star wars civilization.

Chapter 405: Flying to the Eye of Death

After being brought back to the original cosmic space by Suzaku, Shen Zheng immediately discovered that Dandan was quite different from before. ^

At this time, Dandan was flying proudly in the space, making loud and clear calls from time to time, and then glared at Wu Ximing, who was as small as an ant compared to it, provocatively: "Hey, didn't you say that my speed is not as fast as yours?" How about we have another match now?"

Feeling the powerful force flowing from Eggy, Wu Ximing understood that this guy had completely reached the level of a second-tier star master, even stronger than himself.Compared with such a guy, it was purely for self-displeasure, Wu Ximing hurriedly waved his hand: "I believe you are the stronger this time, I am convinced and admire, so there is no need to compare."

"Just take it!" Eggy laughed smugly.

Looking at Eggy, thinking about what Suzaku said, Shen Zheng had to admit that it did remove a bit of the barrier between him and Eggy. [

Before, no matter what, he always felt in his heart that Eggy was a conquered beast, and he couldn't help but think that Eggy might one day become stronger and release his control over it, and the other way around. Attack yourself.

But now this doubt is completely dispelled.The giant monster that was retracted in the past was just another giant worm, but Eggy in front of him was a new life that was closely connected with him through the power of the cosmic source worm.

Its position in Shen Zheng's heart has changed from an unstable insect servant to a trustworthy and mutually dependent partner.

This is exactly the goal Suzaku wants to achieve, so that it can safely let this lovely "child" of the same race go away with Shen Zheng, and start another legend belonging to it in the sea of ​​stars.

"Huh?" Seeing Shen Zheng and Zhuquechong coming back together, Wu Ximing immediately yelled in surprise, then flew to Shen Zheng's side and looked at him one by one. "Brother, you... what did you do? How did you get promoted to another level after leaving for so long?"

"Upgraded by one level? Brother Shen Zheng has been upgraded again?" Shui Qingqing exclaimed.

"What are you yelling about?" Yan Xin gave her a blank look, "Is it unusual for brother Shen Zheng to upgrade?"

"Congratulations, master." Xue Su flew over with a smile, and gently hugged Shen Zheng's arm.

"I was influenced by Dandan." Shen Zheng said softly, "Suzaku told me the secret about the Holy Spirit Zerg just now, and now I know that the evil giant insect we subdued before is not Dandan. .”

"Ah?" Wu Ximing couldn't quite understand.

"That's just its 'shell'." Shen Zheng said, "Simply put, if the egg of the holy spirit family loses the protection of its mother, it will instinctively devour the powerful Zerg race and integrate it with its own eggshell. Turn into a 'nanny' with self-awareness, protecting yourself until one day your real self breaks out of the shell..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that Eggy blocked the fierce attack for him and broke out of the shell, so he couldn't help turning to Suzaku. ^

"Eggy blocked a deadly attack for me before, and that's why I was able to break out of the shell." Shen Zheng asked, "But if under normal circumstances, Eggy is not affected in any way..."

"Then it will also smash the previous nanny in order to break the shell." Suzaku said. "And the power of control you release only controls the nanny. When we talked about this topic just now, we turned to the matter of the cosmic origin worm, so we didn't talk about it in depth. Now I want to tell you——you didn't affect the egg Egg, its sense of identification with you is not because you control its consciousness, but because its consciousness has the power of your source insect, which connects you closely."

"Then..." Shen Zheng stared at Eggy in a daze, "Then it wasn't affected by me, which caused its power to weaken?"

"Yes." Suzaku nodded, "This child is a poor, stunted little child! Young man, you must take good care of it."

"Don't worry, haven't I already promised you?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"Young man, what's your name?" Suzaku asked.

"Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng replied. [

"I remember. How about you?" Suzaku looked at Xue Su and the others again, everyone hurriedly reported their names, Suzaku nodded one by one to express that they had remembered, and then said: "I am this starry sky Overlord of the six planets."

While speaking, he looked into the distance and pointed out six huge planets to everyone.

"That's my home." It said, "I don't have a name, but the strong Zerg like to call me 'Fire King'. If you need my help in the future, you can come here to find me."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Thank you again for helping me this time." Suzaku smiled at everyone, "I'm still worried about the safety of my subordinates, so I won't accompany you any longer. See you in the future!"

As he said that, spatial turbulence slowly emerged around its body, and it raised its head to look at Eggy, with kindness and tenderness in its eyes.

Eggy also looked at it quietly, eyes full of reluctance, the two huge Suzakus looked at each other, suddenly raised their necks at the same time and let out a loud and clear long cry, after that, Fire King completely disappeared in the turbulent environment. In the turbulent flow of space, there is no trace.

"What luck." Wu Ximing couldn't help but smiled and patted Shen Zheng's shoulder. "In the process of rushing, you can also encounter such a good thing. Not only have you been promoted to one level, Eggy has been promoted to one level, and you have also made a powerful Suzaku friend. Well, brother, you are so lucky!"

