Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 82 Party Congress

In December [-], the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, which attracted worldwide attention, was held for four days.Nearly [-] members of the Central Committee and alternate members of the Central Committee attended the plenary session.The plenary meeting spoke highly of the discussion on the standard of truth, criticized the previously established policy guidelines, and determined the guidelines of emancipating the mind, using the brain, seeking truth from facts, and looking forward in unity.Stop using the slogans of "taking class struggle as the key link" and "continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie", made a strategic decision to shift the focus of work to socialist modernization, and put forward a visionary approach to the work of the party and the country in all aspects. task of reform.Re-established the party's correct organizational line.Put forward the task of improving socialist democracy and strengthening the socialist legal system, reviewed and resolved a number of major unjust, false and wrong cases in the history of the party and the merits and demerits of some important leaders, and elected a new Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

This Central Plenary Session is of great significance to the whole party and the country, and has far-reaching influence.Completed the rectification of the party's ideological line, political line, and organizational line, marking that the country has officially entered the era of reform and opening up.

The impact of this epoch-making central plenary meeting on various places has spread step by step.What is reflected in province n is first of all the restoration of the party committees in each region, the separation of the party and the government, and no longer the unified leadership of the revolutionary committee.

In March [-], the Party Congress was held in Baozhou, and a new Baozhou District Committee and Disciplinary Inspection Committee were elected.At the plenary meeting of the prefectural committee, Long Tiejun was elected as the secretary of the Baozhou prefectural committee, and Zhou Peiming, Liu Wenju and other four were elected as the deputy secretaries of the prefectural committee.Liu Wenju, the second-ranked deputy director of the original Local Revolutionary Committee, was also elected secretary of the District Disciplinary Inspection Committee.At the subsequent plenary meeting of the Baozhou Regional Revolutionary Committee, it was agreed that Long Tiejun would resign as director of the Regional Revolutionary Committee, Liu Wenju would resign as deputy director of the Regional Revolutionary Committee, Zhou Peiming was elected as the director of the Baozhou Regional Revolutionary Committee, and the division of labor and ranking of other deputy directors Adjustments have also been made accordingly.

After taking stock, the power structure of the local revolutionary committee has not changed much. During the extraordinary period, the provincial committee also means stability first, and did not parachute heavyweight cadres to the Baozhou area.The first, second and third leaders of the new prefectural committee are still the first, second and third leaders of the original local revolutionary committee.The separation of the party and the government is the intention of the high-level officials, but it will take a while for it to be implemented.Right now, we can only set up two sets of party and government teams temporarily. [

After the regional party committees and discipline inspection committees were reinstated, the cities and counties began planning to hold party congresses in full swing.The party congress in Xiangyang County was scheduled to be held in late April, and a preparatory committee was established with Yan Yu as its director.Just looking at the list of the preparatory committee, anyone with a little common sense in the officialdom can basically determine the composition of the new Xiangyang County Party Committee.

Even so, there are still many people who are confused and start running to the districts and counties.Compared with the "high-ranking officials" of later generations, the current cadres are still at the lower level of "running officials" when the team is adjusted.

Everything changes with the changing times.

Although the general situation will not change, after all, the separation of the party and the government means that if there is an additional team, there will be many more positions, and they are quite tempting positions.Regardless of the real power, where is the level?

The preparations for the party congress, the election of representatives from various bureau committees, districts, and communes were not up to Yan Yucheng and his father, the director and deputy director of the preparatory committee, to worry about it, and had their own staff to handle it properly.What Yan Yucheng and the others have to worry about is the allocation of the two sets of party and government teams.The decision-making power for the staffing of deputy county divisional team members is in the region and not in the county, but according to the usual practice, Yan Yucheng and Liu Jin, who are the first and second in command, have the right to make suggestions.

What these two big bosses are most worried about right now is whether their father will be able to take over smoothly after Yan Yucheng resigns as the director of the Revolutionary Committee.This is related to whether Dad can progress from deputy to chief.On the territory of a county, this step is very important.In addition, Yan Yucheng would never want to see the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the district put him in the wrong direction.

Fortunately, on this matter, Long Tiejun was supportive.

In addition, Tang Haitian's arrangement and the candidate for the new Secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission also took a lot of thought.Tang Haitian's qualifications are no less than that of Yan Yucheng, and he was the superior of Yan Yucheng and his father before.After playing it upside down for a long time, he is still the third child.That's all, this is a practical person, although there are disputes over fame and fortune, he is still convinced by Yan Yucheng and his father.This time, we will first arrange a full-time deputy secretary to manage the party and ideology, which is also considered a high position.Yan Yucheng thought about the new Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission for a long time, but he still didn't decide on the candidate.

Dad said, "I think it's Old Wei."

The official hat is held in one hand, and no one else can touch it.Dad's words are a bit presumptuous.Fortunately, it was a secret room discussion, so the two directors and me, the little one who was listening, didn't have many scruples.

I was able to sit in Yan Yucheng's study with Wen Daji, and I was somewhat honored by my young age.Perhaps the two bigwigs feel that they need someone outside the system to remind them occasionally. Judging from my age, they are the most suitable candidates.Regardless of the reason, in short, I have the "talent" to understand the system, and I can often speak to the point.And never gossip.

