star wars civilization.

Chapter 424: The conspiracy behind it

Before the competition, Shen Zheng was looking forward to this competition. ^

But when it was really on the field, Shen Zheng felt disappointed.

There are not many people in his group, plus he only has six people, and these six people are all eighth-level protoss. In terms of strength, they are stronger than each other, and on the surface, they are all majestic, but in fact ...

The first person to confront Shen Zheng was Hai Xingyu, an eighth-level protoss in his 40s. He used a slender scimitar. He was quite polite, so he talked and laughed with Shen Zheng for a while In other words, after the referee announced the start of the game, this guy immediately gave full play to his power, a knife dazzled the light, and he looked like he had little power.

But Shen Zheng only exerted three times the strength, and easily knocked his knife away. [

At that time, Hai Xingyu's face became extremely ugly.

He didn't watch the match between Shen Zheng and Da Fei at the beginning, the reason is very simple, he thought that the competition between the fifth-order protoss like Da Fei and the unknown young man from the Bian'an Star was completely unwatchable necessary.

However, after his colleague came back and learned the battle situation from him, he immediately regretted it.Not everyone can have the opportunity to see such a battle, and if you miss it, it may be a lifetime of regret.

And at this moment, he regretted it even more - if he had watched that battle at the beginning, he would not have been so careless at the beginning, and ended up with the same ending as Dafei, the knife flew before he made a move.

"General Shen Zheng, I lost." He was a cheerful person, he immediately nodded his head and gave up the game voluntarily.

Shen Zheng opened his mouth, wanting to persuade him to stay, but he also knew that at this time, to persuade him would be slapping others' face, so he could only sigh slightly: "I have given in."

But I was muttering in my heart: playing like this is not fun at all!

When the referee announced that he had successfully advanced and Hai Xingyu had failed, he turned his head and looked at several other battlefields in the distance. He saw that the fight was fierce there, and he couldn't help feeling envious.

Hang on for a while next time.he thought.

No, there is no point in dawdling. If the opponent is always a guy with no strength, it is meaningless to dawdle for a long time.he thought again.

Finally had to sigh.

Others' battles are in full swing, and he is free to fly around here, but he can't get too close to other people's battlefields to disturb others, which really makes him very bored.

"Look." Far away, Wen Gangshu pointed at Shen Zheng who was flashing extremely chatty, and smiled slightly. ^ "With just one move, you can blow away the insect spirits of the same level of protoss, causing the opponent to give up the game. Isn't this kind of skill worth waiting for Your Highness to make a move?"

Xuan Chifeng's eyes flickered with brilliance: "Indeed. There are very few people who can make protoss of the same level admit defeat in one move! Let's take a look again."

Either the fierce confrontation or the one-sided battle finally came to an end. After the first round, all the winners and losers returned to the reception area to rest together.

After a full day of rest, the game started again.During the whole day, the losers reflected on the process of their game, summed up their successes and failures, and when the game started again, they also followed them to the space to watch the winner's battle from a distance.

This is exactly the true meaning of the Martial Arts Tournament in the Red Light Star District - to allow the protoss to get the maximum amount of training, and at the same time to observe and prove each other's martial arts, so as to achieve the effect of collective progress, thereby improving the strength of the entire Red Light Star District .

After such repeated fights and rests, the final round finally arrived.

Shen Zheng entered the final round effortlessly all the way - with the strength of the eighth-level protoss that he can produce six times as powerful, these ordinary protoss really can't be his opponent, if it wasn't for the fact that he was afraid that it would end too soon The match was too chatty, so I deliberately suppressed my strength, I am afraid that every match can achieve the effect of one move to control the enemy. [

The gazes of the host Wen Gangshu and the extreme star emperor Xuan Chifeng have never ignored him since the start of the game.When the final round came to this day, the two looked at each other even more.

"Have you decided?" Wen Gangshu asked. "It's still too late."

"He is a rare master." Xuan Chifeng's eyes sparkled, "I think I must be very eager to fight against such a strong man."

"Okay, then I'll make the arrangements." Wen Gangshu smiled slightly.

This round of competition, after fierce competition, finally came to an end. The knockout round directly eliminated the weak protoss. After Shen Zheng defeated the two ninth-level protoss, he successfully entered the final.

At this moment, he was completely out of focus on the game, and was just waiting to receive the ultimate holy medicine.

After the competition, the two finalists have been decided. One is of course Shen Zheng, and the other is a peak protoss from Extreme Star named Chen Dong.That person's power is extremely strong among the protoss, but compared with Shen Zheng, it is much inferior.

The final round was completed, and everyone returned to the reception.But Chen Dong from Extreme Star didn't stay here, but returned to his residence.

When he sat down in his lieutenant general's mansion and was about to take a good rest and prepare for the decisive battle with Shen Zheng a day later, a space turbulence suddenly appeared somewhere in the room. In the turbulence, Xuan Chifeng's figure slowly slowly emerge.

