star wars civilization.

Chapter 425: Your Royal Highness

On the day of the finals, Wen Gangshu announced something on the square of the Emperor's Palace. ^

"Contestant Chen Dong is unable to participate due to serious illness." He said, "It's very regrettable. In order to ensure the quality of the competition, to ensure that the winner won't be criticized by others, the organizing committee has made a special decision—— The Xtreme Star side where Chen Dong is, will send another player to take part in the competition instead of Chen Dong."

"The replacement player?" The other players couldn't help talking in low voices.But this matter has actually been closed to them, because it was Shen Zheng who made it to the final.

"Contestant Shen Zheng, do you have any comments?" Wen Gangshu stood on the high platform and asked Shen Zheng in front of him.

"I said so." Shen Zheng said loudly. "As long as the person who replaces him is strong enough." [

This is what he really said.When he came here, he originally wanted to collide with the real strong to spark sparks, so as to stimulate his worm power to further improve.As for that player Chen Dong, to be honest, Shen Zheng also watched his matches, so he didn't have any feelings for him.

No matter what the purpose of Jijixing or the organizing committee is, if they can exchange for a stronger opponent than Chen Dong, Shen Zheng can only be happy.

Because as long as the opponent is a protoss, it is impossible to defeat Shen Zheng who has six times the power.

"Please rest assured about this." Wen Gangshu smiled, "Because the one who will fight you is the prince of Extreme Star, His Highness Xuan Yiwang."

"Xuan Yiwang?" The other contestants started discussing immediately. "It turned out to be him?"

"This Shen Zheng is really powerful, it can make Xuan Yiwang have the urge to fight him, it's really amazing!"

"Yeah, I heard that Xuan Yiwang has always been ranked No. 1 in the star spirit ranking of the entire galaxy. He is known as the No. [-] below the star master. This battle is worth seeing."

"Everyone, have you noticed that Shen Zheng has never used the insect spirit from the beginning to now. This time Xuan Yiwang personally appeared on the stage, I am afraid that Shen Zheng will use the insect spirit."

"I don't know what kind of weapon his insect spirit is. It's really curious."

"Don't worry, we will see soon."

"This is a real battle between dragons and tigers, you must not miss it!"

The discussions of the crowd also fell into Shen Zheng's ears to some extent, and he couldn't help being a little curious: Who is this Xuan Yiwang?Is there such a high rating in the entire galaxy?No.1 below Star Lord?But the strength of all peak protoss should be about the same...

Doubts are doubts, after learning that the opponent has extremely strong strength, he still couldn't help but get excited. %&*

If there is such a person, they should have been dispatched earlier, which caused me to chat for so many days.

The ultimate holy medicine is of course a good thing, and a strong opponent is even more wonderful.It's wonderful to have both.

Shen Zheng's eyes couldn't help flickering with excitement.

At this moment, a man in his thirties, wearing a white robe trimmed with gold, walked slowly from the other side of the square.He has a dignified appearance, with a majestic aura in his brows. Wherever he goes, the contestants hurriedly make way for him and cast admiring glances.

"General Shen Zheng, I am very glad to have the opportunity to fight with you." The man walked up to Shen Zheng, smiled and saluted. "I'm just Xuan Yiwang."

Shen Zheng looked at his opponent, returned the gift, and smiled lightly: "I'm very glad to have the honor to fight with you." [

"I watched your game secretly." Xuan Yiwang said with a smile, "That really impressed me. In fact, since the second game, you have deliberately suppressed your strength, right?"

"Good eyesight." Shen Zheng didn't explain much.

"Actually, after your battle with Dafei, I already had the urge to fight with you." Xuan Yiwang said bluntly, "But I didn't know you well enough at that time, I always felt that you are so young, even if you are strong, you have limitations I'm afraid that if I win you by chance, it will shake your confidence and endanger your future cultivation. But now, after observing for so long, I understand that you are the same person as me. will not be shaken."

Shen Zheng looked at the prince in surprise and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Because, he directly read the brain wave language of the other party, and from that calm and calm brain wave, he felt that what the other party said were all sincere truths, without any exaggeration or hypocrisy.

When seeing a powerful opponent, the first thing he thinks about is not to fight with the opponent to stimulate the improvement of his insect power, but to consider whether it will interfere with the opponent's future cultivation. Such a person is simply a representative of a modest gentleman!

Therefore, Shen Zheng couldn't help admiring Xuan Yiwang, and slowly stretched out his hand.

"His Royal Highness, to be honest, I originally thought it was a conspiracy jointly conducted by the organizing committee and Extreme Star." He whispered, "I thought it was a farce staged to keep the ultimate holy medicine in Extreme Star. But after meeting you, I understood that it was only because you were eager to fight me."

"Yes." Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng, with a slight gleam in his eyes, he also stretched out his hand, and shook Shen Zheng firmly.In his heart, his affection for such an outspoken Shen Zheng increased greatly.

