star wars civilization.

Chapter 428: Great Victory

Xuan Yiwang was tumbling in the air, and the huge white tiger of the wind was also tumbling with him. ^He struggled and stabilized his figure with the greatest strength, and finally stopped. The giant wind tiger stood in the air as if it was about to rise from the ground, and roared like a storm at Yan.

But just as he stood firm, he saw that the big snake had already opened its bloody mouth and flew towards it, biting towards the head of the white tiger of the wind.

Shocked, he responded hastily, waving his claws, brought the giant claws of the White Tiger of the Wind to meet the huge mouth of the big snake.

In a pure competition of strength, his White Tiger of the Wind was even better. The sharp claws tore open the big snake's mouth, almost splitting the big snake's head in two.

But the big snake is not a real creature, it is just the energy of the insect spirit. Although it was seriously injured, it did not delay it from continuing to hurt people at all. It fell down, hitting the head of the white tiger of the wind. [

The heavy impact made Xuan Yiwang's body sink, and he couldn't breathe for a while, but at this moment Shen Zheng had already flew towards him, and amidst the loud shouts, he swung a giant sword of ice with both fists, and aimed at him Slashed hard.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Xuan Yiwang exerted great strength and swung his body. The two hind paws of the White Tiger of the Wind raised again, ready to kick the giant sword, but it was still a step too late, and half of it was caught by the giant sword immediately. The tiger's claws fell off, turned into white light and scattered in the wind.

Xuan Yiwang let out a muffled growl, and while the power in his body surged, the severed hind paw of the White Tiger of the Wind grew back again, and Shen Zheng's big snake also swayed, and the torn mouth grew back again. Alright, spit out four water blades at Xuan Yiwang.

Facing the sharp black water blade, Xuan Yiwang had no choice but to turn around and wave his claws to block it with all his strength, but just as he turned around, Shen Zheng's ice giant sword had already swung up, piercing fiercely into the side rib of the White Tiger of the Wind, and violently stirred it. Suddenly, a huge power of the cold element spread out in the body of Feng Zhibaihu, half of Fengzhibaihu's body was immediately filled with frost, Xuan Yiwang couldn't help shivering, only to feel that half of his body was also faintly stiff.

This action immediately slowed down the speed of his counterattack, he only eliminated three of the four water blades, and the fourth one directly chopped on the head of the white tiger of the wind, and half of the white tiger's head flew out. Dissipated into light and wind.

Xuan Yiwang only felt that his own strength flowed away quickly as the white tiger was severely injured, one after another ebbed and flowed, but the aura of Shen Zheng and the big snake became even more tyrannical, one man and one snake attacked Xuan Yiwang at the same time, forcing him to attack again and again. Retreating, you can only parry, but you have no power to fight back.

"Am I not mistaken? Your Highness Xuan Yiwang, who is known as No.1 under the Star Lord, actually..." Some spectators stared blankly at the battlefield in the distance, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what happened before them.

Under the double offensive of Shen Zheng and Orochi, Xuan Yiwang's insect power and physical strength were rapidly consumed, and the white tiger of the wind continued to be severely injured. Although it could recover quickly, it also took away Xuan Yiwang's huge body. insect power. %&*

Two fists are no match for four hands. Although Xuan Yiwang's power is stronger than Orochi or Shen Zheng's, under the combined attack of the two opponents, this strength immediately vanished, and he was besieged by both sides. But he couldn't have a little temper, because the opponent was actually fighting him alone.

The big snake is just an insect weapon!

The more Xuan Yiwang fought, the more desperate he felt. He finally understood that he had met a real strong man who far surpassed himself.He sighed helplessly, and suddenly retreated with all his strength. The white tiger of the wind, which had shrunk a lot, turned into a gust of wind and wrapped him up, helping him quickly escape from the siege of Shen Zheng and the big snake.

But Shen Zheng didn't relax, he and the big snake immediately surrounded him from left to right.

"I admit defeat!" Xuan Yi smiled wryly and suddenly said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts were shocked.

Although everyone could see that Xuan Yiwang couldn't beat Shen Zheng no matter what, and would definitely lose to him, but when they really heard him admit defeat, they couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.They understood that from this moment on, Xuan Yiwang's outstanding status could no longer be maintained, and he would no longer be the recognized No.1 under the star master.

This title will be moved to Shen Zheng's head, unless Xuan Yiwang can break through the limit earlier than him and reach the star master realm first, otherwise he will be left behind.

However, although Shen Zheng is only an eighth-level protoss, he is only in his twenties, and although Xuan Yiwang is already a peak protoss, he is about eleven or two years older than Shen Zheng.

The speed of progress of the two can be seen by comparing the age gap.

Therefore, many people thought that perhaps Shen Zheng would step into the star master realm earlier than Xuan Yiwang, and Xuan Yiwang's efforts to restore his reputation would be in vain. [

Seeing Xuan Yiwang with a bitter face, Shen Zheng slowly withdrew his strength, and the big snake and five holy spirits turned into streamers and retracted into his body.He flew forward slowly, stopped in front of Xuan Yiwang, nodded slightly: "Your Highness, you are amazing."

