star wars civilization.

Chapter 435: Shen Zheng, shocked the power of the world!

Xuan Chifeng looked at Shen Zheng, and hatred for poverty arose in his heart. %&*

Can't stay, such a guy absolutely can't stay!His future prospects, sooner or later, will even surpass an existence like me, and by then...

No, the future of this galaxy belongs to my son!Only he alone is worthy of being called a genius, and he deserves the attention of the master of this galaxy. No one else can take away the glory that belongs to him!


He turned his head and looked at Wen Gangshu for help, but the other party didn't notice his eyes.At this moment, Wen Gangshu's eyes flashed with excitement, he just looked at Shen Zheng and slowly opened his mouth. [

He hoped that Wen Gangshu would not declare Shen Zheng's victory, but what could he do?Wen Gangshu is not as strong as him, and his status is not as good as him, but no matter what, Wen Gangshu represents the organizing committee of the martial arts tournament, and they are all high-ranking star district headquarters!

"Competitor Li Yunhe, you are no longer able to fight anymore." Wen Gangshu said slowly, "Therefore, I declare that the winner of this final competition is—the lieutenant general from the other star, Shen Zheng!"

"Long live!" Ai Chi and Sang Ming shouted loudly at the same time.

Looking at the Wen Gang tree, Shen Zheng gave a military salute: "Thank you!"

"Give me back my white tiger's claw!" But Li Yunhe's roar covered up his thank you.At this time, Li Yunhe rushed forward like crazy, staring at Shen Zheng.

"It's my thing. It's a weapon that I have gone through all kinds of hardships and a great chance to get it. Why do you take it away? Give it back to me!" He yelled wildly.

"Sorry." Shen Zheng looked at him and shook his head. "Now it belongs to me. Before you use a weapon to hurt someone, you should think that the weapon may be snatched away by others. A murderer must have the awareness to be killed at any time."

"I don't care!" Li Yunhe yelled, raising his head to look at Xuan Chifeng. "Tell him to return the White Tiger Claw to me, it must be returned to me!"

"Shen Zheng!" Xuan Chifeng's eyes lit up at this moment, and a look of joy appeared in them.Because he saw a great opportunity.

At this time, he wrinkled his hands and said solemnly: "This is just a martial arts competition, a friendly competition between the star spirits of the brother planets in the interstellar space, not a life-and-death struggle. In this martial arts competition, friendship should be upheld. The spirit of mutual progress is the goal. It seems not good to directly rob other people's housekeeping treasures like this?"

Wen Gangshu thought for a while, and nodded: "Yes, Shen Zheng, you can return the white tiger's claw to him. After all, it belongs to him. Taking it away by force is against the purpose of the conference. ^"

"Why?" Shen Zheng frowned slightly. "When he attacked me with the claws of the white tiger, why didn't you stand up and speak out? That is a powerful weapon with the power of a star master. Don't you just worry about me being torn apart in this space? Why didn't you Thinking of the rules of the conference, but now thinking of the purpose of the conference?"

"This..." Wen Gangshu blushed, knowing he was wrong, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Don't quibble!" Xuan Chifeng roared angrily.The huge star master level pressure dropped, covering Shen Zheng. "In this sacred competition, you still have plausible reason to snatch other people's treasures?"

"Since it's a battle, there are winners and losers, and there are gains and losses." Shen Zheng stood upright, unmoved by the powerful coercion, like an immovable rock in the raging waves, as stable as Mount Tai. "As a top powerhouse, you should know this truth. Before, I wasn't dissatisfied because you didn't stop Li Yunhe from attacking me with star-level weapons. Now, you shouldn't be angry because I used my strength to take away his weapons. He can attack me with a powerful force, so can't I fight back with a stronger force? Removing his weapon is the way I protect myself. Is it wrong? So should I stand here and wait for him to kill?"

"Shen Zheng, this..." Wen Gangshu said awkwardly, but he didn't know what to say.

"Sophistry!" Xuan Chifeng snorted heavily, "No matter what, the competition is based on the premise of friendly competition and the purpose of mutual improvement. You have been promoted in the competition, it is already a great fortune, it is already You have enjoyed the benefits brought to you by the competition, but now you are greedy and want to steal other people's treasures, Shen Zheng, his heart is to be punished!"

"You can say whatever you want." Shen Zheng had already realized that Xuan Chifeng was deliberately going against him.He sneered, and stood with his hands behind his back, with an attitude of not being afraid of killing and fighting.

"Boy, don't think that you have become the pinnacle protoss, and you can despise higher existences when you get powerful power!" Xuan Chifeng said coldly, and strong power fluctuations surged all over his body. Leaving the vast void, he came to Shen Zheng. [

"What do you want?" Shen Zheng stared at Xuan Chifeng coldly, not even using honorifics.

Since you intend to deal with me, why should I respect you?

"Hand over the white tiger's claw, and give it back to Li Yunhe." Xuan Chifeng's eyes blazed with murderous intent, and his voice was cold.

"How could this be?" Ai Chi watched from a distance, roaring angrily.