"I've always longed for an opponent as powerful as me to appear, but it's hard to achieve." Xuan Yiwang said, "Therefore, I can only continue to strengthen myself by hunting insects."

"Why not fight the Star Lord?" Shen Zheng asked.

"The star master is so easy to find." Xuan Yiwang smiled, "No matter how weak the star master is, he is also an emperor on a star, a strong man at the same level as my father, how could I challenge them so politely? And they will naturally not meet my invitation to fight for the sake of my strength improvement. But you know, the fighting style of human beings is different from that of Zerg, and the fighting of human beings is more delicate. If you don’t learn from humans who are the same as yourself, you won’t improve fast.”

"That's how it is." Shen Zheng smiled, "I only considered the rank, but not the status, and there are no political factors. Indeed, the distress of being called the No. 1 under the Star Lord is that you can't find a suitable opponent. .”

"I guess you also have this kind of distress?" Xuan Yiwang's eyes flickered.

"It's okay." Shen Zheng smiled without explaining too much.

"I'm looking forward to this battle with you." Xuan Yiwang said solemnly.

"Since neither side has any objections, let's start the match." On the high platform, Wen Gangshu said loudly.Then, he and Xuan Chifeng disappeared into the turbulent flow of space, while Shen Zheng and Xuan Yiwang flew into space together.

"This battle is a wonderful show that must not be missed!" The other contestants were full of excitement, and they also jumped into the sky.

In the air, Shen Zheng and Xuan Yiwang looked at each other, smiled at the same time, and suddenly accelerated with all their strength.

"Their competition will start now!" The contestants behind pointed at their backs and shouted.

"How could it be so fast?" Someone exclaimed. "I am also a peak protoss, but I can't catch up with them... Ah, they have rushed out of the atmosphere so quickly!"

The two of them, like two meteors, drew beautiful lines of light in the sky, one after the other, soaring into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, they had already rushed out of the planet's atmosphere, heading towards the distant space battlefield. [

Gradually, a distance began to appear between the two, and the leader was actually Xuan Yiwang.The distance actually got bigger and bigger, Xuan Yiwang finally dropped Shen Zheng a hundred meters away.

Shen Zheng looked at Xuan Yiwang who was flying in the space in surprise, and unconvincedly mobilized the power of Xu, and then caught up to a distance of tens of meters, but as soon as the body of Xu was over, he was immediately thrown away again. It's more than ten meters away.

In this way, no matter how hard Shen Zheng tried, the distance between the two of them was always kept at about 80 to [-] meters, which was impossible to break through.

After a long time, the two arrived at the battlefield in space one after another.Xuan Yiwang arrived one step ahead, standing there smiling and floating in the air, Shen Zheng made a quick stop, stopped a dozen meters away from him, shook his head and smiled: "No matter what, in terms of speed, you have completely surpassed me."

This really surprised Shen Zheng, because he had already displayed the effect of increasing the speed by six times during the flight, but even so, he still couldn't catch up with Xuan Yiwang.He couldn't help thinking to himself: Could it be that Prince Xuan Yiwang, like me, can make every holy spirit double his strength?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

So why can he be so fast?

"Fighting is not about pure movement speed." Xuan Yiwang smiled, "Only the fighting speed displayed in battle is the real speed. General Shen, don't be too modest."

In the distance, Wen Gangshu and Xuan Chifeng looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"This Shen Zheng was only dropped by tens of meters when His Highness Yiwang was flying with all his strength. This is not easy!" Wen Gangshu sighed. "According to the strength of His Highness Yiwang, not to mention the eighth-level star spirit, even the first-level star master, if you don't use the power of space, there is absolutely no way to catch up to him."

"So, this Shen Zheng is not simple." Xuan Chifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, hiding the murderous intent in his eyes.

It's too dangerous. If this continues, this young man will eventually take away the title of "No.1 under the Star Lord".At that time, the small planet of the other shore star will be famous because of i can't let this happen...

Shen Zheng, one genius is enough in this world, one eye-catching star is enough, as for you... I'm sorry!

After a long time, several peak protoss players caught up, and after a while, all the players came one after another.Looking at Shen Zheng and Xuan Yiwang who had been chatting there for a long time, they deeply felt the humbleness of their own strength.

But at the right time, I am even more looking forward to the battle between the two with powerful strength.

"Okay, since everyone is here, I will announce the start of the game!" Wen Gangshu said loudly after clearing his throat. "Please stand back, the two contestants can start the competition!"

Hearing this, all the players immediately backed away.They all know that the destructive power of the battle between these two people may not be inferior to that of a star master.

"General Shen, please." Xuan Yiwang said politely.

"Your Highness, please." Shen Zheng also smiled slightly.

Suddenly, a powerful force surged from both of them at the same time.

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