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart.

You know, I can possess the power of cosmic source insects, evolve a superman with superpowers, and can make every holy spirit double for me, but Xuan Yiwang can be evenly matched with such a self, and even stable. It can only be described as a superman among supermen.

If he didn't have a special insect spirit, he would never be able to defeat him.

"You are even more remarkable." Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng and said after sighing deeply.

Shen Zheng was more surprised by Xuan Yiwang's power, so why wasn't Xuan Yiwang surprised by Shen Zheng's strength?He originally thought that he was the only one in the world who possessed such power that was invincible to his peers, but he didn't expect that there would be another strong man in this world, who was exactly the same as him, and even surpassed him.

"Your insect spirit is simply..." Xuan Yiwang smiled wryly, "It's so powerful that it can turn into a living creature and fight with its master."

"If it wasn't for it, I wouldn't be your opponent." Shen Zheng said very sincerely. "In terms of individual strength, I am not as good as you."

"Don't say that, I'm blushing." Xuan Yiwang hurriedly waved his hand, "It's just a fair competition where you use the insect spirit and I also use the insect spirit. You didn't take advantage of me. It was you who made the insect spirit independent. Your ability is also a part of your strength. People can't separate their own strength into several categories, and then compare each category with others!"

Xuan Yiwang's words increased Shen Zheng's affection for him a lot. The two looked at each other, both of them were full of curiosity about each other's strength, and they were also full of admiration for each other's people. They couldn't help but laughed at the same time. .

"I want to thank the God of Destiny for letting me know that there are such strong people in this world." Xuan Yiwang said, "I will always use you to spur me on, let me work harder, and strive to surpass you as soon as possible!"

"Knowing that there is such a strong person as you in the world, it is a big shock to me." Shen Zheng said, "I know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Lucky, so don't underestimate the heroes of the world!"

Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng, his eyes flickering: "General Shen, also have..." He hesitated when the words came to his lips, and finally just shook his head and smiled, and didn't ask any more questions.

"General Shen, you and I hit it off right away, why don't we just be friends?" He said with a smile.

"Okay." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "You are older than me, so you are the big brother, Xuan big brother, let's learn more and make progress together if we have time in the future!"

"Okay, brother!" Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng and laughed too.

The two were chatting and laughing there, not at all like they had just had a fierce battle.

"Your Majesty, then... am I going to announce?" Wen Gangshu looked at Xuan Chifeng and asked in a low voice. "His Royal Highness has conceded defeat. I must declare Shen Zheng the winner. There is no delay. The other [-]-star players are still watching."

"Please." Xuan Chifeng gritted his teeth, "But please, can you change the award ceremony to three days later?"

"Three days?" Wen Gangshu was taken aback. "You want to..."

"It's nothing." Xuan Chifeng said, "It should be okay to delay for two days, right?"

"Okay." Wen Gangshu nodded slowly. [

Then, he turned to the distance and said loudly: "The competition is over! I announce that the champion of this competition in the Chiguang star area is the lieutenant general from the other star, Shen Zheng!"

"Long live!" Two yells broke out in unison among the spectators, it was Sang Ming Ai Chi from the other star.Before, they had been suppressing the tension and excitement in their hearts, waiting for the final outcome. Now, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's a pity Miss Xuesu and the others didn't come." Ai Chi said without regret, "If they were here, they would definitely be happy for Master Shen Zheng."

"I think they seem to have a well-thought-out plan." Sang Ming said, "Maybe they know that with Lord Shen Zheng's strength, they can completely defeat any opponent."

"But this time the opponent is Xuan Yiwang! No.1 under the Star Lord, how can it be Yi Yu?" Ai Chi sighed, "I was really careless, I should have thought that His Royal Highness would meet Shen Zhengzhong. A master, I will definitely be eager for skills, I should have told Shen Zhengzhong about His Royal Highness earlier."

"It's nothing now." Sang Ming said, "Look, didn't Shen Zhengzhong also win?"

"That's right." Ai Chi smiled.

"Congratulations." Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng, and slowly stretched out his hand, Shen Zheng smiled, and shook him hard.

"Everyone." Wen Gangshu said loudly at this time, "The competition is over and the rankings have been determined. Everyone can go back to the reception and have a good rest. The award ceremony will be held in three days, and the reception staff will notify you at that time. We gathered at the central square of the Emperor's Palace, I hope everyone will not leave early."

"Three days later?" A contestant muttered, "Generally speaking, isn't the awards ceremony held one day after the final day?"

But no one cared too much about this kind of trivial matter that was more or less every day. Everyone returned to Extreme Star with their own different moods.

Staring at Shen Zheng's background, Xuan Chifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart:

Just wait, three days later, it will be your death day!

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