star wars civilization.

Chapter 433: Protoss Peak

With the dancing of Li Yunhe's hands, the pair of huge white tiger claws also moved. ^There are white light phantoms moving and dazzled in the air, making people feel dazzled.

"I've never regretted my original choice." Li Yunhe looked at Shen Zheng and said in a low voice. "I gave up my future development, but chose the immediate interests. Many people may look down on me because of this, but I say so. I don't have great ideals. I know who I am, what I am good at, and what I am not good at. .”

"What are you good at?" Shen Zheng asked coldly.

"Kill!" Li Yunhe's eyes turned cold. "Life is in a hurry. Even if you become a protoss, you will die one day. Instead of spending your limited days on exhaustive cultivation, and finally becoming an old man, regretting that you have never enjoyed anything in your life, it is better to live for the present. Enjoy it, have fun."

"Your idea is very interesting." Shen Zheng said, "But that's none of my business." [

"Isn't that appropriate?" Wen Gangshu frowned and asked Xuan Chifeng in the distant air. "You, a master who has been hiding all the time, actually used such a series of weapons, this..."

"It's just a weapon." Xuan Chifeng said, "Isn't the insect spirit a weapon? There are no rules prohibiting the use of weapons other than insect spirit weapons in the martial arts tournament."

"Are you sure he can strictly follow the rules?" Wen Gangshu asked worriedly.

"Don't worry." Xuan Chifeng smiled, "Didn't I already promise you? He just wants to gain fame, and he will never dare to offend the Star District Headquarters. If he dares to do that, I will clean it up first." he."

"I'm always a little worried..." Wen Gangshu looked at the tense battlefield, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"It's closed to you, that's right." Li Yunhe smiled, "Yes. Not only everything about me, but everything in this whole world will soon be locked up with you."

Suddenly, a huge white light rushed out from the pair of white tiger's claws along with the hurricane, instantly covering a large area of ​​the surrounding space.

A terrible storm raged in the surrounding space, slowly enveloping the entire battlefield. Shen Zheng was in the center of the battlefield, feeling the powerful wind, and his hair and clothes were violently swaying in the wind.

"This is the claw bone of the White Tiger Holy Spirit." Li Yunhe said with a smile, his voice was so clear in the hurricane. "Each claw bone is equivalent to the power of a first-order star master, and two claw bones are two first-order star masters. Shen Zheng, my own strength is of course not worth mentioning, but it is the peak star master. It's just a spirit, but the power of this pair of claw bones is something no one dares to underestimate!"

Feeling the power of this pair of claw bones, the faces of all the spectators around changed.They stared at the pair of claw bones, imagining what it would be like if they were facing this claw bone.

Then they had to admit that just relying on the aura emanating from the claw bones was enough to crush their willpower, let alone fight against it. %&*

"Miss Xuesu, Master Shen Zheng..." Ai Chi looked at Xuesu anxiously, and couldn't help asking.

"Master will be fine." Xue Su smiled sweetly. "I can feel it."

"Really?" Sang Ming muttered half-believingly, looking at the center of the battlefield with extreme nervousness.

Facing the pair of white tiger claws exuding a strong aura, Shen Zheng felt a strong pressure.But this kind of pressure also stimulated him to develop a stronger resistance.

Yes, it is meaningful to fight with a strong player of this level!

He stared at the pair of white tiger claws, slowly raised his hands, and assumed a rigorous fighting posture.

"Not bad, really good." Li Yunhe smiled, "If it were someone else, I'm afraid this place would have collapsed, but you still have the courage to fight against two star master-level powerhouses, you are indeed a dragon and phoenix among people But to be honest, the more such a character is, the more people will feel a sense of accomplishment to conquer them!"

"Don't talk big." Shen Zheng said coldly, "Use whatever skills you have. I'll accompany you" [

"Okay!" Li Yunhe nodded, "Of course I will do as you wish!"

Suddenly, his hands moved quickly, and the pair of huge white tiger claws moved accordingly, like an invisible white tiger holy spirit, waving its claws, ready to choose to eat someone.

Several sharp white lights swayed in all directions, and the strong storm focused in the space in front of Li Yunhe, as if it could destroy everything, causing the expressions of the observers in the distance to change drastically.

In an instant, that overwhelming force suddenly flew forward in the world of wind, and with the ultimate killing intent, hit Shen Zheng viciously!

That power, like two star-level powerhouses attacking together, has reached the level of protoss resistance in terms of momentum and power.

"This won't work!" Wen Gangshu waved his hand resolutely, his body was surging with insect power, as if he was going to stop it.

"I'm overthinking." Xuan Chifeng smiled, and grabbed Wen Gangshu's arm. "Li Yunhe will have a sense of proportion. And look, isn't Shen Zheng standing still in the face of this star-level power? Maybe such a powerful power can just stimulate his strongest potential. Well, isn't it right? Is it what the Star District Headquarters wants to see? Think about it, if Shen Zheng got a huge benefit in this battle, what about being promoted to Star Master? You will also be rewarded by the headquarters, right?"

