Presumably, both of you have heard about Zhou's saying that goods are like wheels.In business, the most important thing is to fast in and fast out.Our cars are all backlogged in the warehouse and cannot be turned into cash, which means we have no money at all.Besides, motorcycles are a product, although they are not badly received, but the product is updated very quickly.After a long time, at least in terms of style, it will fall behind.At that time, I am afraid that even if the price is reduced by [-]%, it may not be able to sell. "

Regarding Zhao Yan's objection, Liu Jun rejected it without hesitation.

"Secretary, should you be more careful?"

Zhu Feiyue said, frowning.For other matters, Zhu Feiyue can follow Liu Jun's wishes. This "matter involves his fundamental interests, but he has to argue.

Otherwise, why am I holding you Xiao Liu so hard? [

As for Zhu Feiyue's thoughts, Liu Jun was as clear as a mirror, and immediately said in an irrefutable tone, "This small matter is settled as it is, and there is no need to discuss it. Of course. This is only a temporary decision for the existing inventory cars." , let’s not take this as an example!”

Seeing that Liu Jun had made up his mind, besides saying that it was not an example, Zhu Feiyue had no choice but to swallow a mouthful of spit, and did not say another word.

A company is no different than a party. There is a standing committee that can check the power of the top leader.The company implements the general manager responsibility system!As long as it does not involve the appointment and removal of important cadres, in terms of specific affairs, Liu Jun, the top leader, has complete decision-making power.

"By the way, Lao Zhao, I heard that your son-in-law was beaten?"

Liu Jun looked at Zhao Yan and changed the subject.

When this matter was mentioned, Zhu Feiyue's eyes flashed ~ wiped a panicked look.But Zhao Yan was furious.

"Yeah, those bastards are so unreasonable!"

"Oh? A bum? What's going on, tell me!"

Liu Jun asked calmly.

Zhao Yan was very used to it, and briefly explained how Wen Cheng was beaten, and glanced at Zhu Feiyue from the corner of his eyes from time to time.Zhu Feiyue picked up the teacup to drink water, and his face showed an angry expression following Zhao Yan's narration.

This, the ins and outs of the matter, Liu Jun basically already knows very well.After Xiao Yu went to find Xiao Ai, the results came out the next day. "Xiao Ai works in a nightclub, and the news is very well-informed. How it happened, who was involved, and what the names of the gangsters are all clear. According to Xiaoai, these hooligans are all Zhu. Long's little pony. Naturally, the rotten boy who fights and makes troubles on the street is several levels away from Zhu Long's "big brother". However, it is certain that he was ordered by Zhu Long to catch up with this job.

Liu Jun decided that he should have visited Zhao Yanyin for his room night.

Zhu Feiyue and his son probably wanted to use this method to warn Zhao Yan, don't forget who owns Changfeng Company.Zhao Yan was a stubborn person, and Zhu Feiyue couldn't suppress him with normal methods, so he had to resort to such indecent methods.

"That's right. Then, have the murderers been arrested?"

Liu Jun took out a cigarette, handed it to Zhao Yan and Zhu Feiyue, and asked.

"I've been arrested. The people at the police station said that it's just an ordinary civil dispute. Just ask them to pay a little medical expenses and that's it!"

Zhao Yan's red face became even redder.

"Is it badly hurt?"

"Broken a rib and some other trauma!"[

As Zhao Yan spoke, his eyeballs turned red.

Liu Jun nodded and said, "From this point of view, the security situation in the factory is not optimistic. In my opinion, the Public Security Bureau and the police station should increase the intensity of security rectification!"

"That's right, the police station can't just eat and do nothing,..."

Zhu Feiyue frowned, but said nothing.

Liu Jun returned to the office of the Changhe District Working Committee in the afternoon. Yu Huaixin sorted out some letters from the masses and presented them to him. There were about twenty or thirty copies in a thick stack.

Liu Jun asked, "Huaixin, are all the letters from the masses recently received?"

Yu Huaixin replied respectfully, "Most of them were received recently, and three or four were discovered when cleaning up the previous office documents. I looked at them and they are somewhat related to the problems reflected in the recent letters from the masses. Together. There are a few more, which were handed over by Director Zheng of the office."

"Well, well done!"

Liu Jun nodded and encouraged.

Yu Huaixin smiled modestly.

"What is the main content?"

"It mainly reflects the public security. Some people are dissatisfied with the public security situation in the district, especially the processing speed and handling methods of the Public Security Bureau. Well, the problems reported by Changfeng Company are relatively concentrated."

Yu Huaixin weighed his words and said.

Liu Jun frowned slightly, picked up the letter and read it.Soon, Secretary Liu frowned more and more.

Most of these letters reflect the poor security situation.As Yu Huaixin said, more than half of the [-] or [-] letters were anonymous reports from employees of Changfeng Company, about Zhu Long and Yedi Nightclub, forcing and accommodating women into prostitution.Many letters listed Lailong's rampant and domineering deeds in Changfeng Company over the past few years.He said that relying on Zhu Feiyue's influence, he organized a group of professionals in Changfeng Company to provoke troubles everywhere, beat company employees and their families, raped young women, forced young girls in the factory to perform in nightclubs, and so on.

