star wars civilization.

Chapter 432: White Tiger Holy Spirit Remains

In an instant, the insect power in Shen Zheng's body was pushed to the limit - six times the power. ^

While the light in his eyes was cooling down, his body moved, and a layer of strong wind protected him, allowing him to slam the absent wind away, and rushed towards Li Yunhe quickly.

Li Yunhe frowned slightly, and immediately his palms turned into claws, waving them quickly.A series of tiger claws of wind that were getting stronger and stronger appeared out of nowhere, and grabbed Shen Zheng fiercely.

"Break!" With loud shouts, Shen Zhengwei unstoppably smashed through the tiger claws of the six winds, but when the seventh wind came to his body, he rushed over without dodging or avoiding it.

"Virtual power?" Li Yunhe's eyes flashed, revealing a hint of surprise, but then he smiled. [

In a blink of an eye, Shen Zheng had rushed to the front, the power of emptiness had also ended, and he instantly recovered his body.At this moment, Li Yunhe swung out a huge wind tiger claw, and grabbed Shen Zheng fiercely.

"Break!" A sharp white light flashed from Shen Zheng's body, and the violent wind emanated from his palm, turning into a huge wind claw, which collided with the opponent's wind claw again, and a huge sound erupted. .

Under the collision of huge forces, gusts of wind blew up in the surrounding space, and the chaotic energy scattered.

And Shen Zheng had already appeared in front of Li Yunhe, and with six times as much power, he punched Li Yunhe!

"What a powerful force!" Li Yunhe yelled with a smile, "Being hit by such a force, I am afraid that I will be seriously injured and fall down with just one blow? But is useless!"

With a loud laugh, a white light shone in front of him, the light was sharper, full of sacred and powerful aura.It moved quickly, facing Shen Zheng's fist, and blocked the fatal blow for Li Yunhe.

Amidst the loud noise, Shen Zheng felt as if his fist had hit the blade, not only failed to break through, but was stabbed by the sharp blade so painfully.

In astonishment, he hastily withdrew his fist and backed away.

what is that?

He stared at the white light, and immediately saw a white tiger claw of light.The light on the tiger's claws floated slowly, and one of the white claw bones could be vaguely seen through the light.

Shen Zheng could feel that the tiger's claw contained a powerful force, even if it was six times stronger than his own, it couldn't compare with that kind of power.

The tiger claws floated slowly in the air, and the sharp breath on the claws seemed to cut open the surrounding space, making people feel the prickling pain just by looking at it.

Facing the tiger claw, Shen Zheng felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart, as if the claw contained not only star-level power, but was even stronger and more terrifying, even he couldn't resist it Powerful attack. %&*

A force that cuts through everything.

Watching Tiger Claw silently, Shen Zheng raised his hands and began to gather more powerful strength.He suddenly understood why Li Yunhe could become an existence comparable to Xuan Yiwang, and why he failed to win the title of "No.1 under the Star Lord".

Because what Xuan Yiwang possessed was a true talent for cultivation and a truly powerful self-power, while what Li Yunhe possessed was just a treasure outside of him.

Shen Zheng has to admit that this treasure has extremely strong power, but no matter how strong it is, it is something outside of him, and it will not become stronger with Li Yunhe's strength, nor will it help Li Yunhe to raise his own ability to the peak .

Therefore, even if he can defeat Xuan Yiwang, he will never be able to get the title of "One of the Star Masters No. 1".

"Are you frightened by this kind of power?" Li Yunhe laughed, "It's just resisting your attack, but it can't show its true strength. Now I will let me understand how far you are from it ..."[

While speaking, he suddenly waved his hand, and the light on the tiger's claws flashed.

Then, it directly cut open the long space between the two, as if teleporting, it appeared directly in front of Shen Zheng!

"The remains of the White Tiger Holy Spirit..." In the distance, Xue Su looked at the claw bone surrounded by a ray of white light, and said in a low voice.

"The remains of the White Tiger Holy Spirit?" Yan Xin couldn't help but look at the light claw in surprise when she heard this, with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Xin, give me your hand!" Xue Su suddenly stretched out her hand.

Yan didn't even think about it, and immediately held Xue Su's hand with her hand. Under the traction of Xue Su's power, a sharp white light in her body was quietly transmitted to Xue Su's palm.

A faint soft light flashed from Xue Su's eyes. She looked at the tiger claw emitting white light, and finally nodded with certainty: "That's right, that's a front paw bone of the White Tiger Holy Spirit. This guy is so lucky that he actually Let him get such an amazing thing. Although it is only a remains, the power contained in it is probably at the star master level..."

"Then Brother Shen is not very dangerous?" Shui Qingqing was anxious.

"No..." Xue Su slowly shook her head.

Facing the lightning-like tiger claws, Shen Zheng had a headache.When the tiger claws approached his body, he had a vague feeling: it is absolutely impossible to dodge with the empty body!

