star wars civilization.

Chapter 415: Great Strength Improvement

Before you know it, time flies by. ^

In a blink of an eye, half a year ended in everyone's desperate cultivation. On this day, Wu Ximing called Shen Zheng who was traveling abroad with his Internet eyes: "Brother, don't practice anymore. It's time for us to go back. Let's count the martial arts tournament." The time is coming, let's go back and prepare, then we have to set off again."

"Okay, then come here." At this time, Shen Zheng had just killed a powerful giant worm, and after cleaning up the worm's core, he smiled at Xuesu: "I added another snack for you." .”

"These days I always eat top-quality insect cores, and my mouth is already fed up." Xue Su giggled. "What can I do if I can't eat it in the future?"

"Don't worry, with me by your side, I can prepare as much as you want." Shen Zheng smiled. [

Just as he was speaking, Wu Ximing had already appeared from the turbulent flow with Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin.

Shui Qingqing immediately ran towards Xuesu, and threw herself into Xuesu's arms: "Sister Xuesu, I haven't seen you for so long, I miss you so much!"

Yan Xin also rushed over, just as she opened her arms, she was kicked aside by Shui Qingqing, so wronged that he hummed: "Why are you the only one who can hug?"

"Go to the side of the stinky boy!" Shui Qingqing gave him a hard look, "Don't even want to eat Sister Xuesu's tofu!"

"It's okay." Xue Su smiled, and waved to Yan Xin, who immediately jumped up happily, and flew all the way into Xue Su's arms.

Xue Su hugged these two guys from left to right, Wu Ximing saw it, and couldn't help muttering to Shen Zheng: "Xue Su is just like a virgin."

"I haven't seen you for so long, how is your cultivation going?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Return this to you first." Wu Ximing took off the basalt worm core hanging around his neck, and handed it back to Shen Zheng, heaving a sigh of relief. "Don't mention it, I have been abused by Xiao Hei every day these days, and I have no temper at all. Now I sincerely admit that I am just an ordinary soldier. What kind of emperor, what kind of strong man, ah!"

"Is it so serious?" Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing.

"That's really serious!" Wu Xi cried out.

"Come on, don't get cheap and act good!" Shui Qingqing snorted, "Xiaohei spends all his time training with you every day, unlike Eggy, who is just like playing with children, and he is unwilling to use his strength. True Power. %&*

"Then what level have you reached now?" Shen Zheng asked curiously.

"Fourth-rank protoss!" Yan Xin rushed to say, "I, like the silly girl Qingqing, have both been promoted to the realm of the fourth-order protoss!"

"Not bad!" Shen Zheng exclaimed, "In the past few months, not only has he broken through the limit of the worm melter, but he has risen to the fourth level so quickly? This is even faster than I used to!"

"But that's the end." Shui Qingqing said without regret, "The power of that powder has been exhausted. In the past half a month, no matter how hard we practice, the insect power has hardly increased."

"In fact, it has returned to the normal growth rate." Yan Xin added.

"Brother Wu, what about you?" Shen Zheng turned to Wu Ximing, "You changed the topic just now, and you haven't answered me directly yet."

"I'm not as exaggerated as they are." Wu Ximing said, "It's amazing to break through the limit and rise to the fourth level. I just raised two levels and became a fourth-level star master."

"Bah!" Shui Qingqing stuck out her tongue, "Brother Shen, do you think this guy is shameless? He is ashamed to compare with us, he doesn't care what level he is, what level are we, hmph!" [

"That's right." Yan Xin also nodded her head, "The two steps he promoted are two steps of the star master class! Although we have raised four steps, the difficulty is not at the same level. He also Not satisfied, too unreasonable!"

Wu Ximing looked at the two of them, and smiled, embarrassed to pretend anymore.The higher the level, the harder it is to improve. This is a truth that everyone understands. He was just playing tricks and showing off. He was a little embarrassed to be scolded by boys and girls.

"Brother Wu, congratulations!" Shen Zheng looked at Wu Ximing and was sincerely happy for him. "The level of the star master has been increased by two levels, the increased power must not be simply calculated by the level?"

"Of course." When Wu Ximing mentioned this, he immediately slapped his chest proudly. "The me now is not the me I used to be! Brother Shen Zheng, look for yourself!"

As he spoke, his body surged with worm power, and the wheel of the holy spirit slowly emerged from behind him.

Shen Zheng's eyes lit up, and he noticed that among the five discs on the wheel of the Holy Spirit, the reliefs of the Holy Spirit engraved on the two discs of the White Tiger and the Vermilion Bird actually "lived" at this moment, and turned into one on the disc. The white tiger is constantly moving, and a red bird is dancing with flames all over its body.

"This is?" He looked in surprise, his eyes full of curiosity.