"Brother, you are lucky." Shen Zheng smiled. "Sooner or later, I will return to White Wolf Star, and this is your galaxy, your hometown, Fire King is your neighbor, you can naturally ask him for help when you need anything in the future, but I can't save you from far away Near fire!"

"That's true!" Wu Ximing thought for a while, and couldn't help being happier, but shook his head again. "But brother, you are not right to say that. You must know that you will reach the star master state sooner or later. If you fail to upgrade, you will jump to the second level at once. Then you can travel in the galaxy like traveling around the continent."

"But there is a vast universe between us." Shen Zheng smiled naively.

"What are you afraid of?" Wu Xi sang happily, "Space turbulence is sometimes caused by giant-level powerhouses, but more of it is constant, especially this kind of space that connects two galaxies or even The turbulent flow farther away is almost a fixed space gate in the universe. As long as you can remember the location of the turbulent flow, you can easily travel quickly between two universe regions, or even from one end of the universe to the other end of the universe All done."

"That's great!" Shen Zheng couldn't help becoming excited when he heard that, "I'm still worried that after returning to White Wolf Star, I will never see you and Sister Ding again!"

"Then why?" Wu Ximing laughed. "Okay, that's the end of the harvest during the rush, let's go to the eye of the god of death."

"Okay, let me show you my speed this time!" Eggy said triumphantly.

It had heard all the conversation between Shen Zheng and Suzaku just now, but it showed full feeling for those words, as if it happened to someone else.In its consciousness, it only knew that Shen Zheng was its close relative, and the word "as for" the master was found from its hazy consciousness before birth.

Obviously, it was a word learned by the influence of the "nanny" before it became conscious, and it was used on Shen Zheng as a matter of course.In its view, that may be the title that expresses the closest relationship.

Shen Zheng looked at this big guy, and had to admit that Fire King was right, he was still a child, and his thinking was still at the naive stage.

"Let's go." He said, and quickly flew onto Dandan's back, and the others hurriedly followed and fell.

A red light flashed on Dandan's back immediately, this red light was softer than before, but stronger, forming a wider "cabin" on its back to protect everyone.It looked up at the direction it came from, and suddenly rushed into the hyperspace with a long roar, and flew towards the target planet.

Both Shen Zheng and Wu Ximing obviously felt that Eggy's speed had increased several times at once, and they couldn't help looking at each other in amazement, and Wu Ximing even muttered: "My God, it's almost faster than my speed Double it!"

"It seems that our egg has become an enemy warship." Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing. [

"That's right." He suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked Wu Ximing. "Brother Wu, won't a star-lord-level powerhouse cause huge energy fluctuations when he enters hyperspace?"

"It will cause energy fluctuations." Wu Ximing said, "In terms of the power of the fluctuations, it won't be very powerful, and it won't be used on planets like Protoss warships."

"In this way, Star Master's destructive power is not as good as a protoss!" Shui Qingqing laughed.

"That's not the case." Wu Ximing shook his head, "You have seen Shi Zhengzhuo show off his power at that time. When the star master uses space power on a planet to control all the space power on the planet, he can Instantly kill all creatures on the entire planet, and even use this power to completely destroy the core of the planet, turning the planet into a cold death star."

"So scary?" Yan Xin exclaimed, and everyone was also taken aback.

"Of course." Wu Ximing smiled, "Otherwise, why is this level called 'Star Master'?"

"Then if there are protoss causing trouble on your planet, what will you do?" Shen Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Don't be afraid." Wu Ximing smiled, "When the protoss warships enter hyperspace, they must be preheated first, so that they will generate huge space power. As long as there are star masters on this planet, they will Can sense this force, and immediately come to the side of the battleship and destroy it."

"Then you are not on the other side now, isn't the other side a bit dangerous?" Shui Qingqing asked worriedly. "If Shi Zhengzhuo's crimes come with a battleship all of a sudden, what will Sister Ding do?"

"Don't worry." Wu Ximing laughed, "All planets that can manufacture protoss warships will have corresponding suppressors. The space power generated by the machine is completely shielded, and cannot be within a distance that can threaten the safety of the planet. in use."

"So that's the case." Shen Zheng nodded and smiled. "I was still worried about this kind of thing before. It seems that the protoss can only use this method to destroy some planets like the green sea planet."

"Not necessarily." Wu Ximing said, "The effect of force is mutual. When the force of the battleship hits the planet, the planet will produce a reaction force. At that time... hey, it will be dead. Of course the planet will be severely damaged, and the battleship will also be hit. It will be wiped out."

"It's terrible..." Shui Qingqing muttered.

Shen Zheng nodded, feeling that there is a lot of knowledge in this world, but he still knows too little. It seems that he should take the opportunity to ask Wu Ximing for more advice.

So, without hesitation, I asked all the questions I could think of.

This was so hard for Wu Ximing that he almost changed his career to become a lecturer.

But before he finished answering Shen Zheng's questions, Eggy had already rushed out of the hyperspace.

The eyes of the god of death are already in front of everyone.

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