star wars civilization.

Chapter 416: The enviable power of the star master

The turbulent wind trapped everyone in it, but they didn't feel any danger. %&*

"Here, although my attack power has not changed much, I can freely manipulate all the wind in the space." Wu Ximing said, "And more importantly, my speed has been greatly improved here, you see ..."

While speaking, his body moved suddenly, and he appeared at the edge of the space as if teleported, and with another move, he was in front of everyone again.

"Isn't this too fast?" Yan Xin said in surprise, "It's almost the same as teleportation! In this space, you take advantage of the speed!"

"Because I can control the wind, I can minimize the resistance of the air to me and maximize the resistance of the opponent." Wu Ximing said, "It is the same even in the universe, because this wind is not natural. air, but a wind of energy generated by my concentrated space power.” [

"It's so convenient." Shui Qingqing couldn't help but nodded in praise.

"There are still three holy spirits, I haven't generated yet." Wu Ximing said, "I don't know what kind of spatial ability they can create."

"Xiao Hei used the power of confinement at that time, maybe the space ability of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit is confinement?" Shui Qingqing asked.

"No." Wu Ximing smiled, "Because all the holy spirit spaces have the power of confinement. It should be a special ability above the third level."

"I feel that the gap between the third level and the second level is very huge." Xue Su said, "It's a bit like the difference between the first level and the second level."

"Almost." Wu Ximing nodded, and put away the huge space of wind. "The second-tier star master and the third-tier star master are not only far behind in terms of strength, but the key lies in the holy spirit space. A third-tier star master with the holy spirit space can completely make the second-tier star master or the weaker one stronger. Or trapped in the space. Like me before, if I meet a third-rank star master, then I will die, because I can't escape even if I want to."

"Let me show the attacking power of the Holy Spirit again." Wu Ximing said while waving his hand. Immediately, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the White Tiger Holy Spirit on the Holy Spirit Wheel, and the huge space of wind disappeared and turned into a space where the power concentrated. In Wu Ximing's hand, Wu Ximing waved his hand towards the distance, and the power suddenly turned into white, turning into a huge white tiger, leaped into the distance, stood on the ground, looked up to the sky and roared.

"What a strong momentum!" Shen Zheng couldn't help exclaiming, "This is stronger than any ultimate move!"

"That's right." Wu Ximing nodded, "It can almost display the greatest power of the Star Lord, and it is an extremely powerful real killing move."

"It's really enviable. ^" Shen Zheng couldn't help muttering.

"What's the rush? Sooner or later you will reach or even surpass this step." Wu Ximing sighed.

"Definitely!" Shen Zheng's eyes flickered, showing his strong determination.

"Let's go back." Wu Ximing said, "It's time to sort out the matters related to the martial arts tournament."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, released Eggy from the basalt worm core, and everyone flew to Eggy's broad back and sat down, a red light surged from Eggy's body immediately to protect them.

It raised its head to the sky, let out a loud cry, and then flew up, the space around it was turbulent, and suddenly broke through the space and entered the hyperspace, and flew towards the direction of the other shore star.

The return journey passed while everyone was chatting and laughing. When Eggy returned to the real universe and rushed into the atmosphere of the other side star, everyone saw the familiar scenery of this beautiful planet, and they all had a vague feeling of going home. .The desolate Death's Eye is a good place to cultivate, but it is not a human world after all. Only the world they are familiar with and grew up here can truly make them feel the warmth of home.

Soon, Eggy landed on the high platform of the central palace of Emperor City.It was the afternoon at this time, feeling Dandan's aura, Ding Yu led the crowd to greet him on the high platform early, when Wu Ximing flew down from Dandan's back, the people around immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted Congratulations to the emperor.

"How is it? Is the harvest big?" Ding Yu greeted him with a light smile.

"It's so big!" Wu Ximing laughed triumphantly, and Lang Sheng said. "Everyone, let me tell you a piece of good news—with the help of Brother Shen Zheng, this emperor has successfully advanced to the second level in the Eye of Death! Now I am no longer the little second-level star master half a year ago, but Tier [-] master!" [

"Fourth order?" Ding Yu was startled, "Aren't you bragging?"

Wu Ximing laughed and hugged Ding Yuqing: "Aren't you bragging, I'll let you see and see for a while!"

Everyone looked at Wu Ximing in surprise, feeling unbelievable.Tier [-] star master?In half a year, from the second-tier star master to the fourth-tier star master?Are you kidding me?

Seeing everyone's astonished gazes, Wu Ximing smiled slightly, and the wheel of the holy spirit behind him slowly emerged, on which the two holy spirits were moving vividly, making everyone who saw them feel a powerful aura.

At this moment, the crowd no longer had any doubts. They all lowered their heads excitedly and shouted together: "Congratulations to the emperor! Long live the emperor!"

