Liu Jun summoned Zhu Feiyue, the executive vice president, and Zhao Yan, the vice president of production, in the general manager's office of Changfeng Company.

This is the first time that Liu Jun has officially worked in Changfeng Company.

The office is still not equipped with a full-time secretary, and it is still Zhu Feiyue's daughter Zhu Yan who temporarily plays the role of secretary, serving tea and water for several leaders.Zhu Feiyue noticed that Liu Jun's eyes seemed to glance at his little daughter intentionally or unintentionally.Zhu Feiyue even felt that Liu Jun's eyes seemed to be paying attention to Zhu Yan's slender legs and plump buttocks wrapped tightly in tight pants.

Zhu Yan is 23 years old and has been in love, but she has not yet had a fixed partner.Some time ago, Zhu Feiyue was still worrying about his daughter's lifelong affairs, but now he secretly rejoiced that his daughter didn't have a boyfriend yet.

Of my three children, none of them had the same appearance and figure as me, and they all inherited many advantages of their deceased mother.Especially Zhu Yan, in a large factory with thousands of people, she can be regarded as a first-class beauty.If Zhu Yan didn't work in the Finance Department, with the official status of a cadre, I'm afraid that the nanny who appeared in Building No. [-] would not be Xiaoyu but Zhu Yan.

As for influence, fuck it!

Lao Zhu doesn't care about those imaginary things.

What is the most real thing in this world?

that power!

With power, there is everything!

Do you know who Liu Jun's real wife is?The daughter of the Provincial Party Secretary!A real lady from a famous family!If his own daughter could really make him a "Tongfang girl", she would be considered very good.Not everyone is qualified to sleep in Secretary Liu's bed!

Liu Jun summoned him and Zhao Yan to discuss work today, and Zhu Feiyue had a rough idea.

Zhao Yan looked more haggard, his face was not as red and shiny as usual, and it was a little blue-gray.He has only one daughter, and he personally picked his son-in-law, Wen Cheng, who was his apprentice when he first entered the factory.This kid is honest and steady, treats people with sincerity, concentrates on studying technology, and usually doesn't blush with others, so why would he have any conflicts with a bunch of hooligans?He was beaten so badly that he was admitted to the hospital.

Zhao Yan always loved Wencheng as his son.

Hearing that Wen Cheng was beaten, Zhao Yan wanted to find someone to fight for his life!

"Old Shen, how is the sales situation now?"

Since it was a serious discussion about work, Liu Jun didn't invite the two elder brothers to sit on the reception sofa, nor did he go to the small meeting area in the office, but just sat behind the huge desk and talked face to face with the two brothers. two

Zhu Feiyue already had a good understanding of the mentality of this young superior, and he didn't feel any uneasiness.Since Liu Jun came to visit that night, Zhao Du talked for three hours, and he didn't care about Liu Jun's arrogance any more."

It's just that he has a quick temper, and although he agrees with Liu Jun's strategy of "taking it slowly", his heart is still burning with urgency.

"It's not ideal, secretary... the sales situation is very unsatisfactory...,

Zhu Feiyue shook his head, the expression on his face was really anxious, not fake. Second, he is in charge of the sales department. The sales of Changfeng motorcycles are not satisfactory. No wonder!

The husband's family said that Changfeng Company was brought down by him, Zhu Feiyue.Zhu Feiyue scoffed at this "irresponsible" statement


In the entire Changfeng Company, there is no one like him, Zhu Feiyue, who desperately hopes that Changfeng motorcycles will occupy the country and become the world's leading sales position! [

The Changfeng motorcycle is his old Zhu's cash cow!

"Why is the sales situation so unsatisfactory? Are our cars of poor quality?"

What Liu Jun said was to Zhao Yan.

Talking about work, Zhao Yan cheered up a little, shook his head, and said, "Our cars are of the highest quality among domestic motorcycle brands. Of course, the engine and painting technology are better than those of famous foreign brands. There is a gap, but the gap is even bigger. In my opinion, the key is that sales channels are not smooth and advertising is not in place. Many rumored markets have been taken away by other brands...  

Zhu Feiyue's horse face suddenly sank, and said,

Lao Zhao, I have a problem with you saying that! Comrades in the sales department are still working hard.I've thought about everything I need to think about, the advertisements are very powerful, and the advertisements are done overwhelmingly..."

Zhao Yan glanced at him and turned his head away, as if he didn't bother arguing with him.

The staring at this sound made people even more breathless.

Zhu Feiyue is not immune to this." Just as he was about to speak, Liu Jun spoke again, asking, "Then why don't we increase our advertising efforts? "

Zhu Feiyue smiled bitterly and said, "Secretary, it's not that we don't increase our advertising efforts, it's because the cost is too high and we can't afford it.

