star wars civilization.

Chapter 075: The True Lord of Lightning

lightning?This is a fresh bug ability.

Shen Zheng's eyes lit up, somewhat excited, like a child exposed to new things.

Ma Yingjie's fist came over quickly, and the insect breath wrapped around his arm turned into lightning, circling around his arm like a light snake. Shen Zheng could feel the powerful power contained in the light snake.

He stepped back, dodging the punch.

"Scum can only be scum!" Ma Yingjie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and continued to attack Shen Zheng, forcing Shen Zheng back step by step with lightning fists and feet. [

"Sure enough, just now Ma Yingjie was just careless!" The commentator of Tianhe TV called out, "This time he made a move with all his strength, and Shen Zheng is about to be pushed into a desperate situation!"

"Being defeated is a matter of time." The professional commentator nodded, "Ma Yingjie's worm ability is a rare lightning, which is the strongest energy form in natural energy. I heard that Shen Zheng has the power of fire and water. Strength is not enough in front of lightning!"

"Director Song, that scene just now was really thrilling!" At the director's table, Lie Ziqing pointed his head and said to Song Yuan.

Song Yuan snorted: "Xiao Hao is still immature, and he underestimates the enemy too much. But Shen Zheng's strength is too weak, right? In this situation, he still can't seriously injure Xiao Hao with one blow, so it's nothing to look at. Now Xiaohao has used his real strength, I don't think Shen Zheng can last long."

"You can't talk too much." Chu Tianran had a smile on his face, "After all, not half of our Shen Zheng's teeth have been knocked out."

Song Yuan looked at Chu Tianran coldly, with strong killing intent in his eyes, Chu Tianran looked at him without any fear, his eyes were as cold as a knife out of its sheath.

An electric blade pierced through the void, and the slightest bit of electricity from the electric blade grazed Shen Zheng's chest, making him feel a numbness in his chest.But this feeling is not bad, unlike the feeling of being injured, it is like a kind of enjoyment.

Ma Yingjie forced Shen Zheng to retreat step by step, and couldn't help feeling more and more complacent. The electric blades on his arms kept sweeping, and said with a sneer, "Shen Zheng, do you now understand how big the difference in strength is between us?"

"I haven't seen it too much yet." Shen Zheng smiled, and the insect's breath suddenly burned, turning into a flame, and he swung his arm and collided with the electric blade with the flame arm blade.

But he immediately backed away quickly, because the moment they collided, he felt his flaming arms shattering.

"You have a quick reaction." Ma Yingjie sneered, "Stupid thing, although flame is also a powerful natural energy, what is it compared to lightning? Lightning is the most powerful natural energy!"

Shen Zheng retracted the flame.Yes, compared with lightning, flame is weaker, but this is not the reason why Shen Zheng doesn't plan to use flame again.

He recalled the wonderful feeling when he was brushed by lightning just now.

And at the same time, a slight sense of hunger hit him again, and he couldn't help but his eyes lit up: Does this mean that I can absorb another worm ability?So how should I do it?

It seems... His mind was spinning rapidly, and suddenly his body shook, turning the insect breath into that layer of flowing water film.

"What is this doing?" The commentator of Tianhe TV station looked at a loss.

"Stupid guy, don't you know that water is conductive?" The professional explainer patted the table and laughed. "He's doomed to lose!"

What does Shen Zheng want to do?Chu Tianran couldn't help being surprised, while Song Principle frowned.

What is this guy thinking?Even elementary school students know that water can conduct electricity, but he actually needs water power to deal with lightning?Isn't that suicidal?As long as there is a touch of lightning, the power will instantly spread throughout his body!But, can someone who can become the runner-up of the exchange meeting be so stupid? [

He faintly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Idiot, are you looking for death?" Ma Yingjie snorted coldly, not thinking much about Shen Zheng's purpose.He only knew that the opportunity must not be missed, and the time would never come again. Since Shen Zheng made such a mistake, he must seize it and completely defeat this somewhat terrifying opponent.

In front of the national media, under the watchful eyes of the national audience, I must win a perfect victory!

After Shen Zheng dodged one of his lightning blades, he quickly raised his other hand and shot five lightning bolts in succession. Shen Zheng dodged two of these five lightning bolts, but there were still three that hit precisely on the ground. Immediately, the light of lightning spread rapidly on the water film on the surface of Dong Zheng's body, and Shen Zheng's body trembled as if being shocked by an electric shock.

"Die!" Ma Ying-jeou's eyes flashed with a frenzied killing intent, he rushed towards Shen Zheng like a hungry animal, his fists hit Shen Zheng's body like lightning raindrops.Following the blow of the lightning fist, Shen Zheng's body couldn't help shaking, but he didn't take half a step back.

Ma Yingjie didn't think much about it, but screamed wildly, pouring the rain of lightning fists on Shen Zheng's body.

