Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 44 Call for Papers

As soon as I walked into the house, I was thinking about how to deal with my mother's questioning, when I was choked by the thick smoke in the room and coughed a few times.Upon closer inspection, the living room was full of guests.Zhang Mulin and the two deputy directors of the Hongqi Commune were present.It seems that they are all old colleagues of my father in Hongqi Commune.

It's normal for old colleagues to suddenly become famous, and it's normal for everyone to come to chat with each other to chat about family affairs and get closer.

Recalling the embarrassment of being choked and coughed when I first entered the door, I can't help feeling a little ashamed.I, an old smoker, have not touched cigarettes for nearly two years due to the situation after I came back from time travel, and I gradually got used to it.It would be a good thing to not be addicted to smoking in this life.It's just that as a super smoker, I never thought that one day I would be choked by smoke.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

As soon as these words came out, the guests were a little embarrassed and got up to leave.No, patronizing the chat made Director Liu hungry.I don't dislike Zhang Mulin and the other cadres of the Hongqi Commune. It's not that I deliberately chased them away, but I was really hungry, and I didn't think too much about it for a while. [

Dad naturally wanted to stay, Zhang Mulin and the others all smiled and resigned.

At that time, there were no mobile phones, and my father had just moved into Building No. [-], and he hadn't had time to install a phone yet. It was impossible to make an appointment in advance, and almost all the visits to the leadership's house were uninvited guests.I'm already very embarrassed to waste Director Liu's precious time, how can I stay for dinner in such a ignorant manner?

Seeing the guest go out, I suddenly remembered something and hurriedly chased him out.

"Uncle Zhang, please stay."

Zhang Mulin immediately turned around and said with a smile, "Xiao Jun, what's the matter?"

Others also stopped, smiling and looking at me.

Although this child is young, he is now a member of the Yamen, so it is not easy to neglect him.

I swept my eyes across the faces of the others, hesitating not to speak.Those people thought that Director Liu had something to say to Director Zhang through my mouth, so they all took a few steps forward wisely, and distanced themselves.

"Uncle Zhang, Fang Wenti is your relative, right?"

"Well, it's a cousin. Why, is there something wrong with him?"

Zhang Mulin didn't know what I meant by asking this question, and like everyone else, he thought that Dad had something to tell him.I just don't know what has something to do with Fang Wenti.

I smiled: "It's nothing. When I was in Hongqi Commune, he took good care of me. I am very grateful to him."

Zhang Mulin breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "He's older, he should be."

"Receive the favor of dripping water from others, and repay it with a spring."

I shook my head and threw out an idiom.

"He has inconvenient legs and feet, and I want to help him too."

Zhang Mulin became interested: "Xiaojun, how are you going to help him?"

I smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang, I'm a child, so I don't have the ability to help him. I just want to ask you to help me find a shop for him in the old street and open his repair shop on the street. Some income."

Zhang Mulin was startled: "This...is this Director Liu's meaning?" [

I smiled: "No, it's just me who thinks so. If Director Zhang is in trouble, then forget it."

I used to say "Uncle Zhang", but suddenly changed to "Director Zhang", Zhang Mulin felt something was wrong.He decided that it was his father's idea, and nodded immediately: "Okay, there is nothing difficult, I will arrange it for him in these two days."

Even though it was [-], the private economy was not completely banned.In the county town, there are still some business people who set up stalls to make ends meet.For example, book stalls, watch repair stalls, fried food stalls, and the like.Zhang Mulin is a veteran commune cadre, and now he is the top leader of the Hongqi commune, so there is no difficulty in doing such a small matter.

After he went back, he would naturally ask Fang Wenti, wondering if Fang Wenti would tell him the inside story.But even if you say it, it doesn't matter.I repaired the big motor in Qiyi Coal Mine, and I was praised face to face by Director Liao from the provincial government. Not to mention that everyone in Xiangyang County knew about this matter, not many people in Hongqi Commune had never heard of it.Mine motors can be repaired, so what's so strange about repairing a radio?

To be honest, I am not so greedy for money, I insist on sharing the benefits of Fang Wenti, a disabled person.In fact, sometimes I talk too much, and I have to find something to pass the time.

Confucius all said: If you don't talk about it, why send a promising life?

We can also be regarded as adhering to the legacy of the saints!

Back in the house, my mother asked strangely: "Xiaojun, what did you say to Director Zhang?"

"It's nothing, I asked him to help Fang Wenti open the repair shop to the street."

"Fang Wenti?"

Mom doesn't go to Hongqi Commune often, so naturally she doesn't know who Fang Wenti is.