Because of this feeling, he did not choose the strongest dodge ability, but relied on his own strength to quickly dodge a blow.

But the tiger claw seemed to have its own wisdom, and it chased after him and grabbed it again.

Is it endless?

Shen Zheng stared at the tiger claw with a frown, and suddenly stopped running, and stretched out his right hand, clenched tightly into a fist.

A trace of space power penetrated into the core of the basalt insect hanging on his chest, looking for the basalt insect Xiao Hei in the black tide.In an instant, Xiao Hei's aura merged with Shen Zheng's power, and he shouted joyfully, sending a thick Kuroshio power out of the insect core, and concentrated it on Shen Zheng's fist.

For a moment, he felt that he had grasped a power that could rival the Star Lord, his eyes suddenly lit up, facing the flying tiger claws, he exhaled loudly, and punched out!

A series of black tides surged on his fist, turning into a black fist, and punched forward fiercely, colliding with the flying tiger claws.

With a loud bang, the black tide scattered, and the white light flowed. The black fist disappeared in the impact, but the tiger's claws flew out in a spin, flying straight for thousands of meters before stopping.

Li Yunhe's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He really didn't expect that his biggest reliance, the strongest attack weapon obtained from the remains of the White Tiger Holy Spirit, would be blown away by Shen Zheng, who was only a protoss-level powerhouse!

How can this be?

But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but admit it. [

With a wave of his hand, the white light flew back and returned to his face, floating slowly in the air.

"Amazing, awesome!" He gritted his teeth fiercely, and the kind smile on his face had disappeared. "As expected of the guy who can defeat Xuan Yiwang, it's really amazing!"

"Is that weapon of yours the remains of the White Tiger Holy Spirit?" Shen Zheng asked in a deep voice, looking at the claw bones faintly revealing in the white light.

"Not bad." Li Yunhe nodded slowly. "Your eyesight is really strong. I thought no one could see the tiger bones hidden inside except my master."

"You are very lucky." Shen Zheng said.

"It's not bad." Li Yunhe said slowly, "But it's a pity that it's not so good, otherwise, I should have discovered the precious treasure alone, not with Xuan Yiwang."

"Xuan Yiwang?" Shen Zheng was startled, and then seemed to understand something. "You mean, you both discovered a treasure related to the Holy Spirit of the White Tiger, Xuan Yiwang obtained a powerful power because of this, possessed the power of the Holy Spirit of the White Tiger, and you obtained a powerful weapon, the claw of the Holy Spirit of the White Tiger bone?"

"You're so smart." Li Yunhe's face returned to the friendly smile it was before. "That's right, we discovered that treasure together. As a cultivation genius, he chose the White Tiger Holy Spirit Insect Core, which has a slow effect but is of great benefit to future development. Develop possible white tiger holy spirit claw bones."

"Only bug cores and claw bones?" Shen Zheng couldn't help being curious.

"What do you think?" Li Yunhe said, "Do you think we found the remains of a completed white tiger holy spirit? If that's the case, we would just turn around and run away immediately. How dare we break its bones and dig out its worm core? Even if it is a remains, there will still be remnants of conscious power on it, our little protoss is like ants in front of it!"

"So, that's not the tomb of the White Tiger Holy Spirit, but just a place where a strong man who once obtained these two treasures hid his treasures?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Am I obligated to tell you this? No." Li Yunhe asked himself with a smile. "Shen Zheng, I admit that your power is quite powerful, and I also understand that you must have some adventures. Why don't we share each other's adventures? You tell me the secret of your terrifying power, and I can tell you about the relationship with that treasure. Everything related. There is still a huge space to explore, and maybe you can find greater benefits from it.”

When talking about the later, he was somewhat excited, and because of this excitement, Shen Zheng caught a trace of fluctuation in his brain wave language.

This fluctuation told Shen Zheng that what he said was a lie.

Or, it was because he didn't intend to tell Shen Zheng the truth about the treasure at all, or, it was because he had already made up his mind, after deceiving Shen Zheng's reason for his strength, he didn't tell Shen Zheng anything.

"Shame on you." Shen Zheng looked at him and snorted coldly.

When he raised his hand, a powerful force was already brewing in his hand.

"You're looking for death, no wonder I am." Li Yunhe looked at Shen Zheng, finally showing anger in his eyes.

He slowly raised his hand, a trace of strength connected his hand with the claw bone of the White Tiger Holy Spirit, making it seem like an extension of his arm.

Suddenly, under the urging of his insect power, the claw bone grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant claw with a length of more than 20 meters. The power on it that seemed to be able to cut the space was also I don't know how many times it has expanded in an instant!

"It's too late to regret." Li Yunhe sneered and raised his other hand.

In an instant, a white light flashed in the air, and a huge claw bone that also emitted white light appeared on the other side of him, connected with his hand through insect power, as if they were one.

He actually has a whole pair of claw bones?

Shen Zheng couldn't help being surprised.

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