star wars civilization.

Chapter 439: Li Yunhe's True Identity

Wu Ximing stepped forward and revealed his identity to the soldiers in the fortress on the high platform on both sides. The cameras on the high platform carefully took pictures of him, and the gate slowly opened, and an electronic voice sounded: "Welcome to the other side Your Majesty Star Emperor Wu Ximing, we have arranged a guide for the invitees of your star's extreme training, please invite the invitees to follow her into the rest point. %&*

"I can't go in with you." Wu Ximing smiled and pointed to a beautiful female officer waiting in the huge corridor inside the gate. "You just follow the guide. We emperors, if we are not summoned by the chief, we will not be able to go deep into the major departments. I will wait for you in the outer rest area to complete your experience. The words I told you before , you have to keep it in mind."

"Don't worry." Shen Zheng nodded, went inward alone, and met the female officer in the huge corridor.

"Hello, General Shen Zheng." The female officer smiled very politely, but Shen Zheng always felt that this kind of smile was a bit stylized and impersonal. "Your rest point has been arranged, please follow me."

Shen Zheng nodded, followed the female officer along the large corridor, came to a central garden, then turned to the corridor on the right, and finally came to a unique small courtyard. [

"There are three invitees for the extreme experience in the Red Light Star Region." The female officer said politely, "It is two days before the departure date, and one of the invitees has not yet arrived. Please wait here patiently. I will inform you before departure."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Shen Zheng nodded.

"You're welcome." The female officer smiled, and led Shen Zheng to the two-story building in the courtyard, introduced Shen Zheng to several waiters in the building, and then left.

The waiters were all peak insect planters, and they were extremely respectful to Shen Zheng, but Shen Zheng was not used to it, so he came to the study room alone, asked them to serve tea, and sat on the sofa to read a book.

In this way, the day passed like this.Early the next morning, just as Shen Zheng woke up, a waiter knocked on the door and informed him that another invitee who had experienced extreme experience came to visit.

"Invite him to sit in the study and make some good tea." Shen Zheng ordered while putting on his clothes, washed up and went to the study, and when he opened the door, he saw Xuan Yiwang sitting in it slowly sipping tea.

Seeing Shen Zheng coming in, Xuan Yiwang hurriedly got up, with an awkward smile on his face: "Brother Shen Zheng, thank you for meeting me."

Shen Zheng expected that there must be Xuan Yiwang among those who love to invite, so he was not too surprised, and smiled slightly: "This is too polite to say. ^"

"I'm not being polite, I'm really sorry." Xuan Yiwang blushed slightly. "I'm so sorry about that..."

"Needless to say." Shen Zheng smiled, "That's my grievance with Li Yunhe, it has nothing to do with you."

Xuan Yiwang felt even more embarrassed when he heard Shen Zheng's words, and smiled embarrassingly: "You are a lot of adults, but I still can't let go of it. To be honest, I regard you as a friend who cherishes each other. I don't want to lose such an excellent friend."

"Me too." Shen Zheng signaled Xuan Yiwang to sit down, and sat down opposite him, holding up the teacup. "The tea at headquarters is excellent."

These words did not ease the embarrassment at all, Xuan Yiwang still looked at him with some unease, gritted his teeth, and finally opened his mouth: "Brother Shen Zheng, there is something I want to explain to you, but I am afraid that you will get angry then. "

"Is it about Li Yunhe?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." Xuan Yiwang nodded slowly. "I think you should have heard something about Li Yunhe, right?"

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Whether it's Ai Chi and Sang Ming who competed with me, or Emperor Wu Ximing and Empress Ding Yuqing of the other star, I've never heard that your Extreme Star has such a powerful figure. .”

"Then, you've already heard of him." Xuan Yiwang shook his head and smiled. "He is a character who survives by not being known."

"Unknown?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"He's not our Extreme Stars, but a character belonging to another mysterious alliance." Xuan Yiwang said, "That alliance is called 'Sha League'. From the name, you can guess what it is. "[

"Assassin organization?" Shen Zheng frowned.

"That's right." Xuan Yiwang nodded slowly, "After I was defeated by you, my father began to worry. He was afraid that you would stand in front of me and block all my paths to the future, so he wanted to kill you , and took action. I wanted to inform you when I knew the situation, but he locked me in the room. I'm sorry."

Shen Zheng stared blankly at Xuan Yiwang, and from the other's brain wave language, what he read was sincerity and truth.

But he really didn't understand why Xuan Yiwang told himself this matter.Generally speaking, a son should do his best to hide such things for his father.

"I have no other meaning." Xuan Yiwang looked at Shen Zheng, and guessed Shen Zheng's thoughts from Shen Zheng's surprised eyes. "I know that your future is limitless, and with your current strength, it is very difficult for anyone to hurt you. My father, the king, has completely given up his plan to destroy you after that experience. I I must tell you this matter, otherwise you will find revenge on my father when you find out about it through other channels in the future. At that time..."

