star wars civilization.

Chapter 427: True Power

The strength of the white tiger is stronger than that, before the pair of giant claws touch his body, Shen Zheng can feel the wind it brings makes his skin tingle. %&*

He frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that he didn't want to directly confront the white tiger's sharp claws, and immediately swayed his body slightly, displaying the strength he had just accumulated, trying to dodge in disguise.

But in an instant, an extremely dangerous feeling reminded him that he must not do this.

He was stunned for a moment, but he still followed his intuition, because it was that intuition that led him to obtain new power several times, and even allowed him to escape the threat of death several times.

His body retreated quickly, Shen Zheng's fists collided with each other, and waves of storms erupted, facing the pair of sharp claws, and then he moved his hands quickly, swinging out a pair of huge blood claws. Wings, with the vibration of the wings, greeted the two sharp claws. [

However, with a wave of its claws, the mighty white tiger easily tore apart the storm wave, and with a few more violent movements, the pair of bloody wings were also split into bloody fragments that filled the sky.

However, Shen Zheng also bought time for himself, and calmly exited the white tiger's attack range.

"Good method!" Xuan Yiwang nodded, moved his body, and led the white tiger to rush towards Shen Zheng.Xuan Yiwang's speed was extremely fast, as if his whole body was a gust of wind, blowing in front of Shen Zheng again in the blink of an eye.

The sharp giant claws of the white tiger, once again waving both hands of Xuan Yiwang, grabbed towards Shen Zheng.

As the bloody light flashed, the bloody gloves that were close to the sharp weapon changed into a pair of double hooks in an instant. Shen Zheng shouted loudly, and the power of the flames in his body exploded, turning into a billowing wave of fire, pouring into the double hooks .The double hooks faintly brought out the cry of the Suzaku holy spirit, and spread it out quickly like the huge wings of a firebird, hitting the left and right sides, blocking the white tiger's blow.

The sharp claws collided with the scorching flames, and the roar of the wind intertwined with the flames of the fire, forming a magnificent scene. From a distance, it seemed that a fiery nebula suddenly appeared in the universe.

"It's so beautiful!" Some spectators couldn't help but sigh.

"Unless we advance to Star Master, we will never reach their height!" Someone shook his head and sighed.

And more people are silent.They were completely shocked by this powerful force, and they were already stunned.

In the confrontation between the flame and the wind, the flame was gradually defeated.The mighty White Tiger of the Wind seemed to be the real Holy Spirit of the White Tiger, and its power was unstoppable. As the sharp giant claws swung quickly, the flame wings were finally torn into sparks all over the sky, but the White Tiger of the Wind did not wear much. Still surrounded by Xuan Yiwang, roaring like a storm. ^

"General Shen, show your true strength!" Xuan Yiwang said loudly, "Otherwise you will be no match for my incarnation of the white tiger! I know that you are still hiding your true strength until now——you double hookworm spirit Even if it is as good as that glove worm spirit, it means that they are only your auxiliary worm spirits, not your favorite worm spirit weapon! Come on, use your strongest worm spirit weapon to play [-]% of your strength Strength, this is the respect for me!"

"You're right." Shen Zheng stood in the air and slowly raised his hand. "You are a strong man worthy of my respect. For you, I will unreservedly exert all my strength."

Xuan Yiwang opened his eyes wide and looked at Shen Zheng without blinking, his heart was full of excitement.

Come on, let me experience what it means to be truly powerful!Let me appreciate the excitement and enjoyment brought by the masters of the same level when they fight with all their strength, we will all be improved in this fierce battle!

Vigorously shaking his arms, the white tiger of the wind waved its claws and roared as he moved!

"This Shen Zheng, does he really have another trick?" Wen Gangshu frowned slightly.

Xuan Chifeng's face was gloomy, he kept staring at Shen Zheng, but didn't say a word.

The soft white light shone in Shen Zheng's palm, Xuan Yi couldn't help being startled: What kind of power is this?

No matter what he could not have imagined, it turned out to be a precursor to the appearance of insect spirits. [

Suddenly, a white light broke through Shen Zheng's palm and flew upwards. After the light subsided, it turned into the white blood spirit whip several meters long.

"White insect spirit?" This exclamation came from almost everyone present, including Wen Gangshu and Xuan Chifeng.

"How could there be such a worm spirit?" Wen Gangshu was overwhelmed. "The worm spirits are all the same color as the master's blood. How could there be such a white one? Could it be that Shen Zheng's blood is white? No Possibly, how could human blood be white?"

Xuan Chifeng frowned even deeper.He looked at Shen Zheng, and his heart was full of worry. How many secrets did this young man hide?Who the hell is he, and why did he have been silently heard before, and suddenly appeared in the Chiguang star area after Wu Ximing became the emperor?I heard that Wu Ximing left Bianxing for a long time before, could it be that he found reinforcements from outside him?

If that's the case, there must be a huge force behind him.Is it worth it to provoke such a force?

He pondered, pondered, hesitated.But when he saw his son, he suddenly broke his heart.