"Old Wei? It's like soft dough, okay?"

Yan Yucheng disagreed.

Dad smiled and took a puff of a cigarette: "I think it's okay. He is old and will basically retire after one term. If there is no accident, he should stay in Xiangyang County for the elderly. I think he will pay attention to it when he starts work. method, don’t mess around.”

The new Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has a lot of power.In theory, they even have the power to supervise the party committee at the same level.Any top leader is willing to put someone who can grasp it.

I greedily took a puff of the tobacco smell floating in the air, and said with a smile: "Uncle Wei is nominally Wang Benqing's former team member, and he can barely be regarded as a member of Zhou Peiming's line. I guess Zhou Peiming will not object."

Yan Yucheng thought for a while and nodded.

Since the end of last year, when I took the opportunity to punish Wang Youfu, I touched Zhou Peiming a little bit, and everyone took a step back, tacitly.Right now it's a situation where well water doesn't violate river water.Now that Zhou Peiming took advantage of the situation and got a full-time job in the Revolutionary Committee, at least he also has the name of the top leader. It is necessary to try to build a good relationship with him.

Yan Yucheng and his father discussed for a while, basically finalized the structure of the two teams, and vacated several deputy positions.This is reserved for regional bosses like Long Tiejun and Zhou Peiming.How can such a large adjustment be made entirely by the subordinates?Who doesn't have a few close relatives to take care of! [

I suddenly said, "This time, the Chief of Public Security must make a move."

Yan Yucheng asked, "Why?"

"Uncle Wei is the secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, but Yan Songbai cannot be the head of the Public Security Bureau."

I clicked lightly.

Yan Yucheng and his father knew it well.The reason is very simple, these two are the forces of the former royal faction.Although Yan Yucheng and his father had gained a firm foothold in Xiangyang County after nearly a year of operation, Wang Benqing's influence was not as good as before.But at present, Xiangyang County has not set up a political and legal committee. One discipline inspection and one public security are all powerful departments, and they are all in the hands of the Wang faction, which is naturally inappropriate.

"Okay, let Yan Songbai move a place and let him stay at the Urban Construction Bureau. This person still has some ability. Then who will take his place? Li Yi?"

Li Yi is the current deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, and Zheng Xingyun used to be online.

Dad didn't think about it, so he naturally had no objection, Yan Yucheng did whatever he wanted.

I flattened my mouth and said, "Then why not call my master over there."

My original intention was to mention my mother, thinking about the instructor of the Xiangyang Town Police Station that her old man mentioned not long ago, she is not qualified enough.Besides, it's a big deal for Dad to be in the right place this time, so there's no need for extra complications.

"Liang Guoqiang?"

"Yeah, he is now a Zhengke, and the level of the Public Security Bureau is also a Zhengke, which can be regarded as a level."

Yan Yucheng smiled and said, "You brat, you want to trick me again."

Originally, the head of the Security Section of the County Revolutionary Committee was at the deputy section level and was under the management of the office.However, Liang Guocheng's own level is Zhengke.At that time, the Public Security Bureau was not assigned as a deputy to a senior government officer at the same level as later generations, and the level was only a department.

In terms of level, it is level, but in terms of the power held in the hands, the difference is too big, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground, there is no comparison.

However, if Liang Guo was really emphasized to go to the Public Security Bureau, it would really be something to talk about on the surface.

Yan Yucheng first shook his head with a smile, and after shaking for a while, his eyes narrowed.

Long Tiejun is in a good mood these days.The personnel layout in the region is basically in line with his wishes.Provincial Party Secretary Pi Zhiping and Provincial Revolutionary Committee Director Liu Dongshan still agree with his achievements in the past five years in charge of Baozhou.Long Tiejun is 53 years old this year, and it is a bit difficult to go further. He will work in the Baozhou area for another term, and he can be transferred to the provincial level before retirement, and his wish to be a deputy provincial and ministerial pension will be fulfilled.

This time there was a large-scale personnel adjustment from top to bottom, both Pi Zhiping and Liu Dongshan stood in the right line and won some prizes, especially Pi Zhiping, who apparently still has an upward trend.Not long ago, Long Tiejun went to the province for a meeting, and Pi Zhiping specially met him and talked with him for over an hour.Mentioning the "big publicity and big discussion" in Xiangyang County, Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai were named, and there was a lot of encouragement in the words.Long Tiejun felt that the decision to take Wang Benqing, Zheng Xingyun, and replace Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai was very correct.How many county-level leading cadres can be talked about by the secretary of the provincial party committee in more than a dozen prefectures, cities, and more than [-] counties in the province?Taking advantage of Pi Zhiping's happiness, Long Tiejun also mentioned the greenhouse planting and mushroom cultivation in Xiangyang County last year, as well as the rice field fish farming. Pi Zhiping was very interested, asked about the details, affirmed it with a smile, and reminded Long Tiejun, In the future, the focus of our work should be shifted to socialist construction, we must vigorously increase productivity, and devote ourselves to improving the living standards of the people.And promised that as long as the work is done well, he will find time to visit the Baozhou area.