"Go to hell, I will blast you into a ball of coke!"

Lightning spread on the students like ripples. In the presence, all the media people from Obscure Star Country were dumbfounded. They felt that they were going from great joy to great sorrow. Tragic ways fell before them.

They won the first runner-up position in history, but lost the life of the person who received this honor.

Chu Tianran suddenly stood up from his seat. He stared at Shen Zheng with rounded eyes, and with a feeling of despair in his heart, he yelled at Song Yuan: "Make Ma Yingjie stop!"

"The organization committee has this power." Song Yuan looked at him and said in a deep voice.

"Secretary Shui Minglei!" Chu Tianran yelled at the rostrum where the organizing committee was located, "Stop the competition!"

Shui Minglei glanced at him, but did not answer.

"Concern leads to chaos." He said calmly, "Please take a closer look."

Chu Tianran turned his head, looked at Shen Zheng who was constantly being attacked in the field, and suddenly understood something.

Although the whole body is surrounded by lightning, although he has been bombarded by the opponent's heavy punches, the water insect breath on Shen Zheng's body-that layer of water film is still flowing, and there is no sign of stopping at all, which shows that Shen Zheng's The insect power is still surging, and the vitality is still vigorous.

"This is..." He couldn't help being stunned.

But Song Yuan frowned more and more.

When others are either rejoicing, or lamenting loss, or doubts, or hesitation, Shen Zheng wanders in an intoxicating sense of comfort.Under the guidance of the power of the water system, the waves of lightning spread and spread throughout his body, making every inch of his body moistened by lightning.

His body greedily absorbed the power of lightning, and through this power improved every inch of his skin, every bone, and every cell. A magical power was sucked into his mind and turned into a kind that originated from ancient times. The memory of the past, that memory clearly told him what the power of lightning was all about, and how he should use it.

Enough, really enough!

At this moment, Shen Zheng suddenly couldn't help letting out a loud roar, it was a roar full of joyful emotions, in this roar, his arms suddenly moved forward, and a powerful force immediately replaced the wrapping around him. The water waves around his body turned all his insect breath into lightning, rushing forward like a raging wave. [

In front of this raging wave, Ma Yingjie was like a small stone, he was knocked out without any resistance, and the lightning light on his body was swallowed up by this stronger lightning wave. He was blown away dozens of meters amidst the exclamation, and after falling to the ground, he was pushed several meters away by this force, leaving a terrible rubbing mark on the ground.

Song Yuan stood up from his seat at once, and pressed his hands tightly on the table, and the huge force he couldn't help made his hands sink into the solid table.His mind went blank, and he couldn't figure out what was happening in front of him for a while.

In the fighting arena, there is a man whose whole body is covered by lightning. He stands proudly there. The lightning on his body is like several light snakes flying and swimming around him. From it shines a light brighter than lightning.

He stood there as if the god of thunder came into the world, staring straight at the opponent who was sent flying by him.

The whole audience was buzzing, and everyone—including people from Tianhe Kingdom and people from other countries, stared at him blankly, with their mouths open and unable to make a sound.The scene in front of him was beyond everyone's expectation.

"Did I read it wrong?" The TV commentator said tremblingly, "The one who was blown away...should be Shen Zheng from the Obscure Star, right? But why do I feel that the one standing Shen Zheng?"

"Maybe I got it wrong too?" The professional commentator murmured in bewilderment, and suddenly gave himself two mouthfuls, and then stared at the field with rounded eyes. "Damn it, so I wasn't dreaming?"

Amidst the smoke and dust, Ma Yingjie struggled to sit up. He felt that his whole body was sending pain messages to his brain, and felt that this body no longer belonged to him.He looked at the opposite side in horror, looking at the existence like Thor.

"How is that possible?" He trembled.

"Lightning?" Shen Zheng slowly stretched out a hand, looked at the electric arc that was swimming gently like a pet on that hand, and smiled faintly. "That's not the power that belongs to you alone. You have to understand that there are people outside the world, so you should keep a low profile and don't be too arrogant. You see, I seem to have better control over them than you."

As he spoke, he lightly tapped his fingers, and immediately six arcs of lightning jumped out from between his fingers, flying towards Ma Yingjie. When Ma Yingjie subconsciously stretched out his hand to block, the six arcs turned in the air and hit Ma Yingjie. On the ground in front of Ma Yingjie.

The six scorching marks are arranged in a standard arc, like a smiling mouth.

But Ma Yingjie only saw a cold ridicule from his mouth.Those words just now were originally what he said about Shen Zheng before, and now Shen Zheng has returned all of them.

"I haven't lost yet!" His eyes radiated light, and he stood up abruptly, with lightning flashing all over his body.Two bolts of lightning shot out from his back to the left and right, forming arcs like wings, and then he flew towards Shen Zheng like an electric eagle.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Shen Zheng commented.

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