No matter what, I want to keep Yiwang's status and prestige, make his future smooth, and never allow any mountains to stand in front of him and make him lose his glory!

Seeing the white Blood Spirit Whip, Xuan Yiwang was also really surprised. He stared at the whip blankly, and was about to ask Shen Zheng why he had such a strange weapon, when he found a sudden burst of fire from the Blood Spirit Whip. A strange force.

Under the action of this force, the slender whip suddenly became thick and long, and turned into a giant white snake in an instant!

"What is that?" Almost everyone exclaimed.

"Impossible!" Wen Gangshu looked shocked, "The insect spirit turned into a living body? How is this possible?"

At this moment, a scene that made everyone even more horrified appeared around Shen Zheng's body. The five holy spirits in his body emerged one by one, and then turned into lights of different colors, which flew out and injected into the huge white snake. in the body.In an instant, the breath of the white snake changed, and it instantly rose to a frightening level. The color also changed from a single white to five alternate colors, like a neon.

"The amplifying power of the Holy Spirit has been applied to the insect spirit?" Xuan Yiwang opened his mouth in surprise.

He turned his head suddenly, looked at Shen Zheng carefully, felt the change of Shen Zheng's strength, and then his face couldn't help but change!

Because he clearly felt that Shen Zheng's strength and aura did not change at all, that is to say, after he injected the five holy spirits in his body into the insect spirits, he could still maintain a state of six times the strength!

This is impossible!How did he do it, how did he do it?

For a moment, Xuan Yiwang felt that his mind was in chaos.

"His Royal Highness Xuan Yiwang!" Shen Zheng said loudly, as soon as he raised his hand, the big snake with constantly changing colors danced around him. "This is the strongest fighting method among my single-body skills. Me and my insect spirit will be divided into two, but both have exactly the same power. It is like me, and I am like it. You want Be careful!"

"No, it's not fair!" Xuan Chifeng suddenly yelled at Wen Gangshu anxiously, "Two against one, this has violated the principle of fairness in the game!"

"No." Wen Gang shook his head naively, "Your Majesty, you should be sober and accept the reality. That big snake is just Shen Zheng's insect spirit, and he just used the insect spirit. Is it just fighting against an opponent of the worm spirit. Are you going to make me stop the game and declare him a violation of the rules because he uses his own worm spirit?"

Xuan Chifeng was silent, he stared at Shen Zheng bitterly, and instantly understood that the champion of this competition no longer belonged to his son, and the title of No.1 under Star Master would also be taken away from his son.

"It's so interesting, this is so interesting!" After Xuan Yiwang was briefly surprised, his eyes showed excitement. "I have never encountered such an opponent, never seen such combat skills! General Shen, you are indeed someone worthy of my expectations, come on! Let me experience your true strength!" [

"As you wish." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, and suddenly accelerated forward, the big snake coiled around his body, kept spitting out words, and his eyes radiated a palpitating light.

"I'm coming too!" Xuan Yiwang roared excitedly, swiping his arms, and the huge white tiger of the wind jumped along with his movements, and also let out a roar like a howling wind, and jumped forward suddenly , towards the man and the snake.

The sharp claws raised violently, and grabbed the big snake's head fiercely.

Facing the sharp claws, the big snake showed no fear, opened its mouth wide, and a jet of black water flew out, spraying towards Xuan Yiwang in the center of the white tiger.

Just like a white tiger attacking a big snake without retracting its sharp claws, then this jet of water will definitely hit Xuan Yiwang's body. Xuan Yiwang didn't dare to take such a risk, so he quickly retracted his claws, one in front of him, the other fiercely Chopped on the black water column.Immediately, the powerful force of the wind broke the water column and smashed it to pieces.

But immediately after, the big snake spit out several water blades, continuously slashing towards Xuan Yiwang.Xuan wang frowned, and as he waved his arms, the white tiger of the wind followed him, smashing the water blades one by one with its sharp giant claws.

But at this moment, Shen Zheng had appeared beside the white tiger like a ghost, with a smile on his face, he said lightly: "Don't care about the front and the right..."

With a wave of his hand, a blood-colored wing pierced through the air, instantly penetrated the body of the Fengzhi White Tiger, and hit Xuan Yiwang on the back.

With a muffled groan, Xuan Yiwang's body trembled, he roared angrily, and kicked back.

The huge hind paws of the white tiger of the wind raised accordingly, and grabbed Shen Zheng fiercely.

Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and quickly dodged the giant claws of the wind. While shouting loudly, his hands kept moving, and he swung blood spears one after another, stabbing at Xuan Yiwang's back.

"Break!" Xuan Yiwang roared, turning his body violently, and the white tiger of the wind spun up, and the sharp front paws brought up a violent storm, instantly scattered those blood spears, and flew towards Shen. Take it.

But at this moment, the big snake's long tail had swept over viciously, hitting the side of the white tiger of the wind, and with a muffled groan, Xuan Yiwang and the white tiger of the wind were sent flying horizontally together!

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