That's a very high rating.

So when the secretary came in and reported that Yan Yucheng was asking to see him, Long Tiejun said "please" in a rare and kind manner.

This interview was pre-arranged by Long Tiejun.The leadership of one city and seven counties under the region will be adjusted soon, and both he and Zhou Peiming have arranged special time to meet and talk with the current top leaders of the eight counties and cities.Xiangyang County is the last one. [

This kind of arrangement is also very skillful. Often the one who talks at the top is not the most important, but changes.You need to understand the situation clearly first, and see what is unexpected, so that you can be confident.When we talk to other county leaders next, we may be able to come up with a countermeasure.Xiangyang County is at the end, and it clearly reveals a meaning-you don't move this time!

Yan Yucheng and his father were just promoted in June last year, and it has been less than a year now, no matter how good the work is, it is impossible to be promoted again immediately.Being able to stay still is the greatest encouragement.

"Yucheng, it shouldn't be a problem for you to form a team with Jincai, right?"

Long Tiejun asked with a smile, his tone was very casual, revealing his intimacy.

All the stones in Yan Yu's heart fell to the ground at the same time.With Long Tiejun's words, even if the other members of the two teams in Xiangyang County were switched over, his goal has been achieved.

"No problem. You also know about Comrade Liu Jincai's situation. He is very capable and very organized."

"Well, this comrade is very good in nature, but he still lacks a little experience, but I am more at ease with you in charge."

"Secretary Long, you are too generous. In front of you, I am just a primary school student."

"Yucheng, excessive modesty equals pride... What's your county's opinion on the arrangement of other members of the team?"

This time the flattery was just right, and Long Tiejun had a good heart.

Yan Yucheng cheered up and made a report.

Long Tiejun returned to his usual majestic demeanor, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was calm.After Yan Yucheng finished his report, his face relaxed, and he nodded and said, "Comrade Peiming, have you already talked to me?"

"Yes. I have already reported to Director Zhou in the morning."

"Well. Let's stop here today."

Yan Yucheng got up and left.

On April 26, the Xiangyang County Party Congress was held as scheduled. A total of 270 representatives attended the meeting. The Xiangyang County Committee composed of 42 people and the Xiangyang County Disciplinary Inspection Committee composed of 31 people were elected.The county committee elected Yan Yucheng, Liu Jincai, Tang Haitian, Wei Yuhua, Wu Qiuyang, Li Chengyan, Ma Zhikuan and other nine comrades as standing committee members by secret ballot. Tang Haitian was the deputy secretary and assisted Yan Yucheng in his work.On the same day, the Xiangyang County Commission for Disciplinary Inspection held a plenary meeting and elected Wei Yuhua as its secretary.

The next day, the Xiangyang County Revolutionary Committee held a plenary meeting, agreeing to the resignation of Comrade Yan Yucheng as director of the Revolutionary Committee, and agreeing with Comrades Tang Haitian, Wei Yuhua, and Wu Qiuyang to resign as deputy directors of the Revolutionary Committee.Comrade Liu Jincai was elected as the director of the Xiangyang County Revolutionary Committee, and Comrade Ma Zhikuan was elected as the executive deputy director.

So far, the formation of two sets of teams in Xiangyang County has been completed.

In addition to my father's smooth progress and becoming the leader of the county revolutionary committee, the person who benefited the most from this personnel adjustment turned out to be Li Chengyan, the former deputy director of the Propaganda Department. The Standing Committee, as a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, also serves as the Minister of Propaganda, and has become a member of the power core of Xiangyang County.In detail, last year's "Call for Essays" and "Great Publicity and Discussion" were very impressive, and Li Chengyan, as the specific executor, had no credit but hard work.Dad was promoted to the director of the Revolutionary Committee, and in fact became the head of the government, so he could no longer be the propaganda minister.Instead of parachuting a propaganda minister from the region and adding an uncertain factor to the Standing Committee, it is better to break the rules and promote Li Chengyan.Regarding the promotion and use of Wei Yuhua and Li Chengyan, Zhou Peiming clearly expressed his support.Wu Qiuyang, as a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, also serves as the head of the organization, and he is still in his old business.Ma Zhikuan entered the Standing Committee and became the executive deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, but it was a balanced result.Involved by Wang Benqing, Zheng Xingyun was sadly transferred from Xiangyang County, and the Zheng faction was always unhappy.Giving Ma Zhikuan this position also has the meaning of appeasement.After all, Ma Zhikuan still has abilities.Used well, it can become Dad's right-hand man.

The top leaders of the various bureaus and committees of the county government have also been adjusted. Of course, Yan Songbai was transferred to the city construction bureau, and Liang Guoqiang took over as the chief of the public security bureau.Next, all districts and communes will have to set up party committees one after another. Large-scale personnel adjustments within the county are imperative. As party secretary, Yan Yucheng will definitely focus on this in the next few months.The burden of economic construction rests on Dad's shoulders.

ps: Tickets are required!Hehe, you judges, don't scold me for shame.If we missed the new book list, we will find a way to squeeze into the top list, please help the little ones to stand up!Thanks!

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