star wars civilization.

Chapter 426: The Ultimate Two Heroes

The turbulent aura surged from the bodies of Shen Zheng and Xuan Yiwang, and continuously spread to the surrounding space. ^Vaguely, both of them felt that the breath of the other party contained a trace of controlling power over the space.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and couldn't help being slightly startled, thinking in their hearts at the same time: He has also mastered a trace of space power?

After being stunned, each other respected and admired each other even more in their hearts.

"General Shen, I'm going to make a move." Xuan Yi looked at Shen Zheng and spoke slowly.

"Please." Shen Zheng nodded slightly, his gaze more solemn. [

Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng, and slowly raised his hands, bursts of red light flowed on his hands, gradually turning into a pair of three-toed sharp claws.Each toe of that sharp claw is about half a meter long, sharp as a knife, and a flowing red light is flashing on it, as if it could drip blood at any time.

Shen Zheng raised his hand slowly, posing in a fighting posture, and there was also a red light flowing on his hand, which gradually turned into a pair of bloody gloves.

In the body, the power of the holy spirit is superimposed on the middle dantian, and the strength is rapidly increasing.

"He finally used the worm spirit!" the spectators whispered.

"It's so strange that the insect spirit is actually a glove?"

Xuan Yiwang stared at Shen Zheng's hands with no expression on his face.He slowly swung his claws, and the powerful energy was continuously condensed on those claws, and gradually turned into whistling wind, entangled on those claws.

Suddenly, he spread his claws to the left and right in front of his chest, as if he was just doing a straight chest movement, but the wind on those claws immediately turned into a sharp wind claw, stopping in the space in front of Xuan Yiwang among.

A white tiger holy spirit suddenly jumped out of Xuan Yiwang's body, caught up with the wind claw in an instant, and merged into it, the wind claw immediately doubled in size, and stabbed towards Shen Zheng quickly.

"So strong!" Some spectators couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's really strong!" A peak protoss couldn't help but nodded, thinking to himself: "If this move is released on me, my first choice is definitely to dodge, but at this speed... I don't know if I can dodge Gotta go!"

Shen Zheng didn't dodge, he just quietly hung in the space, facing the sharp wind claws coming towards him.

He quickly raised his hand, and two gusts of wind immediately swirled around his arm, and then gathered on the pair of bloody gloves. %&*

With one punch and one claw, they collided violently in the void, and a huge roar erupted immediately. In this roar, the shock wave spread rapidly towards the distance, as if distorting the surrounding space.

"He didn't hide?" Some spectators stared at Shen Zheng blankly, their eyes full of horror.

"Can you compete with this kind of power?" Someone sighed, "It seems that I lost to him, and I am not wronged at all!"

"It's amazing that he can block His Highness Yiwang's wind power!" In the distance, Wen Gangshu couldn't help but nodded slowly, praising Shen Zheng.

"Yes." Xuan Chifeng's expression became even uglier.

"It's amazing, it's really worth my expectation!" Xuan Yiwang's eyes flashed, revealing his excitement.

As he said that, he suddenly shot forward, his whole body seemed to turn into a gust of wind, he had already passed through the dust of energy that hadn't dissipated in an instant, and arrived in front of Shen Zheng, and his sharp claws stabbed straight down towards Shen Zheng. [

Shen Zheng's face remained unchanged, as if he had expected that the opponent would take a close combat after that blow, he even moved to meet him, and when he swung his fist, he collided with the sharp claw.

With a clear sound, the fist collided with the sharp claw, and the sharp claw tip was desperately moving forward, trying to pierce the thin glove, but the huge force brought by Shen Zheng's fist came from the glove , whistling and circling, knocking out the sharp claws that also had the power of the wind element, unable to move forward at all.

Xuan Yiwang's eyes flickered, and the other sharp claw suddenly stabbed towards Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng swung his other fist and collided with the sharp claw again.

The two people were in space, fighting each other with sharp claws and fists, and for a while they were evenly matched.

This is interesting, this is the real opponent who can really give me experience!

There was excitement in Shen Zheng's eyes, and the insect power in his body was boiling, roaring, and constantly growing.The Holy Spirit began to merge, and the power of the cosmic source insects began to collide, and his power instantly changed from three times the power to four times the power.

Moved by a huge force, the sharp claws began to shrink back bit by bit, Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng in surprise, and then the same light of excitement radiated from his eyes.

