Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 83 Management Reform

I now pay 40 yuan to my mother every month. The reason is that the business of the repair shop is good, the boss earns more and pays me more.My mother sometimes wondered, if the news spread that my ten-year-old son skipped school to earn money to support the family, would it damage my father's reputation as the director of the County Revolutionary Committee?But every time I take the exam, I always get No.1 with a double percent score, so she doesn't think much about it.

My mother was appointed as an instructor at the Xiangyang Town Police Station after the year, and the work tasks are quite heavy.

The business of Limin Maintenance Department has indeed made some progress. The key is that the sales of second-hand mobile phones have reached Xiangyang County. There is a businessman surnamed Su in Baozhou City. Second-hand mobile phones, including two 14-inch TVs, three radios, and [-] radios, are all [-]% off, and we propose to underwrite our second-hand mobile phones in Baozhou City, as well as electric fans and so on.It's a bit like a general agent in it.Naturally, we have to let him a little more.

Fang Wenti agreed to such a good deed without even thinking about it, and promised to give him a [-]% discount.

The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee has been held, and the land of Huaxia has begun to feel a little thawed. [

Liujiashan Brick Factory has grown even stronger after the small incident last year. At the beginning of March, I asked Zhang Li to process a large brick making machine with a daily output of 1 yuan of bricks and hand it over to Liu Zhaoyu.At present, Liujiashan Brick Factory has a total of three brick-making machines. Liu Zhaoyu is in charge, and Qibo assists, and employs nearly 6000 strong laborers (part-time, temporary).The daily output of bricks is [-] yuan.At the same time, red bricks were fired in the four-hole brick kiln, and the number of animal-drawn carts increased to five.All of these are invested by me. The Liujiashan brigade is too poor, and the collective surplus is not enough to buy half a mule.If so, the deposit in my passbook has already passed the [-] mark and is close to [-].

Liang Qiao's father, Liang Guocheng, has basically recovered from his broken left leg. I wanted to give him a brick-making machine.After all, Fenglin Commune is closer to Daping Commune, which can save a few shipping costs, so I didn't dare to move after weighing it again and again.Although the anonymous letter turmoil was temporarily eliminated through the compromise between Yan Yucheng and Zhou Peiming and Wang Benqing, it does not mean that they have died down.More likely to be dormant standby.The battle in the officialdom will never end.Liang Guocheng's foundation in the Maple Brigade is so shallow that he has never been the captain of a production team, and he has a reputation as a "thief". He cannot be compared with Uncle Wu at all.There is nothing they can do about Uncle Wu, how can they not do anything about Liang Guocheng?

Dad just became the director of the Revolutionary Committee, so it's better to be careful in everything.

As for Liang Guocheng, since I promised Liang Qiao, I will find another way to find a good way out for him.

The Liujiashan Brick Factory has grown in scale and has more staff. The inertia of the commune members who are used to eating from big pots has gradually emerged, and the phenomenon of grinding foreign workers' wages has begun to appear.There are also those who secretly take red bricks home to build a wall. Although they don't take many, and most of them are half-bricks, such signs are ultimately undesirable.There are even some who secretly do private work for their own family with a shelf car.Liu Zhaoyu got angry very anxiously.

Now he earns a salary of 120 yuan a month, which is the income of several national cadres, and he really cares about this job.

In fact, this has already involved a problem of enterprise management, and it is a deep problem. It involves whether the management model and distribution system are reasonable, and whether they can effectively supervise and motivate workers.

When it comes to business management, I know a little bit.In his previous life, he was a department supervisor of a moderate age. Although his main job was technical work, he managed more than a dozen people under his command.After staying in a coastal factory for so many years, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig walk?It is not enough to use such a little management common sense in the management of large modern enterprises, but it can barely manage a small brick factory.

Liu Zhaoyu knew the rules, since he knew that I was the boss behind the scenes, he would come to the street almost every ten days to tell me about the brick factory.The twelfth younger brother (my family brother ranks twelfth) is small, and the twelfth uncle is not young, he is the second in command in Xiangyang County.How many people tried their best to sharpen their heads to get close to Twelfth Uncle, but he couldn't be domineering and ruin his future just because Twelfth Brother was younger.

Liu Zhaoyu's attitude is very correct, the reason is very simple - the twelfth brother will grow up one day!Besides, the twelfth brother is already so good at a young age, and he will only become even better when he grows up. It is absolutely right to rely on it.

On this day, Liu Zhaoyu came to Limin Maintenance Department again.This time I didn't make a special trip to report on the brick factory, but I also brought two chickens and some fresh local products--Dad became the director of the Revolutionary Committee, and Uncle Wu asked him to congratulate him.Although they are actually the second in command, the director and deputy director sound different.

