I got up very early the next day.When my mother heard the noise, she poked her head out of the bedroom in a daze, and found that I was fully dressed and ready to go out.

"Xiaojun, what are you doing? It's still early."

"I'm going to exercise. Section Chief Liang of the security department promised me to teach me how to grapple and wrestle."

In my previous life, I insisted on exercising and my body was in good shape.But I am not an avid martial arts fan, and I have a somewhat joking attitude towards the miraculous kung fu.Of course it would be great if Section Chief Liang could teach me a few practical self-defense techniques, and it would be a shame if I didn't learn them.

"It's so early, you go out as a child, you're afraid it's not safe." [

My mother has just become an "official wife", and her mentality has not yet fully adjusted.

Living in the compound of the County Revolutionary Committee, there will be safety problems if you go to do morning exercises. Wouldn't it make people laugh?

"It's okay, let him go, exercising is a good thing."

Dad spoke.

"Then, come home early and have breakfast, don't be too late, you still have to go to school."


When I came to the lawn where the security department was exercising yesterday, I saw Section Chief Liang running over with a few young people.Undoubtedly, Section Chief Liang was from a military background. Even if there were only three or five soldiers, they were lined up neatly without any sense of sparseness.It is quite reassuring to entrust the safety of the entire county revolutionary committee compound to such a person.

"Uncle Liang, good morning."

I greeted him with a smile.

Section Chief Liang also showed a smile on his face: "Liu Jun, hello. Why, are you really here to practice grappling with uncle?"

"A man who speaks a word is hard to follow."

"What a man. In this case, I have to make an agreement with you, otherwise, I won't teach you."

I was stagnant in my heart, wondering if I would meet another master like Mr. Zhou, right?Trying to stuff stuff into my head.It's nothing more than studying, and I have some foundation, this physical exercise is not for fun, it needs to be seen!Especially according to the way the army trains recruits, you are asked to do 99 push-ups, not just [-].

But "it's hard to chase after a word", it's too late to regret it, so I had to put on a posture of "a skinny donkey pulling hard shit", and said bravely: "Okay, Master, but there is an order. The disciples did not obey."

Section Chief Liang turned serious, waved his hands first, and asked a few of his subordinates to practice on their own, and then said to me seriously: "If you have the heart, I will teach you well and never hide any secrets. For the first three months, let's practice basic skills. , half an hour a day for punching and punching, one hundred push-ups, first lay a solid foundation, and then I will teach you other skills."

I almost fainted on the spot!

This, this, this is really asking for trouble.

"What, are you afraid?"

A contemptuous sneer appeared on the corner of Section Chief Liang's mouth. [

I knew he was using aggressive tactics, but I still couldn't hold back.Having been a grassroots all my life, the most unbearable thing is being looked down upon by others.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, if you can do it, I can do it too!"

"Okay, now, legs apart, shoulders flat, squat down..."


When I got home, I was sweating through my heavy clothes, and my whole body seemed to be falling apart, and I was sore.

Seeing my tired appearance, my mother felt distressed, and said angrily, "Exercising is not such an exercise method. It's just doing coolies."

"Isn't it? Half an hour of punching and punching, and a hundred push-ups are more tiring than doing coolies."

I hummed and complained in front of my mother.

But Dad laughed: "That's right, if you practice like this, you will grow into a strong young man within two years."

"Yes, yes, then you just wait to be a grandfather, Director Liu!"

Mom said sarcastically.

Dad laughed.

I don't bother to care about it, how can there be a son who wants to be a grandparent when he is only nine years old?This is too impatient!Grabbing a bun and biting it down, Yan Fei's pretty face unconsciously appeared in her mind.Strange, do you really want to change your wife after time travel?

Zhang Mulin acted swiftly, and in just a few days, he completed the task I entrusted.Fang Wenti rented a small shop in the old street, and put up the sign of a repair shop.

This area was originally a gathering place for key repair, clock repair, shoe repair and various household repairs in the old street. It is unremarkable to have such a small repair shop.I was notified by Zhang Mulin that it was Sunday, so I went to have a look.

When Fang Wenti saw me, he was both excited and somewhat complaining.

"Xiaojun, you told me to move here, brother thank you. But don't hurt me."

I couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Fang, why do you call me harming you?"

"How did I get here when I first came here? I don't know the place well. I opened the shop for one day, but I still didn't receive three customers. I made a total of less than [-] cents. If things go on like this, will I starve to death?"

I smiled and said, "So I was worried about this. It's okay. You can find a piece of white paper and a brush."


"Don't ask why, just do what you are told to do." [

Fang Wenti was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to be stubborn, dragging his broken leg, he walked out jolting.I don't know who I lost a lot of good words with, but I actually got a piece of white paper and a brush.

I saw that he was still holding ink in his hand, and said with a smile: "Inferences from one instance to another, he is really clever."

Fang Wenti stuffed something into my hand, with a look of seeing what you want.

