Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 766 Domineering

Liu Jun looked serious.

Not because of a slow attitude.It is difficult for such an attitude problem to cause much slack in Secretary Liu's heart.Chi Gu's arrogance, obedience, and hidden smiles are not enough to sway Secretary Liu's thoughts.

For the cadres in the system, especially his subordinate Liu Jun, he has a very rigid standard to softly judge the pros and cons. This is what he proposed at the first standing committee meeting to make progress and achieve results!

Obviously, Chi Gu's job is not very good.

"Comrade Chi Gu, I have received some letters from the masses, which mainly reflect social security issues. Take a look!" [

Liu Jun said in a deep voice, bringing the pile of letters on the desk to Chi Gu.

Of course, these letters were also selected after twenty or thirty letters, and it took Liu Jun an hour to read them. How can Chi Gu sit in front of him and watch them for...an hour?The most representative letters with the most violent words are placed at the top.

Chi Gu picked up the top letter and read it without saying a word.

Chi Gu read it very quickly, almost reading ten lines at a glance and a few pages of letters in less than 2 minutes.After reading the first letter, Chi Gu casually threw it back to his original place and did not continue to read other letters.

"Secretary Liu's anonymous letter to the Political and Legal Committee receives ten or eight letters every day."

Chi Gu said lightly.

Liu Jun's face sank slightly.If it is said that Chi Gu's negligence of his new secretary is still within Liu Jun's tolerable bottom line, this way of treating the problems reflected in the letters from the masses is already beyond Liu Jun's bottom line.

Based on Chi Gu's attitude, Liu Jun can also believe that at least the letter reflects the inaction of the public security organs and even the "cop and bandit family" problem is definitely not groundless.

Soil works!

What kind of decent team can Chi Gu see the grassroots masses bring out?

Wherever he goes... Shantou must pay attention to social security, which is the habit of Liu Jun in power.The reason is that this is an aspect that best reflects the ruling party's governance for the people.Imagine a place where the lives and property of the people are not guaranteed, and the personal safety of investors is not guaranteed, so what about economic development?

"Whether Comrade Chi Gu's letter is signed by the masses is not the key to the problem. The key to the problem is whether these phenomena reported by the masses really exist!"

Liu Jun said in a deep voice.

An uncomfortable "laugh line" appeared on the corner of Chi Gu's mouth and said: "Secretary Liu is exaggerating if he doesn't say that they are in trouble. The social security situation in Changhe District is not that bad. As for the inaction of the political and legal organs Hehe, it is even more suspected of slander. When you were the secretary of the county party committee, you should have known this situation. Now it’s no different. These ordinary people are tricky and sue everywhere if you don’t have anything to do. If you don’t follow his wishes, he will accuse you Poor attitude... Such problems are not limited to our political and legal organs. You can ask the Work Committee Letters and Visits Office about the problems they have encountered. There are more petitioners and more people every day!"

Liu Jun frowned tightly and said: "Comrade Chi Gu should divide the problem into two parts. It is undeniable that some petitioners are indeed a little extreme, but we can't turn a blind eye to the opinions of all the people because of this, right?"

Chi Gu grinned again and said disapprovingly: "Secretary Liu said seriously. The political and legal organs in Changhe District have been operating effectively and there has been no chaos in the world. After all, there are certain rules for how the political and legal organs work and how to do them. We can't The work should be directed by the masses, right?"

Liu Jun nodded, his frowning eyebrows stretched, he smiled and said: "Comrade Chi Gu is an old political and legal worker. I believe you are very serious and responsible for your work. But the ability and quality of the staff in each unit also vary. The good and the bad are mixed. There are even individual black sheep. Therefore, the opinions reflected by the masses should arouse our attention.

I hope that Comrade Chi Gu can rectify the internal work order of the political and legal organs, especially the public security organs, and improve the work enthusiasm of the police officers.In addition, we should intensify the crackdown on the more serious illegal phenomena reported by the masses! "

Liu Jun's words were well-regulated and in line with official routines. [

Chi Gu also laughed and said: "Secretary Liu is right. I will definitely arrange it after I go back."

From Chi Gu's point of view, his goal today has been achieved.Deliberately neglecting Liu Jun's call, he also adopted a "tit-for-tat" response to the problems Liu Jun pointed out To "replace".

Not to mention that he has always worked in political and legal agencies and lacks the experience of being in power.Even the current status of Changhe High-tech Zone, the secretary of the working committee is not an enviable position.In this position for five years, there have been two secretaries of the working committee, and both of them are ruthless characters with strong backgrounds. The backers and backers are not necessarily worse than Chi Gu.

If you want to make progress, it is better to progress slowly in the Department of Political Science and Law.

