star wars civilization.

Chapter 089: The Great Hero

Liang Long thought he was doomed this time.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that there will be a soul after death.

By that time, he could not face more than 5000 fighters who died because of his wrong decision.

At that time, he was afraid that he would see the ghosts of another 30 residents of Langfang town wandering in the air.

God, please, please! [

It seems that the heavens heard his call, but the fangs that should have fallen have not fallen for a long time.

Liang Long opened his eyes in surprise, and saw the silver armored leopard looking up at the sky.

The other four silver-armored leopard insects also raised their heads and looked up at the sky, as if there was some magnificent spectacle above.

What will it be?Liang Long looked towards the sky.

In the air, a silver-gray shadow grew from small to large, and a palpitating coercion was released from the silver-gray light and shadow, which made many insects present tremble and lost the power to resist.

Several guns separated from the silver-gray shadow, and flew to the lower body, causing a purple rain of blood among the worms.As the broken limbs of insects splashed in all directions, four airborne missiles roared towards them, scattered and blossomed among the insect swarm, turning more insects into ashes.

"Reinforcement?" Feng Yu looked up at the sky in surprise, and saw a Feiying fighter jet descending from the sky.However, there is only one.

After the initial joy, disappointment ensues - what problem can only one fighter solve?

But in a moment, his opinion changed.

The fighter jet swooped straight down from the air in an absolutely impossible posture, as if it was about to commit suicide, but when it approached the ground, it swooped and twisted like a master fighter. Wing instantly raised blood and limbs in the swarm.

"Are you kidding me?" Feng Yu blurted out.

What kind of driving technique is this?Feng Yu has never even heard of it!

A few rounds of prismatic guns were shot from the launch port of the fighter's worm power weapon, and accurately hit the silver-armored leopard bug that knocked Liang Long down. The powerful prismatic guns instantly tore this guy into dozens of pieces. Lumps, blood and viscera spilled all over Liang Long's body and face.

But Liang Long didn't have time to think about this. He jumped up suddenly, and looked at the fighter jet flying at a low altitude more than ten meters above the ground in an impossible flying posture.

Is this a fighter jet, or a fighter-shaped person?

He's a little confused.

The other four silver-armored leopards roared angrily, but before the roar ended, several prismatic spears flew over.Some of those prismatic spears had scorching flames, some had dazzling electric arcs, and some floated with water. In the blink of an eye, they burned the four fierce silver-armored leopard insects to ashes. It became slag, and the impact became fragments.

Conventional medicines are constantly firing, and those guns transformed into energy are also frantically pouring towards the swarm of bugs.When the five silver-armoured leopard insects like the leaders were finished, the entire insect swarm seemed to have lost its backbone, and the insect swarm suddenly became scattered.

After the Feiying Fighter dumped all the insects, it dived into the insect swarm.Its fuselage spun quickly against the ground, and its wings swept across all directions like a sharp blade, cutting a bloody path through the insect swarm in an instant. [

It was like this, spinning from one end of the bug swarm to the other, and then spinning back from the other end.It is like a fast-rotating chainsaw, easily harvesting the lives of all insects.

The swarm of insects finally wavered, and those worms who were brave enough to die fled towards the way they came from.

But the Flying Shadow Fighter did not intend to let them go. With the flexibility that Liang Long and others could not imagine, it displayed various unimaginable attack skills close to the ground. Every time it passed the swarm, at least There must be more than a dozen insect souls returning to the sky.

It seemed to kill xng, and seemed to be angered by the swarm, as if it didn't intend to let the swarm go.

"Kill, kill with it!" Liang Long suddenly came to his senses at this moment, raising his arms and shouting. "Revenge for the dead comrades in arms!"

"Revenge!" The formation leaders also raised their arms and shouted. Under their leadership, the whole team boiled up. The soldiers roared and rushed forward with red eyes, not caring about the pain everywhere on their bodies. .

Human beings, led by an airplane, chased after the swarm of insects fiercely. The slow-running insects were knocked down one by one, and the fast-running insects could not escape the fate of being killed.

This pursuit continued until the northwest guard city.

At this time, the northwest guard city was a miserable scene.The solid city wall was riddled with holes, and the gate had long since disappeared. There was only a shockingly large hole where there should be a gate.

Scattered weapons fell everywhere, and four hundred corpses fell in every corner of the city.These strong fighters have all died with honor. Facing the swarm of insects dozens of times larger than their own, they have no fear, no greed for life and fear of death. They used their flesh and blood to build a steel defense for Langya Town and for their hometown. .

The swarms of insects crazily rushed into the northwestern defense city with the gate open. The human soldiers chased after them with red eyes. Seeing the tragedy of the defense city, their hearts burned with anger. They roared and rushed forward desperately. , tried all his strength, trying to kill one more bug and avenge one more comrade in arms.