I spread out the white paper, dipped it in thick ink, and in an instant, a small "advertisement" was created.

Fang Wenti's eyes straightened at that moment: "Repair the TV? Xiaojun, are you kidding me? I've never even seen a TV before."

"You haven't seen me."

Fang Wenti swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "You can even repair the TV?"

I didn't want to show off in front of Fang Wenti, so I just nodded.Unexpectedly, this kid was worried, and added: "This is not a joke, my little master, if someone really took it, you can't fix it well, you will smash the signboard."

I was suffocated.How many times have you lied to people in Hongqi Commune?The radio was sent over by others, when was it ever repaired?It's not a lie that there are no accessories, or it's so bad that it can't be repaired. Why don't you see your shop closed?

"Why don't you just find a TV, dismantle it all and put it here, and I'll put it back on for you to have a look?"

Fang Wenti couldn't laugh or cry, so he had to surrender.

"Okay, okay, you are the master, I'm afraid of you."

Confucius said, "The trouble with man is that he likes to be his teacher."This makes sense.Fang Wenti's call of master really made me feel very comfortable.Although I helped Fang Wenti earn some money in the past, and taught him some knowledge about wire and electricity, I never heard him call him master.It must be for my father's face.It's a bit embarrassing to call the son of the deputy director of the commune a master, but it's an honor to call the son of the deputy director of the county a master.

All over the street, there was an "advertisement" for Fang Wenti's repair shop, and it really worked.Within half an hour, someone came over with a tape recorder and shouted, "Can you repair TVs here?"


Fang Wenti nodded, a little lacking in confidence.

"Then you guys are sure to be able to repair the tape recorder?"

Although radio cassette players and TV sets are not the same thing, the basic principles are still the same, and TV sets are much more complicated than radio cassette players. Shops that can repair TVs can naturally repair radio cassette players, which makes sense.

As the man said, he put the big guy on the table with a "bang".

I squinted and saw that the Shanghai-made red light 2l1400 tape recorder weighed 13 kilograms. It was an out-and-out big guy, as thick as its owner.

"Hey, can you fix it?"


The tape recorder Fang Wen is not afraid, full of confidence.

"But the price is not cheap."

"Hey, as long as you can fix it, the price is negotiable."

"Okay, you put it here, come and pick it up tomorrow."

The man looked at the small shop, feeling a little worried, and said, "If it can be repaired, I'll fix it now. I can't wait until tomorrow. If it can't be repaired, I'll go find another place."

Look at the appearance of the radio, the coating is mottled, it has been old, and he probably repaired it more than once.If other companies could cure the disease, he would not find such a newly opened shop.

Naturally, this cannot be said out loud.There are guests coming to the door, can't we go out?

Fang Wenti looked at me begging for help.

He knows my rules and doesn't like to show off in front of people.When I was in Hongqi Commune, he was the one who received the goods first, and I took the time to hide and repair them.I'm not sure if I'm breaking this exception.

I smiled slightly: "It's such a big deal to fix a radio, and I don't need my brother to do it. Let me do it."


The man was full of disbelief.

"What are you kidding?"

I ignored him, picked up the screwdriver and started to disassemble the case.

The man originally wanted to stop it, but saw that I was skillful and didn't look like I was joking, so he sat down suspiciously, and made up his mind to see how I would clean up this crap.

"It's not a problem to fix it, but it costs six yuan."

I checked it out and made an offer.

"So expensive?"

My price is actually quite reasonable, deducting the cost of components and materials, but I charged him three yuan for the handwork.There was no surprise in his voice, and he knew that he was pretending. In the past, other houses might have charged more expensively.The messy welding scars, messy wiring and a bunch of messy magnifications inside are enough to prove that people are blackmailing him.

I didn't bother to explain, so I glanced at Fang Wenti.

"Many components need to be replaced, you can repair it if you want, and if you don't want to, you don't have to force it."

When it comes to charging prices, Fang Wenti is older than me, and put on a posture of letting you do what you want.

"Okay, you fix it."

The man saw that these two guys were awesome, so he also wanted to give it a try.

I just mentioned the names of a few components and asked Fang Wenti to buy them.Regardless of Fang Wenti's poor legs and feet, he can run fast when he has money to make, and he quickly bought back the accessories he needed.In less than half an hour, the tape recorder made a sound of "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang".

"Okay, sure enough, there are two tricks."

The man was overjoyed, threw down six yuan, picked up the tape recorder and left happily.

Maybe it was because of Sunday, or maybe that "advertisement" really worked. The business was booming that day, and I received a total of seven orders. Fang Wenti even helped me buy lunch.When I left in the afternoon, I had an extra ten yuan in my pocket, and I felt like I was going to float when I walked.

But I'm pretty good, Fang Wenti was so happy that he walked around the shop with a lame leg, but refused to sit for a while.