The emperor of the planet has great strength, and the planet can get a higher status in the galaxy. Every strong person on the planet will naturally stand taller than other strong people in the galaxy. Disaster, with the protection of a powerful emperor, can also save the day, so of course everyone should be excited.

"Get up quickly." Wu Ximing gathered his strength with a smile, and slowly raised his hand, and then everyone stood up with smiles on their faces.

"Brother Shen Zheng, thank you very much!" Ding Yuqing went over to hold Shen Zheng's hand, unable to conceal the joy in his heart.

"What are you being polite about? That's Brother Wu's own ability." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

"What about you?" Ding Yu asked softly, "Have you also advanced to Star Master?"

"No." Shen Zheng sighed, "Your brother, I seem to have encountered a bottleneck, but I just advanced to the eighth-level Protoss."

"Ah?" Ding Yu was startled, "You were already at the sixth level when you left, did you only increase by two levels in half a year?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng smiled wryly.

"The master is too strong and cannot meet a good opponent, so there is no way to stimulate him to advance again." Xue Su explained from the side, "Brother Wu said that there are many strong people in the martial arts competition, so it should be able to stimulate the master's strength." , let him advance again."

"Well, yes." Ding Yu nodded lightly, "My brother's power is different, now he has reached the eighth level, and the five holy spirits are complete, so the power should have reached six times, right? The eighth-level protoss with six times the power , It is estimated that the outcome of the match with the first-rank star master is between two and one. You are a monster of the sky-defying level. It is really unreasonable to advance so quickly. It doesn't matter, take your time. "

"I know." Shen Zheng smiled. "You don't need to unlock mine."

"Just think about it!" Ding Yu patted Shen Zheng's shoulder lightly and laughed, turned to Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, and let out a little surprise. "You two are also very powerful, this power... I can't feel it, how strong is this?"

"Fourth step." Shui Qingqing stretched out four fingers triumphantly, with a smile on her face.

"It's one level higher than me!" Ding Yu sighed lightly, "What kind of mysterious power is in this Death's Eye? How can you make progress so fast? You were just insect melters when you left, and you were still An insect melter who hasn't reached the peak, why it unreasonable!"

"Sister Ding, let's discuss this matter alone." Shen Zheng said.

"Come on, let's go in and talk." Ding Yu nodded lightly, dismissed all his subordinates, and returned to the emperor's palace below with Shen Zheng and others.

There were no outsiders around, and a few people sat down, Shen Zheng directly removed a bottle of cosmic source insect powder from the insect core space, and handed it to Ding Yuqing. [

"What is this?" Ding Yuqing took it curiously, "I feel like there is some incredible power in it...Huh? Isn't this the same power that you and Miss Xuesu can release? Cosmic origin worms?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded. "I made a major discovery in the Eye of Death..."

Then, he told the story about the cold palace, Ding Yu was dumbfounded, sighed again and again, and finally sighed.

"It's because of this that you guys made continuous breakthroughs?" Ding Yuqing finally stared at the bottle, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Gently, don't worry about this matter." Wu Ximing said, asked for the bottle, and put it into his space worm core. "We don't have time now. After Brother Shen Zheng finishes participating in the martial arts competition, I will take you to the Eye of Death. After taking this powder, practice hard for a period of time. If you fail, you will be able to break through consecutively and eventually become a star master."

"Isn't that too exaggerated?" Ding Yu shook his head lightly, "That's Star Master, do you think it's as easy as raising the Star Spirit from the Insect Melter? Didn't you just raise two ranks after taking it? It's okay, take it easy." Come on slowly, I am not in a hurry to increase my strength, anyway, with a powerful existence like you, the other shore star is as solid as gold."

"Then let's start arranging the martial arts tournament." Wu Ximing nodded.

"Okay." Ding Yu looked at Shen Zheng lightly, and said, "Brother, I have to wrong you this time."

"Wronged?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"Well." Ding Yu nodded lightly, "The candidates for the martial arts tournament can only be the protoss powerhouses on this planet, and such powerhouses are naturally high-ranking military officers on the planet, so in order to get everyone's approval, You have to hold the rank of Lieutenant General of the Other Star, and then you have to wear our military uniform, pretending to be respectful to you, Brother Wu..."

"I thought it was something." Shen Zheng smiled, "What's the matter? I said he was the younger brother, and Brother Wu is the elder brother. It's only natural for me to respect him!"

"That's easy." Ding Yu laughed lightly.

Everyone also laughed, and the atmosphere in the whole room was harmonious, and everyone felt at ease.

This is the joy when good friends are together!Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In my heart, I couldn't help but think of Fang He again.

Just wait, brother, on the day when I return with glory, I will definitely make you one of the most powerful people on White Wolf Star!

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