It is estimated that in these days, many relatives and friends will come to congratulate her one after another.Dad is a kind person, so he will not refuse anyone who comes, but it's hard for mom, the daily reception task is quite heavy.

Liu Zhaoyu looked very winkingly, seeing that the family was full of congratulatory guests, he immediately declined his mother's invitation to keep him for dinner, and ran directly to the old street.

"Brother Zhaoyu, it's just in time for you to come. Qiaoer is going to buy vegetables. We'll have lunch here."

Liu Zhaoyu quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, there are a lot of things at home, and I'm too busy. I'll leave after I tell you a few words, and I won't eat any more."

"The sky is big and the earth is big, and the food is the biggest."

I laughed and asked Liang Qiao to prepare two more dishes.

"Qiao'er, add braised pork and scrambled eggs with green peppers for lunch. Cook two more bowls of rice, Brother Zhaoyu has a big appetite."

Liu Zhaoyu smiled wryly, and didn't mention the matter of leaving. [

In rural areas, only meat is sold at fairs.Everyone has the same problem with me, gluttony.When I mentioned braised pork, Liu Zhaoyu naturally couldn't move.

I invited Liu Zhaoyu to the third floor and sat outside Liang Qiao's small room, not going in.I set the rules myself, no one is allowed to enter Liang Qiao's room, I have to abide by it.And from the bottom of my heart, I don't like people entering Liang Qiao's room at all.

Liang Qiao went out in a hurry, followed up to the third floor like a kitten, took out a stool, made tea, smiled and whispered in my ear before going out to buy vegetables.There was a faint fragrance on the little girl's body, which smelled very good.

Fang Wenti can talk about her doing these jobs.Because her salary, food expenses, and rent are all paid by me alone, which is equivalent to someone I hired alone.Cleaning up for them, cooking and washing clothes, and helping out in the store when he has time, as a partner, Fang Wenti took advantage of it.

Qiao'er looks more and more beautiful now, and Liu Zhaoyu's eyes never leave her body.

"Brother Zhaoyu, how is the situation in the brick factory? Are you okay?"

Speaking of the brick factory, Liu Zhaoyu's mind was immediately drawn back from Liang Qiao's graceful figure.

"It's not easy to do. The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds, so it's not easy to manage..."

Liu Zhaoyu let out a heavy breath, a little depressed.

I was very patient and listened to him one by one.

"Brother Zhaoyu, don't worry, as you said, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds. When a company develops to a certain scale, it will inevitably face a bottleneck problem..."

Liu Zhaoyu opened his eyes wide.

It's no wonder that he may have heard of the word "enterprise", but what is "bottleneck"?

I smiled slightly, ignored his surprise, and continued on my own.Now that he has decided to change the business model and give him greater autonomy, he has to be taught the basics of business management.It doesn't matter whether you understand it or not, just digest it slowly, experience is always gained in actual combat.

"The business model, management model and salary model of the brick factory must be changed and standardized as much as possible."

When talking about several models, Liu Zhaoyu felt that his first one was as big as two.

"Wait a minute, Xiaojun, why can't I understand what you're saying?"

"Brother Zhaoyu, don't worry, calm down and listen to me slowly. I will let you understand."

I smiled, and my tone was very peaceful, but it revealed a little boss's momentum.A 30-year-old kid talks to a [-]-year-old strong man in this gesture. Fortunately, he is on the third floor. If people see it, why not attract a bunch of weird eyes?

"First of all, let me tell you about the business model. I want to contract this brick factory to you, register it in your name, and tell the outside world that you are the boss. Well... I won't pay you wages, and every piece sold Brick, I'll give you one cent, what do you think?"


Liu Zhaoyu opened his mouth wide, seemingly surprised, but he had already calculated quickly in his heart.At present, 5 adobes are produced every day. Qibo is good at technology. Basically, he can produce as many red bricks as there are adobes, and less than 25% of them are burnt out.One per cent per brick is [-] yuan a day, what about a month?Seven hundred and five! [

But in an instant, Liu Zhaoyu realized that he was going to get rich!

"This, is this too much?"

Liu Zhaoyu murmured.

"Not much, not much. From now on, the brick factory will depend entirely on you. I still have to go to school, so I don't have time to take care of it. You have a heavy burden on your shoulders, and you should take more."

As I said that, I seriously despised myself in my heart.Giving someone such a petty profit, and showing a generous face, is like a profiteer, a good capitalist!

Without waiting for him to say anything, I went on to say: "Uncle Qi will be your assistant, in charge of the technical guidance of the entire brick factory, the salary will be halved, and he will be given half a cent for each brick. You two must keep this matter a secret. You can’t tell others. Well, even Uncle Wu, you can’t tell, you know?”

"I know, I know, I won't tell anyone, not even my mother-in-law!"