There are also some letters in another state that reflect the rampant evil forces in other places in Changhe District.

The letters generally reflect the inaction of the Changhe District Public Security Bureau and its rough attitude towards the masses.Some letters even pointed out angrily that the police in the Public Security Bureau and the bad elements in the society are basically the same.

"A den of cops and robbers!"

Someone wrote this.

The masses hope that the new secretary of the Communist Party of China can focus on rectifying social order, cleaning up the black sheep in the public security team, cracking down on social evil forces, and returning the people to a bright future.

It took almost an hour for Liu Jun to roughly read these letters from the masses, lit a cigarette, and fell into deep thought.

When Yu came back from the nightclub that night, he told him everything about the meeting with Xiao Ai in detail, including the ugly appearance of "Brother Hui, ... and never concealed it."[

According to Xiao Ai, that, Brother Hui, is actually the deputy captain of the Public Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau.A police officer in charge of public security openly clamored for "having fun" in a nightclub. It can be seen that the quality of the police officers of the Changhe District Public Security Bureau is indeed very average.

When Yu told him, his face was red.

Liu Jun took a few puffs of cigarettes, grabbed the phone on the desk, and called Chi Gu, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

Chi Gu is the deputy secretary of the Work Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Changhe District Public Security Bureau.

In the mid-90s, this was a standard "configuration".Most of the political and legal committee secretaries also serve as the chief of the public security bureau in the area under their jurisdiction.Even in most provincial-level administrative regions, this is basically the setting.

"Hello, Chigu Sizhi? I'm Liu Jun!"

Liu Jun said in a deep voice into the microphone.

"Hello, Secretary Liu! I'm Chi Gu!"

Chi Gu replied unhurriedly, with a very calm voice.

"Comrade Chi Gu, do you have time now? I have something to talk to you about."

"...Okay, I'll go there right away!"

Chi Gu hesitated for a while on the phone before answering.

After about half an hour, Chi Gu came slowly to Liu Jun's office.

Chi Gu works in the Public Security Sub-bureau, which is less than two kilometers away from the police compound. It takes three to four minutes at most to drive here.In addition, from the office of the Public Security Bureau, and then up to the third floor of the office building, the normal speed will take 4 minutes.Chi Gu made the secretary of the working committee wait for him for three to ten minutes, his negligence was obvious.

Seeing Chi Gu, Yu Huaixin greeted him nervously.

Chi Gu just nodded slightly, and opened the door of the inner office without waiting for his notification.

"Secretary Liu!"

Chi Gu also nodded slightly at Liu Jun who was sitting upright behind the desk, and the corner of his mouth twitched, it was considered a smile.

"Comrade Chi Gu is here, please sit down!"

Liu Jun also agreed lightly, instead of getting up to shake hands with him, he just pointed to the chair opposite the desk.

Chi Gu raised his eyebrows slightly, and sat down in the chair.The whole person sat in solidly, leaned on the armrest with both hands casually, looked at Liu Jun, and said nothing.

Regarding Chi Gu's personal situation, Liu Jun has a better understanding.

Chi Gu is 35 years old this year. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his body is not very strong.Chi Gu's father was Hui Hui Secretary of the previous Provincial Party Committee and Chi Anfeng, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, who retired three years ago.Chi Anfeng is the most authentic local cadre in Tu Province, and the current Provincial Party Secretary Xi Xiushi and the Municipal Party Secretary Ding Yuzhou are both old secretary.Jin Xiushi has always been Chi Anfeng's superior, while Ding Yuzhou once worked with Chi Anfeng in a team. Strictly speaking, he is Chi Anfeng's subordinate. It is said that the two have a good personal relationship.

Chi Gu himself was transferred from the position of deputy director of the Yulan City Public Security Bureau to be a member of the Changhe District Working Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau.Even now, the part-time job of the deputy director of the city bureau has not been removed.

In terms of rank, the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau and the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Changhe District are at the same level, and both are in the same position.However, it is naturally considered a kind of progress from the faint hands of others to the power of one party.

Chi Gu's status, when Chi Anfeng was in office, he was regarded as an authentic yamen.Although Chi Anyu has retreated now, his prestige is still there.There are a large group of current leading cadres in the political and legal system, who were single-handedly promoted by Chi Anfeng.Chi Gu still has great influence in the political and legal system.

For Liu Jun, a young boss who came to the post alone from other provinces, and his foothold is not stable, Chi Gu's attitude is quite understandable.Secretary Chi was still very arrogant. Not just anyone sitting in the position of working committee secretary could dictate to him.

Since Secretary Liu took office, it was the first time that he was summoned formally, and Chi Gu deliberately came late, probably to express to Liu Yanei that in Province Q and in Changhe District of Yulan City, I am Chi Gu who is deeply ingrained." Sitting tiger"!

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