star wars civilization.

Chapter 436: Return and Greater Harvest

It was none other than Wu Ximing who appeared in the turbulent flow. %&*

"Wu Ximing?" Xuan Chifeng, who had been frightened by Xiao Hei's powerful power, was about to retreat. When he saw Wu Ximing, whose power was not as sophisticated as his own, but he was almost the same, all the fighting spirit in his heart disappeared. .

"Of course it's me!" Wu Ximing said coldly, "Why, Xuan Chifeng, are you jealous that I have such a genius on the other side, so you want to kill me?"

"The Star Emperor of the other shore? He has already reached the realm of the fourth-order star master!" Wen Gangshu was surprised when he saw Wu Ximing, but at the same time he was finally relieved. The man came to order, and then flew over.

"Your Majesty, this is a misunderstanding." He hurriedly explained, "The Extreme Star Emperor did not intend to kill Shen Zheng, but..." [

"Just what?" Wu Ximing stared, "Shen Zheng is my good brother, if you dare to touch him, no matter who the opponent is, I will fight him to the end!"

Xuan Chifeng felt depressed—how could this Shen Zheng have such a powerful force?Suzaku worms, Xuanwu worms are all his worm servants, and isn't Wu Ximing just promoted to star master?How did you reach Tier [-]?He and Shen Zheng are as close as one person, this...

Although he was depressed, he had to admit that with his own strength, he couldn't move Shen Zheng at all.

"Guys, if you have anything to say, let's put away our strength first, so we don't want to make things too tense, okay?" Wen Gangshu said with a smile.

Xuan Chifeng snorted, knowing that if there was a real conflict, he would never get any advantage, so he put away his power first, and slowly released the gathered space power into the far sky, and the wheel of the Holy Spirit also Put it away.

Seeing this, Wu Ximing also slowly withdrew his strength, turned his head to the huge Shen Zheng of Light and said loudly: "Brother, take it!"

"Okay!" Shen Zheng responded, and the body of light slowly gathered, and finally turned into four forces and returned to the four of them.

Seeing this scene, Yan's spectators couldn't help being amazed, while Wen Gangshu and Xuan Chifeng were also horrified in their hearts, not understanding what this ability to unite the power of everyone is.

With a wave of his hand, the power of space swayed out, and the huge Eggy and Xiao Hei were taken back into the basalt core.

"Host, what's going on here?" Wu Ximing frowned and asked Wen Gangshu in a deep voice.

"It's like this..." Wen Gangshu hastily told what happened to Shen Zheng in the past few days during the competition. The more Wu Ximing heard it, the more happy his face became. After the white tiger's claw, he was even more excited. %&*

"Your Majesty Wu Ximing." Seeing the excited light in his eyes, Wen Gangshu couldn't help frowning, and said in a low voice, "This matter can be big or small. But regardless of emotion or reason, Shen Zheng should indeed return Li Yunhe The Claw of the White Tiger. Because this is in the competition after all. If you change the occasion, no matter what Shen Zheng does, as long as it is related to the competition, it will be the star district headquarters."

Xuan Chifeng couldn't help frowning, looking at Wen Gangshu with a look of unkindness in his eyes.

But it could only be because of bad eyesight. No matter what, the other party was from the headquarters of the star region, and he was always one step closer to the highest power in the star region than him, so he couldn't move.

Wu Ximing looked at Wen Gangshu, then at Shen Zheng, and after pondering for a while, he came to Shen Zheng's side: "Brother, take a step to speak."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, and Wu Ximing immediately pulled him into the hyperspace, and quickly came to the extreme distance.

"Brother, this matter...I know it's really embarrassing, but...but I really can't help you." Wu Ximing said awkwardly, "Wen Gangshu is right, this is after all a martial arts tournament. If you really take the other party's treasures by force, it will definitely cause great trouble. This matter cannot be resolved with personal strength, because there is a powerful Star District Headquarters on top of the Wengang tree, which is in charge of it. It is the highest leader of the Chiguang Star District, the majestic master of the galaxy. The meaning of Wen Gangshu just now is very obvious. As long as it is not in the martial arts competition, as long as this matter does not involve him, then even if you Li Yunhe slaughtered Qiang and took away all his treasures, Wen Gangshu won't take care of it, nor will the Star District Headquarters. Brother, there's no point in offending them at this time."

"I understand." Shen Zheng looked at Wu Ximing and nodded slowly.

The Claw of the White Tiger is important, but friends are more important. [

Yes, he, Shen Zheng, is not actually from the Crimson Spiral Galaxy. In the future, he can just slap his ass and leave.But Wu Ximing is different, his home is here, and he will never leave.

After I left, how much trouble would it cause him?

Offending Wen Gangshu is tantamount to offending the star district headquarters, and Wu Ximing's life will never be easy.He can't just walk away by himself and cause all kinds of troubles to his good friends.

Isn't it a powerful weapon of the star master level?What is it?

With a smile, Shen Zheng infiltrated the worm power into the basalt worm core, found the white tiger's claw wrapped by the black tide, gently receded the black tide power on it with the power of space, and moved it away. come out.

