6 Chapter 640 At the county cadre meeting


Leaders talk about activities one by one, don't talk about it for a long time, sometimes they can't finish talking for a day, just like in a Hong Kong movie, repeat and repeat. The cadres who attended the meeting are just talking about today. There are many who have performed well today. The blame goes directly to Meng Zhou Gong going to blame the meeting place so big and moving so many Bai leaders can't catch Bai one by one, they can only let them go.

In the meeting at the Swan Hotel, everyone should be more serious.Moreover, the theme of our meeting this time is very eye-catching, not the usual summary and praise, but about next year's budget.This is related to the vital interests of each township at a large level, and it is related to the vital interests of each township leader at a more detailed level. Blame the so-called budget and office expenses, but it is the top leaders of the party and government who have the final say. It is the premise and foundation of the so-called consumption of public funds. According to the information disclosed before the meeting, Secretary Liu may significantly reduce office expenditures for next year.

The same area was just withdrawn and the township was merged.The overall situation has not yet stabilized, and Liu Yanei put his hand into the pockets of the township officials and took out money. [

It's not authentic!

Therefore, all the mid-level cadres who participated in the meeting looked serious. Although Liu Jun's current prestige is in full swing, his previous secretaries are comparable to mine, but it is related to personal fundamental interests. Everyone still has some ideas in their hearts. will also appear.

On the other hand, the county-level leaders on the rostrum look relatively relaxed. After all, they have reached this level. They have deep cultivation and can be able to hide their emotions and anger. There are even a few of them whose heads are still in the corners of their mouths when I look carefully. Seeing Shisi's faint smile, I felt a little sneering, maybe I didn't think much of Liu Jun's unconventionalism in my heart, it was strange to wait to see his jokes, and it was strange that the meeting was presided over by the executive deputy magistrate Shi Zhong.

The office budget is the responsibility of the county government's Gu Shizhong. The first procedure to preside over the meeting is to ask the staff to distribute a not-so-thin brochure to the participants, and everyone will have a copy.This is also a different procedure from the usual meeting. It’s because the county’s main leading cadre meeting was held in the past. If there are reference documents, they are all collected in advance at the sign-in counter. We held this meeting of the county's main leading cadres today and only had one topic on our minds, which is about next year's various budgets. The documents sent by the staff on the Internet strangely included the county party committee organs, county government organs, and agricultural and sideline products management companies. The content of the budget and the corresponding review system. This is for everyone to use as a reference when formulating this single budget. You can take it back and read it. In order to shorten the time of the meeting, I will not talk about it later. Next, let me invite Comrade Liu Jun, secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, to give you a report! After Che Zhangshi repeated his words briefly, he applauded first, and the applause in the meeting room was full of applause. Work cut.

Liu Jun pressed his hands down, and the applause gradually died down. Everyone looked at the young head of the family very intently.

"Comrades, the central topic of the meeting has already been discussed by the county magistrate Wang Caishi. I think everyone is very clear about why this meeting was held specifically to explain the budget. I think everyone should be more clear and clear. More Bai Guan Che Liu Jun said calmly that Bai didn't have a speech script in his hand and I didn't have any extra reference materials.

This is also Liu Jun's characteristic. No matter what the occasion, he seldom repeats the speech according to the script. Therefore, Pan Zhiren works as his secretary. "First of all, let's talk about the withdrawal of districts and townships. The meaning of it is clearly stated in the relevant documents of our province, city and county. You have all seen those documents. The central idea is that there is only one thing: streamlining administration and delegating power. I won’t repeat it here. They are mainly township political institutions. Responsibilities and powers must be united to better serve economic development. Here we mainly talk about streamlining administration. Streamlining administration is not just as simple as streamlining organizations and reducing personnel. The so-called streamlining is just a means to blame. The real purpose is to improve efficiency and reduce expenses. I have not yet calculated the per capita net income and per capita taxes and fees of farmers in the county this year, but I believe everyone here knows the data of last year.

The average tax burden per household is nearly 2000 yuan, so what was the average cash income per household last year?It’s less than [-] yuan, blame you guys. One-third of the cash income of the farmers in my county has been paid to taxes and fees. In other words, it has been handed over to the leading cadres here.Where did I spend the money?Do you all have a number in your heart?Is every payment that is made should be made?I don’t need everyone to answer my question here, I just ask everyone to think about it in their own hearts and think about whether I am taking the truth from the people and using it to the people.” Che Liujun said a long paragraph in one breath, and his tone gradually faded The high-spirited meeting room was very quiet. No one whispered to each other. They didn't even ask to read documents or drink water.

"Withdrawing districts and merging townships, our old pots and pans are broken, nothing broken, nothing built, old institutions withdrawn and lost, our new institutions have been born, and we have started to operate. I will have a new atmosphere and new methods. If we continue to follow the past The same old way blames the new bottle for the old wine and then replaces the soup without changing the medicine, so why bother to withdraw people and why bother? The county party committee, the county government, and even me, Liu Jun, personally, why bother to do such a thankless thing? In the new year, we will work from Where to start, I think the first thing is to start with self-discipline." When I said this, Liu Jun picked up the teacup and I took a sip of water. They looked around the venue and blamed the already tense nerves of the participants, and they couldn't help but tense up again. Straighten your waist, you want to leave your most energetic side to Secretary Liu. You must know that there is no Peng family or Liu family in Ningbei County. There is only one center, and that is Liu Jun. How about it? The first step is to strictly control the budget. Starting today, I will give you ten days to come up with the budget of your unit! The budget of each section must be submitted before December [-]th. County Finance Bureau. This is a time requirement. If there is no unit that fails to deliver on schedule, the top leaders of the party and government must explain the reason to me in person. We and all of us are shocked. It seems that there is no one in Ningbei County now. The middle-level cadres dared to explain the reason to Secretary Liu face to face. None of them are masochists and blame themselves for nothing!

"In addition, we are about the technical requirements of the budget itself. A good benchmark is the sum of last year's budgets of our original townships before the merger. This is the reference. The original number of personnel, how much project expenditure, the merger After that, how many people are there and how many project expenditures are I? There are less than 12 people in the sub-level township, and the entertainment expenses of more than 30.00 yuan were apportioned to each villager. I don’t ask men, women, old and young, and the average person is more than [-] yuan. May I ask how much these hospitality expenses cost? Where did it go? Who spent it? Whose money was it spent? Datang Township is not a special case, they can only be ranked in the middle, and they are not even considered to be above average. How much money will the whole county spend? ?Next year’s budget will be reduced by [-]% compared to this year’s standard, except for cutting down the headcount expenses! As soon as Che Che Liu Jun’s voice fell, there was a buzz in the venue, everyone They all looked at each other and saw panic and resentment in the eyes of their colleagues. As soon as Liu Jun spoke, everyone knew that next year's funds would be tight, but they never expected to blame this guy for being so ruthless. If you add the streamlined headcount and the budget that is almost cut in half, this is too outrageous.

This is to get rid of the little extra benefits of the township cadres!

Many people showed aggrieved expressions, because no one dared to stand up and openly question the county party secretary because of Liu Jun's prestige.

"Don't you have any opinions? It's because the budget of the county party committee and county government is that I have reduced the expenditure by 30.00% compared to this year's expenditure. It has already been written in the document in front of you." .Che Shizhong interjected at the right time.

The venue suddenly became quiet again and said strangely: I got a monthly ticket yesterday, I am not bad, pie is very easy to satisfy people, there are countless pies in the sky, I am happy that we only dropped one pie, and I am also happy, but I can’t have all of them No, hehe, everyone, I have a monthly ticket

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