star wars civilization.

Chapter 430: New Challenger

Two days passed quickly. %&*

During the two days, contestants from various planets enjoyed the meticulous care of Xtreme Star at the reception, visited various scenic spots and scenic spots of Extreme Star, and enjoyed the delicious food and beauties of Extreme Star. Everyone did not feel that the time passed slowly.

Except for Shen Zheng.

You don't need to spend money by yourself, you can take things casually, which makes the two girls crazy. The compulsory course every day is to let Shen Zheng accompany you to go shopping in the mall, and the compulsory course every night is to let Shen Zheng accompany you to sit there and watch the fashion show. Shen Zheng sighed, exhausted physically and mentally.

"Xue Su, I really can't take it anymore, you go on your own today." On the morning of the third day, Shen Zheng hurriedly begged Xue Su for mercy. [

"Okay then." Xue Su smiled sweetly, "Master, you should have a good rest today, and after the awards ceremony is over tomorrow, you can accompany us to purchase."

"..." Shen Zheng cried silently.

"Forget it, I'll stay with you." He sighed.

So, another day of suffering.

At night, the group came back excitedly, and Xue Su and Shui Qingqing forced Shen Zheng to visit the clothing show again.Shen Zheng couldn't help but had a headache, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door, he went to open the door and he couldn't help being startled.

Because it turned out to be Wen Gangshu, the host of this tournament.

"General Shen Zheng, hello." Wen Gangshu stood outside the door and smiled slightly, "May I bother you?"

"Of course no problem, Chief Wen." Shen Zheng nodded hurriedly, then turned to Yan Xin and said, "Xin, I have something urgent to do, so you can stay here with them."

As he said that, he dragged Wen Gangshu out of Xuesu's room and returned to his own room.

After the two sat down, Wen Gangshu looked at Shen Zheng and said, "I don't like to beat around the bush, so let's just talk about it. I'm here this time to ask for your opinion."

"Please tell me." Shen Zheng nodded.

"This matter is not quite in line with the rules of the tournament, but it vaguely fits with the purpose of the tournament." Wen Gangshu said, "So I am a little embarrassed."

Shen Zheng didn't interrupt, just listened quietly.

"It's like this." Wen Gangshu paused and said, "Among the contestants of Extreme Star, there was originally a very strong player, but because he went out for training and couldn't make it back in time, he missed the competition. Opportunity. Last night, he came back suddenly. He was very annoyed after knowing that the game was over, and strongly demanded to fight the champion-he didn't want the final reward, he just wanted to prove that he was the strongest. %&*

"A very powerful powerhouse?" Shen Zheng frowned, "Among the protoss on Extreme Star, there is actually someone more powerful than Xuan Yiwang? But isn't Xuan Yiwang known as No.1 under the Star Lord?"

"That's right." Wen Gangshu nodded, "Compared with Xuan Yiwang, that person's strength is on par with Xuan Yiwang. Strictly speaking, he is not as good as Xuan Yiwang. , he is not as good as Xuan Yiwang. But...he has a very powerful attack power, so powerful that even Xuan Yiwang dare not underestimate him. It can be said that he is the second strongest after Xuan Yiwang, although he is faintly suppressed by Xuan Yiwang One end, but actually not much weaker than Xuan Yiwang."

Very powerful attack force?Shen Zheng couldn't help thinking.

On an extreme star, there are actually two such terrifying masters. The strength of this planet is really "extreme".

He knew that this was definitely not nonsense, because from Wen Gangshu's brain wave language, what he read was only sincerity, not exaggeration. [

"He doesn't want the final prize, he just wants a chance to beat Xuan Yiwang." Wen Gangshu said, "You understand that His Highness Xuan Yiwang is the prince of Extreme Star and the future emperor, and he is just a lieutenant general. So in the usual contests, he didn't dare to fight against Xuan Yiwang with all his strength, so he himself always felt dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do. This time, you defeated Xuan Yiwang, which is the best opportunity for him. He thinks As long as I defeat you, it means I have defeated Xuan Yiwang."

He looked at Shen Zheng and said slowly: "Originally this is not in line with the rules, but the real purpose of the martial arts tournament is to promote the strength of the protoss, and the stronger the protoss, the more it can make the opponent more powerful in the battle. Having experienced the subtlety of martial arts and the essence of fighting, a fierce battle with similar strength is beneficial to both sides. That's why I came here to ask for your opinion."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "I have nothing against it."

"Great." Wen Gangshu smiled, "In this case, tomorrow's awards ceremony will be held as usual, but I will arrange another match the day after tomorrow, and you will play against that contestant."

"What's his name?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Li Yunhe." Wen Gangshu replied.Afterwards, he stood up, said goodbye to Shen Zheng politely, and left the reception.

Li Yunhe... Shen Zheng couldn't help but silently recite the name in his heart.

A strong man on par with Xuan Yi, worth seeing!

