star wars civilization.

Chapter 417: Big or Small

After everyone rested for a day, Wu Ximing called them together. ^

Apart from Shen Zheng and his party of four, there were two other lieutenant generals participating in the tournament.

The strong on the other shore star can be promoted to lieutenant general when they reach the level of protoss, and there are nine lieutenant generals on the entire planet plus Ding Yuqing. Among them, in the battle between Xinde and Wu Ximing, Shen Zheng He killed one person with his own hands, and after Wu Ximing gained power, he executed the two vile lieutenant generals who had done a lot of evil things with Shi Zhengzhuo, so now there are only six people left.

Among them, including Ding Yuqing, four people were originally loyal to him. Although the other two were from Xin De's gang in the past, they were not bad in nature, but they were deceived, and now they are loyal to Wu Ximing, so Wu Ximing not only did not demote them, but slightly promoted them.

Among the places to participate in the martial arts competition this time, Wu Ximing gave these two people a place. The one he chose was a lieutenant general named Sang Ming, and the other was selected from his former subordinates, named Ai Chi.Both of them are in their 40s. Sang Ming is a bit fat and has a kind personality. Ai Chi has long hair and looks like an artist, shrewd and capable. [

Of course, the two of them knew more about Shen Zheng's details. Although Shen Zheng was on the same level as them this time, they didn't dare to treat him as a fighter of the same level as their own. When they saw Shen Zheng and his party, they were all respectful. Compare.

This is not only because of the relationship between Shen Zheng and Wu Ximing, but also because of the powerful power that Shen Zheng has shown, which has already surpassed the realm of the star spirit.

"In previous martial arts competitions, the emperor was not allowed to follow." Wu Ximing said, "So you have to go on your own way. But brother Shen Zheng..."

He was going to say "Brother Shen Zheng's balls", but he almost couldn't hold back his laughter when the words came to his lips, and after holding back, he changed his words and said: "Brother Shen Zheng's worm servant is extremely powerful, and it is a star-lord existence. It is faster and safer to fly in it than in any warship."

"Yes!" Sang Ming and Ai Chi nodded hastily.Both of them were a little excited when they thought that they could sit on the star-level Suzaku--not everyone can have such an experience.

A star-level existence!Sitting by myself... the thought of this kind of thing makes people excited.

"Brother, try to keep a low profile when you get there." Wu Ximing told Shen Zheng, "I know you are powerful, but because of this, it is easy to attract the attention of those emperors. If you make them feel jealous or something, It's a trivial matter to try to win you over, and it's possible that you won't do it like the gang in Lenglie's hometown."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded. "However, people are different. If someone really wants to bully me, I won't be polite to them!"

"In short, you can handle this matter yourself. ^" Wu Ximing nodded, "The network eye is ready, if anything happens, brother, I will rush over to help you as soon as possible!"

"Okay." Shen Zheng smiled slightly.

After Wu Ximing handed over the navigator with the destination star map to Shen Zheng, Shen Zheng waved his hand and released a huge egg.As soon as the huge Suzaku insect with a length of more than 1000 meters appeared, including the tail, almost everyone in Dijun City looked up at the sky and saw the messenger of fire.

Several people lamented its power in their hearts, and at the same time felt sincerely happy that the other side star has such a powerful friend.

"The egg is just too big." Wu Ximing looked at the huge egg and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. "We are all like ants in front of it. It feels really bad. And if it comes out to help when it encounters something, it will almost be known to the world as soon as it appears. If only it could be smaller... "

"Smaller is smaller, what's the big deal?" In the air, the huge Eggy snorted, the power of the fire on his body shook violently, and suddenly the huge body began to shrink. A gigantic monster with a length of a kilometer turned into a giant bird with a length of a hundred meters.

"This..." Everyone was stunned.

"Eggy, so you still have this ability?" Xue Su was surprised.

"Will you not allow me to become smaller when you become bigger?" Eggy giggled, "As long as you master the power of space, you can do this step."

"Blood relatives of the Holy Spirit are really different." Wu Ximing couldn't help sighing. "Eggy, you can do whatever you want during spaceflight, but when you're in a place with people, you'd better restrain yourself, can you make it smaller?"

"No problem." Dandan smiled, and her body shrank again while trembling, becoming only more than ten meters long. [

"A hundred times the zoom function!" Ding Yuqing also exclaimed, "Applying the power of space to oneself, I am afraid that only the Holy Spirit can do this?"

"Okay, let's get back to normal size, how can the six of us sit on it now?" Shen Zheng smiled, Eggy had already expanded his body tremblingly, and soon returned to that one-kilometer-long behemoth.A group of people flew up and landed on Dandan's back. After waving goodbye to Wu Ximing, Ding Yuqing and others, Shen Zheng held the navigator and guided Dandan to fly high. fly away.