"It's a distant relative of Zhang Mulin, who has a handicap in his legs and feet. He runs a small repair shop in Hongqi Commune to support himself."

Dad was well aware of the situation.

Mom was even more surprised: "Then what does it matter to you?"

"When I was in Hongqi Commune, he took good care of me. I wanted to help him. The business on the street is always much better than in Hongqi Commune."

Dad nodded approvingly: "That's right, knowing kindness and repaying it is exactly what a gentleman does."

Seeing that my father agreed, my mother naturally did not object.Anyway, it has nothing to do with my family.But I think it is necessary to explain the situation. Once Fang Wenti opens the repair shop to Laojie, I have to find time to help him.If I don't make it clear to my parents now, it will be very inconvenient in terms of action.

"It's like this. Fang Wenti is not very good at repairing wires and electricity. I want to help him repair it."


My mother was surprised, and suddenly remembered that I was repairing mine motors, and swallowed the doubts that came to her lips.

"Okay, it's also a skill to go to him to practice your hands when you have nothing to do."

Although my father has become the leader of the county, he still has a complex of inexplicable reasons for wiring maintenance.It is said that "a rich family is better than a skill". [

I was very happy in my heart. With my father's words, I can slip out in the future without worrying about my mother's fate.

"Jincai, I'm going back to work at the Lotus Commune tomorrow, and I'll go to the logistics department to get a meal ticket later, you guys, just eat in the cafeteria."

During the meal, my mother seemed to speak casually.

Dad looked at her and nodded.

Mom's face suddenly became a little ugly.I understand her thinking, Lianhua Commune is tens of miles away from Xiangyang Town, and it is bound to be difficult to go back and forth every day.In the previous life, my siblings lived in my dad's work unit, and my dad cooked for us.Now that the situation has changed, Dad has become the second in command of the county revolutionary committee, so naturally he has no time to cook for us.Mom started thinking about mobilizing work.

But my father also has difficulties. He can't just take office and get busy with his wife's transfer before he has finished his serious work.

I was afraid that they would pick it up on the spot, so I smiled sweetly at my mother and ate.

Mom really felt better.She is not a housewife who doesn't know how to advance and retreat, so she quickly figured out her father's difficulties, so she didn't take it to heart.As long as my dad can hold on to this position, it will be a matter of time before I change my job.

Before the meal was finished, another guest came to the door.

Dad immediately put down the bowl and shook hands with the visitor enthusiastically.

"Minister Cheng Yan, please sit down!"

I raised my eyes and saw that this skinny guy in his forties was Li Chengyan, Cui Xiuhe's confidant and deputy head of the Propaganda Department.If Dad hadn't called him by his name, whoever saw him would not regard him as the leader of the county.Too unofficial.

"Ah, Director Liu, I didn't know you were eating... Or, I'll come back later?"

I frowned even more secretly.

The location of the Standing Committee is very independent, and the nearest Tongzilou is still a few minutes away. Li Chengyan's words are obviously insincere.Is it appropriate for you to go out and wait now?Don't let it be said that my father will be rich as soon as he becomes an official, which is unreasonable!

"It's okay, it's okay, we've finished eating, please sit down, please sit down!"

Dad pulled a stool for Li Chengyan, got down from the table himself, and handed Li Chengyan a cigarette.Mom put down the bowl and poured tea for them.

"Thank you, thank you...Director Liu, I'm here to report to you on the preparations for this paper solicitation. This is the draft plan, please have a look."

Essay activity?

The action is very fast, the tone was set last night, and there was movement.

Li Chengyan took out a stack of manuscript paper from his briefcase, and handed it to his father with both hands.

At that time, there were very few typewriters, and there were no computers. The simplest 286 computers did not appear in Xiangyang County until many years later.Most of the plans are written by hand, and after they are finalized, they will be printed by the printing factory, affixed with a big red official seal and distributed.

I glanced at it, and found that the calligraphy in Xingkai was quite beautiful, and I wondered if it was written by Li Chengyan himself.

"Well, the plan is very detailed..."

Dad looked very carefully and nodded as he watched.

Li Chengyan showed a joyful expression on his face, nodded along with his father, and nodded a few times before he felt that something was wrong. Isn't this a compliment to himself?Fortunately, Director Liu was focused on the plan and didn't pay attention to his gaffe.

"Well, Minister Cheng Yan, overall, this plan is very good..."

Finally, after reading the plan, Dad raised his head and said slowly, unknowingly with a bit of official accent.I had already finished my meal, put "Guwen Guanzhi" on the table, opened Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao", made a show for my mother, and listened attentively to their conversation.

It's not that I don't trust my father, at my mental age, official affairs are more attractive to me than books.Since I can't show my talents to make money for the time being, it is also good to try my best to help my father secure this position.