There was a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

That night, he didn't sleep well, and he was looking forward to seeing this powerful protoss as soon as possible.

In the early morning of the next day, the receptionists notified each contestant one by one, and everyone took the car arranged by the reception to the central square of the Emperor Palace in the Emperor City.At this moment, the central square has been arranged into a sea of ​​flowers again, with beautiful hostesses lined up on both sides, and the sound of majestic music is also heard.

Everyone stood in the square according to the previous line, looking up at the high platform.

"Why didn't Xuan Yiwang come?" Some people were discussing in private.

"Maybe it's because of embarrassment." Someone analyzed, "He is No.1 under the Star Lord, so he lost to a young man who had no reputation before, and he felt somewhat embarrassed."

"Shouldn't he be that kind of person?"

There are many guesses.

Not long after, Wen Gangshu and Xuan Chifeng came to the high platform together, and the people below immediately fell silent, and everyone stopped discussing.

"Everyone, there are talents from generation to generation." Wen Gangshu said loudly, "In the past Martial Arts Tournaments in the Red Light Star District, some dazzling stars will shine, some of them are still the best among the protoss, and some They have risen to another higher level. It is undeniable that the martial arts tournament has played a pivotal role in the progress of their life and strength."

He spoke slowly, constantly emphasizing the role of the tournament, and finally talked about the theme.

"This martial arts competition has brought us a huge surprise." He said, "Someone actually broke the record of No.1 under His Royal Highness Xuan Yiwang and won the championship of this competition from him." , This is something worth celebrating! It is not a blessing to have one talent, but to have two, three, or even more talents is the greatest blessing in my Red Light Star Region! We must look up to such talents, get closer to them, strive to achieve great success, and make further progress! Next, Lieutenant General Shen Zheng will come to the stage to accept the award!"

Immediately there was enthusiastic applause below.

Amid the applause and the excited gazes of Ai Chi and Sang Ming, Shen Zheng stepped out slowly, flew up to the high platform, and landed in front of Wen Gangshu and Xuan Chifeng.A lady of etiquette brought up a small bottle with an exquisite plate. Wen Gangshu took the small bottle and handed it to Xuan Chifeng. [

"I invite the organizer of this conference, His Majesty the Extreme Star Emperor, to present an award to Shen Zheng!" he said loudly.

Xuan Chifeng slowly picked up the bottle, looked at Shen Zheng with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, young man." He said, and solemnly handed the bottle to Shen Zheng with both hands. Shen Zheng straightened up quickly, saluted and took the bottle over.

"May this ultimate holy medicine can help you make great progress and make further progress." Xuan Chifeng said with a smile.

But Shen Zheng read something else from his brain wave language.He learned that Xuan Chifeng was insincere at all. In fact, Xuan Chifeng was in a very bad mood, and was filled with a slight hatred for himself.

It's no wonder, after all, his son was defeated by him, and he lost the honorary title of Glory.

But although Xuan Yiwang was a direct "victim", he showed considerable generosity at that time, and he didn't care about his failure, but had a little joy on the contrary.In contrast, this emperor's heart is too broad.

Even if they are biological father and son, they can't be exactly the same, and they may even be very different!

Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly.

"Thank you." He nodded slowly at the other party.

"Here, I have to announce one more thing." Wen Gangshu said loudly at this time. "Among the contestants this time, a strong player belonging to the extreme star was delayed because he went out for training, so he didn't arrive until last night. It is a pity that he missed this opportunity. And after the communication of the organizing committee Next, Lieutenant General Shen Zheng has agreed to fight this contestant to fulfill his wish."

"Do you still want to fight?" Many people below were stunned.

"What's going on here? Is there anyone else in Extreme Star?"

"Aren't they going too far this time? Although it is said that previous organizers would take some advantage, they didn't do that, right? First let Xuan Yiwang replace Chen Dong in the battle, and then directly send someone who doesn't know who it is, Fighting against the champion, this..."

"It's a bit too much. But since Shen Zheng has agreed, what can we say?"

"Why did Master Shen Zheng agree to such a thing?" In the crowd, Sang Ming frowned and whispered.

"For the sake of experience." Ai Chi whispered, "The other party knows that Lord Shen Zheng has defeated Xuan Yiwang, and dares to challenge him, which shows that he has enough confidence in his own strength. And the reason why the Lord came here is to challenge the strong , Achieve yourself? There are strong people who don’t fight, but are only satisfied with the ultimate holy medicine, that’s putting the cart before the horse.”

"I announce that tomorrow will be the last match of this tournament." Wen Gangshu ignored the following discussion. "At that time, everyone will still be able to see a wonderful fight!"

Hearing the last sentence, many people came to their senses.

"That's right, for us, it's not a loss anyway, and it's a good thing to see Shen Zheng fighting against the strong again!"

"Yes, I can't wait to look forward to tomorrow's game now!"

For a moment, everyone's emotions rose.

And Xuan Chifeng secretly looked at Shen Zheng and smiled coldly.

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