star wars civilization.

Chapter 088: Deadly Insect Swarm

"Of course the speed of construction must be fast, but the quality must be paid close attention to." In the headquarters of the Spike Corps, Liang Long watched the layout of the Deputy Commander's Mansion that Le Ning handed him, and told him. "Don't worry about other things, and personally handle the construction work of the deputy commander's mansion for me. There must be no mistakes."

"Don't worry." Le Ning nodded, "I've been with Deputy Commander Shen for such a long time, so I know I have to think about him."

"Thinking about it now, it's really like a dream!" Liang Long put down the picture and couldn't help sighing. "At that time, Shen Zheng was just a recruit who was treated as a waste, but now?"

"Thanks for your unique vision." Le Ning flattered me.

"The main thing is to thank Feng Yu." Liang Long said, "At the beginning, he saw the talent of Deputy Commander Shen and helped him enter the plant insect. Otherwise, I am afraid everything will be different." [

"Yes." Le Ning nodded, "Now our little Langya Town has become Langya City, and even the seat of the Deputy Commander's Office. I'm afraid it will develop into a big city like the capital Yunfang City in the future! "

"That's for sure." Liang Long couldn't help but smile.

"Legion Commander!" At this moment, Feng Yu suddenly opened the door and rushed in with a panicked expression. "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?" Liang Long was taken aback.Fengyu has never been so unruly as today, and always knocks on the door before giving a report no matter how urgent it is.

"The scouts just discovered that a swarm of insects is rapidly approaching the northwest guard city, only two kilometers away!" Feng Yu's face was livid.

"How is it possible?" Liang Long was stunned, "We didn't find any signs of the bug infestation beforehand?"

"They came very suddenly." Feng Yu said, "According to the scouts, it's a bit like the strange swarm of insects that suddenly appeared when Shen Zheng was guarding the northeast city."

"You mean from underground..." Liang Long was taken aback.

"It should be." Feng Yu nodded.

"What's the scale of the bug swarm?" Liang Long asked nervously.And vaguely felt that the question was a bit redundant—if the scale was small, would Fengyu be so anxious?

"Large." Feng Yu replied.

According to the calculation method of the Wolf Fang Legion, the number of insects in the large-scale insect swarm reached more than [-].

"Hurry up, let the whole army gather immediately and march to the northwest to defend the city!" Liang Long was in a hurry.

Humans are not fools, and they will not wait until the swarm of insects comes to think of defense.In fact, far away in the Vicious Insect Valley and the Vicious Insect Jungle, the Wolf Fang Legion has deployed many scouts and monitors, and there are even insect sound detectors in the insect lairs for monitoring. It can quickly enter the defensive city and carry out perfect defense.

But this time was different, the bug swarm jumped over their monitors and came right under their noses.

Liang Long knew that if he couldn't rush to the northwest to defend the city, the result would be dire. There were only [-] soldiers on duty to guard the city. Facing such a swarm of insects, I'm afraid they... Liang Longming knew the outcome, but he didn't dare imagine.

"Quick, quick!" he growled.

The team was organized as quickly as possible, got into the car quickly, and rushed towards the northwest guard city.Along the way, Liang Long kept asking the communicators to contact the defenders of the northwest city, but no one answered.

Liang Long couldn't help becoming more and more anxious. [

"Quick, quicker!" He directed the communicator and gave orders to the entire convoy. However, in an army loaded with [-] soldiers, how can a person's will be quick and fast?

"Legion Commander, we have to stop!" Suddenly, the scout in charge of the insect sound discriminator screamed, "Insect swarm! The swarm is one kilometer ahead of us!"

"Let all the vehicles form a defensive formation immediately!" Liang Long ordered decisively, "All the vehicles should be concentrated as far as possible to form a bunker on the road to resist; the team is divided into four units according to the formation, and the first and second formations are deployed immediately. In front, the third formation spread out to protect the left and right wings, and the fourth formation was responsible for dredging the back road. We must not let our own vehicles block our own retreat! Heavy weapons are concentrated in the front, and the insect swarm enters the range without waiting for orders and fires on its own! "

The huge team stopped advancing immediately, and then moved at the fastest speed.Soon, the frontmost vehicles formed a few simple defensive bunkers, and heavy weapons began to concentrate in front.

But before this huge team was fully prepared, the swarm of insects was already approaching.At the corner of the road ahead, a black swarm of insects rushed over like a tide. The sharp roars of insects and the friction of insect claws against the road surface constituted a symphony of hell.

The long-range weapon immediately opened fire with all its strength, turning several insects into broken limbs and purple blood, splashing towards the dense insect swarm.Gunshots and gunfire continued, making it hard to hear anything other than these two sounds.

However, on this narrow road, an attack of this scale couldn't stop the swarm of insects. Those tenacious and fearless creatures scrambled forward, stepping on the flesh and blood of their companions.

