star wars civilization.

Chapter 437: Invitation to Extreme Experience

Looking up at the blue sky, Ding Yuqing couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. %&*

A few days ago, Ai Chi sent a message saying that Shen Zheng had a conflict with Dafei, the prince of Shanhexing. Although it had been resolved on the surface, he was worried that Dafei's father, Emperor Welas, would not let it go easily.

Ai Chi is aware of the relationship between Wu Ximing and Shen Zheng, so he sent a message just after the conflict between Shen Zheng and Da Fei ended, and after Wu Ximing and Ding Yuqing saw the news, their hearts immediately felt He became nervous, and after discussing for a while, Wu Ximing set off immediately.

After walking away for several days, there was no news, Ding Yuqing couldn't help becoming anxious.

Looking at the high sky, suddenly, I saw a meteor-like spot of light falling from the sky, getting bigger and bigger, and gradually, a huge bird of fire appeared in the sky, and it didn't take long. With a strong flame came to the sky above the emperor city. [

The huge firebird's body shrank rapidly, shrinking from a length of thousands of meters to about a hundred meters, and landed on the high platform of the emperor's palace.

That's Eggy.

Several people jumped off Dandan's back and came to Ding Yuqing, but it was Wu Ximing, Shen Zheng and his party.

Seeing that everyone came back safely, Ding Yuqing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It scares me to death!" she said, patting her chest. "Well, that old Vilas didn't succeed, did he?"

"Look at what you said." Wu Ximing said, "If we succeeded, how could we stand here without incident? That old guy didn't dare to show up at all."

"It's abnormal." Ding Yu said lightly, "I heard that the old guy is very protective of his son."

"He didn't show up, but something more serious happened." Wu Ximing looked at Shen Zheng and smiled slightly. "But it has to be said that my brother is amazingly good."

"What's going on?" Ding Yuqing asked.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you slowly when I get back inside." Wu Ximing smiled, "In addition, you order people to set up a few tables of banquets, and we will celebrate Brother Shen Zheng—he won the martial arts tournament easily. Not to mention the champion, he also defeated Xuan Yiwang, the precious son of the extreme star Xuan Chifeng, and now the position of 'No.1 under the Star Lord' in the crimson spiral galaxy belongs to our brother."

"Really?" Ding Yuqing's eyes lit up, "Okay, we must have a big banquet and celebrate for a few days!"

"How many days?" Shen Zheng couldn't help sticking out his tongue, "If you don't eat to death, you will be exhausted!"

After waving Eggy into the basalt worm nucleus to rest, Shen Zheng and the others descended from the high platform and entered the emperor's palace. ^When the high-ranking officials of the planet knew the news of Shen Zheng's return with honor, they all rushed to congratulate Shen Zheng and Wu Ximing, and Wu Ximing simply asked Ding Yuqing to add dozens of tables of wine and banquets, blocking a grand banquet.

At the banquet, Wu Ximing stood up, held his wine glass high, and told about Shen Zheng's great achievements. When everyone heard that Shen Zheng had defeated Xuan Yiwang, received the enemy's white tiger's claws, and returned with great strength, When Xuan Chifeng didn't dare to do it easily, he couldn't help getting excited.

"You didn't see it. The situation at that time was really..." Ai Chi and Sang Ming couldn't help but show off their eyesight to their colleagues in a low voice during the banquet of the lieutenant generals. Everyone is envious.

"Everyone, this time we, the other stars, have shown our faces! Come on, let's have a toast to brother Shen Zheng who has won glory for us!" Finally, Wu Ximing raised his wine glass high, his face glowing red.

"Do it!" Everyone stood up together and raised their glasses high.

Shen Zheng smiled and raised his glass as a gesture, and shouted: "Do it!"

Immediately, everyone toasted and drank and laughed loudly, everyone felt happy. [

The star master has been promoted to the fourth rank, with great strength, and Shen Zheng has made a big splash in the martial arts competition. This time, the other shore star is completely famous. As a member of the planetary officer, everyone feels the sense of honor. Everyone couldn't help being excited and delighted by this.

"To be honest, Extreme Star is really a bit of a bully this time." Sang Ming was discussing with his colleagues below. "First let Xuan Yiwang replace Chen Dong, and then bring out Li Yunhe who no one knows, it's as if he is not willing to let Master Shen Zheng get the ultimate holy medicine."

"Extreme star, hmph, extremely shameful!" Ai Chi snorted coldly. "Lord Shen Zheng is so powerful that he snatched away Li Yunhe's white tiger's claw, but that old guy Xuan Chifeng insisted on putting on an old face to force him. Lord Shen Zheng has a good heart. I guess he was afraid of implicating our Majesty. , so I promised to return it. But it’s a pity when you think about it!”

"The Jijixing people are too disgraceful!" Many generals cried out in dissatisfaction.

"But in the end they really lost face." Sang Ming said with a smile, "Xuan Chifeng, the old guy, saw Lord Shen Zheng's true power, and was so frightened that he didn't want to do anything. When His Majesty arrives, he Completely dumbfounded."

"This is quite a joy!" Many people also laughed.