Humming a ditty all the way back to the County Revolutionary Committee, I saw Yan Fei running around in the woods in a suspender skirt chasing a butterfly. Club, bought two ice creams, each of them licked one slowly, and walked back holding hands.Everyone we met along the way stared at us with smiles.Not long after we moved to the compound of the County Revolutionary Committee, Yan Fei and I did not know many people, but this did not mean that others did not know us.

The scene where Director Yan's beautiful young daughter and Director Liu's handsome young son are holding hands, I don't know how many people will be envious.

When I got home, I accidentally found that my uncle Ruan Chenglin was also there.

"Uncle, you are here."

I was in a good mood and greeted my uncle with a smile.


On weekdays, the person my uncle fears most is Dad, but now that Dad is the second in command in the county, my uncle is even more cautious.Although at my sister's house, I still sit in a well-behaved manner.When he saw me coming in, he smiled.

"Uncle, why are you free to visit us today? Where are your grandparents, are you here?"

The mother smiled and said, "Your grandparents didn't come, but my uncle came to deliver the manuscript."


I don't know why.

"Isn't the county organizing an essay solicitation activity? Your uncle also wrote an essay, and I want your dad to revise it."

Mom seems to be talking to me, but she keeps looking at Dad.

I'm a little surprised, my mother is not like this on weekdays.

"Cheng Lin, as I said before, I can't read your manuscript, nor can I comment on it, and I can't revise it."

Dad was smoking a cigarette and said very seriously.

"Well, I know."

The uncle responded nervously, holding a few pieces of manuscript paper in his hands, which were half soaked with sweat.

That's what happened.

After Yan Yucheng approved the paper solicitation, it was unanimously approved at the directors' meeting, and distributed to all districts, communes, and county agencies in the form of an official document from the county revolutionary committee, which immediately caused an uproar.Anyone with a discerning eye will know that this is a great opportunity.It is clearly written in the document that excellent essays can not only be published in provincial and regional newspapers, but the authors may also be seconded as national staff.

This is an unprecedented event in Xiangyang County.If we put it in the past, maybe everyone still has a skeptical attitude, thinking that such a good thing is unlikely to happen.But now no one doubts.You know, the first and second leaders in the county are promoted by writing articles.So everyone who can read a few words is itchy, eager to do a big job.Some people even know that they don't have much ink in their stomachs, but they bite the bullet and make up a so-called article and submit it, just in case.What if I was lucky and my ancestors appeared, and I was taken by the leaders of the county?Isn't it just a matter of time, and he jumped to the dragon's gate?

Uncle is a serious high school student, so it's only natural that he has such thoughts.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is only natural for a brother-in-law to write an article and ask his brother-in-law to revise and polish it.But Dad, as the highest arbiter of this essay competition, is not easy to set this precedent.If it is used by some guys with ulterior motives and makes a small report to the higher authorities, the damage to my father's reputation will be second, and I am afraid that it will affect the effect of the entire essay solicitation activity.

After trying to understand the joints, I immediately had an idea.

It is said that my mother's uncle is the oldest, and my uncle has to help me with this favor.

"Uncle, let me take a look for you."

While biting the ice cream, I stretched out my right hand to my uncle.


Dad stopped sternly, looked at mom's unhappy face, and sighed.

"The key is not how well your uncle's article is written, the key is that he is your uncle. If his essay is selected, what will others think of me as the propaganda minister?"

"Speaking of which, no matter how good Cheng Lin's article is, he will definitely not be selected? Everyone else's family has someone from the imperial court who is good at being an official, but you are better..."

Mom was even more unhappy, and said angrily.

My uncle is almost 20 years younger than my mother, and I know that my mother loves this little brother just as much as my elder sister loves me.

I laughed and said, "Dad, you can't avoid relatives if you move inside!"

Dad sighed: "You know that you can't avoid relatives by exercising internally, but others may not know."

Seeing that my mother was going to be angry again, I hurriedly advised: "Mom, don't be angry, it's a trivial matter!"

The mother was angry and said angrily: "It's a small matter? This is a major matter related to your uncle's future. Why don't you talk to your father..."

"I'm just as virtuous as my father, right? My six relatives don't recognize me!"

I interrupted my mother with a smile.

"Is not it?"

Mom was annoyed.

"Of course not. Dad is the referee. No wonder he is the referee. The referee cannot be favoritism. I am the son of the referee, so I have to avoid suspicion. But what about the provincial newspaper? What about "Baozhou Daily"? Dad can't control these newspapers."

My mother was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"No other meaning. As long as my uncle's article is published in "N Province Daily" or "Baozhou Daily" first, won't it definitely be selected? No matter how others have opinions, they have to hold back!"

ps: signed!Thanks to the editor master and editor mm of the starting point!Thank you for your care!I'm very excited, uh... my hands are shaking a little!It is the first time to write something at the starting point, and I am so grateful for this opportunity!There is nothing to say, I will work hard tonight, and there will be another chapter before twelve o'clock!Dear judges, give me a face or a collection or something, and encourage the little ones!Thank you!

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