The guns in the hands of the soldiers also began to roar, attacking all insects that came into range.After the guns were all lit up, the soldiers raised their hands and fired at the swarm with a burst of sharpened guns.

Death was like a tide, raging in the swarm of worms, but this couldn't stop tens of thousands of worms. They finally came in front of humans, screaming and crashing into the sturdy armored vehicles.Some of the armored vehicles were knocked to the ground, while others successfully blocked the worm's footsteps.

But the dexterous bugs immediately jumped onto the armored vehicle, jumped over a vehicle in front, and rushed towards the crowd.

"Kill!" Liang Long roared angrily, raised his hand and shot dozens of rounds of sharpened spears, knocking the six worms backwards and falling, but more worms kept coming.

"Defend our homeland to the death!" Liang Long roared angrily, and was finally surrounded by insect swarms.

The powerful swarm of insects attacked the human defense line, and finally penetrated completely. For a while, it was impossible to distinguish where the insects were and where the people were.Purple blood and red blood swayed in the sky and the ground at the same time, human limbs and insect limbs flew together.

Liang Long, the highest officer of the Spike Corps, seemed to have turned into a **** of death at this moment. Every time he swung his arm blade, he would raise purple blood all over the sky. Every time he hit his fist, a huge The worm fell to the ground.He exerted all his strength, slashed and shot from a distance, sending several bugs into the abyss of hell.

But with him alone, there is absolutely no way to recover from this terrible defeat.

I was too impatient, I wanted to save those [-] soldiers too much, but in the end I hurt everyone.

Tears were already shining in Liang Long's eyes.

Any soldier is his compatriots, his comrades-in-arms, and his fellow countrymen, and he cannot bear to give up on them.He thought that as long as he was fast enough, he would be able to rush to the northwest to defend the city, and then use that solid defense to resist the insect swarm as usual.But he didn't expect the worm swarm to come so fast, so fast that he was still halfway, the worm swarm had already arrived.

"Do your best to protect your hometown even if you die!" Liang Long's body was already stained purple with insect blood. After tearing off a worm's claw with all his strength, he kicked its head off and roared to the sky. with.

"Defend my hometown to the death!" Several voices echoed him on the battlefield.None of these iron-blooded men backed down. Surrounded by the swarm of insects, and in the danger of their comrades constantly falling, they had red eyes, gritted their teeth, and fought fearfully against the insects.

At this moment, a silver figure suddenly appeared in front of Liang Long's eyes. That guy jumped onto an armored vehicle at the highest point, staring at Liang Long who was surrounded by insect corpses.

Silver armor leopard bug! [

Liang Long's heart couldn't help tightening, but he was still afraid.He squared off, staring at the scary thing, just waiting for it to jump over.

But at this time, another silver shadow jumped onto another armored vehicle, and then three consecutive silver shadows appeared in front of Liang Long, casting fierce eyes on him together.

Five silver beetles!

Liang Long stared blankly at the strongest of the five insects, and finally felt complete despair.He can kill one silver armored leopard worm by himself, but if there are two, he dare not boast that he has a chance of winning. At most, he can guarantee that they will die together.

But now there are five of them, which is enough for him to be dismembered and killed!

It was I who made a wrong decision, it was my womanly benevolence that harmed everyone.

he thought painfully.

If I give up those [-] soldiers and use the legion's castle to fight a defensive battle, then although the casualties will be heavy, I can definitely repel the bug horde.

But now?These more than 5000 fighters, without the protection of any strong city, faced the insect swarm, how many of them could survive?

He looked at these five powerful worms, and his heart kept sinking.

no one!No one can go back alive!

Thinking of the entire Langya Town being engulfed by this bug swarm after the Legion was destroyed, he felt extremely painful.

"God!" He raised his head in grief and cried out to the sky, "Why did you do this to me? You obviously gave me the greatest hope and the luck to see my home become stronger and better. Take it away with such cruel means? Could it be that I have done something wrong? Well, let me bear all the mistakes alone, please bless the safety of Langya Town, so that Langya Town can be here Continue to exist on the earth!"

His eyes shot out a cold light in an instant, as if he had made up his mind to die, then he roared and raised his hand, shooting dozens of prismatic guns at the two silver armored leopard insects, shooting them before they had time to react. Fall under the armored vehicle.

But the other three moved immediately, and rushed towards him one after another.With a roar, he reached out and grabbed the neck of the silver-armored leopard insect that rushed at first, and punched its chest hard with the other hand, sending the silver-armored leopard insect flying out of the air.

Turning around and slashing again, the sharp blade on the arm cut off the two outstretched front claws of the second silver armored leopard insect, and at the same time kicked up the guy who lost the front claws.

But the third one knocked him to the ground at once, and its sharp claws directly grabbed into his arm.

In severe pain, he saw the sharp fangs of the silver armored leopard fall down towards his throat.

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