Li Chengyan nodded quickly, and said flatteringly, "It's all due to Director Liu's leadership. This plan is basically carried out according to your thinking."

"Hehe, it still depends on the collective efforts of the comrades in the Propaganda Department. How capable can I be alone?" Dad said modestly, then changed the subject, and said, "However, I think there are some details that I can add."

"Director please give instructions!"

As Li Chengyan said, he took out his notebook and pen, put on a look of looking up, and prepared to record the spirit of Director Liu's instructions.This guy, in front of Cui Xiuhe, who is used to being strong, probably has this kind of grandson attitude.

In fact, this is rare and strange for me. In the officialdom, when directly discussing work with superiors and superiors, subordinates mostly have this kind of respectful attitude. Li Chengyan is just out of habit.

Dad smiled lightly, very satisfied with Li Chengyan's attitude.

"I can't talk about instructions, let's just discuss with each other... I think the scope of this call for essays can be expanded a little bit, and it should not be limited to purely theoretical discussions. After all, we are an agricultural county, and there are not many people who really understand pure theory. As long as it is a model figure in practical work and advanced deeds, it can be written, and the genre is not limited. Argumentative essays, narrative essays, prose, poems, short stories, local drama short scripts, allegro lyrics are all fine..."

"Yes, the director is thoughtful... In this way, the content of the essay will be greatly enriched..."

Li Chengyan nodded frequently, full of joy and praise.

"The title of the essay, I think it can be changed... Let's call it 'A gift to the 29th anniversary of the National Day', Minister Cheng Yan, what do you think?"

To say that Li Chengyan had to flatter his father due to the situation at first, but now he really admires it.

Li Chengyan has worked in the propaganda system for more than [-] years, and climbed up to the position of deputy minister step by step. In terms of seniority, Xiangyang County's propaganda cadres do not think second.Relying on Wang Benqing's favor and trust, Cui Xiuhe insisted on occupying the throne of Propaganda Minister and overwhelmed him.Li Chengyan didn't have any strong backing, so he dared not speak out, and simply followed Cui Xiuhe closely, and followed suit. In fact, he was handling the daily work of the Propaganda Department.I hope that one day Cui Xiuhe will take pity on her hard work and step down from her part-time job as the propaganda minister, so that she can take a step forward.

On the face of it, Li Chengyan respected Cui Xiuhe, but in fact he looked down on this big boss who came from the rebel faction, and felt that without him, Cui Xiuhe would have made a lot of fools.As for Liu Jincai, who suddenly became rich with a few articles, Li Chengyan was even more unconvinced.The reason why I come to the door at night is to report work is of course one reason, and the other reason is to let my father know my ability.With Cui Xiuhe's downfall, Director Liu will inevitably become emperor and courtier. Everyone in the Propaganda Department knows that he is Cui Xiuhe's confidant.

Unexpectedly, Director Liu raised first and then suppressed, almost overturning his own plan, but his words were very reasonable, far-sighted, and majestic.Thinking about the plan I had drawn up, I felt too petty.

"Director Liu's words are so good, I'll go home and rewrite the plan, and I will hand it over to Director Liu for review at work tomorrow."

Li Chengyan was convinced.

"Hehe, Minister Cheng Yan, don't be in a hurry. You have to rest when you should. Take a break and relax, the way of civil and military affairs. This plan will be completed tomorrow, and we will discuss it in the ministry. After it is finalized, I will ask Director Yan to review it. "

"Okay, okay, Director Liu really cares about comrades..."

As Li Chengyan said, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing that he stopped talking about business affairs, unlike some cadres who find some excuses to flatter and flatter, try to get closer to the leaders as much as possible, my impression of him changed immediately.It seems that Li Chengyan is still an honest person in his bones.

"Uncle Li, in your plan, you should also limit the number of words in the essay. It is best not to exceed [-] words, and poetry should not exceed [-] words. If someone writes a novel for you, you still can't find it." Send it to the newspaper."

I reminded him with a smile.

Li Chengyan was stunned, and then smiled all over his face: "Thank you, you are Xiaojun, right? It's really a family tradition, a tiger father and a dog son."

Hey, it seems that people have already understood the situation in their own family, and even called my brat's name casually.This person really can't be an official. Once he becomes an official, it will be all secrets.According to this theory, after Fang Wenti arrives in the old street, I can help him repair the wires and cables, but be careful about collecting money, and don't let people use any excuses to make dad's article.

ps: Ladies and gentlemen, please be ashamed and beg for collection!In return, the only way to update is not tj.Thank you so much, thank you so much!

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