest sister is about to take the university entrance exam. We will influence each other when we live together."

Liu Jincai looked at his son, and Liu Jun immediately showed a pleading expression.

"Okay. I think it's okay. Ask Huazi, Yezi and Xiaoyan to share a room. It's convenient for a girl's house. Just make a double bed."

Liu Jin thought about it and said to Ruan Bixiu.

Perhaps it was Liu Jincai who became the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee. Ruan Bixiu took care of his face, hesitated for a moment, and then reluctantly nodded.

Hehe, it's really great!Liu Jun was so happy that he almost jumped up.

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