star wars civilization.

Chapter 404: The Secret of Eggs

"Sorry, just pretend that I didn't say anything. om|^" Xue Su looked at the expectant Suzaku, stuck out her tongue and made a grimace.

"Come on, kid, eat it!" Suzaku looked up at Eggy and said solemnly.

In the eyes of Shen Zheng and others, the worm nucleus was huge, but in the eyes of Eggy, it was only much bigger than its eyes. It tilted its head and looked at it for a while, then suddenly stretched its neck and opened its mouth. The worm core swallowed, and swallowed it into the stomach with a grunt.

"It's delicious." It suddenly narrowed its eyes and laughed, folded its wings and gently rubbed its belly, like a child who just ate.

But after a while, a force of insects spread from its stomach to its whole body. It was slightly startled, and then slowly stretched its body, hanging quietly in the space. [

Layers of flames surged and burned all over its body, and streaks of crimson light continuously shone on its body surface.Everyone felt that huge power was being generated in its body.

"There's been a change so quickly? It's worthy of being a peak star master-level worm core!" Wu Ximing couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't disturb it, let it evolve slowly." Suzaku whispered, then looked at Shen Zheng. "Young man, please come with me, there are some things I want to talk to you alone."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, and was about to fly towards Suzaku, but suddenly felt a turbulent flow of space surged up on the opponent's body, and the turbulent flow rushed towards him, enveloping him as well.

Because the other party had spoken earlier, Shen Zheng wasn't surprised at all, and immediately relaxed his body and didn't have the strength to resist.In an instant, he felt that the hyperspace opened in front of him, and he was led into it by Suzaku. After quickly flying over an unknown distance, he broke through again and came to the real universe.

Looking around again, everyone and Eggy had disappeared, Shen Zheng knew that it was Suzaku who had brought him far away.

"Young man, there is something I must tell you." Suzaku said. "You should know that apart from the White Tiger Holy Spirit and the Central Holy Spirit, the other three Holy Spirit races are all oviparous."

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, not understanding what Suzaku meant by this.

"When an egg is born by the mother, the mother will take good care of it and take good care of it. When the baby in the egg breaks out and directly controls its own life, the mother will leave it and let it find its own life. The way." Suzaku Chong said slowly, "It's like the White Tiger Clan and the Locust Clan, who will take care of their children and grow up, and leave them only after they have great power.%&*

Shen Zheng nodded slightly, looked at Suzaku, waiting for it to say the most important words.

"But sometimes, maybe because of irresistible forces in the universe, or because of the arrival of too powerful enemies, it is inevitable that mother and child will be separated." Suzaku Chong said, "Without the warmth and protection of the mother, the children will be separated from each other." They are facing countless dangers. At this time, survival instincts stronger than ordinary creatures will arise, prompting them to undergo some changes."

"Such as Eggy?" Shen Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he finally knew what Suzaku wanted to say to him.

"Yes. Although we are not of the Holy Spirit family, we are the direct blood of the Holy Spirit family, so we also have the possibility of this kind of change." Suzaku nodded. "When you first met it, it must have been different from what it is now?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "At that time it was a strange gigantic insect that looked like a giant egg and was hundreds of meters long, very ferocious, far from the name 'baby'. "

"That's the 'nanny' that swallowed up other creatures with a powerful force based on instinct in order to survive." Suzaku said.

"Nanny?" Shen Zheng was a little surprised when he heard this word, but soon he realized that he understood this word through Suzaku's brain wave language.In other words, the word Suzaku uttered was not in his language system, but it was the closest to the word "nanny" in his language system.

"It may be difficult for you humans to understand." Suzaku said, "but it is actually like this. It has no perception of the world after it has not hatched, and it cannot use the power it has produced to protect itself. , Therefore, the genetic instinct allows it to capture a powerful Zerg in a conscious state, turn it into its own shell, and use this self-aware shell to protect itself. The shell will not know that it is just another powerful creature It will only think that the huge body is itself."

"That is to say..." Shen Zheng understood why Suzaku said this. "It wasn't the balls we were fighting, but its 'conscious shell'?"

"You can say that." Suzaku laughed. "Actually, when I saw Eggy calling you master, I understood the reason. It must be its nanny before hatching, who had a big fight with you, and In the end, it was defeated by you, so I have to recognize you as the master, right?"[

"At that time, I used the power of a cosmic source insect to invade its brain." Shen Zheng said, "That's why it was influenced by me and recognized me as the master. It is also because of this that Eggy's mental power was affected. , it will only recover to the strength of the previous egg shape after hatching, instead of making great progress. You have already guessed these, right?"