Great, it is such an opponent that has the value of fighting against it!Thinking of this in his heart, a sharp force surged in his body.With the emergence of this force, his strength also increased rapidly, and he even moved his sharp claws forward again, suppressing Shen Zheng's strength.

what happened?Shen Zheng couldn't help being very surprised: Is this Xuan Yiwang's inborn divine power, or is it also a magical ability that has been multiplied several times?


He excitedly stimulated the power in his body, and slowly released the power that had been suppressed these days, reaching the point of five times the power again, and then returned the sharp claw in turn, and faintly began to suppress the opponent .

"Okay, okay!" Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng and couldn't help shouting excitedly. "Very good!"

With his excited yelling, the power on his body actually strengthened again, and he crazily attacked Shen Zheng. Shen Zheng felt the pressure on his fists increase again, and he couldn't help but be happy when he was astonished. Beli fully played out!

In an instant, two powerful forces competed in the air, resisting and moving each other, and it was impossible to tell who was higher and who was lower.The two strong men in the duel looked at each other, and they both felt admiration for each other in their hearts. They couldn't help thinking in their hearts: What kind of power is he?How did he cultivate to this point?It's really a match today!

Yes, meeting opponents in chess, nothing in the world can make masters more happy than meeting opponents in chess.The two of them had the greatest joy at the same time in the contest of power and in the contest with each other, and they also completely moved the power they could display to a new peak!


During the contest, the two let out a loud roar almost at the same time, huge power came from the claws and fists, and the two were separated far away amidst the roar.

But the two hit it off, this time, no one concentrated all their strength to push each other like a bull, but at the same time displayed their exquisite martial arts skills, fiercely confronting and fighting in the air.

"Impossible!" Wen Gangshu was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Xuan Chifeng. "This Shen Zheng can match His Highness Yiwang in terms of strength, is this possible? Could it be that he has also obtained..."

"Very likely." Xuan Chifeng nodded slowly, but smiled.

At this time, he thought in his heart: The decision I made was correct.I was still hesitating before, but now it seems that I have to.Shen Zheng is a huge threat, he is young, has adventures, and has a great future.Such a person will become a mountain in front of Yiwang, no matter how bright Yiwang's light is, it will only be shrouded behind that mountain.

I cannot allow this to happen! [

He gritted his teeth resentfully, and there was a stronger killing intent in his eyes.

Driven by the strong wind, the sharp claws continuously waved the wind blades in the air, attacking Shen Zheng from tricky angles, but no matter what, they couldn't escape the interception of the pair of blood fists.

The blood fist is waving, changing from time to time, or palm, or finger, or grasping, or hooking lock, showing the most flexible side of human hands.But no matter how nimbly it moves, it still can't grab the opponent, let alone break through the defense of the pair of sharp claws.

The two fought fiercely in the air, but they still couldn't tell the winner.

The spectators in the distance were dumbfounded. Most of them had seen Xuan Yiwang's powerful strength and admired it deeply. But after seeing Shen Zheng's performance today, they realized that there are still people in this world who can compete with him. Xuan Yiwang resisted.

Only those who fought against Shen Zheng really understood that the battle between Shen Zheng and them was just a game.

"Is this their true strength?" Someone said to himself in horror.

"It's too strong, we can't compare with it at all!" Peak Protoss couldn't help sighing like this.

In the fierce collision, no one took advantage, and no one suffered losses. The two of them used all their martial arts skills and had a really hearty fight. Then, as if they had made an appointment, they suddenly turned towards two different people. The direction backed out.

In an instant, streaks of sharp white light shone around Xuan Yiwang's body, and Xuan Yiwang's eyes also faintly emitted a knife-like sharp white light. He slowly spread his arms, and the blood-colored claws of the insect spirit gradually covered a layer of white light.

"General Shen Zheng, be careful, I'm going to use my strongest strength!" He said loudly.

"Come on!" Shen Zheng replied loudly, "Let me see the real power of the strong!"

"As you wish!" Xuan Yiwang shouted loudly, and in a blink of an eye, white light shone all over his body, the light was as sharp as a knife, giving people a terrifying feeling of being able to cut everything.Storms followed the white light, gradually enveloping Xuan Yiwang.

Suddenly, a huge white tiger holy spirit jumped out of Xuan Yiwang's body, and after roaring in the air, it suddenly merged into the storm.The storm immediately grew rapidly, completely wrapping around those white lights, and then, together with the white lights, around Xuan Yiwang's body, it turned into a huge, Daoming energy body, the White Tiger Holy Spirit, wrapping Xuan Yiwang in it.

"I'm coming!" He roared like a tiger, and suddenly passed through the long space and came to Shen Zheng.

Two sharp tiger claws grabbed at Shen Zheng with terrifying power!

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