"This..." Wen Gangshu hesitated, but finally restrained his insect power.

He himself is only a second-rank star master, while Xuan Chifeng is a dignified fourth-rank.In terms of eyesight, he has to admit that he is far inferior to Xuan Chifeng.And in terms of status, although he represents the star district headquarters and can sit on an equal footing with Xuan Chifeng, in fact, Xuan Chifeng is still a head above him.

The weak obey the strong, this is the rule that will never change in this world where strength is paramount.

In an instant, that huge force had already approached Shen Zheng and was about to envelop him in it.But he didn't mean to hide, but just like that, allowing himself to be surrounded by the white light and the hurricane.

In an instant, he disappeared before everyone's eyes, completely enveloped by that terrifying power.

"Are you really okay?" Sang Ming muttered worriedly.

In the center of the berserk power, Shen Zheng's face was calm, and his consciousness sank into the basalt worm core on his chest.

He didn't want to be arrogant, but after borrowing the power of the Kuroshio from the basalt worm core just now, he suddenly felt a strange feeling. He felt that the world of the Kuroshio was suddenly connected to him and became his huge backup. power bank.

What kind of reserve force pool is that?That is the power of the majestic basalt worm peak powerhouse, who is only one step away from transforming into the basalt holy spirit, the power of the little black mother!

With that kind of power, it is completely possible to fight against the tyrannical power in front of him.

And Shen Zheng felt, even more than that, he felt that if he could fully display this blood volume, he could even suppress the pair of white tiger claws, and even...

His eyes were shining brightly, facing the attack of that violent force, he made a sudden move!

All the people watched here nervously, and couldn't help clenching their hands. Some people sweated from their palms, and some unconsciously opened their mouths but forgot to close them.

Ai Chi and Sang Ming both looked anxious, as did Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, but when they saw the indifferent smile on Xue Su's face, they all felt incredible. Could it be that Shen Zheng still has the strength to fight against this level? attack?

At this time, Shen Zheng slowly raised his hands, and a trace of space power penetrated into the core of the basalt insect.Through this trace of power, the black tide in the basalt worm core poured towards him continuously—not entering his body, but forming a black tide armor around his body. [

The armor is full of tyrannical power, and it is a weapon that integrates offense and defense.

He smiled faintly, and suddenly moved.The fist wrapped in Kuroshio blasted out suddenly, hitting the terrifying power in the storm.The dazzling white light used the power of the storm to kill Shen Zheng, but it was broken and dissipated by Shen Zheng's punches and kicks again and again.

The contest between white and black, the battle between white tiger and Xuanwu, unfolds in this mass of white light and storm.

The people outside didn't know what happened. They just saw the white light and the center of the storm, and there was always a more intense light shining. They didn't know that it was the dazzling light after the power of the white tiger was broken by the power of Xuanwu. But they understood that this meant that Shen Zheng was still alive.

"How is it possible?" Someone exclaimed, "In this terrifying force, he... can survive?"

"It's not just survival!" Someone frowned and stared. "Look, it's clearly an energy explosion generated by him fighting against that power!"

"Oh my god, he... how strong is he? Can he actually fight against the power of the star master?"

Li Yunhe looked at the center of the violent force, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Impossible, how is this possible?" He muttered to himself, "What I exerted was the power of two first-order star masters. No star spirit can survive with this kind of power, let alone Confrontation, what's going on?"

In the group of white light and storm, Shen Zheng went all around, completely hollowing out the inside of this terrifying force group.He felt that as long as he added more strength, he could even completely destroy this power group.

But at this moment, a faint sense of hunger hit him, and he couldn't help being surprised.

This feeling has not been seen for a long time. Could it be that the cosmic origin worm wants him to devour some power again this time?

He immediately concentrated his attention, and then he was surprised to find that the hunger actually led his attention towards the space worm core on his body.

What does it mean?

In astonishment, he still opened the worm core space.

Immediately, a strange feeling led his consciousness, and he found a small bottle lying quietly in it.

Ultimate Elixir?

Shen Zheng couldn't help being startled, and took it out with a wave of his hand.

The hunger instantly became stronger.

Do you want me to drink it?Shen Zheng looked at the bottle, opened it without much hesitation, and drank the liquid inside in one gulp!

He quietly hung in the power group, feeling the changes in his body.He felt that the liquid quickly merged with his worm power, and then the worm power began to surge crazily.

And the Kuroshio wrapped around his body suddenly changed, and began to oppress his body with the greatest force, so that he had to use his insect power to neutralize it.

Under the boiling changes inside and the pressure from the outside, Shen Zheng suddenly felt his worm power explode, and the five strands of power in his body gathered together in an instant, never to be separated again!

Protoss peak?

The title flashed through his mind.

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