"What I didn't expect was that you used the power of the universe worm to control its past consciousness." Suzaku said in surprise, "So your mastery of the power of the universe worm is...almost the same as that of the universe worm." Worms are on par with themselves!"

"Is... is this possible?" Shen Zheng broke into a sweat.

What are cosmic worms?The master of the universe who can open up a universe, a world, and what is he?It's just a sixth-order protoss.

"The power I'm referring to is not the kind of insect power used for fighting." Suzaku said, "It's the power of the 'source'. You know, the entire universe is formed by the universe source insects. Here The source of all power in the world is the cosmic worm, so everything has a unified ancestor. Because of this, the power of the cosmic worm is impossible. It can make you and other people with the cosmic worm, It is connected with the power of the Holy Spirit to form a stronger power, and it also allows you to obtain all the abilities of other creatures through contact."

"That's right!" Shen Zheng nodded, "I do have this ability."

"You are already familiar with operating this power." Suzaku said, "It's just that this part of you is not strong enough. So what you have to do is to constantly strengthen yourself, and this power will grow with you. Maybe one day ..."

It smiled, but didn't continue talking, but raised its head and looked into the distance.

Shen Zheng turned his head and looked over curiously, but saw nothing.But in an instant, there was a strange feeling lingering in his heart, he seemed to feel something in that distant direction.

Suddenly, a surging force surged up in his body, as if he was affected by the wonderful feeling in the distance, constantly stirring, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and let out a loud roar!

This roar was not about pain, joy, or anger, it was just a kind of catharsis out of his instinct.During this long roar, the insect power in his body changed little by little, becoming more intense and powerful in the constant agitation, and when the quality of the insect power reached a new level, his Suddenly, the virtual shape of a green dragon slowly appeared beside him.

"Congratulations, young man." Suzaku looked at Shen Zheng and smiled slightly. "Your Eggy has evolved successfully, and has reached its proper second-level star master strength at this moment, and you, because of the power of the cosmic source insect left in the depths of its consciousness, you have a kind of spiritual power. connection, while at the same time being influenced increases strength."

"Eggy leveled up, so I can level up too?" Shen Zheng looked at Qinglong Xuxing beside him in surprise, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"That's because of the power of the cosmic source bug that connected you together." Suzaku said. "So your strengths are very likely to affect each other. Maybe when you advance, Eggy's strength will also increase."

"I understand." Shen Zheng thought of Xue Su at this moment.

At the beginning, Xuesu's strength was only at the level of a worm melter, but with the improvement of her own strength, Xuesu's strength seemed to increase accordingly. Every time I could always feel that Xuesu's strength equal to oneself.

That's because Xue Su's life was activated by his blood, so there was a wonderful connection between them, maybe it was because of this connection that made him advance, Xue Su would also be affected, and then advanced .

In other words, when he advances in the future, Eggy, who is connected to him with the power of the source insect, is very likely to advance along with him!

Thinking of this, Shen Zheng couldn't help but get excited. It's so beautiful that the whole family benefits from practicing alone!

"Young man." Suzaku said slowly, "The reason why I tell you this is that I just want you to understand that everything that Eggy did in the past is actually related to itself. It has always been the direct line of the noble Suzaku Holy Spirit." Blood relatives are very likely to evolve into the existence of Suzaku Holy Spirit in the future. It is not evil, and it will not hold grudges, because everything before is just a battle between you and its shell. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Shen Zheng looked at Suzaku, and only then did he understand its good intentions.

The reason why it explained so much to Shen Zheng is to make Shen Zheng not have any grievances with Dandan in his heart, so that he can truly regard Dandan as his partner and friend, instead of a dangerous egg that may recall the previous hatred at any time. And to retaliate against Shen Zheng's scheduled bombing. [

"You want me to help you take better care of it." Shen Zheng said, "Let me truly treat it as a partner and friend instead of always being suspicious."

"You're a smart man." Suzaku smiled lightly. "To be honest, I really want Eggy to stay by my side and travel through the stars with me. But I can feel that there is a powerful force in its consciousness, which makes it have an extremely rare The possibility of breaking through itself and evolving into the Holy Spirit of Suzaku. That is the power of the cosmic source insect, and it is also a special kind of power that has become extremely complicated and mysterious for some reason. It has already had a deep bond with you , no one can separate you. That's why I want you to understand all of this, to know that it will be your partner who shares your fate, and will never become your enemy."

"Don't worry." Shen Zheng nodded, "I will definitely take care of it."

"Very good." Suzaku nodded with a smile, his eyes filled with relief.

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