"He exists to make things difficult for the master." Xue Su frowned slightly, and suddenly pulled Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, flew towards the center of the battlefield, and came to Shen Zheng's side.

Xuan Chifeng glanced at several people, snorted, and turned his gaze to Shen Zheng again.In his opinion, these few people are not a big deal, and together they are not worth one finger of his, so don't take it to heart.

"Everyone." Wen Gangshu chased after him, waving his hands again and again. "It's easy to talk about anything. Let's discuss this matter again..."

"There's nothing to discuss!" Xuan Chifeng said firmly. "The Claw of the White Tiger is the treasure of our extreme star elite Li Yunhe. If it was confiscated by Shen in a private contest, I would definitely say nothing. But, now it is a martial arts competition organized by the star area! In this conference for the purpose of common improvement Now, I will never look at the despicable person and forcibly take it away!"

"Scumbag?" Shen Zheng sneered, "There are indeed villains here, but I believe it's definitely not me."

"In a word, pay it back, or not?" Xuan Chifeng's eyes showed a cold light.

"No." Shen Zheng stared into his eyes without taking a step back.

"Okay!" Suddenly, a powerful aura surged from Xuan Chifeng's body, and the wheel of the holy spirit appeared behind him in an instant. On it, the images of the two holy spirits, Qinglong and Xuanwu, were vivid and danced endlessly.

Tier [-] star master!Shen Zheng's eyes moved slightly.

So what, it's not like I haven't seen a Tier [-] star master before!

"Your Majesty..." Wen Gangshu still wanted to persuade, but Xuan Chifeng's eyes were already cold.

"Host, please back away! This is a matter between me and this arrogant boy, and it's already closed to the competition!" He said in a deep voice, and with a wave of his hand, a powerful force directly drove Wen Gangshu away. .

Although he was not very happy in his heart, Wen Gangshu couldn't help but frown. He took out an Internet eye from his pocket, and whispered to another subordinate who had an Internet eye and was waiting on Jiji Star: "Contact me immediately!" Star District Headquarters, ask them to send someone who can suppress Xuan Chifeng!"

"Yes!" The subordinates over there were astonished. They didn't know what happened, but they didn't dare to ask more.

"I hope it's too late!" Wen Gangshu muttered anxiously.

"Boy, you are looking for death on your own." Xuan Chifeng looked at Shen Zheng coldly, and slowly raised his hand.The huge power of space in the surrounding universe surged towards his hand immediately, concentrating on his palm.

That force is so strong that it almost feels like it can destroy the world.

"Looking for death? Not necessarily?" Shen Zheng sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a space power was emitted. In an instant, Dandan and Xiao Hei, who were quietly dormant in the Xuanwu insect nucleus, immediately broke through the void and passed through the insect nucleus. was released. [

"Who dares to hurt my master!?" With a loud cry, Eggy stretched her wings and instantly recovered her gigantic kilometer-long figure. In the vast universe, it seemed as if a small star suddenly appeared. The light of the flames shrouded all directions, and the breath was suffocating.

"Suzaku!" Someone exclaimed, "This is the Suzaku that ate up the Daffy gnat! My God, how could it be so huge?"

"So what if it's big?" Xuan Chifeng snorted coldly, looked up at the behemoth with contempt. "It's just the strength of a second-order star master, what's so great about it!"

And at this moment, white light had already shone on Shen Zheng's body, and at the same time, light had also shone on Xue Su, Shui Qingqing, and Yan Xin's body. These four rays of light gathered together, instantly connecting the four of them. Pulled together, the huge white light gradually turned into a cocoon of light, and when it broke open suddenly, what appeared in front of everyone was the ever-greater light sinking sign.

In a blink of an eye, the giant of light reached a height of 200 meters, lowering its head and looking down at Xuanchi Feng like an ant.

"Third... the power of the third-tier star master?" Xuan Chifeng looked at Shen Zheng, who had rapidly increased his strength through this method, with astonishment in his eyes.

"What kind of ability is this, how come..." He was stunned for a moment.

Yes, in terms of strength, although this giant has reached the strength of a third-tier star master, it does not have the ability of a third-tier star master, and Xuan Chifeng himself is a fourth-tier star master, so of course he will not take it seriously .

But this miraculous way of increasing his strength couldn't help but shock him!

Not only him, but those spectators who watched the situation on the battlefield from afar were also stunned. They were shocked by this miraculous ability. Ask: "What is this ability? Do you know what this ability is?"

No one can answer.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was only as big as a house, became indifferent and staring.It looked at the crowd, and let out a roar unwillingly, the black tide surged around it, and a soft white light suddenly flashed from Shen Zheng's body, and it quickly shot into the black tide outside its body.In an instant, the Kuroshio surged wildly, wrapping the little black layer by layer, and turned it into a 300-meter-long basalt composed of Kuroshio.

A huge force emanated from it, and Xuan Chifeng's face finally changed drastically!

"Fourth... the power of the fourth-order star master? It's on par with me?"

At this moment, a turbulent flow of space surged around Shen Zheng of Light, and a figure broke through the hyperspace and flew out, shouting angrily: "Who wants to hurt my brother!?"

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