star wars civilization.

Chapter 076: Champion

Ma Yingjie's whole body flashed with astonishing lightning, and his whole body seemed to have turned into an electric eagle, rushing towards Shen Zheng with a dazzling light.

"It's amazing, this is really amazing!" When the media people in Tianhe Kingdom were astonished, the media people in Obscure Star Kingdom finally recovered from the shock. They shouted excitedly, raised their cameras and frantically filming.The TV reporter shouted excitedly in front of the camera: "Have you seen it? Shen Zheng of my country's Obscure Star Academy is not only a master of the ability of water-type insects, but also a strong man who is proficient in the ability of lightning-type insects! He just now Knocked down Tianhe College's Lu Hao with a powerful lightning force! It's unbelievable! Will we win the exchange meeting this time? I think there is great hope!"

"What do you think of this duel?" The commentator of Tianhe TV station finally came to his senses, and turned to ask the professional explanation beside him.

The professional commentator was silent. From his face, the commentator read shock and horror.

"How could there be such a person? How could there be such a terrifying person? Water element, fire element, even lightning element... What kind of monster did Ma Yingjie meet?" After a long while, the professional commentator muttered to himself. [

In a blink of an eye, Ma Yingjie had come close, and a giant eagle like lightning rammed towards Shen Zheng.

"Not enough to see." Shen Zheng said calmly, suddenly waved his hand, a lightning blade formed in his palm, and then slashed towards the lightning giant eagle.

The impact of the electric current produced a sound like thunder. Amidst the thunder, a figure escaped from the battlefield of lightning, and flew out screaming with a wisp of charred smoke on its body. Only then fell to the ground and could no longer move.

At the place where the lightning was dazzling, a person shouted loudly, and immediately, all the arcs disappeared, and only a young man under 20 years old stood proudly there, like a mountain that would not move for thousands of years.

The audience was silent, and suddenly, the reporter from Obscure Star Country TV shouted like crazy: "Did you see it? Did you see it? The winner is Shen Zheng! He defeated Lu Hao, the strongest student of Tianhe Academy, He regained the disadvantage of being ranked at the bottom of the Obscure Star Academy for four consecutive years, and he created a miracle in history! Our Obscure Star Academy finally won the championship of the exchange meeting this year, and the victory belongs to us! The victory belongs to Shen Zheng!"

"Medical officer, medical officer!" The second voice came from Song Yuan, the No. 1 under the dean of Tianhe Academy. At this time, like a panicked child, he yelled desperately and ran to the audience.What he was most concerned about now was Ma Yingjie's life and death.

Those are first-class talents cultivated by their academy with painstaking efforts, and they are the stars of hope in the future of Tianhe Kingdom, but at this moment they are lying on the cold ground like a dead dog.

He can't take it.

"The winner..." The referee was a little at a loss.He was also a heaven and a man. In his opinion, Ma Yingjie was already destined to be the champion, but he never expected that such a thing would happen at this time.At this moment, he raised his head helplessly and looked at the organizing committee on the rostrum.

Liu Zhenbei looked down with some embarrassment, not knowing what to say.He was happy that Shen Zheng got No. 2, which was decided by the righteous side of his heart; he was also angry that Shen Zheng defeated Ma Yingjie, which was decided by his selfishness.After all, he is also heaven and man.

But no matter what, the result is in front of us.

"What's there to be suspicious about?" Shui Minglei frowned, staring at the referee. "In a fair game, Shen Zheng won, why didn't you announce it?"

"I declare..." the referee bit the bullet and said loudly, "Shen Zheng wins this match! Ma Yingjie will face Zhao Yong next..."

"Wait!" Song Yuan, who had already hugged Ma Yingjie in his arms and treated him with insect breath, yelled, "This is not fair! Everyone knows that Xiao Hao's strength is much higher than Zhao Yong, but he has suffered from such a situation now." If you are seriously injured, you will definitely lose to someone who is not as good as you, this is not fair!"

Everyone understands him.That's right, the champion who was already in his pocket has become the runner-up, and seeing that he may become the third runner-up again, no one can stand it.

"And I want to protest!" Next, Song Yuan yelled again, pointing at Shen Zheng. "This man! This person who claims to be from the Obscure Star Academy, I don't think he is a student of the Obscure Star Academy at all! He must be a master from a certain country, and the Obscure Star Academy must have spent a lot of money to invite him in order to get the first place. !"

"That's right!" Lie Ziqing also stood up suddenly and said loudly. "How can there be such a powerful student? Ma Yingjie of Tianhe College has an insect power of 98. This is already the strongest in the entire White Wolf Star. How can there be a stronger student?"

"You can check it out." Shen Zheng stood in the center of the fighting arena, his eyes were piercing and his voice was calm.

"Yes, you should check it out!" Lie Ziqing yelled, patting the table. [

"Okay, let's check." Chu Tianran suppressed the excitement in his heart and said proudly. "Then please ask the organizing committee to check it out."

