star wars civilization.

Chapter 429: Father-Son Dispute

When Shen Zheng returned to the reception, he didn't see Xue Su and the others. After waiting for three full hours, Xue Su and Shui Qingqing came back with Yan Xin, who was carrying a lot of big bags and small bags. ^

"This is... going shopping again?" Shen Zheng trembled in his heart.

"Yes." Xue Su smiled sweetly. "Master, it's just in time for you to come back, come and see our new clothes?"

"That what... I just had a fierce battle with the masters, and I'm tired now, just let my heart accompany you, I have to rest." Shen Zheng turned around and left in fright.

"Finished?" Shui Qingqing followed up and asked, "How is it, won the championship easily? When will the prizes be distributed? I'm still waiting to see that magical little potion!" [

"Easy?" Shen Zheng grinned, "Don't mention how difficult it is."

"No, is that Chen Dong so powerful?" Yan Xin, who had just put down a pile of things, asked curiously.

"Of course not." Shen Zheng shook his head. "I went to participate in the competition today, and I was notified that Chen Dong was seriously ill, and then Extreme Star temporarily sent another person to replace him."

"Is that okay too?" Yan Xin frowned, "Isn't this cheating?"

"So so." Shen Zheng smiled, "I thought at the time, wouldn't it be a good thing if I could send someone more powerful to compete with me? It turned out to be the case. They sent Xuan Yiwang, the prince of Extreme Star."

"What a strange name." Xue Su muttered. "Did you beat him badly?"

"Of course not." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Honestly speaking, if I don't use the insect spirit, I am no match for him at all."

"What?" The three of them were startled, and Shui Qingqing couldn't help asking: "Could it be that they sent Star Master to fight with you?"

"Of course he's not the star master." Shen Zheng said, "but in the entire crimson spiral galaxy, he has the title of 'No.1 under the star master'."

"But as long as it is a protoss, it should not be your opponent at all." Yan Xin looked puzzled. "Six times the power, which protoss can stand it?"

"His strength is slightly stronger than mine." Shen Zheng said.

"The power of cosmic source insects?" Xue Su's eyes lit up.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "I don't know what it is, but I can vaguely guess some clues. He once said that he is a person who has adventures, and when he exerts his full strength, he uses the power of the wind element, and A sharp white light gushed out from his body, turning into the Holy Spirit of the White Tiger of the Wind."

"Baihu?" Hearing this, Yan's heart perked up. %&*

"Could it be that he got the egg of the white tiger?" Shui Qingqing asked rashly.

Hearing this, the three of them stared at her with wide eyes, and she asked in a daze, "What's wrong?"

"I have convinced you." Yan Xin couldn't help laughing first, "Your white tiger is born from eggs, right? Among the five holy spirits, the worm holy spirit and the white tiger holy spirit are viviparous, okay?"

"I... I didn't realize it for a while!" Shui Qingqing gave Yan Xin a hard look.

"Maybe... it's the 'worm core' of the White Tiger Holy Spirit." Xue Su said slowly. [

According to the ancient saying, the five holy spirits are the head of the five worms, and the tiger was called the "big worm" by the ancestors on the ancient earth, and the white tiger is the head of the caterpillar. ".

"Is this possible?" Shen Zheng asked in surprise.

"We can find the remains of the basalt worm, so others can't find the remains of the white tiger holy spirit?" Xue Su smiled, "Maybe he was really lucky to get the remains of the white tiger holy spirit, and finally possessed the power of the white tiger."

"Maybe there is only this kind of explanation." Shen Zheng nodded, "Otherwise, there is no way to understand why he is six times stronger than mine."

"The White Tiger Holy Spirit is stronger than the Cosmic Origin Insect?" Shui Qingqing said puzzledly, "I can't understand that."

"It's not that the White Tiger Holy Spirit is stronger than the Cosmic Origin Insect, but that Xuan Yiwang is stronger than me." Shen Zheng corrected. "He didn't say when he obtained this power. It may have been several years or even more than ten years, or he may have obtained this power since he was a child. After so many years of cultivation, he will naturally be very powerful."

"That's right." Xue Su nodded. "Just because a big dog can knock down a small tiger doesn't mean that the tiger is not as powerful as a dog."

"Your metaphor is a bit inappropriate." Shen Zheng smiled awkwardly. "Xuan Yiwang is a gentleman, don't use a dog as a metaphor."

"I have no other intentions, Master." Xue Su stuck out her tongue mischievously. "Then... in the end you still won, right?"

"Of course." Shen Zheng nodded, "Although he is slightly stronger than me, it's only a little bit. After I use the Insect Spirit Serpent, of course I have the upper hand."

"That's right!" Shui Qingqing slapped her hands, "Brother Shen Zheng and Chong Ling are combined, it is equivalent to having two brothers Shen Zheng, if you still can't beat that hope, then it's too unreasonable!"

"Okay, let's not talk about it, anyway, the master has already won the championship." Xue Su smiled sweetly, "Then let's try on the clothes, master, you have to take a good look at the good things we bought today! "

Saying that, he dragged Shen Zheng away.