He looked at Shen Zheng with pleading eyes: "Brother Shen Zheng, for my sake, forgive my father, please? I promise Jijixing will never do anything against you again."

Shen Zheng looked at the former No.1 under the Star Lord, felt the anxiety and worry in his eyes, and finally his heart softened.

In the final analysis, this is a matter where the father does not hesitate to make mistakes for the sake of the son's future, and the son is willing to bow to others in order to save the father's life.

Shen Zheng couldn't help thinking of his home and his father.A trace of sadness made him sigh lightly.

"Brother Xuan, as long as His Majesty Ji Xingdijun doesn't come to harm me again, I can forget about the past and act as if nothing happened," he said.

"Thank you so much!" Xuan Yiwang excitedly stood up and bowed to Shen Zheng. "Brother Shen Zheng, I, Xuan Yiwang and Jiji Xing, owe you a huge favor, which must be repaid in the future."

Shen Zheng smiled and waved his hands without saying anything.

It is not a bad thing to have a planet that owes you favors, there is no need to resign.

"Brother Xuan, there is no need to mention this matter again." Shen Zheng said, "I'm curious, besides you, who else will be invited this time? I heard that there are three people."

"It's Li Yunhe." Xuan Yiwang said. "Only he has the qualifications to participate in extreme training."

"Can you tell me about him?" Shen Zheng originally wanted to ask Xuan Yiwang about the treasure of the White Tiger's bug core and the White Tiger's claw, but he felt that now was not the time to ask. Xuan Yiwang just said that he owed him a favor, Xuan Yiwang didn't want to talk about such a secret thing, and he had to, but he definitely wouldn't feel comfortable.

In this way, it became himself to blackmail Xuan Yiwang with the matter of Xuan Chifeng.

"Brother Shen Zheng, just say that you want to ask about the remains of the white tiger's holy spirit." Xuan Yiwang saw Shen Zheng's intentions, and explained it clearly.

Shen Zheng couldn't help smiling, somewhat embarrassed.

"Brother, I know you're afraid that I don't want to say it and I can't say it because I owe you a favor, so you feel uncomfortable, but it's actually okay." Xuan Yiwang said with a smile, "My white tiger holy spirit insect core, and Li Yunhe's white The two claw bones of the Holy Spirit were all obtained in one place, and that place is the crimson vortex."

"As expected." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

"That is a huge treasure." Xuan Yiwang said, "The most central area is the terrifying monster formed by energy and consciousness, and no one can approach it; the middle layer is the powerful Zerg attracted by the crimson vortex. Those who were trapped in it and couldn’t leave, or didn’t want to leave, and wanted to get more benefits from it, became residents of the crimson vortex; the outer layer is the space grave of many strong human beings.” [

"Space Grave?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"Yes." Xuan Yiwang said, "The white tiger bug core and claw bones are what we got there when we participated in the extreme experience last time. In fact, they are graves, but they are just the consciousness and power left by the strong dead. , to gather some Zerg fragments together to form floating objects in space. Those dead are all strong men above the star master level. They were attracted by huge benefits into the crimson vortex. Huge benefits, found several powerful relics of the holy spirit, but eventually died there."

"Then, as long as each star sends a large number of protoss to explore these tombs, won't they be able to get a lot of treasure?" Shen Zheng asked puzzled.

"That's impossible." Xuan Yiwang shook his head. "Although the giant monster in the center doesn't pay attention to the star spirits, its powerful force field will cause fatal damage to those below the star master. As long as you enter it, you must use your insect power to fight against the force. At the same time, we must also be careful of the powerful Zerg wandering in it. Unless they are the best among the protoss, a genius with real strength, otherwise ordinary protoss will only have a dead end if they enter it. And there are very few such geniuses, let alone one There are not many people on the planet, even in a star region. More importantly, there may not be such treasures in these tombs. Like me and Li Yunhe, it is just a fluke. But some people think that it is also a fluke. This ability, that's why Li Yunhe was invited again."

"So that's the case." Shen Zheng nodded. "Then tell me about Li Yunhe, and that Shameng."

"Okay." Xuan Yiwang nodded. "Li Yunhe is also a genius, but it's not about cultivation. He is a natural master of hiding and covering up, and you should be able to feel that his power is very strange. When he uses it, he first shrinks to the limit and then releases it. This kind of power The use of the method in the assassination is simply the best in the world. Because of this, he has become the most important disciple of the leader of the assassination alliance."

"The background is really not small." Shen Zheng nodded, and at the same time remembered that he could not read the emotions in Li Yunhe's brain wave language.

Sure enough, he was a born killer!

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