The quality of our car is average, but the price is on the high side. It is about [-] yuan more than cars of the same grade. In today’s world, people all pay attention to a car that is affordable and of the same quality. Of course, people choose a car with a relatively low price. it's over"

"Hmph, there is a problem with the floating price set by the sales department!"

Zhao Yan turned his head and stared at him coldly!

Zhu Feiyue's face stretched, and he said, "Old Zhao, Secretary Liu asked us to discuss work today. Why are you always talking to the sales department? If you think there is something wrong with the sales department, tell me in front of Secretary Liu." , can you send someone to investigate!" Zhao Yan fell silent again.

Similar investigations have not been done before, and more than once.But the result of every investigation is "clean and clean".Every company has its own floating price, and Changfeng Company is only a bit higher, which is not a principled mistake.

Liu Jun waved his hand, stopped Zhu Feiyue's "excitement" and said, "Then tell me, what is the reason why our car is priced too high? Is the floating price just one aspect? There should be other reasons .”

These days, the focus of Liu Jun's work is on Changhe District, but he still has some understanding of the situation of Changfeng Company.However, he hopes that the two deputies can provide more information.

Those who are in charge, although sometimes "private visits through micro-services" go deep into the grassroots to understand first-hand information.However, more and more comprehensive information, of course, still comes from his main deputy and the entire management team.

Liu Jun never thought of himself as a saint or a superman, who could conquer the world by himself.

No matter how many shortcomings Zhu Feiyue and Zhao Yan have, it is always a fact that they have worked in Changfeng Company for decades.After decades of immersion in the factory, he must know more comprehensively than Secretary Liu, who has only been here for more than ten days.

Moreover, no matter how bad people's evaluation of Zhu Feiyue is, Liu Jun also believes that Zhu Feiyue also does not want Master Changfeng to collapse.

It was Changfeng Company that made Zhu Feiyue his current position and gave him such wealth.The collapse of Changfeng Company will bring a lot of harm to Zhu Feiyue but also a benefit.Often, when a state-owned enterprise of the "family husband" type really collapses, Shangfeng is furious, and after the investigation, many hidden problems will be exposed. If so, a large number of officials will fall from the horse and become the funeral objects of the company's bankruptcy.[

Zhu Feiyue decided that he didn't want to be one of the sacrificial objects.

Only when the company is on the rise, can these serious problems be covered up by dazzling achievements.Often at this time, the superior leaders will also throw their hands at the mouse, worrying that if they vigorously investigate the problem, it will affect the operation of the entire company.Since the benefits are good, it is better to have more than one thing.

"Secretary, our cost is too high!"

Zhu Feiyue said with a sigh.

"Is the procurement cost high or the labor cost high?"

Liu Jun asked calmly.

"The main reason is that the labor cost is relatively high...,

Zhu Feiyue replied with a guilty conscience.

Liu Jun nodded his head, his face still unfazed.

On this issue, Zhu Feiyue was on the wrong side of him.In terms of business, the purchasing department is under the leadership of Pei Yiren, the vice president of administration, and Pei Yiren is Zhu Feiyue's hard-core buddy.

It is said that the relationship with the former General Manager Lun is also extraordinary.

This is understandable. Administration and procurement are extremely important links. Whoever is the leader will try his best to grasp these two aspects.

Which large state-owned enterprise's procurement will not be tricky!

"We are a large state-owned enterprise with a heavy burden. We have more than 3000 active employees and nearly [-] retired employees. The cost of this is very high. Those new-type factories, especially private or joint ventures, do not have This burden... In addition, our production capacity is not high, and the efficiency of the production department has not been brought into play at all. For example, if one person produces a car, we need three people to produce it."

Zhu Feiyue was afraid that Liu Jun would ask about the procurement, so he hurriedly expressed his views.

Zhao Yan quit, and immediately retorted, "The efficiency of the production department has not been brought into play, and manpower is seriously wasted. But what can we do? If you can't sell them, why do we produce so many cars? When the benefits were better before, we Is the production capacity so low? Besides, the procurement department doesn’t have enough materials for us now!”

Liu Jun's eyebrows frowned slightly, and then stretched out again.

Both Zhu Feiyue and Zhao Yan are in their fifties, and they look like a pair of fighting cocks, blowing their beards and staring.It seems that an enterprise is an enterprise after all, and there is still a significant difference from party committees and government agencies.If at the party committee meeting of Changhe District, veteran cadres in their fifties like Zhu Feiyue and Zhao Yan, even if they had their husband's opinion, they would not be so marked.

Everyone is working hard in their stomachs, and what they show is harmony.

This time, Zhu Feiyue did not refute Zhao Yan's words. He nodded in praise, and said to Liu Jun, "Secretary, this is the difficulty of our large state-owned enterprises. There is no market, no raw materials, workers must be raised, and they cannot be distributed casually." Even if you are laid off, you still have to manage people's life and death, and you have to pay living expenses. In this factory, the quilt is too heavy!"

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