Chi Gu just wanted to remind Liu Jun to figure out whose territory this is, even though you are the head of the secretary.Everyone is in peace, you will be your secretary of the working committee, and I will be the secretary of my political and legal committee.Don't you still think about it.It is basically impossible to keep a promise of the province's scenery.

Of course, if you, Secretary Liu, understand the truth of this, I won't be too embarrassing, and I will cover up your face on the scene for you.

This is called a person carrying a person in a sedan chair!

After Chi Gu left, Yu Huaixin came in to tidy up. Seeing Secretary Liu leaning on the chair smoking a cigarette, although his face was calm, a sharp look flashed in his eyes, and his heart trembled slightly.


Yu Huaixin hesitated for a moment and opened it. .

When Liu Jun nodded and looked at him, the sharp look in his eyes suddenly disappeared and became very peaceful.Yu Huaixin immediately felt that the anxiety in his heart disappeared, and he couldn't help but feel at ease.

"Secretary Chi Gu, the former Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chi An... the son of Secretary Feng"

Yu Huaixin reminded.

He was worried that Liu Jun just came here and didn't understand the inside story.Not only Yu Huaixin, but also Yu Chigu's domineering, has heard of the members of the two teams in the entire Changhe District, and who doesn't know?Although Chi Anfeng withdrew Jin Xiushi and Ding Yuzhou, he still sat firmly on the stage.The secretary and deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in a province are extremely powerful to everyone.

Obviously, the dialogue between Secretary Ding Cailiu and Chi Gu was not speculative.

Although Yu Huaixin did not understand the specific content of the conversation, he could figure out a thing or two from Liu Jun's demeanor and the time when the conversation ended.The conversation ended too quickly, and in less than ten minutes, Chigu swaggered out of the room.When entering the door, he nodded his head towards Yu Huaixin, and when he went out, he turned a blind eye to Huaixin, as if there was no such person at all.

The members of Banlanli have such an attitude towards the top secretary that they have a fearful mentality.


Liu Jun nodded slightly and smiled gently.

Although he already knew what Yu Huaixin said, he already knew it. But he knew it was two different things from Yu Huaixin telling him. Liu Jun made it clear to Pan Zhiren on the day he went to Ningbei County to appoint Pan Zhiren as secretary. I want to train Pan Zhiren as my cronies, and I have been in Changhe District for some time, but I have never talked with Yu Huai confidently.

The reason is that his environment is different.

When Liu Jun went to Ningbei County, Bai Yang was the secretary of the county party committee and was there.Liu Jun, a native of the provincial capital, doesn't have so many scruples.If Pan Zhiren was really unbearable to be cultivated and replaced, it would be a shame.The situation in Changhe District is much more complicated.It was also out of this consideration that Liu Jun deliberately chose Yu Huaixin, a former secretary of the organization department, to be the secretary instead of appointing seven in the district committee office.Liu Jun, who has a complicated background, cannot be casually cultivated as a confidant. [

Therefore, these days Liu Jun has been secretly observing Yu Huaixin to see if he is really trustworthy.

It is a good start for Yu Huaixin to take the initiative to talk to him about Chi Gu's background.

Encouraged by Liu Jun's eyes, Yu Huai was very excited in his confidence, so he stopped in the office and didn't rush out, obviously he still had something to say

"Sit down, Huaixin!"

Liu Jun pointed to the seat where Chi Gu sat just now and said to Huaixin with a smile.


Yu Huaixin nodded quickly... and carefully sat down opposite Liu Jun.

"Have you gotten used to Huaixin coming to my office to work?"

"habit habit"

Yu Huaixin nodded again and again but didn't say much disgusting words of thanks.This made Liu Jun quite satisfied. The two people who met every day, Yu Huaixin, would be very interesting if they were always full of flattery.

"Secretary, in fact, the poor security situation in our Changhe District is not a matter of a day or two. Before the establishment of Changhe District, it was an urban-suburban fringe area, and it was almost a three-way zone. There were a lot of hooligans. After the establishment of the High-tech Zone, these little bastards Seeing that there are more businesses in the factories here, it has become more and more noisy, and several underground forces have faintly formed..."

Yu Huaixin did not hesitate to talk to Liu Jun about social security issues.

Liu Jun paused and gave him an encouraging look.

"Since Secretary Chi took office, he has arrested several times and organized several special governance activities, but then he gradually relaxed Maintain law and order. However, I heard that many cadres of Changfeng Company’s Yedi Nightclub have shares, and Secretary Chi Gu also has shares and is a major shareholder, but the shareholding is in the name of his lover.”

A sharp expression flashed in Liu Jun's eyes as he listened quietly.

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