Wu Ximing is not used to putting on the emperor's airs, especially in this kind of entertainment occasion, so everyone is very casual, just like a gathering of friends, talk what you want, drink what you want, drink what you want Sing as you please.All of a sudden, the banquet hall was bustling with everyone enjoying themselves.

At this moment, an officer hurried in, came to the side of Chief Wu Ximing, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, there is a message from the Star Division Headquarters."

"Star District Headquarters?" Wu Ximing, who was pouring wine for Shen Zheng, was startled, then frowned, and took the document handed over by the officer.

"Old Wu, what's the matter?" Ding Yu stared lightly, "What else do they have to complain about? Humph, we've already done our best, if they dare to have any more complaints, I won't..."

"It's not dissatisfaction." Wu Ximing waved his hand, interrupted Ding Yuqing's words, a smile appeared on his face, and handed the document to Ding Yuqing. "Gently, see for yourself."

"What's the matter?" Ding Yuqing took the document suspiciously, looked carefully, and saw that it read: Two months later, a new round of extreme experience is about to start.In view of the performance of Lieutenant General Shen Zheng of the Bian'an Star in the Star District Tournament, Chiguang Star District specially invited Lieutenant General Shen Zheng to participate in this extreme experience.At that time, Lieutenant General Shen Zheng is requested to report to the Star Region Headquarters on time.

"An invitation to extreme training?" Ding Yuqing's face immediately showed excitement, and he patted the table excitedly. "This is great!"

"What extreme experience?" Shen Zheng looked at Ding Yuqing in bewilderment, not understanding what she was happy about.

"It's you!" Ding Yu said with a light smile, "You have been invited to participate in extreme training in the star area! This is great news!"

As he spoke, he stood up and yelled loudly, "Everyone, silence me!"

Everyone was startled immediately, and there was a clatter of crows and sparrows in the hall with hundreds of people. Everyone stared at Ding Yuqing, wondering what this savage empress was going to do.

"I'm here to announce another piece of good news to everyone!" Ding Yuqing said loudly with a flushed face. "We, Brother Shen Zheng, have just received an invitation from the headquarters of the Star Region, inviting him to participate in the extreme experience in two months!"

Silence, silence as if time stopped, and then, there was a loud burst of cheers.

"Long live! The invitation to extreme experience! How many years have we not received such an invitation?" Someone shouted excitedly.

"Bi'an Xing's first day has finally arrived!" Someone cried excitedly.

Shen Zheng was completely dumbfounded, he didn't know what this extreme experience was, and why the people on the other shore star were so excited when they heard this. [

"What's going on?" Yan Xin stared blankly at the cheering crowd with a dazed expression on her face. "What extreme experience, what day of success?"

"It's like this." Wu Ximing smiled and explained to Shen Zheng. "Extreme experience is a dangerous adventure. Only the most outstanding protoss can participate in the adventure. In this adventure, it is full of great dangers, but it is also full of great opportunities. There are many strong people in history, namely After this adventure, you can upgrade from a peak protoss to a star lord, or get an incredible treasure."

Shen Zheng's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking: "Then Xuan Yiwang and Li Yunhe also obtained the insect core and the remains of the front paw of the White Tiger Holy Spirit during this extreme experience?"

"I don't know about that." Wu Ximing shook his head. "Everyone won't tell others what everyone has gained, and others won't ask for it. And I have never been qualified to participate in extreme experience, and I don't know who has participated in previous years. But I want to come , most of the treasures of that level should be obtained in extreme experience."

"What kind of experience is that?" Shen Zheng's eyes lit up.

"It's a long story." Wu Ximing said, "Brother Shen Zheng, do you know why our Crimson Spiral Galaxy got its name?"

"Of course I don't know." Shen Zheng smiled, "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush."

"Exactly!" Ding Yu gave Wu Ximing a light look, and rushed to say. "Brother Shen Zheng, let me tell you. The reason why our galaxy is called the Crimson Whirlpool Galaxy is because in the center of our galaxy, there is a huge crimson whirlpool that connects the entire galaxy system with a huge gravitational force. "

"That's how it got its name?" Shen Zheng was somewhat surprised.

"That's not an ordinary vortex." Ding Yu said seriously, "It's a death vortex triggered by a prehistoric Holy Spirit War tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years ago. Legend has it that the Holy Spirit blood spilled over there to create its crimson color."

"Holy Spirit War?" Shen Zheng was surprised.

"That's right." Wu Ximing nodded, "Although it is said that no one has such a long lifespan, and the ancient distant world is not something we can measure, but it is definitely not possible to measure this matter. Then It is indeed the battlefield of the Holy Spirit in ancient times. Countless Holy Spirits fought desperately with the Holy Spirits of other races there. The place was filled with blood-like red mist. Legend has it that it was the blood of the Holy Spirit. Consciousness. It is those residual consciousnesses that allow us to understand that terrible ancient jihad."

Shen Zheng couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He thought of Lin Lie, so he knew that there would definitely be residual consciousness of the strong in this universe.

The battlefield of the holy spirit?The power of the Holy Spirit?The residual consciousness of the Holy Spirit?

My God, what a fortune would that be?What a treasure!

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