"Ah, do you still want to watch it?" Shen Zheng broke out in cold sweat, "No way, the battle with Xuan Wang made me very tired, I have to..."

"Oh, you see that you are full of worm power, and you are full of energy, so let's take a look." Xue Su ignored his tricks, and dragged him back to the room in a daze.

Yan Xin covered her mouth and sneered, laughing hard.

Compared with the relaxed atmosphere here, the atmosphere in a certain room in the Emperor Palace of Emperor City is extremely solemn.

Xuan Yiwang was sitting on a big chair in the room, while his father, Xuan Chifeng, kept pacing up and down, with a rather unfriendly expression on his face.

"Father, it really doesn't matter." Xuan Yiwang smiled, "This battle made me understand that there are people who are beyond others, and that there are people beyond the sky, and it has curbed my previous arrogance. It will only benefit my future cultivation, and it will not Disadvantages. I also want to thank you for arranging this battle for me."

"What do you know!" Xuan Chifeng frowned and snorted, "Now all the contestants in the Sixteen Kingdoms know that you have been defeated by Shen Zheng, and the halo on your head has been completely taken away by Shen Zheng! The title of No.1 has become exclusive to Shen Zheng. Are you not in a hurry after losing all this? My silly son!"

"It's just a false name." Xuan Yiwang shook his head and smiled, "No. 1 under the Star Lord, no matter how famous this name is, isn't it also under the Star Lord? Father, I have benefited a lot from this battle, and sooner or later I will be able to do so." To break through the limit and achieve the honor of the Star Lord..."

"But that's another story." Xuan Chifeng interrupted his son. "At least until then, you will never hold your head up in front of people." [

"How come?" Xuan Yiwang shook his head.

"How could it be?" Xuan Chifeng snorted, "Son, you are still too young. You have experienced too little power struggle, gain and loss of fame and fortune. Before, you have been living in the praise of others, bearing The halo has already made others admire you for normal, and this kind of praise will disappear in the future. Do you understand son, the second is actually not as good as the last!"

"I don't think so." Xuan Yiwang argued.

"Okay!" Xuan Chifeng waved his hand vigorously. "You don't need to take care of this matter."

"Father, what are you going to do?" Xuan Yiwang vaguely felt something was wrong, so he stood up involuntarily. "Father, this is a fair martial arts competition organized by the star area. Even if it is held on our planet, we cannot interfere with the result of the competition."

"Son, nothing is absolute." Xuan Chifeng smiled.

"Are you going to deal with Shen Zheng?" Xuan Yiwang's face changed, "Father, I will never allow you to do this!"

"Of course I won't." Xuan Chifeng looked at Xuan Yiwang and sighed in his heart: Son, when will you really learn the way of the emperor?

But on the surface, he smiled and said: "I am a majestic star master, how could I face an ordinary star spirit? It is still such a young man. I just want him not to get No. 1 under the star master." I will not let him become the strongest person who won the first title after defeating you. I will let him fail, let him lose in the real arena, and let everyone remember his defeat and forget your giving up. "

"You can't do it." Xuan Yiwang smiled, "No one understands his strength and frightening power better than me, who has fought against him directly. Who else can fight in a fair competition on the field?" Beat him? No one..."

He said, and at the end, he hesitated again.Because he knew that there was another person with that kind of strength who could beat Shen Zheng.But he didn't believe that person would come, and he didn't believe that his father would invite that person to come.

"Father, you..." He looked at Xuan Chifeng, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Have you thought about it?" Xuan Chifeng smiled slightly, "Okay, as expected of my son, he still has a quick brain."

"That's not what I meant!" Xuan Yiwang argued hastily, "Father, you can't let him come, it's not fair!"

"Why not? What's so unfair?" Xuan Chifeng said coldly, "How did he agree to me at the beginning? As long as he let him live, he is willing to serve me at any time! And I won't let him do it for us in vain. If you contribute, you will naturally be rewarded accordingly. This time, it is the real crisis of our extreme star, and it is time for him to act."

"I don't allow you to do this!" Xuan Yiwang roared excitedly, "Shen Zheng is a shining new star, I look forward to the day when I see him shine on the earth, I will never allow anyone to let him When it rises, it falls!"

"You don't allow it?" Xuan Chifeng stared at Xuan Yiwang, his expression became severe. "You don't allow it!? Who are you? Do you think you are just an ordinary cultivator? You are a prince, my son, the only warrior called a genius in the entire crimson spiral galaxy! You are still the extreme of the future! Star Emperor! You don’t allow it? Why do you not allow it? You don’t have that qualification!”

"Father!" Xuan Yiwang was still arguing excitedly, but Xuan Chifeng had already flicked his sleeves violently.

"Enough, you don't need to say it! I am not only for you alone, but also for the future of Jixingxing! Jixingxing's reputation is resounding because of your genius, and I can't let it dim any longer!"

As he said that, the person had disappeared into a burst of space turbulence.

"Father!" Xuan Yiwang yelled, got up and rushed to the door, wanting to rush out to chase Xuan Chifeng's bedroom.

But when his hand touched the door, he realized that the whole room had been enveloped by powerful spatial force.

He's stuck in it.

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