star wars civilization.

Chapter 438: Star District Headquarters

After learning about the mystery of the crimson vortex, Shen Zheng couldn't think about anything else anymore. His mind was full of things about the crimson vortex, and he kept imagining what would happen in the vortex formed by the blood of the Holy Spirit. The more I think about it, the more excited I become, and the more I can't help but want to immediately enter that vortex. %&*

After the banquet was over, the senior and mid-level generals withdrew, and everyone returned to the bedroom of the Emperor's Palace and sat down in the living room.

"There are still two months, how to spend it!" Shen Zheng sighed.

"It's easy to handle." Wu Ximing laughed, "Cultivation! Also, brother Shen Zheng, you have to help my brother prepare a batch of top-quality insect cores. The first is to help you upgrade sister Ding, and the second is to help you upgrade." ...The power of our other star must also be strong, right? Just me alone is not strong, but the generals on the entire planet, big and small, are strong, that is really strong!"

"It's easy to handle." Shen Zheng nodded. "As long as I have something to do, otherwise, the two months of waiting will be really difficult." [

"By the way, I haven't used the powder brother Shen Zheng gave me last time." Ding Yuqing suddenly remembered this matter. "Two months, is it enough for me to use it to practice?"

"Try it." Wu Ximing nodded. "For these two months, you take it, and I will take you to practice on the Death Eye, to see if I can make you a star master."

"You think Star Master is Chinese cabbage?" Ding Yu gave him a soft look. "If I can reach the realm of the peak protoss, I will be content."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

From the beginning of this day, Shen Zheng devoted himself to helping Wu Ximing prepare the worm core, and Wu Ximing took Ding Yuqing to the Eye of Death, swallowed the cosmic source worm powder and began to practice hard.

Time flies, two months passed in a blink of an eye, Wu Ximing brought Ding Yuqing back to Bian Xing, and everyone gathered together again.

Shen Zheng naturally gave Wu Ximing a big surprise - a box full of top-quality insect cores, just like Chinese cabbages that cost no money, Wu Ximing grinned so happily that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Look how poor you are suddenly rich!" Ding Yu rolled his eyes at him, but seeing that box of top-quality insect cores, his eyes couldn't help but shine.She knew deeply that this was not a box of worm cores, but a large group of protoss powerhouses.

"Sister Ding, how is your cultivation going?" Shen Zheng asked.

"As I wish." Ding Yu chuckled, "That powder is really effective! In such a short period of time, it allowed me to jump so many levels and reach the peak of the protoss in one go. I can't even imagine it. I dare not think about it!"

"Then let's get another superb bug core!" Xue Su said with a smile, "Maybe it can be promoted to the star master level!"

"It's not that amazing. %&*

"Give it a try." Wu Ximing said.

Several people immediately entered the closed secret room in the palace, and Wu Ximing and Shen Zheng helped Ding Yuqing to advance to the next level by taking the superb insect core.

Picking up a top-quality bug core, gently holding it in his hand, and using the power of the bug to inhale it into his body, Ding Yu gently closed his eyes, while Wu Ximing and Shen Zheng simultaneously Mobilize the insect power and pour it into Ding Yuqing's body to help her complete the process of absorption and evolution.

After a long time, the two withdrew their strength, smiled helplessly, and shook their heads.

Peerless Bug Nucleus is indeed powerful, but that is for the level below Protoss.After reaching the level of Protoss, its role is minimal.

No wonder.You must know that below the protoss, they are only strong on the ground. Only when they reach the realm of the protoss, can they truly break away from the category of "mortals" and become people who can survive in the universe without eating or drinking. God.It can be said that the protoss is a watershed, and the top-grade insect core is a kind of supreme treasure below this watershed, but above this watershed, it becomes a very common nutritional product.

The two of them worked hard, but they still couldn't let Ding Yuqing break through the limit, so it was a bit regrettable. [

"It's nothing." Ding Yuqing took it easy, "I'm already content to reach this level, and I don't have that much greed. From now on, I will rely on my own continuous efforts, and then strive for the sudden limit."

"It shouldn't be very difficult." Shen Zheng said, "With the ready-made star master Wu Dage to guide, it is always more advantageous than other peak star spirits."

"That's right." Wu Ximing raised his chest, "From now on, I will guide you day and night day and night, and if you don't believe me, you won't be able to become a star master!"

"Never stop day and night?" Yan Xin couldn't help laughing from the side.

"You brat!" Ding Yuqing blushed, and also thought of the hidden meaning of this sentence, and gave Yan Xin a hard look. "On the surface, you look like a noble son, but you have a lot of fun!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing together.

After another two days of rest, it was time to report.Wu Ximing personally accompanied Shen Zheng to the headquarters of the star region.

"This time, only you can go there." Wu Ximing solemnly said to Shen Zheng before leaving.

