Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 650 Secretary Liu's style is very domineering

Secretary Tao, Comrade Liu Jun's style of work is getting worse and worse for people's livelihood, more domineering,...

This is in the living room of Building No. 0 of the Standing Committee of the Daning Municipal Committee. Lu Xiangmei sat opposite Tao Yiou and said Zhong Kun very worriedly. Everyone knows that Lu Xiangmei is the younger sister of Lu Haishan, the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau, and that Lu Haishan was single-handedly picked up by Guan Mingjie, so it is natural to put Lu Xiangmei in Guan Mingjie's circle.

Of course, with Lu Xiangmei's level, at most she can only be on the periphery of Guan Mingjie's circle, and it is impossible to enter the eighth core level.

But few people know that Lu Xiangmei was trained and promoted as a reserve cadre in Jiangdong District because of Tao Yiou's appreciation for her, and this appreciation has nothing to do with Guan Mingjie.

Unlike Yan Yucheng, Tao Yiou had very strict rules, and his subordinates did not dare to visit without invitation.But as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Daning Municipal Party Committee, no one in the family can come just by asking. [

However, Lu Xiangmei can enter and leave the gate of Tao's house at any time, which is very self-explanatory.

Tao Yiou was very kind, sitting on the couch, leaning back slightly, with a relaxed expression, he asked with a smile, "Why do you say that? What is the basis?"

"Secretary Tao, I'm not making small reports indiscriminately. Since Comrade Liu Jun became the secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, he has never called a secretary's office meeting, let alone the county magistrate's guild. What's the problem? They all called a few in private, chatted casually with the cadres in charge, and finalized the matter. They said it was a discussion meeting, but in fact, he alone had the final say. If this is the case, then the secretary's office meeting and the county magistrate's office are still required. What will you do? Pure apology is just a display. It's better to cancel it..."

Lu Xiangmei was furious.

She is the deputy secretary in charge of cadres, but she basically has no say in major personnel decisions.Forgive Zhiguang would never take the initiative to report anything to her, he would report directly to Liu Junhuo, the two men muttered to discuss the matter, and then Liu Jun would talk to her hypocritically, agreeing is best, not agreeing If so, it doesn't matter, go directly to the Standing Committee for discussion and voting.Of the eleven members of the Standing Committee, Liu Xika Department accounted for six, and Liu Jun was the leader of both the party and the government, and had the final decision.No vote is ever rejected.

Shangdui, who was in charge of the job, was completely ignored by others, and Liu Jun didn't call the secretary's office meeting at all, let alone intervene in other things.

Lu Xiangmei felt that she had now become the ear of the deaf, the whole thing, just for display.For a young female cadre with a strong desire for power, this is really uncomfortable.

"Don't be too excited, pay attention to the impact." Tao Yiou said with a smile: "Maybe Liu Jun is just trying to improve efficiency and save time? You can't just draw conclusions without evidence."

Lu Xiangmei nodded.

As long as these words are spoken in front of Tao Yiou, the goal will be achieved.She didn't expect Tao Yiou to nod in agreement with her.At Tao Yiou's level, who is not a city man?How can I express my opinion easily!

In terms of face, Liu Jun is the leader of Ningbei County, and Tao Yiou, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, needs to maintain his prestige.

"Secretary Tao, I heard that Comrade Liu Jun is going to get married in the first half of next year and is planning to go on honeymoon..."

Lu Xiangmei changed the topic to a lighter one.

"Oh, it's a good thing, who did you hear that from?"

Tao Yiou still had a smile on his face and asked very kindly.

"Hey, this news, not to mention Ningbei County, I think the entire Daning City and even the cadres of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government have heard of it!"

Lu Xiangmei said with a smile, picked up one of the fruit bowls in front of her, an apple and a small fruit knife, and began to peel it, with her left ring finger and little finger raised slightly, her posture was very graceful.

This is not an exaggeration, the secretary of the provincial party committee married a daughter, and married a well-known dude like Xiao Liu, so the gossip naturally spread everywhere.

Tao Yiou nodded. [

"Secretary Tao, Comrade Liu Jun has two jobs, and Ningbei County has just completed the withdrawal of districts and townships. There are many things to do, and it is quite hard. I heard that he originally planned to get married at the end of this year, because I am too busy at the end of the year, so I will be late in the first half of next year. I personally think that this is not good. No matter how capable Comrade Liu Jun is, he can’t delay his lifelong affairs for his work. It is better to equip him with a partner earlier to share the burden. A little burden is better, and these factors should be considered in the organization, don't you think?"

Lu Xiangmei peeled the apple and handed it to Tao Yiou with a smile.

Tao Yiou didn't hesitate, took the apple and ate it.

Lu Xiangmei was straightforward, she wanted to be the county magistrate and said clearly that she would not be evasive.

Seeing that the annual National People's Congress is about to be held, Lu Xiangmei is a little anxious to get angry.Although the organization can make arrangements at any time if she wants to promote her, and it doesn't have to be elected as the county magistrate at the National People's Congress, but it is better to follow the formal procedures.One, the word "Dai" used by the county magistrate somewhat makes people feel that it is unfair to have this name.

