Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 47 Collecting Protection Fees

"It's so hot, why doesn't your place even have a fan?"

This is the operating room in Fang Wenti's small repair shop.About three or four square meters, it is actually Fang Wenti's bedroom.I'm still not used to working outside in front of many customers.Being surrounded by a bunch of people like monsters and asking endless questions doesn't taste good.

I'm used to coming here at noon to help.After all, it's always too late to go back, and my mother will be angry.Since I mentioned it to Yan Yucheng at the beef noodle restaurant, Yan Yucheng was very considerate, showed some meaning to Wu Qiuyang, and transferred his mother back to Xiangyang Town from the Lianhua Commune.It was the work unit that surprised everyone, it was actually the deputy instructor of the Xiangyang Town Police Station.

My mother hesitated at first, thinking that she was a lesbian and had never been engaged in political and legal work, so she suddenly became the deputy instructor of the Shuilu Police Station in Xiangyang Town, and she was afraid that she would not be competent.On the contrary, Yan Songbai, director of the Public Security Bureau, was very enthusiastic and came to the door to do the work himself.It seems that my mother is such a great public security expert, it would be a pity not to go to the Xiangyang Town Police Station.

The "Public Prosecution Law" was smashed during the Great Revolution, and the political and legal system has been in a very abnormal state for many years.There has been some improvement in the past two years, but it is still far from enough.At that time, the Public Security Bureau was far less popular than later.Yan Songbai cried and shouted to transfer his mother over, because he wanted to take this opportunity to get close to the upstart Director Liu. [

Naturally, I strongly agree, to be a "yamen", how can there be no support from the powerful institutions?Who else is more reliable than his own mother?

In the end, Dad made the final decision and nodded in approval, and Mom went to the police station to take up the post.

These days, Fang Wenti's small repair shop has gained a temporary reputation, and the number of people coming here is gradually increasing. If they don't come here for a day, they accumulate a lot of electrical appliances that need to be repaired.

It is the weather in June, and the sun is hotter than the fire.

Fang Wenti's bedroom was a small room, and it was as hot as a steamer. After sitting for less than 10 minutes, I was sweating profusely and could not help complaining loudly.

"Young master, just bear with it, you think this is the county revolutionary committee? Do you still want a fan?"

Fang Wenti came over, picked up a cattail fan and slapped me a few times.

"That won't work. There's no way to do anything. Need a fan."

"Hey, a fan costs tens of dollars. I have to pay the rent and eat. What can I buy?"

Fang Wenti twitched his lips, a bit contemptuous of my coquettishness.

I didn't care: "If you can't afford it, make one yourself."

"What? You want to make your own fan?"

Fang Wenti was dumbfounded.In his opinion, only big factories in big cities can make fans, and I am such a brat, to say such big things.

Just do it, it's really hot.

"All right, all right, don't be stupid. Take five yuan, and I'll go to the scrap company to see if there are any scrap motors for sale."

"You... you really want to be a fan?"

I scolded: "Look at your talent, isn't the fan made by humans?"

Fang Wenti was skeptical, so he still gave me five yuan.Anyway, if this fan is really ready, he will be using it most of the time.

Xiangyang Town is not big, and the waste material recycling company is not far from the old street, and it takes about ten minutes to walk there.At noon, there were no customers in the store, only two middle-aged women in their thirties were chatting, probably the salespersons of the store.Seeing me peeping in, one of them scolded: "Child, what are you looking at? Want to steal something?" [

What words?This office looks like a thief, doesn't it?

"I'm here to buy something."

The two salesmen were stunned and laughed: "Children, we only accept things here, not sell them. You went to the wrong place."

"Auntie, I'm here to buy a scrap motor. My dad is a repairman and I can use it."

I know that I am handsome, and with a sweet mouth, I am quite able to please women.

This trick really worked, and the salesperson's attitude immediately became friendly, but he still refused my request.

"No, kid, things from the public house cannot be sold to private people."

This is true.At that time, waste recycling companies could target private individuals when recycling waste, but sales were public to public.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just pay as usual. Anyway, there is no one now."

As I said that, I took out those one-yuan RMB and shook them.

The two salespersons were really moved, they looked at each other, looked around, and then turned their mouths inside.

As I expected, there are actually many good things in the waste.Among a large pile of waste motors, at least five or six are basically usable.It is estimated that some are stolen goods, and some are flowed out of the factory's poor management.Make waste products and sell them, which enriches private individuals.

I picked a motor that was basically in good condition, even the bearings were connected together, went to the counter, put four dollars on the table, turned around and left without saying a word.

It is true that the sound is louder than the sound at this time, and no one wants to announce this kind of private transaction.The two salesmen got a windfall for no reason, so they must be happy for several days?

Seeing that I really came back with a motor, Fang Wenti felt like stamping his feet and beating his chest.

He was just trying to fool me.Blowing a fan, I am not so delicate, that is the enjoyment that the upper class deserves.He is a cripple without a serious job, but he dare not be so extravagant.