"Why?" Shen Zheng couldn't help but startled.

"This is the rule." Wu Ximing said, "The deep red vortex is the greatest treasure in our galaxy, and it is also a strictly guarded holy place. Those who have not received an official invitation are absolutely not allowed to enter it, otherwise they will be regarded as Public enemy and was killed. Therefore, Miss Xuesu and the others cannot go together."

"Can't we go together?" Xue Su looked disappointed.

"Space worm core, we have a space worm core that can hold creatures." Yan Xin reminded Xue Su, "If we enter there, it will be fine."

"Space worm core loaded with creatures?" Ding Yu slapped his hands lightly, "Isn't it? I forgot that brother Shen Zheng still has such a treasure! Yes, you are all hiding there, no one will find it."

"Brother Wu, why don't you come in?" Shui Qingqing half-jokingly said to Wu Ximing.

"That's impossible." Wu Ximing hurriedly waved his hand, "You don't know that the crimson vortex is a terrible tomb for star masters. No star master can approach it, let alone enter it."

"What's going on?" Shen Zheng couldn't help being stunned.

"There is the battlefield of the Holy Spirit, and the consciousness and power of all the dead Holy Spirit are hovering in it." Ding Yuqing explained, "And as time goes by, part of these consciousness and power are combined together to form a four-dimensional A terrifying wandering giant monster. To this giant monster, creatures below the star master are only regarded as small bugs, and it will never notice it, but to it, the powerful people above the star master are like It is an excellent delicacy, even if it is close to the crimson vortex, it will attract its attention, and it will be sucked into it and become its food."

"So evil?" Yan Xin couldn't help but exclaimed. "Brother Wu really can't follow, otherwise... otherwise he would commit suicide."

"So you have to be careful while training in it." Wu Ximing said, "If you have reached your limit, you must never break through there. You must endure it. After leaving there and reaching the safe zone, you can start breaking through and advancing."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, firmly remembering Wu Ximing's instructions.

This is a matter of life and death, and there is no room for carelessness.

Ding Yuqing helped Xue Su and others to prepare, stuffed a lot of daily and entertainment items into Shen Zheng's space worm core, and then Shen Zheng put Xue Su and the others into the worm core , I and Wu Ximing took the egg, broke through the hyperspace, and flew towards the headquarters of the destination Chiguang star area. [

During the long journey, Wu Ximing kept telling Shen Zheng what he knew about the crimson vortex, and told him several times to be careful when he was in it. Any dangerous situation in such a place may be a terrible abyss of death.

Shen Zheng kept it in his heart and couldn't stop nodding.

After hundreds of hours of flying, we finally arrived at our destination.In the hyperspace, Wu Ximing told Shen Zheng to put the egg away, but he took Shen Zheng to fly for a while, and then broke through the hyperspace and returned to the real universe.

Looking from a distance, one can see a not-so-big asteroid moving slowly in front of it, Wu Ximing pointed there: "That's the headquarters of the star area, there are basically no residents in it, all of them are warriors, a real The planet of force. There are strong people like clouds here, and there are even the masters of galaxies. You must be cautious in everything and don’t be rash, you know? I guess that Li Yunhe and Xuan Yiwang will definitely be invited this time, don’t Conflict with them, you know?"

"Don't worry, Brother Wu." Shen Zheng smiled, "I'm not a three-year-old."

Wu Ximing also laughed.

The two flew forward together, and gradually came to the periphery of the planet.Shen Zheng saw that there was a faint insect power net covering the outer periphery of the planet, and there were several satellites revolving around the planet. As soon as the two touched the insect power net, the camera on the satellite immediately turned to them.

There was even a voice from a satellite: "Come here to report the planet where you are, and your position."

"Wu Ximing, Star Emperor of the Other Shore, and General Shen Zheng, came here at the invitation of Extreme Experience Training." Wu Ximing said loudly.

"Allowed, welcome to the headquarters of the star region." A voice came from the satellite, and a channel was created on the insect force network, allowing the two to enter it smoothly.

"What will happen if you ignore them?" Shen Zheng looked back at those satellites, and couldn't help asking Wu Ximing.

"There will be a strong star master rushing out to intercept it immediately." Wu Ximing said, "If it wasn't for the members of the Star Headquarters who rushed in because of an emergency, they would have been killed on the spot."

"What a strict defensive net!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

The two moved forward all the way, entered the planet's atmosphere, and then went down. Under the leadership of Wu Ximing, they flew over fortresses made of all metal, and finally landed in front of the gate of a huge fortress.

"This is the Internal Affairs Department of the headquarters." Wu Ximing explained, "Even the emperors of various stars cannot fly into it directly. They must go through the gate and be notified step by step before they can enter."

"It's really strict." Shen Zheng sighed again.

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