"Little Lu, how to arrange the Ningbei County team in the organization is your own consideration. What you have to do is to put up a good posture and assist Comrade Liu Jun to do a good job of the cadres."

Tao Yiou ate the apple and said with a smile.

"Secretary Tao, you still said that this cadre is a boss, I'm almost becoming a shopkeeper..."

Before Tao Yiou could finish speaking, Lu Xiangmei pouted aggrievedly.

"Let's just talk about the Jiang Yunxia he insisted on appointing, a girl in her twenties, with a high school education, and an ordinary cadre who was promoted to the deputy manager of the agricultural broom product management company shortly after joining the state. The rank was adjusted to a sub-department. I didn’t communicate with me at all beforehand. I raised some different opinions at the Standing Committee, and he already hated me. Arguing in the office, you can't reason with others, so you use Comrade Liu Jun's signboard to suppress others, this, the impact is too bad."

As Lu Xiangmei said, she took out the eye ointment and applied it to Liu Jun.


Tao Yiou's face finally became serious.

"Comrade Xiangmei, don't believe rumors that you are not willing to base. Hearsay is not enough. Besides, I heard that you often contradict Comrade Liu Jun in the Standing Committee. This is very bad. In a team The directors of the department are still the main leaders, so we should pay attention to unity, understand? If you always have conflicts with the top leaders, what will the other leaders of the municipal party committee think of you?"

Lu Xiangmei was startled.

It seems that it's not just her, Lu Xiangmei, who uses eye drops to make small reports, it's a human patent.What she did, the leaders of the city knew very well.

"Comrade Xiangmei, do your job well with peace of mind, and don't worry about things you shouldn't worry about. Trust the organization, and you won't bury talents!"

Tao Yiou said again earnestly.

"Yes, Secretary Tao, I remember your teaching!"

Lu Xiangmei bowed for a long time, and said very respectfully with a trace of gratitude.

While Tao Yiouyu, the municipal drug secretary, was earnestly doing work for subordinate cadres of the opposite sex, Comrade Liu Jun, secretary of the county party committee, was doing the same thing.Even the location is very consistent, it is in the "home" of the Swan Hotel.

"Secretary Liu, I won't be the deputy manager anymore, let's go back to work in the Legal Affairs Office!" [

The handsome Jiang Yunxia sat across from Liu Jun, with his head bowed, and said eagerly, and glanced at Liu Jun's face from time to time while talking, "The little one looks very cute, as if he was afraid that Liu Jun would lose his temper.

During this period of time, the main middle-level cadres in the county were all confused by Liu Jun.And Jiang Yunxia, ​​once again became a figure on the cusp of the storm for no reason.

The cause, of course, was the budget.

Cutting the budget by 30.00% can be said to be "one stone causing a thousand waves". Everyone was so excited by Liu Jun at the meeting.Cutting the budget by [-]% sounds easy, but once I pick up a pen, I find that every budget seems to be necessary, and nothing can be cut.The leaders of these units really turned their hair gray because of this.

So some people went to investigate the "root cause" like the police were handling a case, and they took the silk to record Dong, and Jiang Yunxia was involved.It seems that it was the budget and audit documents of Nongge Products Company that triggered Secretary Xiaoliu's "inspiration" to slap the head, and the policy was introduced, and it was slashed down with a big knife.

Jiang Yunxia, ​​this little girl, with two or three thin pages, plus one more, alluring glances, made Secretary Liu fascinated.

Soon, all kinds of gossip started to spread.

Jiang Yunxia couldn't resist, and in every possible way, he hung up the phone to Liu Jun, saying hesitantly that he wanted to see him.

Liu Jun also readily agreed.

It is estimated that the little girl has something to worry about.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Yunxia opened his mouth, he said, "Resign and quit.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Jun asked with a smile.

"Well, they, they always say some nasty things about cutting the budget this time, and that's also my reason. I want to flatter you, so you did it."

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Is it because of this?"

"No, not all of them. I also feel that I am lacking in ability. I am afraid that if I can't manage it well, I will live up to your trust in me."

Jiang Yunxia was very nervous, and his hands were twisted into a ball in front of his lower abdomen.

"I don't think that since the establishment of the agricultural production company, it has operated well and achieved a lot. Farmer friends have been praising you all the time. You are also responsible for this."

Liu Jun laughed.


Jiang Yunxia suddenly raised his head, somewhat surprised.

Liu Jun was secretly amused, thinking that the little girl was innocent, and would be "fooled" by a few nice words.

However, Secretary Liu's complacency didn't last long. Jiang Yunxia's joyful eyes soon dimmed. He pouted and muttered, "What's the use of them praising me? My parents don't agree with me working in an agricultural production company anymore." , they are in a hurry to find someone for me

Liu Jun was stunned.

ps: No one is a fuel-efficient lamp, there are not many honest people like Pie, give a monthly ticket hahaha

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