"Why are you standing still, go, find a piece of tin to cut the fan blades."

"How... how to cut it?"

"That's silly. Just go find the tin sheet, and I'll draw it for you, and you can just cut it out. And I'll get some wire for the fan guard. Now, here's the rest of the dollar. for you."

I thought the five yuan was wasted, but suddenly I returned one yuan, and Fang Wenti's bleeding heart found some comfort.In desperation, I had to chatter to find what I needed.

Don't look at Fang Wenti's lame leg, he did these things quite neatly, and he didn't know what method he used. After a while, he actually got back a piece of white iron sheet and a small bundle of iron wires, but it was full of rust, with different thicknesses, and it was not good-looking. Not so good.

At that time I had finished the motor and was modifying the case with a small wooden box. [

Fang Wenti just doesn't know much about wires and electricity, his hands are very dexterous, and he is an adult with much stronger strength than me. He is good at doing these jobs. In less than an hour, the leaves are cut and the wires are smoothed with sandpaper. A decent protective cover was also made.Without an electric drill, I got on the horse with my own method, and asked Fang Wenti to use a chisel to cut three small holes in the root of the blade, riveted them firmly with screws, installed the protective cover, and turned on the power. Come on, that feeling is just one word - cool!

Fang Wenti was sorry for his few dollars, but now that the electric fan is really finished, he couldn't help but smile.They scrambled to stand in front of the fan, wantonly enjoying the coolness under the scorching sun.

"Yo ho, cripple, the whole fan is blowing, it's quite pleasant..."

A strange voice suddenly sounded outside the store.

Fang Wenti looked up, his face turned pale immediately.

At the door of the store, there were three flamboyant Ah Fei, the leader was wearing a vest, with a small crew cut, with a fierce face, and a pair of eyes squinting at Fang Wenti, full of provocation.

"Three big brothers... come in... please come in and sit..."

Fang Wenti stammered, his face turned paler.

"Who is your big brother, don't be a fucking friend."

A long hair with an open shirt squeezed in from behind Xiaopingtou, causing Fang Wenti to stagger.Fortunately, because Fang Wenti is a disabled person, he didn't try too hard.

"This is Brother Qiang, do you know him?"

"Yes, yes...Brother Qiang, please smoke..."

Fang Wenti took out a pack of "torch" worth ten cents, and smoked a few bums.

"Fuck you, you dare to take out anything. When Brother Qiang is a beggar who collects rags? Don't even ask, what is our identity as Brother Qiang, to smoke your torch? Why don't you hurry up and buy a few packs When the smoke comes, at least it has to come from the big front door.”

The torches cost [-] cents a pack, and the Daqianmen gate cost [-] cents. Even though Yan Yucheng was the head of the County Revolutionary Committee, he didn't often smoke.

Ganqing, these guys are old street gangsters who collect "protection fees" in this area.

Of course, the word “protection fee” became popular in the Mainland only after the influx of Hong Kong-produced films in the 80s.But this is what Brother Qiang and his group do.

Brother Qiang waved his hand, stopped the long hair, and said to Fang Wenti in a dark tone: "Cripple, what's your name, where did you come from?"

"I...my name is Fang Wenti, from Hongqi Commune... Zhang Mulin, director of the Revolutionary Committee of Hongqi Commune, is my cousin..."

"Hey, call me the name, the director of the Red Flag Commune Revolutionary Committee is such a big official, I'm afraid..." Brother Qiang suddenly grabbed Fang Wenti's hair and sneered: "Don't say the director of the Red Flag Commune, that's Wang Benqing is your cousin, you have to listen to me when you come to Laojie!"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

It seems that Brother Qiang doesn't care much about politics. It's been a few days, and he still doesn't know that Xiangyang County has changed leaders.

"Tm brat, what are you laughing at?"

Brother Qiang stared at me with a pair of eyes like cow eggs.

"It's nothing, Brother Qiang, you let him go first. He has inconvenient legs and feet, so it's meaningless to bully the disabled. If Brother Qiang has anything to do, just give orders, and we'll just do it."

"Yo ho, little bastard, you have a sharp mouth, better than this cripple... OK, let's not talk too much, you have to listen to me in my territory, pay ten yuan a month, three big Qianmen cigarettes , Brother Qiang, I guarantee that no one will dare to trouble you."

Hey, is this strong guy from Africa? He's so black!If you catch Fang Wenti in such a small shop, you dare to ask for money from death, and let people live?

"Brother Qiang, it's too... too much... I can't afford it, I... I can't make 20 yuan a month..."

Fang Wenti was so frightened that he bargained with others.Do you think this is a business?

With a crisp "pa", Fang Wenti was slapped across the face.

"Are you foolish to think I'm an old man? Are you repairing TV sets? That thing is expensive, and you can't earn tens of dollars for repairing one?"

Fang Wenti was afraid and impatient, his face was burning with pain, but he didn't dare to refute.In fact, so far, no one has brought a TV set.As Brother Qiang said, that thing is precious, and I don't know if the entire Xiangyang County is enough to add up to thirty.