"The wheel of the holy spirit is born when the star master reaches the second level." Wu Ximing put away his power and explained to Shen Zheng carefully, "and every time a holy spirit is fused with the wheel of the holy spirit, it can be raised by another level." Level. The five great holy spirits are all integrated into the wheel of the holy spirit, and the star master has reached the seventh level. And if you can go one step further and turn the wheel of the holy spirit to form an endless power of movement, then you will reach the eighth level, which is the peak Star Lord, one more step forward, and you can directly step into the ranks of the Lord of the galaxy."

"The eighth level of the star master?" Xue Su smiled, "Brother Wu, haven't you already completed half of it? Congratulations, you are getting closer and closer to the position of the master of the galaxy."

"I dare not say that." Wu Ximing wiped his sweat. "Without the auxiliary power of the source insect powder, it may take several years, ten years, or even decades to break through to the first level. It's getting closer and closer, brother Shen Zheng must have nothing to say. Brother, what have you gained in these few months?"

Mentioning this, Shen Zheng couldn't help but smiled awkwardly: "Brother Wu, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Although I have been working hard, training with combat and modulation at the same time, it can be said to be a two-pronged approach, but the effect... I am now It’s still the eighth-level protoss, but the insect power is more refined.”

"No breakthrough?" Wu Ximing looked at Shen Zheng with regret in his eyes, but then smiled again. "You don't need to worry. Your journey from silently smelling to a shocking strong man is already frighteningly fast. It's not a bad thing to relax a little now. It will help you strengthen yourself and reach a higher level. This is a good thing and a good thing , don't mind so much."

"I actually think so too." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, "Let's go steadily. No matter what, I have the confidence to set foot on that higher peak, but I'm not in a hurry right now."

"Yes!" Wu Ximing nodded.

"Actually, I guess it's because there is no longer any rival master on this planet." Xue Su said at this moment. "The master is an eighth-level protoss, with all the five holy spirits gathered, and his power has reached the realm of six times the power. Even the peak protoss is no match for him. To the master, the eyes of death have become It's an easy playing field where nothing can threaten him and push him to improve again."

"Not bad, not bad!" Wu Ximing nodded, "So, you must participate in this martial arts tournament! You know, although the Zerg race is far stronger than humans at the same level in terms of pure strength, they have no Wonderful strategies and tactics and ingenious killing moves, and there are no wonderful treasures and insect servants like Eggy. Therefore, humans are stronger in terms of overall strength. You are the enemy among protoss-level insects, but you are the enemy of star-level insects. Among humans at the spiritual level, it’s not necessarily the case.”

"Do other protoss have insect servants?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"Of course." Wu Ximing nodded. "The strong people are good at different things, and the power they develop is also different. There is a group of people who know how to subdue powerful bugs for their own use. Such people are not ordinary strong."

"Understood." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, his desire for the martial arts tournament was even stronger.

"Brother Wu, after becoming a Tier [-] star master, how has his ability changed?" He suddenly remembered this.

For stronger power, it is always good to know more.

"Yes, I was thinking of telling you about this just now!" Wu Ximing patted his head, "After chatting and talking, I forgot. Generally speaking, it's like this..." [

As he spoke, he took a few steps back, and called out the wheel of the Holy Spirit again. The lifelike white tiger and red bird on the wheel exuded wonderful power, which made Shen Zheng faintly feel that they seemed to have brought Wu Ximing new abilities.

"To put it simply, every time the wheel of the holy spirit is fully fused with a holy spirit, it can gain a kind of attack power of the holy spirit." Wu Ximing said, "remember the battle between the fire king and the humanoid we saw? Their During the battle, both sides can release another energy body, this is the ability of a star master above the third level."

As he spoke, he summoned up his power, and in an instant, the power of the surrounding space surged in, pouring into the body of the Suzaku Holy Spirit in the holy spirit wheel behind him, and the eyes of the Suzaku Holy Spirit lit up, and instantly let out a loud cry.

Immediately, a huge flame cage quickly formed, enveloping everyone in it. It was exactly the same as the move used by the Fire King when he fought against the humanoid insects, but it was not as powerful.

"This is the flame space ability brought by the Holy Spirit of Suzaku." Wu Ximing said, "It can completely control the enemy in the fire space under my control. In this space, my strength can be increased to a certain extent, while the enemy's The power will be weakened. Unless he also has the same strength as me, he can use space to space to break this prison, otherwise he can only be controlled by me."

As he spoke, he dismissed the space with a wave of his hand. The power of the space separated from the Suzaku holy spirit on the wheel of the holy spirit, but transferred to the white tiger holy spirit. The white tiger holy spirit immediately turned to the sky and roared.

Amidst the whistling sound, several white lights shone around, and the whistling storm formed a huge space of wind around.

"This is the spatial ability of the wind brought by the Holy Spirit of the White Tiger." Wu Ximing said.

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