On the star map of the navigator, the name of the destination is "Extreme Star". From the data, it is a huge planet about twice the size of the other side star, and the civilization on it should be extremely developed. .

Shen Zheng couldn't help thinking: The crimson spiral galaxy has such a complete galaxy civilization system, so what about the White Wolf Star?

Shen Zheng only knows that when he was in school, he learned that the galaxy where the White Wolf Star is located is called the Lingguang galaxy, but whether there are star regions in the Lingguang galaxy like this, and whether there are various exchanges between the major planets like here , he will not know.

He couldn't help guessing secretly, and in this guessing, under Eggy's full speed of flying, after hundreds of hours, the extreme star has gradually approached.

Finally, Eggy directly broke through the hyperspace and came to the real universe, and there was a huge planet full of vitality in front of it, which was Extreme Star.

"Eggy, stop, you have to go back to the worm nucleus." Shen Zheng said, waving his hand to release his battleship from the space worm nucleus, and asked Xue Su to take everyone on the battleship and put Eggy back into the worm nucleus middle.

Bringing such a powerful guy into the extreme star, so that everyone can see clearly, how can he participate in the martial arts tournament?How can you use the power of the strong to improve your own strength?

I'm afraid that all the contestants will have to avoid him by then.

After entering the battleship, Shen Zheng sat on the console, placed the navigator, input the star map inside into the computer system of the battleship, and then headed towards the extreme star.After about ten hours, I came to the atmosphere of the extreme star and began to slowly enter the planet.

A huge gravitational force appeared at once, pulling the battleship down quickly, while Shen Zheng slightly strengthened the worm's power, forming a counter force, allowing the battleship to maintain a state of slowing down and slowly fall.

"Come to the ship to inform your planet."

Soon, the communication system on the battleship received a signal from Extreme Star.

"We are the protoss of the other shore star, and we are here to participate in this Star District Tournament." Shen Zheng replied calmly.

"Please follow the guidance of the navigator and land the battleship to the corresponding location according to our requirements." After the other party sent the signal, he continued to guide the direction of the warship's movement. Gradually, the battleship came to the sky and followed the guidance of the other party. The position east of the center of the largest continent on the planet, then descended, and fell into the periphery of a huge city with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, a battleship dock.

Here, fifteen battleships are already moored. From a high altitude, these behemoths are just a small beetle-like existence, but compared with the surrounding buildings, they all look majestic.After the warship landed in the dock, everyone disembarked from the warship, and only then did they realize the grand scale of the dock and the vast area it occupies.

"Welcome to Extreme Star." A protoss led a team to welcome everyone, and he politely saluted everyone. "I am the officer in charge of receiving the lieutenant generals of the stars."

"Hello." Shen Zheng and others also saluted him, but Xue Su ignored it, just pulled Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, pointed to the surrounding scenery, and lamented the vastness of the dock.

When the officer saw Xue Su and such a beautiful woman, he couldn't help but startled slightly, but then he returned to normal and led everyone to the convoy in the distance.

"Can warships receive space bug cores?" Shen Zheng asked Ai Chi beside him in a low voice.

Ai Chi shook his head: "You know, when a protoss warship enters hyperspace, it will produce a huge energy explosion. For safety reasons, the rule of the tournament has always been that all warships should stay in the dock and be guarded by the organizer. The purpose is to prevent people with bad intentions from using warships to make trouble.”[

"Actually, this is just a prudent rule." Sang Ming said, "Because the star master of the host must stay on the planet to sit in command. Under his supervision, it is impossible for anyone to use space power."

After saying this, he looked at Shen Zheng, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly: "I take back the three words 'anyone'..."

Shen Zheng couldn't help but also laughed: "It's impossible for me to play this kind of destructive game with warships under the star master's nose."

A group of people got into the car following the reception officer, and the convoy left the dock immediately and quickly entered the city, all the way to the center of the city, in front of a huge building in the garden.

The building is extremely majestic, it looks like a temple.The receptionist told Shen Zheng that this is the reception where the contestants live.

"There are a total of eighteen floors here." The receptionist said, "Except for the reception area on the first floor and the functional area on the second floor, each other floor is assigned to a contestant on a planet to live in."

Shen Zheng nodded slowly, and only then did he realize that there are sixteen civilized planets in the Chiguang star area.

"You are the last batch of contestants to arrive." The receptionist said, "There is no way to choose a floor, so I can only live on the No.18 floor. Sorry."

"Sorry?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"Let's go up first." Ai Chi coughed hastily, and Shen Zheng immediately knew that this question could not be asked in detail, so at one point, in the reception area, after registering with the reception officer, he got on the elevator under his guidance and walked all the way Came to the top.The receptionist helped them introduce the building layout and some matters before leaving. Shen Zheng and others entered the room immediately. Shen Zheng couldn't help asking Ai Chi curiously: "Is there anything wrong with the eighteenth floor?"

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