Seeing Brother Qiang moved his hand, I also became angry in my heart.

In her previous life, she was a grassroots person all her life, standardizing the disadvantaged groups. What she was most afraid of was the hooligans, and what she hated the most was also the hooligans.

"Brother Qiang, you must be asking for money, so you don't need to do anything, right? I can't afford so much at the moment, can I make it in two days?"

"Little brat, can you make the decision?"

Brother Qiang squinted at me.

Considering that a good man would not suffer from immediate losses, I suppressed my anger and said coldly, "Is it just ten yuan and three packs of cigarettes? It's hard to kill!"

Brother Qiang saw that although I was young, I was not stage-frightened, and he was a little surprised, but his mouth was still arrogant: "Oh, the tone is not small. It seems that you are some important person in your family..."

Fang Wenti opened his mouth, I glanced over, and he immediately shut up obediently.My heart also gradually became more at ease.After all, standing behind me is the number one deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee.

"Okay, I'll make a concession. You can buy three packs of cigarettes today, and I'll pick up the rest in two days."

Brother Qiang said, and let go of Fang Wenti.

I nodded, Fang Wenti said: "Brother Fang, go buy three packs of cigarettes."

The three big front doors are ten yuan and fifty cents. I also have them, but it is inconvenient to take them out.Anyway, at that time, a nine-year-old child casually took out ten yuan, which was shocking.

Fang Wenti hesitated, I glared at him, and said, "If I tell you to go, go, it's mine."

Fang Wenti had no choice but to turn around and go out, expecting to greet Brother Qiang's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

"Count your acquaintances!"

The three hooligans took the cigarettes, left a word, and went away triumphantly.

In the duty room of the Shuilu Police Station in Xiangyang Town, a policeman in his 30s was reading a newspaper.

I stood at the door and knocked.

The policeman glanced up and asked lazily, "Child, what's the matter?"

"I'm looking for Ruan Bixiu."

"Ruan Bixiu? What do you want her for?"

The policeman's expression began to change, and he stood up with a smile.

Cheng, it can be seen that he is a shrewd character.

I thought to myself.

"My name is Liu Jun, and I'm her son."

"Ah...then you, you are also Director Liu's son?"

I couldn't help laughing out loud, the policeman also knew that he said something wrong, so he smiled embarrassedly, but his face was completely cleared up, he hurriedly let me into the duty room, and said with a smile: "Ah... this, little friend Liu Jun, Director Ruan is not in the institute right now, tell me what you have to do."

"Uncle's name?"

"Don't dare to be, dare not be, my surname is Cheng, and my name is Cheng Xinjian..."

"Hello, Uncle Cheng."

"Ah, this, the leader's children are different..."

Cheng Xinjian rubbed his hands, not knowing how to praise me.

"That's right, Uncle Cheng, there's a small matter. Just now, in the old street, three hooligans blackmailed me!"

"Ah? That's okay, it's not a trivial matter!" Cheng Xinjian was taken aback: "You, are you not injured?"

Seeing his face change, I knew he was really nervous.Director Liu's son in the county was actually blackmailed by gangsters in his jurisdiction, and it would be terrible to stab him out, not to mention that Ruan Bixiu was his immediate boss.

"It's not hurt. They blackmailed three cigarettes from Daqianmen, and they said they would come back in a few days."

"Do you know what their names are?"

"I don't know, the one at the head has a crew cut and a vest. What is his name, Brother Qiang?"

"I know, I know, it must be that bastard Zhao Qiang! Damn, I think he is impatient..."

I breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that Zhao Qiang is a well-known person in the police station, and the police all know him, so it is not difficult to find him.

"Well, little friend Liu Jun, please tell me the details, and I will file a case for you and deal with it right away."

Cheng Xinjian said and went to get a pen and paper to record.

"Uncle Cheng, let me tell you about the situation first. Don't rush to file a case. You can just deal with it. I don't want my mother to worry."

On the way here, I made up my mind not to make a big fuss.It's not that he's afraid of Zhao Qiang's revenge. Forgive him for being a rascal, and he doesn't dare to fight against the son of the second-in-command of the county revolutionary committee.I'm just worried that after my mother finds out about this, I won't be allowed to come to the old street again, but my "financial resources" will be cut off.

I did the math, and if I continue to develop like this, I can conservatively estimate that I can earn about 30 yuan a month.Dad was the second in command of the county revolutionary committee, and his monthly salary was only 42 yuan.Most importantly, I'm going to use this repair excuse to gain more freedom for myself.Locking up a real nine-year-old at home 40/[-] is brutal, but keeping a [-]-year-old "kid" home is just plain horrible.

"Ah, so, yes, you are right."

Cheng Xinjian is a smart man, and he immediately understood that my handling of the case would be good for him. It is official business to file a case, and it should be done no matter how smoothly it is done.Dealing with it privately can sell me a favor.It's true that I'm young, but one day, Director Liu and Director Ruan will know about it.He is a small policeman, and it is a great opportunity for Director Liu to write down his name.

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