The Feiying fighter jet blocked the other side of the northwest defense city, using its special fighting method to slaughter the swarm of insects.

Only a few worms escaped, while most of the worms completely filled the northwest defense city with their corpses.

This battle lasted for a long time, and when the bug swarm was completely wiped out, almost everyone sat down on the ground, panting violently.

"Legion Commander!" Feng Yu ran over with several other formation leaders and came to Liang Long's side.

"Are you okay?" Feng Yu asked with concern.

"Almost died." Liang Long sat by the gate, looking at the flying shadow fighter that was slowly landing on the other side of the sea of ​​insect corpses.

"He saved my life." Liang Long said.

"Who could that be?" Feng Yu looked there in confusion. "What kind of flying technique is this! I never thought that this kind of fighter jet can still do that kind of maneuver at low altitude."

"Where is the low altitude?" The first formation leader Lorgar sighed, "It is clearly on the ground! I feel that it is not a combat tool in the sky at all, but a leopard with amazing jumping power!"

"Can't you guess who it will be?" Liang Long looked over there. At this time, the Feiying fighter jet had landed steadily.

"You know him?" Feng Yu asked in surprise. [

"It is definitely not a planter who can have such a powerful force." Liang Long said slowly.

"That's..." Feng Yu couldn't help but look ecstatic after being startled. "I see, it's Shen... Deputy Commander!"

At this moment, the hatch of the Feiying fighter jet opened, and a familiar figure jumped out of it, running towards this side at high speed, and asked loudly while running, "How is everyone? Commander Liang Jun, are you all right?" Bar?"

"Deputy Commander Shen, it's Deputy Commander Shen!" Feng Yu almost yelled crazily, his voice was hoarse because of being too excited.

"It's him, it's really him!" The formation leaders were also excited, shouting desperately: "Deputy Commander Shen is back!"

The soldier, who was already exhausted, couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment, and stood up excitedly.This legendary figure had lived among them, training and performing missions with them.And some of them were still by his side and under his command.

"Deputy Commander Shen saved us!" Many people shouted.

"Long live Deputy Commander Shen!" No one knew who started it, but immediately everyone followed suit.

Thousands of people shouted the same sentence, causing that sentence to echo for a long time in the northwest guard city and above the sky.

Hearing this tide-like cry, Shen Zheng's footsteps couldn't help but slow down, and there were some sparkling things in his eyes.

"Everyone!" he yelled loudly, "I'm back!"

"Long live!" The soldiers responded with higher voices.

Liang Long stood up tremblingly, waiting for Shen Zheng to walk in front of him, intending to greet him with a solemn military salute, but before he raised his hand, Shen Zheng rushed over and hugged him.

"Commander Liang Jun, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Shen Zheng said calmly.

"Shen...Shen Zheng!" Liang Long choked with sobs, but while hesitating, he called out the name firmly, and hugged this powerful man at the national leader level with all his strength.

Back then, that young man who revealed his true nature as a genius has finally become a dragon among men, soaring in the nine heavens!

"Shen...Hello Deputy Commander Shen!" Feng Yu and other formation leaders rushed over, excitedly looked at Shen Zheng who was hugging Liang Long, then puffed out his chest, and solemnly saluted him.

"Everyone, don't be so divided, okay?" Shen Zheng wiped away his tears and laughed.

Released Liang Long, he waved to several formation leaders.

"Captain Fengyu, you are a bit thinner; Captain Lorgar, your arm seems to be hurt badly, please see a military doctor; Captain Depp, your fighting posture just now is really brave. In addition... Who is this?"

Shen Zheng greeted the formation leaders one by one, and when he saw the last person, he found that it was an unfamiliar face.

It was a brown-haired middle-aged man with a square face and a tough face.He saluted Shen Zheng again: "Report! Rork, captain of the third formation of the Wolf Fang Army, report to Deputy Commander Shen!"

"The third formation?" The figure of Carters appeared in Shen Zheng's mind.

"He is also a support cadre sent by the military region." Liang Long whispered in his ear, "But he is very upright and a good companion."

"Hello!" Hearing this introduction, Shen Zheng had a good impression of this man, and nodded to Rork with a smile.

"I really didn't expect you to come back at this time." Feng Yu walked forward excitedly, and hugged Shen Zheng tightly.

Apart from Liang Long, he is the only one who has the courage, because he is the only one who has the closest relationship with Shen Zheng.

"I should have come back sooner." Shen Zheng said regretfully, "I can't imagine, if I was one step later..."

"Stop talking, my great hero." Feng Yu let go of Shen Zheng, "You have already saved the Langya Legion and Langya Town, that's enough."

"Long live Deputy Commander Shen!" The soldiers suddenly shouted again, it seemed that this was not enough to express their admiration and excitement.

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