"It's all nonsense!" Shui Minglei slapped the table and stood up, with displeasure in his eyes. "No matter what, a game is a game, and winning or losing is winning or losing. If someone has any disagreement, he can question it to the organizing committee after the game, and the organizing committee will investigate clearly. But blatantly disrupting order on the field...I don't care what you are The director of the academy or the head of any country will be punished by the military region!"

Lie Ziqing opened his mouth and sat down, while Song Yuan gritted his teeth resentfully, and finally closed his mouth.

"Everyone, although the competition is not over yet, the next thing to do is to compete for the second and third place!" The reporter from Obscure Star TV excitedly shouted at the camera, "Look, our Obscure Academy Finally won the championship of the exchange meeting, the first time in history! Shen Zheng, it is the miracle that Shen Zheng brought us!"

"Long live Shen Zheng!" In the distant country of Obscure Star, several people sitting in front of the TV and watching the live broadcast excitedly raised their arms and shouted.

Shen Zheng didn't know that at this moment, he had already become a big hero in the hearts of the people of Obscure Star Country, he had already jumped from a small wage earner to a shining superstar.

"Shen Zheng? Isn't this Shen Zheng?" In front of the TV, someone pointed at the phantom screen and shouted in surprise, "He used to be my coworker!"

"Don't dream!" A person next to him gave him a punch, "It's just the same name! Look, he is a top student of the Obscure Star Academy, and he is a big man who has the hope of becoming the commander of the Obscure Star Army, or even the commander-in-chief of the country. , how could it be the kid who worked with us in the past?"

"No, look carefully, look carefully!"

"Oh my God! Isn't this the same Shen Zheng?"

"It's really him? How could he..."

"My God, have we ever worked with such a big shot? This... this is something worth bragging about to others for a lifetime!"

"Xiaoying, look, look, he did it, he actually did it!" In front of the TV, Fang He shouted excitedly, pointing to Shen Zheng on the phantom screen.

"Yes, he did it!" On the sofa opposite the TV, Shen Ying's body trembled, and tears of excitement flowed down his hands covering his mouth.

Brother, you are now a national hero, and now you have finally become a great person.You... are my eternal and greatest pride in this life!

"Did you see it? Did you see it?" Among the Spike Army, Liang Long slapped the table and yelled, his palm smashed the table with excitement. "This is our Shen Zheng, and this is the eternal pride of our Spike Corps!"

There is no suspense in the next game.Ma Yingjie, who was seriously injured, had no choice but to give up the competition. The seed player with the most hope of becoming the champion was reduced to the third runner-up, while Zhao Yong, who had lingering fears, became the runner-up by luck.

The award ceremony went on quickly, Ma Yingjie was unable to attend because of his serious injury, so only Shen Zheng and Zhao Yong stood on the podium.

Looking at Shen Zheng, who was one level higher than himself, Zhao Yong didn't know what to say, opened his mouth for a long time, and finally said: "Shen Zheng, I was provoked by Lie Ziqing before, it was my fault, your lord has a lot of good things to say." Bar?"

Shen Zheng was startled, looking at this opponent with nervous eyes, he couldn't help but smile.

This is a world of strength. When your strength is close to that of the other party, the other party will stare at you like a hunter, thinking of knocking you to the ground and becoming an exhibit on his glory booth.And when your strength is far superior to the opponent, the opponent will regard you as a hunter, like a poor prey, respectful to you, for fear that you will turn him into food on the table.

"Let's forget about the past." He said calmly. [

"Thank you." Zhao Yong tn lips, and looked at Luo Jia, his teaching director, who was sitting in the director's seat.At this time, Luo Jia let out a sigh of relief, and thought to himself: Thanks to Shui Minglei who reminded me secretly just now, otherwise I would get into big trouble.This Shen Zheng dared to kill even the cadres sent by the military region to their Spike Corps, but he was a master who was fearless and had revenge.Xiaoyong still has a bright future, so he can't mess with such a character like Lord Hades here!

He looked at Song Yuan who was still angry, and couldn't help sighing: "Old Song, it's a pity that you are too arrogant, and you don't know how to have a good relationship with people in the military region."Shui Minglei hasn't told you about Shen Zheng's details until now, maybe you are looking for trouble for Shen Zheng?

Then he laughed again: That's just right.Whether something happened to Shen Zheng or you suffered a loss, it is a great thing for our Zuoyu Academy.

Shui Minglei, secretary-general of the organizing committee, walked slowly towards the podium, smiled at the two champions and runners-up, shook hands with Zhao Yong first, handed a silver trophy to him, and then solemnly extended his hand to Shen Zheng .

"Shen Zheng, it's a pleasure to meet such an outstanding talent as you." He whispered. "If you want to find a job in the military region in the future, you can find me."

"Thank you for your kindness." Shen Zheng smiled.

Shui Minglei just took over the golden championship trophy from the Miss Manners, and solemnly handed it over to Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng slowly raised the trophy, facing the cameras of the Obscure Star Country media.

At that moment, the Obscure Stars cheered wildly at the TV.

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