The claw bones without any light were quietly floating in the air, and Wu Ximing couldn't help sighing when he saw it.

After all, this is the remains of the Holy Spirit. Anyone who sees it will not be able to calm down.

Sighing softly, Wu Ximing couldn't help muttering: "It's really a good thing, especially for people at the star spirit level... Damn it, if this Li Yunhe is not from the extreme star, there is no emperor for him If I come to you desperately, Wen Gangshu will turn his eyes and close his eyes, and let this thing belong to you..."

"Forget it, anyway, it's something outside of him." Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, he hastily infiltrated the worm power into the basalt worm nucleus again, and carefully observed the place where the white tiger's claw bone stayed just now.

He suddenly discovered that there was a fragment of a white tiger's claw bone there, and that fragment was growing slowly under the continuous nourishment of the billowing black tide. occur.

How is this going?He couldn't help being surprised.

"I can only help you here..." A deep voice came from the depths of the worm's core. "Son, I have obtained all the information of this claw bone, and at the same time peeled off the upper piece, I will use my strength to nourish it, let it grow gradually, and when it fully grows into its original shape, it can return to its current state. look, but the white tiger power it possesses will be very weak, while the Xuanwu power will be very strong..."

That voice gradually disappeared, but the joy it brought to Shen Zheng never disappeared!

The white tiger's claw is gone, but the imitation basaltic tiger's claw is here. There is no loss at all!

And since this tiger claw was reshaped by the Xuanwu Holy Spirit with its power, it can naturally be connected with the power of the Kuroshio in the worm's core. Maybe in the future, it can also increase its power with the improvement of its own strength!

What a huge bargain!

Seeing Shen Zheng handing over the white tiger's claw, but looking excited, Wu Ximing couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: My brother is mad from anger, right?

"Then... shall we return this thing to them?" Wu Ximing asked tentatively.

"Repay it, repay it!" Shen Zheng smiled, "Isn't it just a tiger's claw? It's no big deal, I'll just make one for fun in the future. Who cares about what Li Yunhe used!"

"..." Wu Ximing sincerely thought that Shen Zheng was confused.

Bringing Shen Zheng back to Wen Gangshu and Xuan Chifeng's side, Wu Ximing pointed at the claw bone floating in front of Shen Zheng: "My brother is a person who understands righteousness, and I don't want to embarrass you, the host. , so I handed it back.” [

"As expected of a young talent!" Wen Gangshu heaved a sigh of relief, nodded with a smile. "It's good for both parties to resolve a dispute in this way! After I go back, I will report General Shen Zheng's performance to the headquarters, and the headquarters will definitely favor you even more."

Shen Zheng didn't care about these, he just nodded politely and let it go.

Xuan Chifeng looked at Li Yunhe with a gloomy face. At this moment, the loser had already flown close, his face was pale, and there was a hint of hatred in his eyes. When he saw the white tiger claw bone, he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"Give it back to you." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, stretched out his finger, and the claw bone flew towards Li Yunhe. "It's just the remains of the white tiger holy spirit, or the incomplete claw bones. It's useless for me to keep it. I just wanted to scare you, let you know the word fear, and know that not everyone can be easily provoked and despised. "

Li Yunhe hurriedly caught the part of the white tiger's claw bone. Although he was seriously injured, he still poured the insect's power into the claw bone without hesitation. After a while, the white light on the claw bone returned to its original state and wrapped the bone again , and then disappeared beside Li Yunhe.

Shen Zheng could feel that there was no space power surging around the claw bone, presumably it wasn't collected into the worm core space, but shrunk to the point where it was hard to see with the naked eye, and received somewhere on Li Yunhe's body.

The Holy Spirit family is really powerful!Not to mention strength, just these bizarre abilities are enough to attract people.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Both of you." Wu Ximing looked at the two of them and said slowly. "Since the entire martial arts tournament is over, and the awards have been given out, and this extra battle has also ended, we people from the other shore star don't need to stay here anymore, right?"

"Of course." Wen Gangshu said with a smile, and there was some embarrassment in his smile.Because the matter of letting Li Yunhe and Shen Zheng fight seems to make sense, but in fact it is extremely unreasonable.If Wu Ximing is just a new star master, he certainly doesn't need to explain much about it, but the total is that Wu Ximing is now a fourth-rank star master.

This is not something he can handle at will.

"Then let's take our leave." Wu Ximing snorted heavily, and nodded at Shen Zheng, "Brother, let's go."

"Okay." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and looked at Li Yunhe.

"There will be a period later." He said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Li Yunhe couldn't help shivering.

Wu Ximing waved his hand, and a spatial turbulence appeared. He, Shen Zheng, Xue Su, Shui Qingqing, Yan Xin, Ai Chi, and Sang Ming got into it and disappeared.

In the extremely distant space, in a turbulent current, an old man in his sixties with a cold face let out a sigh of relief and shook his head.

"I didn't expect that Shen Zheng would have such a powerful force! Da Fei was not wronged by him! It seems that my stinky son's beating can only be for nothing. I don't have the strength to do it for you!" Revenge!"

With a sigh, he disappeared into the turbulent flow.

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