Liu Zhaoyu hurriedly swears and swears, as if afraid that the banknotes in his hand will fly away again.

"Actually, I'm doing it for your own good. If you want people to know, don't you feel envious?"

"Yes, yes, or you are thoughtful."

Liu Zhaoyu couldn't help flattering her.

"In addition, those who work in the brick factory have to be paid by the piece, and can no longer count the time. The more you work, the more you get."

Liu Zhaoyu can understand piece counting, and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, some cunning guys just like to do foreign work. It's okay for some people to watch, but no one is watching, so they just drink water, smoke, shit and fart."

I gave a "puchi" smile, unexpectedly brother Zhaoyu was quite humorous.

"The wages of the small workers are one yuan a day, right? The master of the hoop kiln is one yuan or five or two?"

"Five dollars for one dollar, Uncle Seven is two dollars."

"Well, the wages of small workers are increased to one yuan and twenty cents, and the wages of masters are increased to two yuan. You can calculate a number according to this standard, and use it as the standard for piecework."

With the reform and opening up, the market economy is about to start gradually, and the wages of workers will naturally rise.Besides, they are all in-laws of Liujiashan, and the fat and water will not flow into the field of outsiders.

Liu Zhaoyu was quick-witted and turned around very quickly, and immediately said: "I'm afraid it's not easy to calculate the piece of loose soil."

I resolutely said: "Then contract. Let a few people do the loosening and fixing. How to coordinate internally is their own business. Anyway, they must ensure a sufficient supply of brick-making machines without interruption. Just give a total wage. "

"It's doable."

Liu Zhaoyu thought for a while, then nodded.

"Xiaojun, I think that the billet hoop kiln can be contracted out in the way you just said, just like there is a brigade under the commune, and there is a production team under the brigade. Let's divide him into several teams. Each team chooses A leader, let him go... to coordinate internally, and the person who is the leader will give an extra few dollars a month as a subsidy, do you think it is okay?"

"Okay! Each person will be given a monthly subsidy of [-] yuan, which is regarded as management salary."

I was smiling, it seems that brother Zhaoyu really has some management potential.As long as this plan is seriously implemented, no matter what scale the brick factory expands to, it can be well managed.

"In addition, there is a quality issue."

"What is a quality problem?"

Even though Liu Zhaoyu was extremely intelligent, he was also filled with little stars by my endless "new words".

"It means that the quality of the fired bricks is good or bad. You can't just ignore the quantity and quality. There must be a maximum limit that allows defective products."

The biggest disadvantage of implementing piecework wages is that the quality will plummet.Everyone only cares about the output and throws the quality to Java.

"Don't worry about this, Uncle Seven is in charge, so you can't go wrong."

I shook my head: "Enterprise management, the most important thing is the system, not relying on a certain person. You and Qibo together, see how to adjust the defective rate. Let me give you an idea, for example, if the genuine product rate is set at 90%, even if it is If you pass the test, you will not be rewarded or punished. If you exceed 90 percentage point, you will be rewarded as much as you want. On the contrary, if it is less than [-]%, you will be fined as much as [-] percentage point less... Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, reward for diligence and punishment for laziness."

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled approvingly.

"As long as this brick factory is done well, I will give you shares in the future... Ah, that is, I will give you dividends."

Liu Zhaoyu was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.

"Then, what about Zhaoshi's salary?"

The eldest brother Liu Zhaoshi is in charge of contacting Dai Sheng of the thermal power plant, and he is doing all the delivery and checkout work, he is regarded as a salesperson.He is quite used to this job, and he has a small meal and a small drink with Dai Sheng every now and then, and the small life is quite nourishing.After all, he is my eldest brother, as long as the books are clean, I don't care about such a small amount of money.

"His salary should be paid by me, and it is not easy to quantify it for the time being."

Originally, the quantification of work indicators for sales staff was the best way to do it. Where is the hard indicator of how much sales performance has been completed?But the big brother, the salesman, contains too much water, and he is basically just running errands.With the current consumption of red bricks in thermal power plants, he can use as much as we produce, and there is no problem of developing another business for the time being.At this time, linking the eldest brother's salary with the sales task is to send money to him in disguise.

Whether the eldest brother will be useful in the future depends on whether he can be honed during this period of time.Money comes too easily, which may not be a good thing for him.

Liu Zhaoyu nodded and said no more.It's better not to meddle in the affairs between other brothers.

The problem in the brick factory was successfully resolved. I was very happy. I stood up and was about to go downstairs with Liu Zhaoyu when I heard someone shouting outside, which was actually mixed with Liang Qiao's exclamation...

ps: The ticket is bullish every day, and I am really happy to see it. The judges are so generous!In the future, the yamen style will become more and more prominent, and the little YY will also be a little bit. If you can see it, take care of the little ones and continue to advance to the top list!Thank you!

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