"Your Majesty?" Chen Dong was startled, stood up hastily, and respectfully knelt on one knee, but his heart was in a state of panic. He didn't understand how His Majesty, the emperor, came to his mansion secretly in this way. middle.

"Get up." Xuan Chifeng nodded slowly, and sat down on the sofa by himself. Chen Dong hurriedly got up and stood aside respectfully, but he didn't dare to open his mouth to ask what Xuan Chifeng was here for.

"Congratulations first, you finally made it to the finals in this competition, winning honor for my extreme star." Xuan Chifeng said with a smile.

"That's because of His Majesty's usual teachings." Chen Dong said respectfully, "Without a few times of His Majesty's guidance, I would not have made such rapid progress."

"How much do you know about you, Shen Zheng?" Xuan Chifeng suddenly ended the chatter, and got straight to the point.

"He's an amazing powerhouse." Chen Dong replied hastily, "He's only in his 20s, yet he has reached the realm of an eighth-level protoss, and what's even more astonishing is that his strength seems to be stronger than that of a ninth-level protoss." , I feel... I feel that there must be some great secret in him."

"What do you think is the probability of winning or losing if you let go and fight him?" Xuan Chifeng asked.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured!" Chen Dong immediately straightened his chest. "Although Chen Dong is not talented, he will never lose the prestige of my extreme star soldier, and will not insult the reputation of an extreme star soldier! I will definitely do my best, even if I fight to the death, I will never let Shen Zheng take advantage of it! He will never give up voluntarily like those players he met before..."

"You misunderstood me." Xuan Chifeng waved his hand. "I just ask you, do you feel that you are his opponent?"

Chen Dong held back for a while, and finally sighed: "Your Majesty, there is no one else here, so I will tell the truth. It's not that I want others to destroy my prestige, I... I feel that I am definitely not his opponent. You see, except Except for the first round, he didn't seem to show that powerful power in the rest of the rounds, but after thinking about it carefully, he never used the insect spirit from the beginning to the end."

"That's right." Xuan Chifeng nodded, "So I can't help but wonder how he could be so powerful?"

Chen Dong didn't speak, he knew that this kind of question was beyond his ability to answer, and Xuan Chifeng was just talking to himself, and didn't expect him to answer at all.

He was just still secretly guessing Xuan Chifeng's purpose for coming here, but he really couldn't think of it. [

"Chen Dong, do me a favor." Xuan Chifeng said suddenly, startling Chen Dong.

He hastily knelt down on one knee again, and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, if you have anything to do, just order it. Your words like this really frighten me!"

"It's really helping me." Xuan Chifeng said slowly, "Stand up."

"Yes." Chen Dong didn't dare to defend Xuan Chifeng's order, and slowly stood up straight, still feeling extremely anxious.

"You know, although Yiwang's strength has not reached the level of the star master, it has already surpassed the level of the star spirit." Xuan Chifeng said. "He is a genius. He is only 32 years old, and he is already extremely close to the realm of a star master..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: "But with this Shen Zheng coming, and calling him a genius, I'm afraid I'm going to blush a little."

"Your Majesty, what do you mean..." Although Chen Dong was extremely respectful in front of Xuan Chifeng, he was a peak Protoss expert after all, and he was also one of the few high-ranking officials on the planet, so he was naturally alert. "Let this Shen Zheng..."

"You are very smart." Xuan Chifeng smiled. "But of course it can't be done in the competition. But he is a good stepping stone to help Yiwang go further. I intend to let Yiwang compete with him. You know, the competition is supervised by the star headquarters, and all participants must Strictly following the rules and not really hurting people is a rare and safe game protected by strong forces. I don’t want Yiwang to miss such a match.”

"I understand." Chen Dong nodded, "Your Majesty, tell me what should I do?"

"Pretend to be sick." Xuan Chifeng said decisively, "Pretend to have a terrible serious illness, and then, as the emperor of the extreme star, I have the right to negotiate with the host sent by the star district headquarters, and then assign another player Instead of you, fight Shen Zheng."

"Understood!" Chen Dong nodded, "Everything is up to your order!"

"Very good!" Xuan Chifeng nodded. "Since this matter has been explained to you clearly, then one matter is not bothering the two masters, and you can help me with the other related matter. Remember, you must not leak the slightest bit of information! Otherwise, those who are waiting for us will be It's a fierce conflict between two planets, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Chen Dong nodded heavily.

"You need to contact this person secretly." Xuan Chifeng handed a piece of paper to Chen Dong. "If there is anyone who is more terrifying than Yi Wang, then he is the only one. Although Da Fei's father, Velas, should also intercept and kill Shen Zheng after the game, Shen Zheng must be on guard against this , so you can’t just count on him. Let’s find this killer. Although this perverted guy is annoying, if you have an opponent who you want to kill but it’s not convenient for you to do it yourself, looking for him is the best choice. Tell him, in Lurking around, after the game"

Chen Dong took the note and nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely handle it!"

Xuan Chifeng nodded slowly, and said in a low voice: "In the entire crimson spiral galaxy, one peerless genius is enough, there is no need for a second..."

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